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Headlines of our times


The likely drivers of Headlines of our Times, for the foreseeable future, are going to be

Trump and his Trumpies; so here is background on the Trumpies.


Words to ponder while perusing the Trump years:

A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices.

George Orwell, 1903-1950, British writer.





Donald Trump, while on the campaign trail, said at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa:

"I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters".

Incredibly, that statement has proven to be true - But Why?





Ostensibly one would think of a Bigot, Racist, White supremist, as a middle-class to wealthy Albino, jealously guarding his level of wealth and privilege. But as recent Political Polls and Analyses show: it’s quite the opposite. They are mostly people on the bottom, marginally surviving, and jealously guarding their place in line for the "American Dream". They are ignorant, but they accept their ignorance: they don't know, and see no need to learn. They don't care about what's true, they believe what they believe, and they want to be left alone with that. They reject higher education as a risky gamble for advancement. (No doubt thinking: Why should we have to do anything special to get ahead, we're White ain't we?).

Older Blacks might remember that when they complained about their lack of opportunity; they were told that they lacked the Education to compete. And when they got the education, they were told that they lacked the experience to compete. Clearly Albinos viewed the goings-on as being the same as throwing a stick for a Dog to chase after. But the last laugh might be on them; Black Women are now the best educated group in the United States, let’s see what Albinos tell them.

Continuing: As a consequence of their intellectual laziness, few Trump supporters actually know anything about a particular politician or political party’s record or position, all they know is that they want jobs. They chose Trump, not because of his politics: most don't even know what his politics are - including the buffoon Trump himself. Rather, they voted for Trump because he openly and unabashedly espoused their Bigoted, Racist, White supremacy views: while the other Republicans simply offered nodding acquiesce.

As an example: According to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. More than three-quarters of Republican voters, 76 percent, think the news media invent stories about Trump and his administration, compared with only 11 percent who don’t think so.




What Trump voters believe: a Berkeley sociologist goes to the source
Strangers in Their Own Land:

Anger and Mourning on the American Right, a book by Arlie Russell Hochschild

“Across the country,” she writes, “red states are poorer and have more teen mothers, more divorce, worse health, more obesity, more trauma-related deaths, more low-birthweight babies, and lower school enrollment. On average, people in red states die five years earlier than people in blue states.” Yet the politicians supported by voters in red states consistently vote against policies and programs that successfully address many of these issues in blue states. And they seek to slash the “very large proportion of the yearly budgets of red states—in the case of Louisiana, 44 percent—” that comes from federal funds. And, she notes, “Virtually every Tea Party advocate I interviewed for this book has personally benefited from a major government program or has close family who have.” Nonetheless, Governor Bobby Jindal offered $1.6 billion in incentives to attract more industry while firing 30,000 state employees, cutting funds by 44 percent for the state’s 28 public colleges and universities, lowering corporate as well as individual taxes, and rejecting Medicaid funds available under the Affordable Care Act. “Only after public outcry did the governor restore some funds to public education—and cut public health and environmental protection instead.”




Hochschild’s research led her to a greater appreciation for her interviewees as people and to a better understanding of their worldview. Influenced by Fox News, industry, state government, church, and the regular media, “[p]eople on the right seemed to be strongly moved by three concerns—taxes, faith, and honor.” The “deep story” she crafted provides a window onto this mindset. She calls it “Waiting in Line.” The line leads up to the crest of a hill. On the other side is the American Dream. Though they’re patient and never complain, the “white, older, Christian, and predominantly male” people in the middle of the line notice that others are cutting into the line ahead of them: blacks benefiting from affirmative action, women who take “men’s jobs,” immigrants, refugees, “overpaid” public sector workers who are mostly women and minorities, “the brown pelican”—and President Obama! “But it’s people like you who have made this country great.” There’s a lot more to this deep story, but that’s the gist of it: “you are a stranger in your own land.” And Hochschild reports that practically all her interviewees claimed it fairly represented how they felt.









NBC News:

L’Oreal Drops Transgender Model After ‘All White People’ Racism Post

Sep 1 2017, 12:23 pm ET by John Paul Brammer


Transgender model Munroe Bergdorf made history earlier this week when it was announced that she would be the face of a L'Oréal UK campaign. But after attention was called to her Facebook post on racism following the events in Charlottesville, Va., the cosmetics corporation decided to let her go.

UK media outlet Daily Mail published Bergdorf's Facebook post in which the model said white people must "admit their race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth."

"Honestly I don't have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people," Bergdorf wrote in the post. "Because most of ya'll don't even realise or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of colour. Your entire existence is drenched in racism. From micro-aggressions to terrorism, you guys built the blueprint for this s***."

Following backlash, L'Oréal removed a promotional video for Bergdorf's campaign, which focused on diversity, from its official YouTube page and tweeted out that it had ended its partnership with the model.





Clearly Munroe Bergdorf is a student of "Realhistoryww": You go Girl!





The Independent - US

Donald Trump's father was arrested at Ku Klux Klan

riot in New York in 1927, records reveal

President heavily criticised for failing to single out violent actions of white supremacists demonstrating in Charlottesville, Virginia

Philip Bump Monday 14 August 2017 06:31 BST

This report, unearthed in September by the technology blog Boing Boing.

On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathisers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, two Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighbourhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica. This is Donald Trump's father. Trump had a brother named Fred, but he wasn't born until more than a decade later. The Fred Trump at Devonshire Road was the Fred C. Trump who lived there with his mother, according to the 1930 Census.

The predication for the Klan to march, according to a flier passed around Jamaica beforehand, was that “Native-born Protestant Americans” were being “assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City.” “Liberty and Democracy have been trampled upon,” it continued, “when native-born Protestant Americans dare to organise to protect one flag, the American flag; one school, the public school; and one language, the English language.” It's not clear from the context what role Fred Trump played in the brawl. The news article simply notes that seven men were arrested in the “near-riot of the parade,” all of whom were represented by the same lawyers. Update: A contemporaneous article from the Daily Star notes that Trump was detained “on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so.”


One of the truly weird aspects to race issues in the United States is that Whites have become so deluded, that they now consider themselves to be “Native” to the United States”. As an “Eyeopener” here is the story of Donald Trumps grandfather.


Donald Trump’s grandfather wrote letter begging not to be deported. Here it is

by Chloe Farand,The Independent


When Donald Trump's German grandfather was ordered by a royal decree to leave the country and never return, he wrote a letter pleading the prince regent of Bavaria not to deport him. Friedrich Trump wrote the letter in 1905 when he returned to Germany with his wife and daughter after having emigrated to the US. German authorities had given him eight weeks to leave and denied him repatriation because he failed to complete his mandatory military service and to register his initial emigration to the US 20 years earlier.

In the letter, Mr Trump described the moment he received the news from the High Royal State Ministry he had to leave as "a lightning strike from fair skies". "We were paralysed with fright, our happy family life was tarnished. My wife has been overcome by anxiety, and my lovely child has become sick," he wrote. "Why should we be deported?" he asked, "This is very, very hard for a family. What will our fellow citizens think if honest subjects are faced with such a decree." The letter, translated from German into English and published in Harper's Magazine, shows how desperate Mr Trump was to remain with his family in Bavaria. Writing to Luitpold, prince regent of Bavaria, he begged for mercy.

He said: "In this urgent situation I have no other recourse than to turn to our adored, noble, wise, and just sovereign lord, our exalted ruler His Royal Highness, highest of all, who has already dried so many tears, who has ruled so beneficially and justly and wisely and softly and is warmly and deeply loved, with the most humble request that the highest of all will himself in mercy deign to allow the applicant to stay in the most gracious Kingdom of Bavaria." Mr Trump was born in the village of Kallstadt, in the Rhineland region in west Germany in 1869.

He left the country at the age of 16 with little possessions and went to the US in the hope of making fortune. He trained to become a barber and he went on to run a restaurant, bar and allegedly even a brothel and became a wealthy man. Despite his letter, Mr Trump was not allowed to stay in Bavaria and returned to New York, where he settled with his family. More than a 100 years later, his grandson, Donald Trump, imposed new immigration rules that would have kept his grandfather out of the US.

The Trump administration's hardline immigration stance has also set precedent for the First Lady Melania Trump to be deported. Meanwhile, deportation raids in the US which are part of a crackdown by the Trump administration on all undocumented immigrants have led to a increase in arrests of immigrants who do not have criminal records. In the latest deportation sweep, immigration officers arrested 650 people in communities across the US over a four-day span in July. Among them, 520 had no criminal records. In June, President Trump reversed on his campaign promise to deport immigrants' children, known as "Dreamers", but their parents could still be sent back to their home countries.

Here is Friedrich Trump's letter in full, translated from German by Austen Hinkley:


Most Serene, Most Powerful Prince Regent! Most Gracious Regent and Lord! I was born in Kallstadt on March 14, 1869. My parents were honest, plain, pious vineyard workers. They strictly held me to everything good — to diligence and piety, to regular attendance in school and church, to absolute obedience toward the high authority. After my confirmation, in 1882, I apprenticed to become a barber. I emigrated in 1885, in my sixteenth year. In America I carried on my business with diligence, discretion, and prudence. God’s blessing was with me, and I became rich. I obtained American citizenship in 1892. In 1902 I met my current wife. Sadly, she could not tolerate the climate in New York, and I went with my dear family back to Kallstadt. The town was glad to have received a capable and productive citizen. My old mother was happy to see her son, her dear daughter-in-law, and her granddaughter around her; she knows now that I will take care of her in her old age. But we were confronted all at once, as if by a lightning strike from fair skies, with the news that the High Royal State Ministry had decided that we must leave our residence in the Kingdom of Bavaria. We were paralyzed with fright; our happy family life was tarnished. My wife has been overcome by anxiety, and my lovely child has become sick. Why should we be deported? This is very, very hard for a family. What will our fellow citizens think if honest subjects are faced with such a decree — not to mention the great material losses it would incur. I would like to become a Bavarian citizen again.

In this urgent situation I have no other recourse than to turn to our adored, noble, wise, and just sovereign lord, our exalted ruler His Royal Highness, highest of all, who has already dried so many tears, who has ruled so beneficially and justly and wisely and softly and is warmly and deeply loved, with the most humble request that the highest of all will himself in mercy deign to allow the applicant to stay in the most gracious Kingdom of Bavaria. Your most humble and obedient, Friedrich Trump.




The 1924 Immigration Act

Slate News:

AG Jeff Sessions Once Said Restrictions on Jewish and Italian Immigration Were “Good for America”

By Ben Mathis-Lilley

On Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Trump administration will terminate the DACA program and resume the deportation of undocumented individuals with clean records who have lived in the United States since they were children. Both Sessions' remarks and a statement issued by the White House attempted to frame the decision as one motivated by constitutional principles rather than racial/ethnic animosity.

Sessions: ... The nation must set and enforce a limit on how many immigrants we admit each year and that means all can not be accepted. This does not mean they are bad people or that our nation disrespects or demeans them in any way. It means we are properly enforcing our laws as Congress has passed them. This argument is belied by Trump and Sessions' history of involvement with the white nationalist/supremacist alt-right movement and their history of remarks like the one Sessions made in 2015 during a radio interview with Steve Bannon. As flagged by Right Wing Watch and transcribed in the Atlantic:

In seven years we'll have the highest percentage of Americans, non-native born, since the founding of the Republic. Some people think we've always had these numbers, and it's not so, it's very unusual, it's a radical change. When the numbers reached about this high in 1924, the president and Congress changed the policy, and it slowed down immigration significantly, we then assimilated through the 1965 [Immigration Act] and created really the solid middle class of America, with assimilated immigrants, and it was good for America. We passed a law that went far beyond what anybody realized in 1965, and we're on a path to surge far past what the situation was in 1924.

This is nuts even by Trump administration standards; the Immigration Act of 1924 is one of the most infamously racist laws in American history, having been passed by advocates of Nazi-style eugenics in order to cut down on the number of Jews, Italians, and other allegedly inferior groups who were allowed into the United States. Here's an excerpt from a paper by a Georgia state historian named Paul Lombardo about a Congress-appointed eugenecist named Harry Laughlin who helped create the law:

Using data for the U.S. Census Bureau and a survey of the number of foreign-born persons in jails, prisons and reformatories, he argued that the "American" gene pool was being polluted by a rising tide of intellectually and morally defective immigrants – primarily from eastern and southern Europe ... His research culminated in his 1924 testimony to Congress in support of a eugenically-crafted immigration restriction bill. The Eugenics Research Association displayed a chart beneath the Rotunda of the Capitol building in Washington showing the cost to taxpayers of supporting Laughlin's "social inadequates."

The resulting law, the Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, was designed consciously to halt the immigration of supposedly "dysgenic" Italians and eastern European Jews. The 1924 Immigration Act also included a provision excluding from entry any alien who by virtue of race or nationality was ineligible for citizenship. Existing nationality laws dating from 1790 and 1870 excluded people of Asian lineage from naturalizing. As a result, the 1924 Act meant that even Asians not previously prevented from immigrating – the Japanese in particular – would no longer be admitted to the United States. Many in Japan were very offended by the new law, which was a violation of the Gentlemen’s Agreement. The Japanese government protested, but the law remained, resulting in an increase in existing tensions between the two nations. Despite the increased tensions, it appeared that the U.S. Congress had decided that preserving the racial composition of the country was more important than promoting good ties with Japan.

The Act controlled undesirable immigration by establishing quotas. The Act barred specific origins from the Asia–Pacific Triangle, which included Japan, China, the Philippines (then under U.S. control), Siam (Thailand), French Indochina (Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia), Singapore (then a British colony), Korea, the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), Burma (Myanmar), India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Malaya (mainland part of Malaysia). Based on the Naturalization Acts of 1790 and 1870, only people of white or African descent were eligible for naturalization, and the Act forbade further immigration of any persons ineligible to be naturalized. The Act set no limits on immigration from Latin American countries.

In the 10 years following 1900, about 200,000 Italians immigrated annually. With the imposition of the 1924 quota, 4,000 per year were allowed. By contrast, the annual quota for Germany after the passage of the Act was over 57,000. Some 86% of the 155,000 permitted to enter under the Act were from Northern European countries, with Germany, Britain, and Ireland having the highest quotas. The new quotas for immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe [where?] were so restrictive that in 1924 there were more Italians, Czechs, Yugoslavs, Greeks, Lithuanians, Hungarians, Portuguese, Romanians, Spaniards, Jews, Chinese, and Japanese that left the United States than those who arrived as immigrants.

Who Was Shut Out?: Immigration Quotas, 1925–1927.

In response to growing public opinion against the flow of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe in the years following World War I, Congress passed first the Quota Act of 1921 then the even more restrictive Immigration Act of 1924 (the Johnson-Reed Act). Initially, the 1924 law imposed a total quota on immigration of 165,000—less than 20 percent of the pre-World War I average. It based ceilings on the number of immigrants from any particular nation on the percentage of each nationality recorded in the 1890 census—a blatant effort to limit immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe, which mostly occurred after that date. In the first decade of the 20th century, an average of 200,000 Italians had entered the United States each year. With the 1924 Act, the annual quota for Italians was set at less than 4,000. This table shows the annual immigration quotas under the 1924 Immigration Act.


Northwest Europe and Scandinavia


Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Irish Free State (Ireland)
Free City of Danzig

Total (Number)
Total (%)

Total Annual immigrant quota: (164,667)








Eastern and Southern Europe



Total (Number) 18439
Total (%) 11.2





Other Countries


Africa (other than Egypt)

New Zealand & Pacific Islands

All others













Unrestricted populations: the Western Hemisphere

Migration Policy Institute

Unlike flows from other parts of the world, the uptick in Caribbean immigration was not prompted by the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act because migration from the Western Hemisphere had not been subject to the national origin quotas set in 1921 and 1924. Instead, the growth had to do with circumstances specific to each country. Migration from Jamaica and other former British colonies was driven by immigration restrictions set by the United Kingdom and the simultaneous recruitment by the United States of English-speaking workers of varying skill levels (from rural laborers in agriculture or construction to nurses). Flows from Cuba, Haiti, and to a lesser extent the Dominican Republic, were first driven by the political instability at home, prompting members of the elite and skilled professionals to emigrate. As economic conditions deteriorated, these migration flows increased and grew to include other social groups. Thus, while the upper middle class represented a sizable portion of immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic in the 1960s, it declined as a share later. In contrast, a relatively high share of Jamaican immigrants to the United States has consistently been skilled professionals.

Cuban immigrants receive unique treatment under current U.S. immigration law. The Cuban Adjustment Act (CAA) in 1966 and the 1994 and 1995 U.S.-Cuba Migration Accords set the groundwork for what eventually became known as the “wet foot, dry foot” policy. Under this policy, which is still in effect, Cubans who reach U.S. soil are fast-tracked for U.S. permanent residence and have the right to receive public assistance as refugees, while those intercepted at sea are returned to Cuba. President Obama’s announcement of the restoration of full diplomatic relations with Cuba in December 2014 created uncertainty about the future of the policy and inadvertently prompted a significant increase in migration flows from Cuba without prior authorization. In fiscal year (FY) 2015, about 43,200 Cubans entered the United States in this manner, a 78 percent increase from 24,300 the previous year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data released to the Pew Research Center. During the first ten month of FY 2016, CBP recorded 46,600 Cuban entries. These flows are significantly higher than in prior years; for instance, an average of 10,000 Cubans entered the United States annually between FY 2005 and FY 2010.

Historically, most Cubans (without prior authorization) attempted to reach the United States by crossing the Florida Straits. More recent data suggest that the routes have shifted, or at least diversified: The majority of Cuban arrivals in FY 2015 (66 percent) and the first 10 months of FY 2016 (64 percent) entered by land through CBP’s Laredo Sector in Texas. Many of these migrants transited through a number of Latin American countries (e.g., Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Mexico), although recent visa and other policy changes in these countries have made this route more difficult.

One distinct feature of Caribbean immigration is its racial diversity. Although roughly half of Caribbean immigrants identified themselves as black, this share varied by country of origin: More than 90 percent of immigrants from Jamaica and Haiti self-identified as black, compared to only 3 percent and 14 percent of immigrants from Cuba and the Dominic Republic, respectively.

The increased Caribbean migration flows after the 1960s also included a significant number of unauthorized immigrants, some of whom arrived illegally by boat while others arrived legally and subsequently overstayed their visas. The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) estimates that approximately 232,000 unauthorized Caribbean immigrants resided in the United States during the 2010-14 period, representing 2 percent of the total 11 million unauthorized immigrants. The Dominican Republic (98,000), Jamaica (59,000), and Haiti (7,000) are the leading origin countries of unauthorized immigrants from this region.

The United States is the top destination for Caribbean emigrants, accounting for more than 60 percent of the 6 million Caribbean emigrants worldwide. It is followed by Canada (365,000), the Dominican Republic (334,000), and Spain (280,000), according to mid-2015 estimates from the United Nations Population Division.

On average, most Caribbean immigrants obtain lawful permanent residence in the United States (also known as receiving a green card) through three main channels: They qualify as immediate relatives of U.S. citizens, through family-sponsored preferences, or as refugees and asylees. Compared to the total foreign-born population, Caribbean immigrants are less likely to be Limited English Proficient (LEP), but have lower educational attainment, lower median incomes, and higher poverty rates.

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau (the most recent 2014 American Community Survey [ACS] as well as pooled 2010-14 ACS data), the Department of Homeland Security Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, and World Bank annual remittance data, this Spotlight provides information on the Caribbean immigrant population in the United States, focusing on its size, geographic distribution, and socioeconomic characteristics.

Note: Detailed socioeconomic characteristics are available only for immigrants from the Caribbean overall and those from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago due to sample size limitations.






Republicans and Tax Cuts



We have known for some time now that "Cracker" Republican politicians fanatical cleaving to political ideology was just a way to hide their own innate stupidity, and inability to think of any intelligent and useful procedures or policies for the United States Government. As has been clearly demonstrated by this Republican controlled 109th Congress, and Republican President Trump: Republicans are idiots who haven't a clue as to how to govern. Of course intelligent people already knew that, and they also know that the Republican love for "Tax Cuts" is intended to make Rich people Richer, you can't really use them to govern. Everyone knows it but the people of Kansas, and the idiot they elected Governor - Sam Brownback.


The Atlantic:

Kansas Republicans Sour on Their Tax-Cut Experiment

The state legislature nearly reversed Governor Sam Brownback’s signature policy after a voter rebellion. His economic legacy, one GOP lawmaker says, “is going down in flames.”

Charlie Riedel / AP, Russell Berman Feb 24, 2017

The GOP-controlled legislature in Kansas nearly reversed the conservative governor’s tax cuts on Tuesday, as a coalition of Democrats and newly-elected centrist Republicans came within a few votes of overriding Brownback’s veto of legislation to raise income-tax rates and eliminate an exemption for small businesses that blew an enormous hole in the state’s budget. Brownback’s tax cuts survive for now, but lawmakers and political observers view the surprising votes in the state House and Senate as a strong sign that the five-year-old policy will be substantially erased in a final budget deal this spring. Kansas legislators must close a $346 million deficit by June, and years of borrowing and quick fixes have left them with few remaining options aside from tax hikes or deep spending cuts to education that could be challenged in court. The tax bill would have raised revenues by more than $1 billion over two years.

L.A. Times

Hard times for Kansas and its schools as economic 'experiment' creates gaping budget hole.

In February 2015, three years into the supply-side economics experiment that would upend a once steady Midwestern economy, a hole appeared in Kansas’ finances. To fill it, Gov. Sam Brownback took $45 million in public education funding. By April of this year, with the hole at $290 million, Brownback took highway money to plug it. A month later, state money for Medicaid coverage went into the hole, but the gap continued to grow.

Today, the state’s budget hole is $345 million and threatens the foundation of this state, which was supposed to be the setting for a grand economic expansion but now more closely resembles a battleground, with accusations and lawsuits flying over how to get the state’s finances in order.


L.A. Times

Kansas' tax cuts are a spectacular failure. Meanwhile, in California ...

Republican legislators in Kansas did the unthinkable this month: They voted to raise income taxes, ending a painful five-year experiment with an extreme anti-tax agenda introduced by Republican Gov. Sam Brownback. The Republican-held Legislature had to override a veto by the governor to pass the emergency tax increase, now crucial to prevent deep budget cuts for schools and other essential public services.

Kansas embarked on its trickle-down experiment in 2012. Brownback slashed taxes across the board, calling his plan “a shot of adrenaline into the heart of the Kansas economy.” Five years later, the state’s economy is on life support, and government expenses are expected to outpace income by $1.1 billion through June 2019. Instead of a poster child for the small-government theories championed by economist Arthur Laffer, tax reform activist Grover Norquist and the rest of the Republican Party, Kansas has become a cautionary tale about what happens when you expose their economic ideas to sunlight.

Meanwhile, a state that Republicans love to mock – California – has done just the opposite. In November of 2012, the same year Kansas plunged into its tax-slashing experiment, more than 54% of California voters approved Proposition 30, a measure that temporarily raised income taxes for the state’s wealthiest residents and increased the sales tax in order to fund schools and pay down debt. The tax hikes helped California erase $27 billion in debt, and the state has since enjoyed some of the strongest economic growth in the country. (Of course that growth isn’t due to tax hikes alone; the state has a robust tech sector, among other factors.)





Cracker Republican hypocrisy



L.A. Times

Column: More than 20 Texas representatives and senators voted against

Hurricane Sandy aid in the North-East. How will they vote on Harvey?

More than 30,000 people across the Gulf Coast are likely to seek temporary shelter as Tropical Storm Harvey continues to drench southeastern Texas and Louisiana with heavy rains and surging floodwaters. (August 28, 2017)

The representatives, and Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, all voted against a $50.5-billion relief package for victims of 2012’s Superstorm Sandy when it came before them in January 2013. (The measure passed anyway.) Although the shape and size of a relief package for victims of Harvey won’t emerge for at least several months, it’s clear that a big one will be needed. Damage estimates from the storm still pummeling the Gulf Coast around Houston have reached $40 billion, and are likely to rise.

Texas is almost certain to pose a drain on federal emergency resources for the indefinite future. “FEMA is going to be there for years,” Brock Long, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said Sunday on CNN.

Of the 24 GOP members of the Texas House delegation in 2013, all but one voted against the Sandy relief package in 2013. The one “yea” vote was Rep. John Culberson, whose district includes Houston. But seven other Houston-area congressmen voted the package down. All 12 Democratic members of the delegation voted in favor of Sandy relief with the exception of Sheila Jackson Lee, who represents central Houston and didn’t cast a vote. Three Republicans and two Democrats in office at the time of the vote are no longer serving in Congress.


L.A. Times

Column These Louisiana politicians are demanding flood aid, but voted against Sandy relief:

The three lawmakers, all Republicans, are Rep. Steve Scalise (currently the House majority whip); Bill Cassidy, who moved up to the Senate last year; and John Fleming. They’re all likely exemplars of another Washington truism: fiscal responsibility is great, until it’s your own district that’s getting fiscally hammered. Then Job One becomes working to “help the residents of the threatened areas in their time of need.”



The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Here Are The 17 Republicans Who Voted Against Hurricane Harvey aid, Debt Ceiling Bill:

Republican senators were the only ones to vote against a measure to advance a bill that would provide emergency relief funding to the victims of Hurricane Harvey and temporarily raise the debt ceiling and fund the government through mid-December.

The 17 senators include: Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee, Deb Fischer of Nebraska, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Steve Daines of Montana, Jeff Flake of Arizona, James Lankford of Oklahoma, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Michael Enzi of Wyoming, Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, Mike Lee of Utah, James Risch of Idaho, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, John McCain of Arizona and Ben Sasse of Nebraska.

Lawmakers voted 80-17 in favor of sending the bill back to the House for renegotiations Thursday. The Senate’s vote comes off the heels of the measure passed in the House Wednesday, which allocated $7.85 billion for Hurricane Harvey relief funding with near-unanimous support.


The Gateway Pundit

Meet the Three Congressmen Who Voted Against the Emergency Harvey Relief Bill

September 6, 2017 by Joshua Caplan

Despite the mass devastation and eye-watering estimated $190 billion price tag, three GOP House members voted against the Emergency Harvey Relief Bill.

Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) voted against the bill.




The Jemele Hill controversy:

Jemele Juanita Hill is an American sports journalist on ESPN which is owned by Disney.



Jemele Hill
Replying to @DonnyParlock and 2 others
Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.
7:54 PM - Sep 11, 2017

Jemele Hill
Replying to @DonnyParlock and 2 others
The height of white privilege is being able to ignore his white supremacy, because it's of no threat to you. Well, it's a threat to me.
7:55 PM - Sep 11, 2017

Jemele Hill
Replying to @DonnyParlock and 2 others
He has surrounded himself with white supremacists -- no they are not "alt right" -- and you want me to believe he isn't a white supremacist?
7:59 PM - Sep 11, 2017

Jemele Hill
Replying to @DonnyParlock and 2 others
No the media doesn't make it a threat. It IS a threat. He has empowered white supremacists (see: Charlottesville).
8:00 PM - Sep 11, 2017

Jemele Hill
Replying to @DonnyParlock and 2 others
How is it a "false narrative?" Did he hire and court white supremacists? Answer: YES
8:01 PM - Sep 11, 2017

Jemele Hill
Replying to @DonnyParlock and 2 others
Donald Trump is a bigot. Glad you could live with voting for him. I couldn't, because I cared about more than just myself
8:03 PM - Sep 11, 2017

Jemele Hill
Replying to @jemelehill and 3 others
I hate a lot of things but not enough to jeopardize my fellow citizens with an unfit, bigoted, incompetent moron. But hey, that's just me.
8:07 PM - Sep 11, 2017


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called the remarks 'outrageous' and a 'fireable offense' and calls on ESPN to FIRE Jemele Hill during her daily White House briefing for calling Trump a 'white supremacist'

The Wrap
The Democratic Coalition, has filed an ethics complaint against White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders with the Office of Government Ethics for her comments calling on ESPN host Jemele Hill to be fired.

The group claims federal law prohibits government employee from influencing “a private entity’s employment…solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation.” When Sarah Huckabee Sanders called for Jemele Hill to be fired by ESPN, she crossed the line and put herself in dubious legal territory,” Coalition Chairman Jon Cooper said in a statement Thursday. “Even in Donald Trump’s America, there’s still such a thing as freedom of speech. For Sanders to publicly call for the dismissal of a Trump critic is bizarre and disturbing, to say the least. If anyone is to be fired, it should be her.”

Philadelphia Media Network
by Howard Gensler, STAFF WRITER


Some Blacks do stick together:

The Jemele Hill tweetstorm, which resulted in the White House encouraging ESPN to fire the 6 p.m. anchor, has led to a lot of discussion and trolling about whether the sports network went too soft on Hill for her tweet labeling the president a “white supremacist.”

According to, ESPN wanted to suspend Hill for Wednesday’s show, but co-anchor Michael Smith said he wouldn’t go on air without her. ESPN then reportedly asked Michael Eaves and Elle Duncan, two other black anchors, to sub for Hill and Smith, but they refused, too. Faced with the dilemma of seeming to bow to White House pressure and the bad optics of subbing two black co-hosts with white co-hosts, ESPN gave Hill a green light to return, ThinkProgress reported.

ESPN disputed the reports.
“Yesterday was a hard and unusual day, with a number of people interpreting the day without a full picture that happened,” Rob King, the senior vice president for news and information at SportsCenter, told ThinkProgress. “In the end, ultimately, Michael and Jemele appearing on the show last night and doing the show the way they did is the outcome we always desired.”

ESPN's public editor wrote Jemele Hill had made a "mistake" with her tweets calling President Donald Trump a "white supremacist" this week, saying Friday she had violated network guidelines about making public political pronouncements. Hill, a SportsCenter anchor, ignited controversy last week with a series of tweets attacking Trump, particularly two that called him a "white supremacist" and his rise to power a "direct result of white supremacy. Period." "Let’s dispense with the suspense: I think Hill made an error in judgment in those tweets," public editor Jim Brady wrote. "And, no, it's not specifically because of what she said; she is, of course, entitled to her opinions, and Hill’s opinion of President Trump is a mystery to precisely no one who has ever read her Twitter feed."

Friday September 15th, 2017
ESPN President John Skipper released a statement to employees, reminding them that the company "is about sports" and to always do what's best for the business.
The network has been the subject of controversy this week after anchor Jemele Hill released a series of Tweets criticizing President Donald Trump, calling him a white supremacist and suggesting he is unfit for office.

ESPN disavowed Hill's comments but did not appear to punish her seriously. That drew the ire of many, who pointed to Curt Schilling's firing for similarly outspoken political views as evidence that the network has a liberal bias.

Donald J. Trump Tweet:
ESPN is paying a really big price for its politics (and bad programming). People are dumping it in RECORD numbers. Apologize for untruth!
7:20 AM - Sep 15, 2017

Hill Comment:
Hill herself apologized for her comments, saying "My comments on Twitter expressed my personal beliefs. My regret is that my comments and the public way I made them painted ESPN in an unfair light. My respect for the company and my colleagues remains unconditional." ESPN said it accepted her apology.


Donald Trump Hypocrisy:

The Apprentice was an American game show that judges the business skills of a group of contestants. It has run in various formats across fourteen seasons since January 2004 on NBC. Real estate tycoon Donald Trump was the show's host for the first fourteen seasons. After Trump declared that he would run for President, it was announced The Celebrity Apprentice would be hosted by actor and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Original network was NBC

Donald Trump Tweets on Racism:
Donald J. Trump
See June 2007 speech--is Obama a total racist?
11:15 AM - Oct 3, 2012

Donald J. Trump‏
Obama's '07 speech which @DailyCaller just released not only shows that Obama is a racist but also how the press always covers for him.
12:44 PM - 3 Oct 2012

Donald J. Trump
You must admit that Bryant Gumbel is one of the dumbest racists around - an arrogant dope with no talent. Failed at CBS etc-why still on TV?
11:21 PM - Aug 20, 2013

Plus many more:

The Trailer Trash shill Sarah Huckabee Sanders did not ask NBC to fire Trump.








Anatomy of the death of Anthony Lamar Smith, December 20, 2011 in St. Louis Mo.



The Killing

ST. LOUIS, Mo. A former police officer with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department was charged with murder in the 2011 shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith. Jason Stockley is charged with first-degree murder for the incident that occurred near Acme and West Florissant on December 20, 2011. The officers were investigating what appeared to be a drug transaction in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. The car sped away and a high-speed chase ensued.

Anthony Lamar Smith
Jason Stockley


Prosecutors allege Stockley and another police officer chased Anthony Lamar Smith at speeds over 80 MPH following an alleged drug deal in a fast food restaurant at Thekla and Riverview. During the pursuit, the officers’ car crashed, but the officers continued pursuing Stockley. Prosecutors said that during the pursuit, Stockley is heard saying he is “going to kill this [expletive].” At the end of the chase, the defendant is heard telling the other officer to “hit him right now”, at which point prosecutors say the police SUV slammed into his car. Stockley then, allegedly, approached the driver’s side of the car and shot five times into the car, striking Stockley with each shot. Smith died as a result of the shooting.


The setup

St. Louis Circuit Judge Timothy Wilson had agreed to waive a jury trial and decide the case against Jason Stockley over the objection of prosecutors, writing that, "after 28 years serving as a trial judge, the Court is confident in its own judgment and analytical abilities." Judges and jurors give heavy weight to an officer’s word, which is the reason why police defendants tend to take bench trials and put their fate into the hands of a judge. Since 2005, no judge has ever convicted an officer of murder or manslaughter while using lethal force in the line of duty, according to data. The legal system gives the police the benefit of the doubt but doesn’t give it to the average citizen.


St. Louis Circuit Judge Timothy Wilson


The decision

St. Louis Circuit Judge Timothy Wilson determined Friday that prosecutors failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Jason Stockley’s use of deadly force was not justifiable self-defense. Anthony Lamar Smith was killed in the 2011 encounter. The judge’s decision to acquit an officer of murder in the death of a black suspect came down to two major questions: Did the officer plant a gun, and did his outburst about killing the man seconds before the shooting signal premeditation? “Ultimately when people argue about this case, they are going to be arguing whether the judge drew the right conclusion from the evidence and probably less about the law,” said Ben Trachtenberg, an associate professor of law at the University of Missouri.

Here’s a look at how the judge parsed those arguments in his ruling:
Prosecutors argued the presence of Stockley’s DNA — and absence of Smith’s DNA — on the gun proved the gun must have been planted by the officer. But the defense countered that Stockley heard his partner yell “gun” and saw the driver’s hand on a gun as the car sped by him. Stockley testified he did not draw his service revolver and fire until he saw Smith reaching around inside the vehicle after it was stopped. He said Smith changed his demeanor, suggesting he found the gun. Stockley testified that after the shooting he found the gun tucked down between the seat and the center console, and he rendered the gun safe by unloading cartridges from the cylinder and then left the gun and cartridges on the passenger seat.

In his ruling, Wilson wrote that “a fact issue that is central” to the case is whether Smith had the gun when he was shot. He found the state’s contention that the officer planted the gun is not supported by evidence. A full-sized revolver was too large for the officer to hide in his pants pockets and he was not wearing a jacket, the judge said. If the gun had been tucked into his belt, it would have been visible on a bystander’s video that showed Stockley walking between the police car and Smith’s car, he found. Wilson also noted none of the officers standing next to the vehicle were called to testify that Stockley planted a gun. And he recounted witness testimony that the absence of a person’s DNA on a gun does not mean that person did not touch the gun.“Finally, the Court observes, based on its nearly thirty years on the bench, that an urban heroin dealer not in possession of a firearm would be an anomaly,” the judge wrote.


The St Louis protests

Protests broke out Friday following the acquittal of Jason Stockley, a former police officer charged with first-degree murder after shooting dead Anthony Lamar Smith in 2011. Police were reportedly heard chanting “whose streets, our streets” after making arrests during the third consecutive night of protests in St Louis, Missouri. David Carson, a reporter at the St Louis Post-Dispatch, said he had heard police chanting the slogan during Sunday night's clashes. Footage of the incident appeared to confirm his and other reporters' accounts, though the video remains inconclusive. Mr. Carson said on Twitter: “I spoke with the commander at the scene, he said he did not hear the chant, but said chant was not acceptable, said he would deal with it.” St Louis police have been contacted for comment.

Smith was a new father and engaged to be married when he was killed on December 20, 2011. According to a CNN report, many protesters on Saturday expressed anger over the Stockley verdict, and called for city leaders to step down.





NBC News

Sep 20 2017, 8:34 am ET

Trump Threatens to ‘Totally Destroy’ North Korea in First U.N. Speech

by Ali Vitali

UNITED NATIONS — President Donald Trump, in his first address to the United Nations, derided Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader, as a “rocket man” on Tuesday as the president warned that he may be forced to "totally destroy" the rogue nation. "If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph," Trump said, as he detailed the horrors of what he called the "depraved" North Korean regime. "Rocket man is on a suicide mission," he said, using a nickname for Kim that refers to the North Korean leader's recent missile tests. "The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea."






A lot of tough talk for a relatively "Puny" adversary.

For those wondering what's really going on:

See the linked page on modern Korean history, and the actual strengths of the involved countries.

<<Click Here>>







Black Lives Matter and the Crackers



Black Lives Matter From Wikipedia:

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. BLM regularly holds protests against police killings of black people and broader issues of racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system.






Colin Kaepernick, former San Francisco 49ers quarterback:

"At what point do we take a stand and, as a people, say this isn't right? You (the police) have a badge and you're supposed to be protecting us, not murdering us."Colin Kaepernick I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder. Colin Kaepernick, former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Aug. 26, 2016.




Trump - news services - Mar 21, 2017

President Donald Trump reignited his feud with Colin Kaepernick, taking credit for the fact that the quarterback has not signed with a team since opting out of his contract with the San Francisco 49ers three weeks ago. Speaking at a rally Monday night in Louisville, Kentucky, Trump said he was reading an article about NFL owners' fears about signing Kaepernick and said, "They don't want to get a nasty tweet from Donald Trump. Do you believe that?" Trump added that he wanted to share this with "the people of Kentucky because they like it when people actually stand for the American flag."


Trump - Fox News - Sept. 2017

Trump calls NFL kneeling 'disgraceful,' disrespectful to veterans. President Trump doubled down Tuesday on his criticism of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, calling the protests “disgraceful” and blatantly disrespectful to veterans who fought for flag and country.“I don’t think you can disrespect our country, our flag, our national anthem,” Trump said at a Rose Garden press conference. But explaining his decision to speak out on the anthem protests, Trump cited all those who have died or been injured fighting for the United States.


“They were fighting for our country, they were fighting for our flag, they were fighting for our national anthem,” he said, referring to injured soldiers he’s visited at Walter Reed. “For people to disrespect that by kneeling during the playing of our national anthem I think is disgraceful.” Echoing an earlier tweet, he said the NFL should not allow players to kneel, saying he was “ashamed” by the protests.



Steelers, Seahawks, Titans remain in locker room during national anthem

Jeremy Fowler ESPN Staff Writer - Sep 25, 2017



New York Post - Lone Steeler comes out of locker room without team during anthem protest By David K. Li - September 24, 2017



The Pittsburgh Steelers took part in the national-anthem protest Sunday by bowing out — staying in the locker room as “The Star-Spangled Banner” was performed. But one Steeler staged a patriotic counterprotest by walking out onto the sidelines alone and saluting the flag as the anthem played. Offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva — a West Point grad who served as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan — stood silently by himself, just outside the tunnel to the locker rooms, with his hand over his heart throughout the anthem at Chicago’s Soldier Field.




Huffington Post - Trump’s Call To Fire NFL Players Is Not Normal By Dana Liebelson, Sept. 2017

WASHINGTON ― When President Donald Trump called on NFL owners to suspend or fire players who protest racism and police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem, he was doing something rare for a U.S. president: using the power of the state to publicly call for people engaged in political protest to lose their jobs.“The McCarthy era is the closest comparison that comes to mind,” said Kevin Boyle, a professor of American history at Northwestern University, referring to the blacklisting of professors, writers and autoworkers during Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s campaign to root out alleged Communists. “Even then I don’t remember a case of a president explicitly calling for a particular American to be fired from private employment. And what does it say about our moment that the closest comparison is McCarthyism?”

FORBES - Colin Kaepernick Can't Get a Job, But Dave Bliss Can? - Bob Cook - Aug. 2017

One of the absurdities of the NFL right now is the parade of quarterbacks worse than Colin Kaepernick who are getting signed instead of him, and how the free agent's notorious national anthem protests are seen as toxic even by teams who seem comfortable with employing, say, players who beat women. There's also a lesson in what teams -- and their fans -- are willing to forgive, and just as important, who they're willing to forgive. And this brings me to the new hire for boys basketball coach and athletic director at Calvary Christian Chapel School in Las Vegas: Dave Bliss.

You might recognize the 73-year-old Bliss from his days coaching basketball at Oklahoma, Southern Methodist and New Mexico, though the job that pops to mind is Baylor, for reasons outlined by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which broke the story of his hiring: His biggest controversy came when he resigned from Baylor in 2003 following NCAA investigations into circumstances surrounding the murder of player Patrick Dennehy by teammate Carlton Dotson. In 2005, the NCAA issued Bliss a 10-year show-cause notice, an administrative punishment for a coach who has committed major rules violations. The notice can be transferred to any other NCAA member school that wants to hire the coach during that time. After Dennehy’s death, Bliss suggested that the player was a drug dealer to help explain tuition payments the coach admitted later to providing. Bliss reiterated the claims that Dennehy was a drug dealer in a Showtime documentary that aired this spring and subsequently resigned from his job at Southwestern Christian [an NAIA school where he was coaching basketball]. Bliss did more than suggest Dennehy was a drug dealer -- he was actively attempting to create the illusion that Dennehy was a drug dealer so he cover up payments that violated NCAA rules. (And that was only a part of Bliss' tarnished legacy.) Sure, Bliss is no longer getting big-time college jobs -- that show-cause notice pretty much made that impractical. But Bliss has kept a Bible in his hand and talked the talk of fundamental Christianity, the devil and sin to explain himself away, and for that schools with a similar mindset are happy to bring him aboard.



Donald Trump's Military Cowardice Goes Beyond His 5 Draft Deferrals

He continuously disrespects those who actually served.

By Lincoln Anthony Blades Aug 3, 2017

When I look at President Donald Trump, I see a pot-bellied, 71-year-old man with a doughy frame. But in 1968, when he was a 22-year-old University of Pennsylvania graduate, Trump was a tall, fit athlete who played football, tennis, and golf. His age and clean medical history qualified Trump as a perfect candidate for the draft to serve in the United States Army and fight in the Vietnam War, but he avoided combat after receiving a 1-Y medical deferment, which he has said was due to "bone spurs in his heels." More than half a million American men were stationed in Vietnam by the end of that year, which was the bloodiest 12 months of the conflict. On the day of Trump's graduation from the University of Pennsylvania, 40 Americans were killed in Vietnam, according to The New York Times.

The son of Fred Trump, a wealthy New York real estate developer, Donald Trump did what many other wealthy young men were allowed to do: He dodged the draft. Between 1964 and 1972, a few months before the draft ended, he received five deferments — in addition to his "bone spurs" claim, the other four were based on his educational status. He received two deferments while he attended Fordham University from 1964 to 1966, and two more after transferring to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. As a draft dodger, Trump never knew the horrors of war, but in 1997, he laughed when telling radio host Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was like his "personal Vietnam." "It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era,” Trump said to Stern, discussing his sex life. "I feel like a great and very brave soldier.” Today, Trump struggles to recall the most basic facts about the medical condition that was the basis for his final deferment. He doesn't remember the name of the doctor who provided him with the note of proof and has repeatedly failed to provide a copy of it to The New York Times. He's also forgotten which of his heels had the spurs, now just claiming it was both. (During the 2016 presidential election, the affliction wasn't noted by Dr. Harold Bornstein, a physician who performed a physical on Trump and found that he had "no significant medical problems." in his medical history).

Unlike the 2,709,918 soldiers who fought in Vietnam, Trump never served. He wasn't injured like the 304,000 Americans who fought in the war, or among the more than 58,000 killed in combat. Despite this inexperience, he is now in charge of the U.S. armed forces, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, and the Marine Corps as commander-in-chief. As president, he is tasked with dictating to all military generals and admirals which battles should be fought, where they should be fought, and who gets to fight in them on behalf of the United States. He is certainly not the first American leader to receive draft deferments. Former vice president Joe Biden received five student deferments, former VP Dick Cheney received five deferments, and former president Bill Clinton received deferments and even penned a letter to an ROTC officer thanking him for "saving me from the draft." (It should also be noted that before Clinton's administration, LGBTQ servicemen and women were banned from serving. In his time, the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy began, which forced them to conceal their identities or risk being discharged, effectively condoning discrimination.) This column will afford these men no absolution for their decisions, but what makes Trump's behavior obscene is that despite having never served, he has fashioned himself as the arbiter of military courage.

It was Trump who, as a presidential candidate in July 2015, dissed Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war for roughly five and a half years during Vietnam, by stating, "I like people who weren't captured." He publicly disrespected Khizr Muazzam Khan and Ghazala Khan, the gold-star Pakistani-American parents of Army captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in combat in 2004 and posthumously awarded a Purple Heart for his bravery. Not only did Trump attack an immigrant family who made a sacrifice for their adopted nation, but he even compared their loss to the "sacrifices" he made while becoming a real estate tycoon. To insult the family of Khan, who died at war at 27 — just two years older than Trump was when he received his 4-F classification, permanently disqualifying him from military service — by comparing it to his own business ventures is a claim only made equatable in the mind of a man with little recognition of his own internalized cowardice. Now the president, the five-time draft dodger, is weakening the military to satisfy his own bigotry.


Trump calls NFL kneeling 'disgraceful,' disrespectful to veterans.

“They were fighting for our country, they were fighting for our flag,

they were fighting for our national anthem,” he said,

referring to injured soldiers he’s visited at Walter Reed.



As is normally the case, most of the Worlds problems are not intrinsic, but rather, simply a function of the Ignorant and Stupid (Crackers), not knowing what they are talking about. And the Charlatans and Demagogues (Donald Trump), taking advantage of the Crackers Ignorance and Stupidity to advance their own interests. Naturally, not All Albinos are Crackers.



In this case, the idiots don't even know

what a Soldier swears allegiance to!




Soldiers oath of Enlistment - United States Military

I, _(your name)_, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).



Note that a Soldier swears allegiance to the Constitution, NOT to the United States



And what does the Constitution say about PROTESTS?



U.S. Constitution - First Amendment (1):

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.



Clearly - A peaceful protester is nearest to perfection in the eyes and spirit of the U.S. Constitution:

rather than the Bible thumping, holier-than-thou, lying hypocrite.





Prosecutor: Man body-slammed boy after national anthem snub

Associated Press - August 6, 2019


This violent moron is typical of Trump and his people:




SUPERIOR, Mont. (AP) — A man is facing an assault charge after Montana authorities say he threw a 13-year-old boy to the ground at a rodeo because the teenager didn't remove his hat when the national anthem was played. The boy was taken to a hospital in Spokane, Washington - 140 miles away, but details about his condition were not released. Court documents filed by Mineral County Attorney Ellen Donohue said the boy was flown to the hospital for a possible concussion and fractured skull. Curt James Brockway, 39, told a sheriff's deputy that he asked the boy to remove his hat out of respect for the national anthem playing before the start of the county rodeo on Saturday. A witness, Taylor Hennick, told the Missoulian she was at the rodeo on Saturday when she heard a "pop" and saw the boy on the ground, bleeding from his ears. The assailant justified his actions by saying the boy "was disrespecting the national anthem so he had every right to do that," Hennick said.







Here are earlier versions of the Soldiers oath of Enlistment:

Officers: Continental Congress passed two versions of this oath of office, applied to military and civilian national officers. The first, on 21 October 1776, read:
"I _____, do acknowledge the Thirteen United States of America, namely, New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, to be free, independent, and sovereign states, and declare, that the people thereof owe no allegiance or obedience to George the third, king of Great Britain; and I renounce, refuse and abjure any allegiance or obedience to him; and I do swear that I will, to the utmost of my power, support, maintain, and defend the said United States against the said king, George the third, and his heirs and successors, and his and their abettors, assistants and adherents; and will serve the said United States in the office of _____, which I now hold, and in any other office which I may hereafter hold by their appointment, or under their authority, with fidelity and honour, and according to the best of my skill and understanding. So help me God."

The version voted 3 February 1778, reads:
"I, _____ do acknowledge the United States of America to be free, independent and sovereign states, and declare that the people thereof owe no allegiance or obedience, to George the third, king of Great Britain; and I renounce, refuse and abjure any allegiance or obedience to him: and I do swear (or affirm) that I will, to the utmost of my power, support, maintain and defend the said United States, against the said king George the third and his heirs and successors, and his and their abettors, assistants and adherents, and will serve the said United States in the office of _____ which I now hold, with fidelity, according to the best of my skill and understanding. So help me God."

The first oath under the Constitution was approved by Act of Congress 29 September 1789 (Sec. 3, Ch. 25, 1st Congress). It applied to all commissioned officers, noncommissioned officers and privates in the service of the United States. It came in two parts, the first of which read:

"I, A.B., do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I will support the constitution of the United States."
The second part read:

"I, A.B., do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) to bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and to serve them honestly and faithfully, against all their enemies or opposers whatsoever, and to observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States of America, and the orders of the officers appointed over me."

The next section of that chapter specified that: "the said troops shall be governed by the rules and articles of war, which have been established by the United States in Congress assembled, or by such rules and articles of war as may hereafter by law be established."



A Strange Dichotomy

The "Second" Amendment to the United States Constitution states:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So then, Why do lovers of the "SECOND" amendment "HATE" lovers of the "FIRST" amendment?

That is because lovers of the first amendment, are usually people protesting something lovers of the second amendment have done to them.

So are lovers of the second amendment, the Albino elite, who are using their guns to protect the great wealth they have stolen from pigmented people all around the world?

NO, not on this (local) level - In the U.S. second amendment lovers are the Albino Rabble, fearful that on a level field: upwardly mobile Blacks and immigrants, will displace them.






"Conservatives"? - Not really.

Haven't we all wondered how it is that the Vile, Murderous, Racist of today, and the descendants

of the Rebel traitors of the Civil War era, could be called "Conservatives" today?


Historically there are four (4) basic political ideologies.

Liberals - Who want Quick change.
Conservatives - Who want Slow change.
Moderates - Who want change at a Medium speed.
Reactionaries - Who want to return to an Earlier time.


It is interesting how modern sources now define these political ideologies


Definition of liberal (Wiki)
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy and the divine right of kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property, while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.

Leaders in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789 used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of royal tyranny. Liberalism started to spread rapidly especially after the French Revolution.

Definition of moderate (MW)
Professing or characterized by political or social beliefs that are not extreme

Definition of conservatism (MW)
A disposition in politics to preserve what is established: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change; the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change.

Definition of Reactionary (rWiki)
A reactionary is a politician or political philosopher who wants to reverse political changes and seeks to restore society to a state believed to have existed before. It is usually used pejoratively to describe a conservative opposed to modernity. Like much of the political language of left wing and right wing, the usage arose as a result of the French Revolution. The original use of the word "reactionary" (Fr. réactionnaire) in this political sense was to describe the position of monarchists in the French Revolution and its aftermath, a position otherwise known as legitimism These reactionaries had two goals: the restoration of the House of Bourbon to the throne of France, and the restoration of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church in French society. Its ideologues were the monarchs themselves.


So how did the party of Abraham Lincoln (Republican), become the party of the Vile Racist of today?

Today's conservatives are generally dim-witted people, who unfortunately make-up as much as 40% of the U.S. electorate. Because of their love of the lie, and their tendency to delusion, (they refuse to accept that they are Albinos), they also refused to accept the Presidency of Barack Obama, and angered because they could not detail his presidency, they demonstrated their anger by foolishly electing someone just like themselves: the ignorant, mentally challenged, Buffoon, Donald Trump. Incredibly, they often refer to themselves as "The Good People". As an example: after the Charlottesville march and riot: Donald Trump said some of the people marching along with the white nationalists were "very fine" people.

History of the United States Democratic Party
The Democratic Party of the United States is the oldest voter-based political party in the world, tracing its heritage back to the anti-Federalists of the 1790s. The Democratic party was a proponent for slave-owners across the country, urban workers, and Caucasian immigrants. It was especially attractive to Irish immigrants who increasingly controlled the party machinery in the cities. The party was much less attractive to businessmen, African American Evangelical Protestants, and social reformers. The party advocated westward expansion, Manifest Destiny, greater equality among all white men, and opposition to the national banks. In 1860 the Civil War began between the mostly-Republican North against the mostly-Democratic, slave-holding South.

Starting with 32nd President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 during the Great Depression, the Democratic Party dominated the "Fifth Party System", with its liberal/progressive policies and programs with the "New Deal" coalition to combat the emergency bank closings and the continuing financial depression. The Fifth Party System refers to the era of American national politics that began with the New Deal in 1932 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This era emerged from the realignment of the voting blocs and interest groups supporting the Democratic Party into the New Deal Coalition following the Great Depression. For this reason it is often called the New Deal Party System. Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the Democrats dominance. The conservative coalition generally controlled Congress from 1938 to 1964, again based on the powerful rural white control of the Democratic Party (and congressional representation) in the South, with its disfranchisement of blacks. The activist New Deal members promoted American liberalism, anchored in a New Deal Coalition of specific liberal groups—especially ethno-religious constituencies (Catholics, Jews, African Americans)—in addition to Southerners, well-organized labor unions, urban machines, progressive intellectuals, and populist farm groups.

Mary McLeod Bethune once noted, the Roosevelt era represented “the first time in their history” that African Americans felt that they could communicate their grievances to their government with the “expectancy of sympathetic understanding and interpretation.

It is also important to recognize that this hope was not merely based on empty promises of change, but on the actual words and deeds spoken by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and taken by the federal government at a time when racism was deeply seared into the American psyche. With respect to the critical issue of employment, for example, we know that by 1935, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) was employing approximately 350,000 African Americans annually, about 15% of its total workforce. In the Civilian Conservation Corps, the percentage of blacks who took part climbed from roughly 3% at its outset in 1933 to over 11% by the close of 1938 with a total of more than 350,000 having been enrolled in the CCC by the time the program was shut down in 1942.

The National Youth Administration, under the direction of Aubrey Williams, hired more black administrators than any other New deal agency; employed African American supervisors to oversee the work the agency was doing on behalf of black youth for each state in the south; and assisted more than 300,000 Africa American youth during the Depression. In 1934, the Public Works Administration (PWA) inserted a clause in all government construction contracts that established a quota for the hiring of black laborers based on the 1930 labor census and as a consequence a significant number of blacks received skilled employment on PWA projects.

African Americans also benefited from the Federal Music Project, which funded performances of black composers; from the Federal Theatre and Writing Projects, which hired and featured the work of hundreds of African American artists; and from the New Deal’s educational programs, which taught over 1 million illiterate blacks to read and write and which increased the number of African American children attending primary school.

As the leader of a political party that was heavily represented in Congress by racist Southern Democrats who supported segregation and even opposed the adoption of a federal anti-lynching law as an infringement of state’s rights, FDR had to choose his battles carefully and at times appears timorous in the face of racial injustice-especially when viewed from today.

But this is the President who appointed a far greater number of blacks to positions of responsibility within his government than any of his predecessors, so much so in fact that this group became known as the “Black Cabinet” or “Black Brain Trust” in the press. FDR was also the first president to appoint an African American as a federal judge; to promote a black man to the rank of Brigadier General in the Army; and, incredible as it might seem, the first president to publicly call lynching murder — “a vile form of collective murder”-which W.E B. Dubois applauded as something that sadly was long overdue.

Overall FDR’s administration tripled the number of Africa Americans working for the federal government, including thousands of black engineers, architects, lawyers, librarians, office managers, and other professionals, and under his leadership, and with the strong support of Eleanor Roosevelt, the Democrats included the first specific African American plank in the party platform at the 1936 convention.


So because of Roosevelt, the party of Vile Murderous Racists was becoming the party of "Liberals". So how did the party of Lincoln become the party of the Vile Murderous Racists? - Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater!

The Southern Strategy: (From Wikipedia).
In modern times it all really started to get bad when Richard Nixon moved to counteract the power enjoyed by Democratic progressives like John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Robert Kennedy, who in large part, were the albinos responsible for the Civil Rights Laws enacted by the U.S. Congress. But these laws angered the degenerate Albinos of the Confederate South - who were also Democrats.

Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater
In American politics, "Southern Strategy" refers to methods the Republican Party used to gain political support in the South by appealing to the racism against African Americans harbored by many southern white voters. As the African American Civil Rights Movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened pre-existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South to the Republican Party that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party.

Ronald Reagan:
In 1980, Republican candidate Ronald Reagan made a much-noted appearance at the Neshoba County Fair. His speech there contained the phrase "I believe in states' rights" and was cited as evidence that the Republican Party was building upon the Southern strategy again. Reagan's campaigns used racially coded rhetoric, making attacks on the "welfare state" and leveraging resentment towards affirmative action. Dan Carter explains "Reagan showed that he could use coded language with the best of them, lambasting welfare queens, busing, and affirmative action as the need arose." During his 1976 and 1980 campaigns Reagan employed stereotypes of welfare recipients, often invoking the case of a "welfare queen" with a large house and a Cadillac using multiple names to collect over $150,000 in tax-free income. Aistrup described Reagan's campaign statements as "seemingly race neutral" but explained how whites interpret this in a racial manner, citing a DNC funded study conducted by CRG Communications. Though Reagan didn't overtly mention the race of the welfare recipient, the unstated impression in whites' minds were black people and Reagan's rhetoric resonated with Southern white perceptions of black people.



Rouges Gallery of powerful Modern Racist who held or hold the United States Back.










In 1973 Nelson Rockefeller had to be "Tough" on Niggers,

to satisfy the parents of Donald Trumps "Base".

But now that it's Albino youth dying, what do Donald Trumps base want him to do?

Why get them medical and psychological help of course!




Get the full story of the double standard at the bottom of this page: <<Click>>.






Vin Scully: 'I will never watch another NFL game' due to protests

By Chris Cwik, Big League Stew

Retired Los Angeles Dodgers announcer Vin Scully (born November 29, 1927), rarely talked about anything but baseball when he was up in the broadcast booth. Sure, there were stories, but they always found a way to come back to the game. Now that Scully is retired, though, he’s able to give his opinion about things he normally would not have discussed during his career. That includes the NFL protests, which have caused Scully to stage his own protest against the league. Scully’s full statement wasn’t captured on video. The recording picks up Scully mid-sentence. Here’s the relevant part of his statement:


“It’s not that I’m such great patriot. I was in the Navy for a year — didn’t go anywhere, didn’t do anything — but I have overwhelming respect and admiration for anyone who puts on a uniform and goes to war. The only thing I can do in my little way is not to preach. I will never watch another NFL game.”

Scully may fall into the group of people Miami Marlins owner Derek Jeter was talking about when he said people have lost sight of why athletes are protesting. The players kneeling aren’t protesting the military or veterans. They are protesting racial inequality in the United States. Given Scully’s history, he should have been able to bring a unique perspective here. He talks about his own time in the U.S. Navy, but then brushes that aside as if it had nothing to do with his decision. He’s expressed admiration for Jackie Robinson — a man he knew well — throughout his career, but doesn’t acknowledge that Robinson later stated he would not stand for the anthem or salute the flag. For all the people who wish Scully would have just stuck to baseball … well … he didn’t really want to go there. Following the Dodgers’ Game 7 loss in the 2017 World Series, Scully told TMZ he “better not give any opinion” on the decision to start Yu Darvish over Clayton Kershaw. Ultimately, Scully’s making a personal decision by no longer watching the NFL. He’s free to do what he wants. But there will be people who are disappointed Scully has defaulted to the normal reasoning here instead of bringing the unique perspective he brought to his job every day.


Above, the coward Scully is indicating that to criticize the Black Dodger Manager on the Yu Darvish over Clayton Kershaw decision, would open him to claims that he is a Racist for criticizing Dave Roberts the Black/Japanese manager of the Los Angles Dodgers. This is what the lying Rabble Albinos call "Political Correctness". Actually, like so much of what these degenerates say, its just a way for them to pass a sly lie, while claiming innocence. For the record: the average TOP White Baseball manager has about a 0.520 career average. Black managers do a bit better than that, and Dave Roberts has an even 0.600 record (195-130). Further: Black managers are criticized and fired just like anyone else. But to the degenerate Racist looking for an excuse to hate, that fact is ignored.


Like the other Albinos talking that lying nonsense, Vin Scully is not stupid, he understands perfectly well what the true meaning of the knelling protests is - it's been stated a million times. The situation is this, Vin Scully is just another vile cowardly Racist who is against anything Black. But he also knows that if he were to state his true feelings, he would be made a pariah in polite society. So for cover, he repeats that same lies as his kindred Albinos - they purposely conflate support for the military, the Country, and the Flag, with support for Murdering Policemen. These are truly degenerate, lying people, and we should spare no effort to expose them.

Funny: all of this from a man whose only claim to fame is the fact that he has a nice "Speaking Voice".







It took a long time, but others have finally realized that White Evangelicals and the so-called "Christian Right" were nothing but White Racists and White Supremacists HIDING behind Christianity.

Donald Trump’s White Christian Supremacy

Terrell Jermaine Starr 9/13/17

Donald J. Trump is the antithesis of a true follower of Christ. His xenophobic assault against Muslims, racist remarks about Mexicans, troubled history with women and sympathy for neo-Nazis make him remarkably unqualified to represent God’s teachings.



He has rarely—if ever, really—mentioned faith as an essential force in his life, though, as a presidential candidate and now president, he has been trumpeted by leading white evangelicals like Jerry Falwell Jr. as their “dream president.” Falwell’s exuberance is warranted. Eighty-one percent of evangelicals voted for Trump in 2016 and have arguably become his most ardent supporters. They have one of their own in the Oval Office, but not in the way you’d think. See, Trump doesn’t give a damn about the Bible or Jesus. He’s pimping the gospel, just as he pimped racially insecure “working class” white men and women into voting for him in exchange for an America that doesn’t threaten their whiteness. Closing the borders and embracing isolationism means more economic prosperity for Americans (read: white people) struggling with economic anxiety, in Trump’s logic. Evoking images of “bad hombres” and “black-on-black crime” in Chicago also enflamed white people’s fears and, ultimately, secured their votes. Indeed, racism and God are the perfect cocktail for political assent. Trump realized early on that white evangelicals generally share a lot of his sexist, anti-Muslim and anti-black views. Historically, Christianity has often been used to exact violence against anything and anyone that challenges white supremacy.

Anthea Butler, a religious scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, wrote in The Guardian that Trump’s blatant racism against minorities signals to white evangelicals that he embraces their homogenized view of America. “By othering these groups, Trump allows evangelicals to persist in their belief that white Anglo-saxon protestantism, is the default for true American Christianity and is best suited to lead America as a ‘Christian Nation,’” she wrote. If you do not believe that Christianity has often been peddled as white supremacist doctrine, you know very little about how it functions in white, mainstream society. In a piece for the Washington Post, the Rev. William J. Barber II details the racist history of Southern white evangelicalism and how, ultimately, white Christians were taught to build a wall between their faith and their politics, which, of course, relieved them of their obligation to the biblical pursuit of social justice.

This is the genesis of how mainstream Christianity came to be in America and why it has rallied around Trump. It has nothing to do with the word. Jesus was a radical, an activist who spoke truth to power. He protected the poor, never shamed the disadvantaged and rebuked the abuse of power. If there ever was an anti-colonial force on this earth, it was Jesus. But white evangelicals have subverted his words to attack the poor and disenfranchise the vulnerable, all in an effort to protect their white male homogeneity. In this respect, not only is Trump a practicing Christian, but he is arguably the church of white supremacy’s most active member. One of his first tithes came in 1989 when he spent $85,000 on front-page ads in major New York City newspapers blasting five black and Latino boys as “muggers and murderers” after they were accused of raping a white woman in Central Park. (The city of New York eventually paid the men a settlement of $40 million after they were exonerated.)

In a follow-up interview with Larry King that same year, Trump said America needed to “bring back the police,” a clear nod to white people nationwide that he understood how law enforcement symbolizes the guardianship of whiteness. In 2017 he amplified this symbolism when he encouraged police brutality on national television. Trump’s white evangelicals ignore this because they believe it maintains the white homogeneous America that Trump vows to maintain and that God intended.

Molly Worthen explains in The Atlantic that the white evangelical movement was born out of America’s revolutionary period, when there were deep suspicions of an encroaching government that put the nation in danger of losing its homogeneity. To counter this, white Christians had no issues aligning themselves with nonbelieving politicians who shared their fears. There is another quality that Trump shares with many white evangelicals, as Worthen notes: that of the dictatorial know-it-all who professes to return America to the place where whiteness can rule with abandon:

To the majority of Americans—those who did not vote for him—Trump has all the allure of the boorish boss who takes too many liberties at the staff Christmas party. But his authoritarian machismo is right in step with a long evangelical tradition of pastor-overlords who anoint themselves with the power to make their own rules—and, in the event of their own occasional moral lapses, assure their followers that God always forgives. This explains why many white people of faith were so fast to forgive Trump for his “grab ’em by the pussy” remarks. As long as Trump is resurrecting “God’s country,” his sexism gets a pass. And so does his racism.

We saw white, mainstream Christianity in action after Charlottesville, Va. After sympathizing with Nazis after a white nationalist was charged with running over a woman and killing her during the protests, Trump’s spiritual adviser Paula White insisted that Trump “100 percent is a Christian” and “not a racist.” Megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress dismissed accusations of Trump being racist after his “both sides” comments, saying, “If we’re going to denounce some racism, we ought to denounce all racism, and I believe that was the point the president was making.”

Mainstream Christianity is acting as an enthusiastic cheerleader of Trump’s white supremacist agenda. Of course, this is not the true gospel as Jesus wanted us to practice it. This is a bunch of white men and women co-opting faith and evangelizing millions of white Americans behind the false narrative that God’s word mirrors those of Trump. And it is working.

That is how powerful white Christian supremacy is. It can colonize nations, leaving ruin in its wake. And it can colonize faith to the point where Christian leaders use it as a means to justify and ignore the most horrific abuses against humanity without batting an eye. But, most important for the white evangelical who fears that his existence is losing value, white Christian supremacy elected Donald J. Trump. Their God on earth. For many Americans, my words may come as a shock. But for those of us who understand how faith has been used to justify the rape, pillaging and murder of the disenfranchised, Trump’s rise as a white-evangelical darling is just another reminder of how the teachings of Jesus have so often been twisted to echo the words of Satan




Roy Stewart Moore (born February 11, 1947) is an American politician and former Alabama state judge best known for being twice elected to, and twice removed, from the Alabama Supreme Court. He also is the founder and president of the Foundation for Moral Law. Moore is the Republican nominee in the special election on December 12, 2017 to fill the United States Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions.

In November 2017, four women accused Moore of inappropriate sexual behavior which occurred when they were in their teens and Moore was in his thirties. The youngest of the women was 14 at the time. The most jarring accusation comes from a woman who told the Post that Moore engaged in two sexually inappropriate meetings with her at age 14 when he was a 32-year-old district attorney.

Leigh Corfman, now 53, said she met Moore outside an Alabama courthouse in 1979. She was with her mother, Nancy Wells, who was attending a child custody hearing. Moore offered to watch Corfman while her mother went inside. The two chatted, and Moore asked if he could call her sometime. Corfman gave him her phone number, she says, and the two made plans to meet. Moore picked her up around the corner from her house and drove her to his home:

She remembers an unpaved driveway. She remembers going inside and him giving her alcohol on this visit or the next, and that at some point she told him she was 14. She says they sat and talked. She remembers that Moore told her she was pretty, put his arm around her and kissed her, and that she began to feel nervous and asked him to take her home, which she says he did. The two met up one more time, Corfman said, and Moore again took her to his home: She says that Moore drove her back to the same house after dark, and that before long she was lying on a blanket on the floor. She remembers Moore disappearing into another room and coming out with nothing on but “tight white” underwear.

She remembers that Moore kissed her, that he took off her pants and shirt, and that he touched her through her bra and underpants. She says that he guided her hand to his underwear and that she yanked her hand back. “I wasn’t ready for that — I had never put my hand on a man’s penis, much less an erect one,” Corfman says. She remembers thinking, “I don’t want to do this” and “I need to get out of here.” She says that she got dressed and asked Moore to take her home, and that he did.

Moore has also earned significant national attention and controversy over his strongly anti-homosexual, anti-Muslim, and far-right views, his belief that Christianity should order public policy, as well as his past ties to neo-Confederates and white nationalist groups. According to Vox, if Moore is elected, he is likely to be the most far-right senator, "far afield from even the most conservative Republican currently in the Senate." Moore was also a leading voice in the anti-Obama birther movement, which promoted the debunked conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Moore had also argued that Obama was a secret Muslim. Among other beliefs, his view that Christianity should supersede public laws has been cause for criticism and has earned him the nickname of "Ayatollah of Alabama" by his critics.



New Republic

Why Evangelicals Can’t Quit Roy Moore

Not even pedophilia is out of bounds for a political

movement that is less animated by religiosity than resentment.

By Sarah Jones - November 10, 2017

Roy Moore, Republican candidate for Senate and alleged child molester, enjoys much of his political longevity to his celebrity status within the Christian right. The gay bashing, the Ten Commandments fetish, barring Muslims from serving in Congress—Moore’s most extreme positions are precisely what makes him a beloved figure to so many white evangelicals. This hasn’t always translated to popularity within his home state of Alabama—winning the GOP primary is the closest he’s gotten to higher office—but it has established his reputation as an authentic Christian. One poll conducted before The Washington Post broke the accusations against Moore had him up 11 points over Democrat Doug Jones, who, by contrast, has campaigned on the fact that he prosecuted the Ku Klux Klan members responsible for bombing the 16th Street Baptist Church.

Moore and Jones represent the two faces of the South. Moore’s Christianity is as reactionary as his Alabama; Jones, with his civil rights background and his mainline Methodism, is the opposite. This distinction is even sharper now that four women have gone on record to accuse Moore of outright sexual misconduct and/or inappropriate “dating” when he was an adult in his thirties and they were teenagers. These revelations raise questions that had seemingly been answered, when Moore was on track to easily win the race. Is Alabama the state of Roy Moore, or is it the state of Doug Jones? Given the state’s large number of white evangelicals, they will likely dictate its direction for the foreseeable future. So the answer depends on a second question: Will they desert Roy Moore?

It’s true that evangelicals have, at times, seemed lukewarm on Moore, but the Christian right’s admiration for the former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice has been pretty consistent. He recently appeared at the same Values Voter Summit that hosted Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and Sebastian Gorka to great applause. And even the national GOP hasn’t been as full-throated in their condemnation of Moore as one would expect: Republicans have mostly restricted themselves to the milquetoast acknowledgement that he should withdraw from the race if the allegations are true.

For its part, the Alabama GOP, which is particularly far-right and particularly fanatical, has been emphatic that he should stay. Worse, many aren’t even denying the allegations. “There is nothing to see here. The allegations are that a man in his early 30s dated teenage girls. Even The Washington Post report says that he never had sexual intercourse with any of the girls and never attempted sexual intercourse,” Ziegler later told the Washington Examiner. No big deal, then! He only allegedly had a 14-year-old touch his genitals. Another Alabama Republican suggested that Moore’s accusers should themselves be prosecuted. And here is Alabama Marion County GOP chair David Hall:“I really don’t blame Roy Moore’s voters for sticking with him and I know they are going to come under withering attacks for standing by their man. They don’t deserve it. Clearly a lot of people would prefer to avoid dealing with how we got to this point of moral decay among conservatives who used to really believe character counted,” Erick Erickson wrote, before pivoting to a discussion of the Sutherland Springs shooter’s “militant” atheism.

Moore, for his part, is framing the controversy in terms familiar to any evangelical: as spiritual warfare. This isn’t accidental, and it reveals quite a bit about why many white Alabamian evangelicals will stick with him. Never underestimate the depth of the evangelical martyrdom complex: In their view, Moore has taken public stands for the word of God, and now the secular world is punishing him for his righteousness. This is the fate promised to all faithful Christians. Thus, Moore’s brother compared Moore, an alleged pedophile, to Jesus Christ. In an email to Religion News Service, Jerry Falwell Jr. was not much more circumspect:“It comes down to a question who is more credible in the eyes of the voters — the candidate or the accuser,” said Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of evangelical Liberty University who has endorsed Trump and Moore, both Republicans. “The same thing happened to President Trump a few weeks before his election last year except it was several women making allegations,” Falwell told RNS in an email. “He denied that any of them were true and the American people believed him and elected him the 45th president of the United States.”

There is not a shred of Christian feeling here, certainly not for the women who claimed they suffered from Trump and Moore’s predations. What animates this movement is a sense of persecution; after all, you can’t be part of a faithful remnant unless you are surrounded by enemies. This is such a bedrock belief for some evangelicals that little can change it; the claims of mere women do not suffice. A general disdain for women is another reason evangelicals will continue to defend Moore. As any woman who grew up evangelical can tell you, the subculture is not overly concerned with the bodily autonomy of its female members, who are often treated as mere vessels for procreation. Look even further into the wilder weeds of this world, and you’ll find that antiquated ideas about courtship—essentially arranged, chaperoned dating—still hold and are still used to justify relationships between young girls and older men. Former ex-fundamentalist Kathryn Brightbill explains: The Chapmans later married their 16-year-old daughter to a 26-year-old man. They were regular guests at Christian homeschooling conventions, and while this is an admittedly fringe faction even within evangelicalism, Christian homeschoolers still represent powerful lobbying blocs at the state level.

This is the upsetting truth: Religious traditions that embrace retrograde beliefs—that female sexuality somehow endangers men, that women should submit to men in the home and in the public sphere—aren’t equipped to deal with accusations of abuse. Whether it happens on the mission field or in the church sanctuary or in a lonely moment with a Christian politician, conservative Christians have often greeted sexual abuse as a cause for outrage when victims speak up.




How birth control became part of the evangelical agenda

Trump’s latest birth control rollbacks seem like a victory for the religious right. But why?

Updated by Tara Isabella Burton Oct 7, 2017.

The Trump administration announced Friday that it would roll back the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that employers cover workers’ birth control. “The Affordable Care Act mandate forced countless business owners to pay for abortion drugs and contraceptives, even if doing so went directly against their deeply held religious beliefs or moral convictions.” Yet among evangelical Protestants, at least, birth control — and who has access to it — has only recently become a major political issue. Unlike Catholics, whose catechism denounces use of most forms of contraception as a sin, evangelical Protestants by and large do not. But alongside Catholic organizations like Little Sisters of the Poor, it’s evangelical-led companies like Hobby Lobby that have been on the forefront of opposition to the ACA birth control mandate.

The evangelical right’s anti-abortion stance is more recent than you’d think

Meanwhile, despite the evangelical right’s current commitment to anti-abortion policies, this was not always the case. As late as the 1960s, abortion seems to have been a debated issue among the Christian right. According to an excellent article by Rob Shryock at Salon, a 1968 document produced at a conference co-sponsored by Christianity Today and the Christian Dental and Medical Association treated the question as unresolved: “Whether the performance of an induced abortion is sinful we are not agreed, but about the necessity of it and permissibility for it under certain circumstances we are in accord. … When principles conflict, the preservation of fetal life … may have to be abandoned to maintain full and secure family life.”

But amid the culture wars of the late 1970s and the ’80s, evangelicals disillusioned by Jimmy Carter’s first term (he was very friendly with Blacks), used the 1973 Supreme Court decision for Roe v. Wade as a rallying cry for conservative Christians to deny him another one. Evangelical Protestants joined their Catholic brethren — whose position against abortion and contraception had long been more established — in understanding life to begin at conception.


L. A. Times

Under Trump, evangelicals show their true racist colors

By Randall Balmer Aug. 23, 2017

The statistics tell one story: 81% of white evangelicals voted for Donald Trump. The deafening silence from leaders of the religious right in the wake of the neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville, Va., points to an even larger one, which places racism at the very heart of the movement. On the face of it, evangelical support for Trump is anomalous. How can a movement ostensibly concerned about “family values” support a twice-divorced, thrice-married man who said that his “personal Vietnam” was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases? How could evangelicals vote for someone who flaunted his infidelities and who boasted about his tawdry behavior toward women?

The standard rejoinder is that evangelicals were so concerned about abortion and, therefore, judicial appointments that they were prepared to ignore Trump’s indiscretions to advance the one cause — opposition to abortion — that lay at the core of their political movement. That argument collapses, however, on historical examination. Several evangelical leaders and evangelical organizations applauded the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision. The late Paul Weyrich, architect of the religious right, was emphatic that abortion had nothing whatsoever to do with the genesis of evangelical political activism in the 1970s, a sentiment echoed by other conservative leaders, including Richard Viguerie and Grover Norquist.

What galvanized Jerry Falwell and other leaders in the 1970s was not abortion, which they considered a “Catholic issue.” They mobilized instead to protest the rescission of tax-exempt status at Bob Jones University and other “segregation academies.” (Falwell had opened his own segregation academy in Lynchburg, Va., in 1967.) Only later, in advance of the 1980 election, did Weyrich and others recognize that abortion could mobilize grass-roots evangelical voters.

Evangelicals’ overwhelming support for Trump represents not so much a concern for securing a “pro-life” judiciary as a return to the founding principles of their political movement. Trump himself may or may not be a racist, but his campaign rhetoric undeniably appealed to racist sentiments: his assertion that a judge of Mexican heritage could not be impartial, his characterization of Mexican immigrants as rapists, his castigation of Muslims.

The 2016 presidential election, then, allowed the religious right finally to dispense with the fiction that theirs was a movement concerned about family values. Evangelical voting behavior suggests that the religious right was merely reverting to the racism that prompted its entry into the political arena in the late 1970s. If this interpretation is mistaken, if the religious right — or at least its leadership — is not racist, then we might reasonably expect that the leaders of the movement would rush to condemn white supremacists and the equivocal responses of the president, who blamed the violence in Charlottesville on “both sides.” Where are these evangelical voices of condemnation? In a word, nowhere.

What about Richard Land, former official of the Southern Baptist Convention and now president of Southern Evangelical Seminary? Land was unsparing in his criticisms of Presidents Clinton and Obama, and he once worried that Hillary Clinton would “park her broomstick” at the Supreme Court. Regarding Trump, however, Land has been uncharacteristically silent. How about Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council and frequent visitor to the White House? Perkins, who addressed white nationalist groups when he was a state legislator in Louisiana and who has had dealings with David Duke, former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, issued a statement condemning the violence in Charlottesville, but not one condemning Trump.

Where’s Ralph Reed or Paula White or James Dobson, who in the course of the 2016 campaign pronounced Trump a “baby Christian”? (He was half right.) All of them have vocally supported the president, but they have remained mute on his relationship to racism and white supremacy.



Report: Alabama Mall Banned Roy Moore in the ’80s for Pursuing Teens


REUTERS/Marvin Gentry - 11/15/2017

Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Alabama, was banned from a mall in the early 1980s after he repeatedly attempted to pick up teenage girls, former mall employees and local police told The New Yorker. Other locals also told that Moore was known for prowling the mall. Moore, whom five women have accused of making advances on them or molesting them when they were teenagers, allegedly had a reputation for hanging around the Gadsden Mall, in Gadsden, Alabama, in pursuit of high school-age girls. One former mall employee told The New Yorker that a security guard asked mall employees to be on the lookout for Moore, who was “banned from the mall.” Blake Usry, who was a teenager in town at the time, told Moore was known to "flirt with all the young girls," and would hang out at the mall on weekends "like the kids did." Other locals told that Moore's penchant for flirting with teens was common knowledge in town. One former waitress told that Moore made young waitresses uncomfortable by staring at them, then becoming rude if they did not "give him an opening." A police officer, one of two who spoke with The New Yorker, said that “general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates” and that Moore may not have received an official ban but was a persona non grata at the mall and had been “run off” from “a number of stores.”






"Chester the Molester" Roy Moore, will likely win election to the United States Senate from the state of Alabama, "unless Black Alabamians" decide to turn out to stop him. Which they should NOT do, Roy Moore is more valuable in the Senate, as is Donald Trump in the White House: as a constant reminder to normal Albinos of just how degenerate and "Tribal" the Rabble Evangelicals/Christian-Right/Tea-Baggers really are. Sexually Assault Women - No Problem! Sexually Molest Minors - No Problem! Allow a hostile Power to control the United States by virtue of a Compromised Puppet President - No Problem! (Remember - these are the same people who attacked the United States at Fort Sumter in 1861, setting off the Civil War): they NEVER gave a shit about Democracy, the Constitution, or any of that stuff. As long as you are against Niggers, Jews, (it USED to be Communists too), but clearly no more: and Non-Albinos in general, you are okay with the Rabble.

The problem is that normal Albinos, having seen the ascending power of the Black electorate, are nervous themselves. This is evident in their efforts to fund programs to "Turn" or appeal to Suburban Rabble Albino voters (it won't work), rather than fund programs to "Dismantle" Gerrymandered districts, repeal Voter ID laws, End Purging of Blacks from Voter Rolls, and intimidation of Black voters at the Polls. While it is perfectly normal for Albinos to be nervous about Black power, they must constantly be reminded that the Rabble Albinos have PROVEN themselves to be a greater danger to them, and a civil life, than any other power. So if they want Civil Society’s, progressive governments, and care for all, they must fight their own sense of "Tribalism" and REJECT the Albino Rabble.



Yahoo News


Hate in America: Where it comes from and why it's back

Andrew Romano and Lisa Belkin

On Oct. 19, former President George W. Bush traveled to New York City to deliver a speech at an event dedicated to “The Spirit of Liberty: At Home, In the World.” His message was sobering. Most of the media focused on Bush’s “implicit rebukes” of the man who currently occupies his old office, Donald J. Trump: his barely veiled critiques of “conspiracy theories and outright fabrication”; of “bullying and prejudice in our public life”; of a “discourse degraded by casual cruelty.”

But less attention was paid to what might have been the most significant part of his speech. George W. Bush, the previous Republican president, was appearing on the political stage for one of the few times since leaving the White House nearly nine years ago – to announce that hate, of all things, was back. “We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism,” Bush lamented. “Bigotry seems emboldened.” The signs are insistent. The odious memes. The “Heil Trump” salutes. The racist graffiti. A rally to save a Confederate statue — and “unite the right” — that descended into violence, including the death of a young woman counter-protester. “Recently I was kind of introduced to the concept of activism and rallies,” says Gunther Rice, a 22-year-old New Jersey native who attended that deadly event in Charlottesville but was not implicated in the attack on the woman. “I’m like, ‘Wait, there’s a bunch of white nationalists that go out in public and speak and do all this cool stuff and cool events? Hell yeah.’”

The statistics tell a similar story. The most recent were released by the FBI just this week, the agency’s annual measure of the number of hate crimes reported in the United States the previous year. . The FBI defines a hate crime as “a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias.” In 2016 there were 6,100 reported instances of people targeted based on their race, religion, sexuality, disability or national origin, an increase of 300 over 2015, and like last year the overwhelming majority of those victims were targeted because of their race or religion. Of the 4,496 targeted because of their race, 50.2 percent were black or African-American. Of the 1,583 targeted because of their religion, 55 percent were Jewish and 25 percent were Muslim. This is the second year in a row that hate crime numbers have increased, reversing the trend of the preceding 20 years.

“I’m not surprised,” said Dr. Jeff McDevitt, an associate dean and director of the Institute on Race and Justice at Northeastern University who has worked with the FBI to train agents to identify hate crimes. The numbers are consistent with those reported in recent months by groups like the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, he says, as well as by cities and other municipalities. In fact, their numbers for 2017 are looking worse: In America’s six largest cities, more than 525 hate crimes have been committed so far this year, up 22 percent from the same period in 2016. “The reason I’m not surprised is this is just another indication of a coarsening of relations in America in the past year or two, particularly aimed at people of color and certain religious groups.”

Still, hearing a former leader of the free world concede that hate is having a moment? That’s a turning point — an admission that’s impossible to ignore. Why is this happening? And why now? Haven’t we put hate — the bigotry that Bush denounced as a “blasphemy against the American creed” — behind us? The answer, sadly, is no. Hatred of outsiders has been a cyclical thing in America, and we seem to be in such a cycle now. Economic and social insecurity fuels bigotry, and new forms of communication — the internet, especially — helps it spread. But psychologists and sociologists over the last few decades have begun to understand the qualities that make a person susceptible to what was once called “xenophobia,” meaning fear of outsiders — a useful term that perhaps deserves to be resurrected in Trump-era America. And understanding how people are recruited into hate is a first step in combating it.

Hate in America began even before there was an America. Among Benjamin Franklin’s many written rants against what he called the “Stupid, Swarthy Germans,” was this: “Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.” The new nation, he wrote, should be a haven for “the … purely white People in the World”, because so many other places were “black or tawny” [Africa], “chiefly tawny” [Asia], or “swarthy” [most of Europe, including Spain, Italy, France, Russia, and — to the puzzlement of historians for centuries, Sweden.) It is only logical to distrust those who look different, he argued, because “I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.” (Please see other sections of Realhistory for the complete text of Franklin’s essay).

This wariness of “the other” is one of the entwined threads that form the foundational myths of the country — of a melting pot contains within it an assumption that blending in rather than standing out is what is valued; the ideal of pulling oneself up by one’s bootstraps assumes an upper and lower rung of social order with membership rules determined by those already at the top. And so any graph of America’s emotional temperature over time would show periods of exclusion punctuated by spikes of outright hate. As a consensus begins to emerge among experts that the friction we’re now experiencing, from Charlottesville, Va., to Berkeley, Calif., may represent yet another one of those hateful peaks, it’s worth considering what the present moment has in common with the past, and how it differs. The lesson learned from such a look is that while history and psychology act on our prejudices in predictable ways, hate manifests itself differently in every era.

Today’s haters — the white-nationalist radicals of the so-called alt-right — are not nearly as powerful as Adolf Hitler’s Nazis, or as pervasive as the small-town bigots of the Jim Crow South. But that doesn’t mean they’re harmless. Like all waves of hate, this newest one comes with distinct origins and unique challenges. Specifically, the rise of the alt-right has been enabled by changing norms and technology that make it easier to become radicalized in the first place. In fact, the rise of hate within America shares roots with the rise of hate toward America; the same tools and trends are helping to facilitate both terrorism and nativism. Hate, in short, is becoming more accessible than ever before — and that poses a distinctive, and particularly insidious, threat.

“The capacity to hate is relatively constant,” says Brian Balogh, a history professor at the University of Virginia and a host of “Backstory,” a popular history podcast. “But there are certain circumstances that tend to bring it front and center.” Hate has been simmering under the surface of American life since the beginning. There have been ebbs and flows of xenophobia, directed at specific groups, such as the Chinese, the targets of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. But historians generally agree that America has endured four especially hateful eras — and that each of them can help us figure out what’s happening today.

The first began during Reconstruction, when the Ku Klux Klan emerged in the defeated South, its malice aimed at freed slaves who were exercising newly granted rights. Next, the early 1920s, when Klan activity increased again, now directed at recent immigrants — particularly Catholics and Jews from Southern and Eastern Europe. Those years marked the first era that immigration quotas were established in the U.S. Third, the “Great Deportations,” also known as the “Mass Deportations” of the Depression Era. In this little-remembered episode during the 1930s, more than half a million Mexican immigrants – including one-third of the entire Mexican population of Los Angeles — were repatriated by the Hoover administration. Among these were hundreds of thousands of children who were born in the U.S. and therefore American citizens. These were followed in the next decade by the Japanese internment camps during World War II.

Then came the civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, when the two steps forward in voting rights and housing and school desegregation sparked the one bloody and chilling step backward of racial reaction: lynching’s in the South and race riots in the North. Carol Anderson, chair of African-American studies at Emory University and the author of the book “White Rage,” offered some examples in a recent essay: “The ‘Heil Trump’ salutes at a gathering of white nationalists shortly before the inauguration. An uptick in reported hate crimes across the country. The killing of Lt. Richard Collins by a white supremacist in Maryland. The double homicide and severe wounding of good Samaritans defending teen girls in Portland [Ore.] from another white supremacist. The nooses found at and near the National Museum of African American History and Culture.” Any analysis of American hate, therefore, requires parsing what these eras do and do not have in common.

Albert Camarillo, an emeritus professor of history at Stanford University,who specializes in the study of American minorities, believes all hateful chapters start with the same stewing “intolerance, a hatred, a feeling of ‘our problems are caused by someone else and something needs to be done about that.’ That’s fundamental whether you’re talking about the 1860s or the 1960s or the times between and since.”


Addendum to this article: Four voices of white nationalism

we spoke to four individuals caught up in this movement. From a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard to a 22-year-old ex-“social justice warrior,” each described a combination of factors that — despite their varying ages and diverse upbringings — led all four of them on the path to white nationalism.


<< Click here for the News article >>

Caitlin DicksonReporter
Yahoo News - November 15, 2017





The above News article and others like it are not offered because they are necessarily "True". But rather to give the intelligent Black a reference point between: What a Normal Albino says (this article), What a degenerate Rabble Albino says: And the TRUTH!

Note that nowhere in the above article did anyone give the true cause of today's increase in Racism: That is - the ascension of Black political power starting with the election of Bill Clinton, and culminating in the election of Barack Obama.






The Nationalist's Delusion:

Trump’s supporters backed a time-honored American political tradition,

disavowing racism while promising to enact a broad agenda of discrimination.



The Atlantic

Adam Serwer Nov 20, 2017

THIRTY YEARS AGO, nearly half of Louisiana voted for a Klansman, and the media struggled to explain why. It was 1990 and David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, astonished political observers when he came within striking distance of defeating incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator J. Bennett Johnston, earning 43 percent of the vote. If Johnston’s Republican rival hadn’t dropped out of the race and endorsed him at the last minute, the outcome might have been different. Was it economic anxiety? The Washington Post reported that the state had “a large working class that has suffered through a long recession.” Was it a blow against the state’s hated political establishment? An editorial from United Press International explained, “Louisianans showed the nation by voting for Duke that they were mad as hell and not going to take it any more.” Was it anti-Washington rage? A Loyola University pollster argued, “There were the voters who liked Duke, those who hated J. Bennett Johnston, and those who just wanted to send a message to Washington.” What message would those voters have been trying to send by putting a Klansman into office?

“There’s definitely a message bigger than Louisiana here,” Susan Howell, then the director of the Survey Research Center at the University of New Orleans, told the Los Angeles Times. “There is a tremendous amount of anger and frustration among working-class whites, particularly where there is an economic downturn. These people feel left out; they feel government is not responsive to them.”

Duke’s strong showing, however, wasn’t powered merely by poor or working-class whites—and the poorest demographic in the state, black voters, backed Johnston. Duke “clobbered Johnston in white working-class districts, ran even with him in predominantly white middle-class suburbs, and lost only because black Louisianans, representing one-quarter of the electorate, voted against him in overwhelming numbers,” The Washington Post reported in 1990. Duke picked up nearly 60 percent of the white vote. Faced with Duke’s popularity among whites of all income levels, the press framed his strong showing largely as the result of the economic suffering of the white working classes. Louisiana had “one of the least-educated electorates in the nation; and a large working class that has suffered through a long recession,” The Post stated.

{Comment - Once again we saw progressive Albinos lying about the true nature and intentions of the Albino Rabble. Why? Perhaps because they don't want to face the truth about their kind. Make no mistake, in racists movements, the MAJORITY of Albinos always participates}.

By accepting the economic theory of Duke’s success, the media were buying into the candidate’s own vision of himself as a savior of the working class. He had appealed to voters in economic terms: He tore into welfare and foreign aid, affirmative action and outsourcing, and attacked political-action committees for subverting the interests of the common man. He even tried to appeal to black voters, buying a 30-minute ad in which he declared, “I’m not your enemy.”

Duke’s candidacy had initially seemed like a joke. He was a former Klan leader who had showed up to public events in a Nazi uniform and lied about having served in the Vietnam War, a cartoonishly vain supervillain whose belief in his own status as a genetic Übermensch was belied by his plastic surgeries. The joke soon soured, as many white Louisiana voters made clear that Duke’s past didn’t bother them. (Ü·ber·mensch - the ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values, originally described by Nietzsche in Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883–85).

Many of Duke’s voters steadfastly denied that the former Klan leader was a racist. The St. Petersburg Times reported in 1990 that Duke supporters “are likely to blame the media for making him look like a racist.” The paper quoted G. D. Miller, a “59-year-old oil-and-gas lease buyer,” who said, “The way I understood the Klan, it’s not anti-this or anti-that.” Duke’s rejoinder to the ads framing him as a racist resonated with his supporters. “Remember,” he told them at rallies, “when they smear me, they are really smearing you.” The economic explanation carried the day: Duke was a freak creature of the bayou who had managed to tap into the frustrations of a struggling sector of the Louisiana electorate with an abnormally high tolerance for racist messaging.

While the rest of the country gawked at Louisiana and the Duke fiasco, Walker Percy, a Louisiana author, gave a prophetic warning to The New York Times. “Don’t make the mistake of thinking David Duke is a unique phenomenon confined to Louisiana rednecks and yahoos. He’s not,” Percy said. “He’s not just appealing to the old Klan constituency, he’s appealing to the white middle class. And don’t think that he or somebody like him won’t appeal to the white middle class of Chicago or Queens.”

A few days after Duke’s strong showing, the Queens-born businessman Donald Trump appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live. “It’s anger. I mean, that’s an anger vote. People are angry about what’s happened. People are angry about the jobs. If you look at Louisiana, they’re really in deep trouble,” Trump told King. Trump later predicted that Duke, if he ran for president, would siphon most of his votes away from the incumbent, George H. W. Bush—in the process revealing his own understanding of the effectiveness of white-nationalist appeals to the GOP base.

Was racism the driving force behind Trump’s candidacy? If so, how could Americans, the vast majority of whom say they oppose racism, back a racist candidate? During the final few weeks of the campaign, I asked dozens of Trump supporters about their candidate’s remarks regarding Muslims and people of color. I wanted to understand how these average Republicans—those who would never read the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer or go to a Klan rally at a Confederate statue—had nevertheless embraced someone who demonized religious and ethnic minorities.

What I found was that Trump embodied his supporters’ most profound beliefs—combining an insistence that discriminatory policies were necessary with vehement denials that his policies would discriminate and absolute outrage that the question would even be asked. It was not just Trump’s supporters who were in denial about what they were voting for, but Americans across the political spectrum, who, as had been the case with those who had backed Duke, searched desperately for any alternative explanation—outsourcing, anti-Washington anger, economic anxiety—to the one staring them in the face. The frequent postelection media expeditions to Trump country to see whether the fever has broken, or whether Trump’s most ardent supporters have changed their minds, are a direct outgrowth of this mistake. These supporters will not change their minds, because this is what they always wanted: a president who embodies the rage they feel toward those they hate and fear, while reassuring them that that rage is nothing to be ashamed of.

“I believe that everybody has a right to be in the United States no matter what your color, no matter what your race, your religion, what sex you prefer to be with, so I’m not against that at all, but I think that some of us just say racial statements without even thinking about it,” a customer-care worker named Pam—who, like several people I spoke with, declined to give her last name—told me at a rally in Pennsylvania. However, she also defended Trump’s remarks on race and religion explicitly when I asked about them. “I think the other party likes to blow it out of proportion and kind of twist his words, but what he says is what he means, and it’s what a lot of us are thinking.” Most Trump supporters I spoke with were not people who thought of themselves as racist. Rather, they saw themselves as antiracist, as people who held no hostility toward religious and ethnic minorities whatsoever—a sentiment they projected onto their candidate.

The specific dissonance of Trumpism—advocacy for discriminatory, even cruel, policies combined with vehement denials that such policies are racially motivated—provides the emotional core of its appeal. It is the most recent manifestation of a contradiction as old as the United States, a society founded by slaveholders on the principle that all men are created equal.

Trump has reneged or faltered on many of his biggest campaign promises—on renegotiating NAFTA, punishing China, and replacing the Affordable Care Act with something that preserves all its popular provisions but with none of its drawbacks. But his commitment to endorsing state violence to remake the country into something resembling an idealized past has not wavered. He made a farce of his populist campaign by putting bankers in charge of the economy and industry insiders at the head of the federal agencies established to regulate their businesses. But other campaign promises have been more faithfully enacted: his ban on travelers from Muslim-majority countries; the unleashing of immigration-enforcement agencies against anyone in the country illegally regardless of whether he poses a danger; an attempt to cut legal immigration in half; and

an abdication of the Justice Department’s constitutional responsibility to protect black Americans from corrupt or abusive police, discriminatory financial practices, and voter suppression. In his own stumbling manner, Trump has pursued the race-based agenda promoted during his campaign. As the president continues to pursue a program that places the social and political hegemony of white Christians at its core, his supporters have shown few signs of abandoning him.

One hundred thirty-nine years since Reconstruction, and half a century since the tail end of the civil-rights movement, a majority of white voters backed a candidate who explicitly pledged to use the power of the state against people of color and religious minorities, and stood by him as that pledge has been among the few to survive the first year of his presidency. Their support was enough to win the White House, and has solidified a return to a politics of white identity that has been one of the most destructive forces in American history. This all occurred before the eyes of a disbelieving press and political class, who plunged into fierce denial about how and why this had happened. That is the story of the 2016 election.

One of the first mentions of Trump in The New York Times was in 1973, as a result of a federal discrimination lawsuit against his buildings over his company’s refusal to rent to black tenants. In 1989, he took out a full-page newspaper ad suggesting that the Central Park Five, black and Latino youths accused of the assault and rape of a white jogger, should be put to death. They were later exonerated. His rise to prominence in Republican politics was first fueled by his embrace of the conspiracy theory that the first black president of the United States was not an American citizen. “I have people that have been studying [Obama's birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they're finding,” he said in 2011. “If he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility ... then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics.”

The plain meaning of Trumpism exists in tandem with denials of its implications; supporters and opponents alike understand that the president’s policies and rhetoric target religious and ethnic minorities, and behave accordingly. But both supporters and opponents usually stop short of calling these policies racist. It is as if there were a pothole in the middle of the street that every driver studiously avoided, but that most insisted did not exist even as they swerved around it.

One measure of the allure of Trump’s white identity politics is the extent to which it has overridden other concerns as his administration has faltered. The president’s supporters have stood by him even as he has evinced every quality they described as a deal breaker under Obama. Conservatives attacked Obama’s lack of faith; Trump is a thrice-married libertine who has never asked God for forgiveness. They accused Obama of being under malign foreign influence; Trump eagerly accepted the aid of a foreign adversary during the election. They accused Obama of genuflecting before Russian President Vladimir Putin; Trump has refused to even criticize Putin publicly. They attacked Obama for his ties to Tony Rezko, the crooked real-estate agent; Trump’s ties to organized crime are too numerous to name.

Conservatives said Obama was lazy; Trump “gets bored and likes to watch TV.” They said Obama’s golfing was excessive; as of August Trump had spent nearly a fifth of his presidency golfing. They attributed Obama’s intellectual prowess to his teleprompter; Trump seems unable to describe the basics of any of his own policies. They said Obama was a self-obsessed egomaniac; Trump is unable to broach topics of public concern without boasting. Conservatives said Obama quietly used the power of the state to attack his enemies; Trump has publicly attempted to use the power of the state to attack his enemies. Republicans said Obama was racially divisive; Trump has called Nazis “very fine people.” Conservatives portrayed Obama as a vapid celebrity; Trump is a vapid celebrity.

There is virtually no personality defect that conservatives accused Obama of possessing that Trump himself does not actually possess. This, not some uncanny oracular talent, is the reason Trump’s years-old tweets channeling conservative anger at Obama apply so perfectly to his own present conduct.

Trump’s great political insight was that Obama’s time in office inflicted a profound psychological wound upon many white Americans, one that he could remedy by adopting the false narrative that placed the first black president outside the bounds of American citizenship. He intuited that Obama’s presence in the White House decreased the value of what W. E. B. Du Bois described as the “psychological wage” of whiteness across all classes of white Americans, and that the path to their hearts lay in invoking a bygone past when this affront had not taken place, and could not take place.

That the legacy of the first black president could be erased by a birther, that the woman who could have been the first female president was foiled by a man who confessed to sexual assault on tape—these were not drawbacks to Trump’s candidacy, but central to understanding how he would wield power, and on whose behalf. Americans act with the understanding that Trump’s nationalism promises to restore traditional boundaries of race, gender, and sexuality. The nature of that same nationalism is to deny its essence, the better to salve the conscience and spare the soul.

Among the most popular explanations for Trump’s victory and the Trump phenomenon writ large is the Calamity Thesis: the belief that Trump’s election was the direct result of some great, unacknowledged social catastrophe—the opioid crisis, free trade, a decline in white Americans’ life expectancy—heretofore ignored by cloistered elites in their coastal bubbles. The irony is that the Calamity Thesis is by far the preferred white-elite explanation for Trumpism, and is frequently invoked in arguments among elites as a way of accusing other elites of being out of touch.

Perhaps the most prominent data point for the Calamity Thesis is a pair of recent Brookings Institution studies by the professors Anne Case and Angus Deaton, which showed that life expectancy has fallen among less-educated white Americans due to what they call “deaths of despair” from drugs, alcohol, and suicide. While the studies themselves make no mention of Trump or the election, the effects they describe are frequently invoked as explanations for the president’s appeal: White people without college degrees are living in deprivation, and in their despair, they turned to a racist demagogue who promised to solve their problems. This explanation appeals to whites across the political spectrum. On the right, it serves as an indictment of elitist liberals who used their power to assist religious and ethnic minorities rather than all Americans; on the left, it offers a glimmer of hope that such voters can be won over by a more left-wing or redistributionist economic policy. It also has the distinct advantage of conferring innocence upon what is often referred to as the “white working class.” After all, it wasn’t white working-class voters’ fault. They were suffering; they had to do something.

Clinton defeated Trump handily among Americans making less than $50,000 a year. Among voters making more than that, the two candidates ran roughly even. The electorate, however, skews wealthier than the general population. Voters making less than $50,000, whom Clinton won by a proportion of 53 to 41, accounted for only 36 percent of the votes cast, while those making more than $50,000—whom Trump won by a single point—made up 64 percent. The most economically vulnerable Americans voted for Clinton overwhelmingly; the usual presumption is exactly the opposite.

{Exposing the Albino lie that out-of-work or underemployed Obama voters voted for Trump. As a point of fact, who but an idiot, an in-denial Albino, or a Rabble liar, would claim that Obama voters would EVER vote for a racist degenerate like Trump}.

If you look at white voters alone, a different picture emerges. Trump defeated Clinton among white voters in every income category, winning by a margin of 57 to 34 among whites making less than $30,000; 56 to 37 among those making less than $50,000; 61 to 33 for those making $50,000 to $100,000; 56 to 39 among those making $100,000 to $200,000; 50 to 45 among those making $200,000 to $250,000; and 48 to 43 among those making more than $250,000. In other words, Trump won white voters at every level of class and income. He won workers, he won managers, he won owners, he won robber barons. This is not a working-class coalition; it is a nationalist one.

One early use of economic anxiety as an explanation for the Trump phenomenon came from NBC News’s Chuck Todd, in July 2015. “Trump and Sanders supporters are disenchanted with what they see as a broken system, fed up with political correctness and Washington dysfunction,” Todd said. “Economic anxiety is fueling both campaigns, but that’s where the similarities end.”

In Black Reconstruction in America, W. E. B. Du Bois examined not only the acquiescence of Northern capital to Southern racial hegemony after the Civil War, but also white labor’s decision that preserving a privileged spot in the racial hierarchy was more attractive than standing in solidarity with black workers.

“North and South agreed that laborers must produce profit; the poor white and the Negro wanted to get the profit arising from the laborers’ toil and not to divide it with the employers and landowners,” Du Bois wrote. “When Northern and Southern employers agreed that profit was most important and the method of getting it second, the path to understanding was clear. When white laborers were convinced that the degradation of Negro labor was more fundamental than the uplift of white labor, the end was in sight.” In exchange, white laborers, “while they received a low wage, were compensated in part by a sort of public and psychological wage.” For centuries, capital’s most potent wedge against labor in America has been the belief that it is better to be poor than to be equal to niggers.

Overall, poor and working-class Americans did not support Trump; it was white Americans on all levels of the income spectrum who secured his victory. Clinton was only competitive with Trump among white people making more than $100,000, but the fact that their shares of the vote was nearly identical drives the point home: Economic suffering alone does not explain the rise of Trump. Nor does the Calamity Thesis explain why comparably situated black Americans, who are considerably more vulnerable than their white counterparts, remained so immune to Trump’s appeal. The answer cannot be that black Americans were suffering less than the white working class or the poor, but that Trump’s solutions did not appeal to people of color because they were premised on a national vision that excluded them as full citizens.


When you look at Trump’s strength among white Americans of all income categories, but his weakness among Americans struggling with poverty, the story of Trump looks less like a story of working-class revolt than a story of white backlash. And the stories of struggling white Trump supporters look less like the whole truth than a convenient narrative—one that obscures the racist nature of that backlash, instead casting it as a rebellion against an unfeeling establishment that somehow includes working-class and poor people who happen not to be white. The nature of racism in America means that when the rich exploit everyone else, there is always an easier and more vulnerable target to punish. The Irish immigrants who in 1863 ignited a pogrom against black Americans in New York City to protest the draft resented a policy that offered the rich the chance to buy their way out; their response was nevertheless to purge black people from the city for a generation.

The nature of the partisan opposition to Obama altered white Republicans’ perceptions of themselves and their country, of their social position, and of the religious and ethnic minorities whose growing political power led to Obama’s election. Birtherism is rightly remembered as a racist conspiracy theory, born of an inability to accept the legitimacy of the first black president. But it is more than that, and the insistence that it was a fringe belief undersells the fact that it was one of the most important political developments of the past decade. Birtherism is a synthesis of the prejudice toward blacks, immigrants, and Muslims that swelled on the right during the Obama era: Obama was not merely black but also a foreigner, not just black and foreign but also a secret Muslim. Birtherism was not simply racism, but nationalism—a statement of values and a definition of who belongs in America. By embracing the conspiracy theory of Obama’s faith and foreign birth, Trump was also endorsing a definition of being American that excluded the first black president. Birtherism, and then Trumpism, united all three rising strains of prejudice on the right in opposition to the man who had become the sum of their fears. In this sense only, the Calamity Thesis is correct. The great cataclysm in white America that led to Donald Trump was the election of Barack Obama. History has a way of altering villains so that we can no longer see ourselves in them.

As the vice president of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens, in his 1861 “Cornerstone Speech,” articulated that the principle on which the Confederate States had been founded was the “great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.” That principle was echoed by the declarations of secession from almost all of the Southern states.

Sitting in his cell at Fort Warren years later, the rebels defeated and the Confederacy vanquished, Stephens had second thoughts. He insisted in his diary, “The reporter's notes, which were very imperfect, were hastily corrected by me; and were published without further revision and with several glaring errors.” In fact, Stephens wrote, he didn’t like slavery at all.

“My own opinion of slavery, as often expressed, was that if the institution was not the best, or could not be made the best, for both races, looking to the advancement and progress of both, physically and morally, it ought to be abolished,” Stephens wrote. “Great improvements were, however, going on in the condition of blacks in the South … Much greater would have been made, I verily believe, but for outside agitation.”

Stephens had become first in line to the presidency of the Confederacy, an entity founded to defend white people’s right to own black people as chattel. But that didn’t mean he possessed any hostility toward black people, for whom he truly wanted only the best. The real problem was the crooked media, which had taken him out of context. The same was true of the rest of the South, he wrote, which had no love for the institution of slavery. “They were ready to sacrifice property, life, everything, for the Cause, which was then simply the right of self-government,” Stephens insisted. “The slavery question had but little influence with the masses.” Again, the problem, as he saw it, was a media that deliberately lied about the cause of disunion.

{Here we see an example of the Degenerate Albinos "melanin deficient brains" ability to completely ignore fact, and substitute in its stead, a Fantasy}.


Click here for the complete un-excerpted News Story: << Click >>







‘Art of the Deal’ co-author says:

Trump is "half awed" and

"half frightened" by Black people.



HuffPost US

By Lee Moran, Nov. 23rd 2017

Donald Trump’s former ghostwriter Tony Schwartz has dissected the president’s attack on the father of a college basketball player. On Wednesday, the co-author of Trump’s 1987 book The Art of The Deal told CNN’s John Berman that POTUS’ feud with LaVar Ball stemmed from his perception of black people and his standard reaction to being under threat. Trump has traded insults in recent days with Ball, whose son LiAngelo Ball was one of the three UCLA basketball players detained in China earlier this month on shoplifting charges. Trump took credit for the trio’s release, but Ball dismissed his involvement. Berman asked whether Trump’s attack was down to “what LaVar Ball said or, as some are alleging, how he looks.”

“Both,” replied Schwartz. “So first of all, his father (LaVar Ball) is a tall black man and I think Trump is half awed and half frightened by black people and his only way of dealing with them is to attack them.”

“On the other hand, I think he has a zero tolerance for any criticism of any kind, that’s why he goes after anybody who says virtually anything about him that’s negative,” he added. Biographer Michael D’Antonio, who wrote The Truth About Trump, agreed with Schwartz’s analysis. “I think what Tony said was correct, that there are these dual motivations on his part,” he said. “On the one hand it is racial, on the other hand he has very thin skin.”






Final update for 2017


One of the reasons why “Real history World Wide” has been so successful in uncovering truth; is that we recognize ostensibly innocent data put out by the Albinos to be insights into what they are trying to hide. We use that data to create corollaries that can then be extrapolated to find new truth. Such is the case from this Washington Post story about the Nov. 2017 Alabama vote for U.S. Senate.

The Washington Post

Alabama presented the demographic nightmare that’s been looming for the Republican Party
By Philip Bump December 12


Part of the story is this Pie Chart which says that Donald Trump received 87% of the White Vote in the 2016 Presidential election.




According to the Final Vote Update; published Jan. 2017: [Hillary Clinton 2016 = 65,844,954], [Donald Trump in 2016 = just 62,979,879], Remembering that Trump LOST the popular vote but WON the Presidential election through the "Electoral College".


Now let’s look at what the Census bureau says about the 2016 Presidential election.


[Total U.S. Population = 245,502,000] [Total Citizen Population: (This means actual number of U.S. citizens) = 224,059,000].

Total Citizen Population reported registered = 157,596,000 - 70.3%| Reported voted = 61.4%

Whites = 177,865,000 - total Reported registered = 127,463,000 - 71.7%| Reported voted = 62.9%

Blacks = 28,808.000 - total Reported registered = 19,984,000 - 69.4%| Reported voted = 59.4%

Hispanic = 26,662,000 - total Reported registered = 15,267,000 - 57.3%| Reported voted = 47.6%

Note: {Hispanic includes Blacks, Mulattoes, and to a lesser extent Whites}.

While at the same time, Hispanic Blacks and Mulattoes often declare themselves to be White.



Now let’s look at the data from this Politico article from October of 2016

Headline: America hits new landmark: 200 million registered voters



The 2016 campaign may have reached dispiriting new lows, but voter registration in America has soared to new heights as 200 million people are now registered to vote for the first time in U.S. history. The milestone is a sign of the aggressive voter registration efforts ahead of Nov. 8 and a symptom of the fast-growing and demographically shifting electorate that is expected to redound to the benefit of the Democratic Party in the coming years. There is no current national database of voter registration because each state independently runs its own election. But TargetSmart, a Democratic political data firm, told POLITICO that the country passed the 200 million threshold in recent days as North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada and New York reported new voter numbers.

Tom Bonier, CEO of TargetSmart, said national registration now stands at 200,081,377 voters. The figure means more than 50 million new people have registered to vote in the past eight years. Only 146.3 million were registered as recently as 2008, when then-Sen. Barack Obama first won the White House — a remarkable 33 percent surge in the electorate during a single presidency. The last time a Clinton was on the presidential ballot 20 years ago, the electorate was 127.6 million people. The wave of new voters this year has dramatically favored the Democratic Party, according to TargetSmart, which analyzed the expected party preferences of the new registrants in 15 of the first- and second-tier presidential battlegrounds.

Overall, TargetSmart found that 42.6 percent of the new voters registered this year lean Democratic, and only 29 percent lean Republican (28.4 percent lean independent). Worse for the GOP, registration trended more Democratic in every single battleground state, from a small margin in Georgia (4.3 percentage points) to massive leads in diversifying states like Colorado (29.3 points), Nevada (20.4 points) and North Carolina (9.2 points). And since June 1, the trend has been even more stark. In Virginia, TargetSmart’s data show only 11.7 percent of new registrants lean Republican — versus nearly 50 percent expected to lean Democratic. Across all 15 battlegrounds, the Democratic advantage is nearly 22 percentage points since June 1. “As we cross the threshold of 200 million registered voters for the first time, there are signs of an ever diversifying electorate, and one that is more favorable to Democratic candidates,” Bonier said.

In a study earlier this year, the Pew Research Center said that the 2016 electorate would be the “most racially and ethnically diverse ever,” forecasting 31 percent of the vote would come from ethnic minorities, up from 29 percent in 2012. “It remains to be seen how different demographics perform proportionally but we are very encouraged by the early signs that we have seen,” Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told reporters this week. Clinton is pushing aggressively for increased turnout among black, Asian-American and Hispanic voters. The electorate has been growing by leaps in recent years, with Hispanic population growth behind much of the surge. Two decades ago, in 1996, there were not even 200 million people of voting-age population in the United States, let alone registered voters. The Clinton campaign has been preparing for and predicting record-setting turnout this fall even amid widespread frustration about the tenor of the campaign. “We do expect more voters to turnout in this election than any in our history,” Mook told reporters this week. Previously, the biggest turnout in presidential election history came in 2008, when 131.4 million people voted (turnout dipped slightly to 129.2 million in 2012). By percentage, however, the share of eligible Americans who actually complete ballots is not expected to be anywhere near a record. It has been nearly a half-century since 60 percent of voting-age adults voted. That last happened in 1968.


People who voted for Donald Trump = 62,979,879. They say 87% of that number were WHITE. Therefore 54,792,494 were WHITE VOTERS, and 8,187,383 were "OTHER." The 2016 Presidential election was the most polarizing in history. Gone was any talk about coming together, almost ALL Whites voted for Donald Trump IN MASS! Gone was the lie that White Suburban Women were more "Racially Tolerant": because like White men, they voted for Trump in Mass! In fact, except for some Urban Whites, and the White intelligentsia: just about EVERY White voter in the United States voted for Donald Trump: yet they could only muster 62,979,879 votes. Now if we extrapolate that number out, that means that 72,390,665 Whites voted in the 2016 Presidential election.

Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from voting. In 2013, NEW discriminatory voter ID laws arose following the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, which some argue amounted to voter suppression against African-Americans. And when all else fails, the Albinos will use BRUTE FORCE!

In 2001, the white mayor and the all-white Board of Aldermen for the small town of Kilmichael, Mississippi attempted to cancel an election shortly after black citizens became a majority of the registered voters. DOJ objected, finding the cancelation was designed to weaken African Americans’ voting strength. The town refused to reschedule the election until DOJ required it to hold one in 2003, when the town’s first African-American mayor and three African-American aldermen were elected. So from experience, we know that because of voter suppression by Albinos, and voter apathy among poor Blacks, Black voter turnout percentages will be much LOWER than White turnout percentages.

Point being...if 62,979,879 are 87% of the total 72,390,665 White votes cast in the 2016 election. Then what does Hillary Clintons 65,844,954 votes represent? We know that only 9,410,786 of them were WHITE votes. That means that 56,434,168 were Black, Hispanic, and Asian. The Asian population is small and Hispanic participation is even less than Blacks. That means that the great majority of those 56,434,168 voters were Black. And if less than 50% of ELEGIBLE Black voters actually Vote, that means that we are dealing with a probable Black electorate of perhaps 80,000,000 (you will remember that early on: immediately after the election, we calculated a Black electorate of approx. 75 million). And if we use THEIR number of 69% of Blacks are registered to vote (No way it’s that high), that means that we have a Black adult population of 115,942,028 in the United States.

As a reminder The U.S. Census says there are 177,865,000 Whites, 26,662,000 Hispanics, and 28,808.000 Blacks in the United States. Yet by using REAL numbers, we find that there are more than 115,942,028 Black adults in the United States. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the numbers say that even though Whites are a “Plurality” in the United States, they are certainly NOT the Majority of the population in the United States. If these numbers surprise you, then please go to the "Special Subject and in-house videos" page, and select the video titled "Naive - Thinking that Whites would tell you the truth".




More gleaning of Black Population


Here at Realhistoryww we make much of our adherence to the Scientific Method. That fidelity continues with our efforts to glean the true Black population of the United States. The numbers we arrived at by estimating population by Obama Voting numbers seem sound, but because they are not totally based on verifiable numbers, the more support we can offer, the stronger our conclusions.

In this proof, we use the mathematical method of extrapolation: that is to extend the application of (a method or conclusion, especially one based on statistics) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue.

In this case, we use a chart of the incontrovertible fact that Albinos are many times more likely to commit suicide than Blacks, (something to do with lack of melanin?): and the incontrovertible fact that Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) is the area with the largest ratio of Blacks to Albinos, to extrapolate an inverse chart showing states with large, possibly majority Black populations by virtue of their very LOW suicide rates.




Here are the suicide rates in each state and the District of Columbia for 2016

(the most recent available data), ranked by suicide rate per 100,000 individuals:


1. Montana — 26
2. Alaska — 25.4
3. Wyoming — 25.2
4. New Mexico — 22.5
5. Utah — 21.8
6. Nevada — 21.4
7. Idaho — 21.3
8. Oklahoma — 20.9
9. Colorado — 20.5
9. South Dakota — 20.5
11. West Virginia — 19.5
12. North Dakota — 19
13. Missouri — 18.3
14. Arkansas — 18.2
15. Kansas — 17.9
16. Oregon — 17.8
17. Arizona — 17.6
18. New Hampshire — 17.3
18. Vermont — 17.3
20. Kentucky — 16.8
21. Tennessee — 16.3
22. Maine — 15.7
22. South Carolina — 15.7
24. Alabama — 15.6
25. Indiana — 15.4
26. Washington — 14.8
27. Pennsylvania — 14.7
28. Wisconsin — 14.6
29. Iowa — 14.5
30. Louisiana — 14.1
30. Ohio — 14.1
32. Florida — 13.9
33. Georgia — 13.3
33. Michigan — 13.3
35. Minnesota — 13.2
35. Virginia — 13.2
37. Nebraska — 13
37. North Carolina — 13
39. Mississippi — 12.7
40. Texas — 12.6
41. Hawaii — 12
42. Delaware — 11.5
43. Rhode Island — 11.1
44. Illinois — 10.7
45. California — 10.5
46. Connecticut — 10
47. Maryland — 9.3
48. Massachusetts — 8.7
49. New York — 8.1
50. New Jersey — 7.2
51. District of Columbia — 5.1



Clearly it is the Richest states where they mostly Undercount Blacks. The reason is obvious, Blacks exerting power in Alabama is of no importance, because Alabama has nothing of importance. But Blacks exerting power in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, or the like, is a much different story.

The powers in those states know that if Blacks knew their actual strength, they would vote in much greater numbers and proportion, because they could see a purpose in doing so. Ignorance is what is holding them back.





And as an honest Albino blogger said the other day while discussing the murder of the Jews in Pittsburgh: "Trump exists and is funded by Rich old White men who don't want to share power". Obama scared the hell out of them, so they used Trump to play the race card. But if Blacks come out in force, over time, Trump will be nothing more that a cautionary tale.




Book suggests Donald Trump wasn’t serious about becoming president:

AN EXPLOSIVE new book by a Republican insider has revealed

the true story behind Donald Trump’s incredible election win.

Charis Chang January 4, 2018


A NEW book on Donald Trump has revealed the businessman never expected to win the US election and the result was met with tears and disbelief. In his book Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House, Michael Wolff said Trump was described as looking like he had “seen a ghost” as it became clear the television personality had secured victory. “Shortly after 8pm on election night, when the unexpected trend — Trump might actually win — seemed confirmed, Don Jr. told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost,” an excerpt published in New York Magazine reveals.



“Melania (Trump’s wife) was in tears — and not of joy”. Until the very end Wolff suggests that Trump’s team, and even Trump himself, saw losing as winning as they could get all the benefits of almost becoming president without having to change their behavior or views. “His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared would be international celebrities. Steve Bannon would become the de facto head of the Tea Party movement. Kellyanne Conway would be a cable news star. Mr Trump reportedly never expected victory and was considering launching his own TV channel after defeat.

“Melania Trump, who had been assured by her husband that he wouldn’t become president, could return to inconspicuously lunching. Losing would work out for everybody. Losing was winning.” Wolff, a provocative author who has previously written a book on media mogul Rupert Murdoch and contributed to USA Today, Vanity Fair, Hollywood Reporter and New York Magazine, has been challenged before over the accuracy of quotes and the events he describes.

But so far many revelations are attributed to comments from Trump’s campaign chairman Steve Bannon, who has not yet denied their accuracy. It’s also based on more than 200 interviews as well as Wolff enjoying a “semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing”. The writer was reportedly even encouraged by the president himself. In the book, Wolff said Trump reportedly told his aid Sam Nunberg of the modest ambitions he had for his campaign: “I can be the most famous man in the world.” “His longtime friend Roger Ailes, the former head of Fox News, liked to say that if you want a career in television, first run for president,” the book states. “Now Trump, encouraged by Ailes, was floating rumors about a Trump network. It was a great future. He would come out of this campaign, Trump assured Ailes, with a far more powerful brand and untold opportunities. “‘This is bigger than I ever dreamed of,’ (Trump) told Ailes a week before the election. ‘I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won.’”

Trump was so convinced of his eventual loss that he was reluctant to put his own money into the campaign. He only provided $10 million as long as he got it back as soon as money could be raised elsewhere. But once the numbers started coming in on election night, Trump began to contemplate life in the White House. Steve Bannon described a “befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump”. But as the news began to wash over him, Trump changed. “Suddenly, Donald Trump became a man who believed that he deserved to be, and was wholly capable of being, the president of the United States.”

It also marked a transformation in the ambitions of those around him. The book suggests Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared decided to accept jobs at the White House, “over the advice of almost everyone they knew”, in the hope it would “catapult them into a heretofore unimagined big time”. “It was a joint decision by the couple, and, in some sense, a joint job,” the book said. “Between themselves, the two had made an earnest deal: If sometime in the future the opportunity arose, she’d be the one to run for president. The first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be Ivanka Trump.” (Steve Bannon once called President Donald Trump's daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump "dumb as a brick", according to the latest excerpt).




However, Trump’s apparent plan for failure caused complications for the businessman once he was in the Oval Office. “Almost everybody on the Trump team, in fact, came with the kind of messy conflicts bound to bite a president once he was in office. “Michael Flynn, the retired general who served as Trump’s opening act at campaign rallies, had been told by his friends that it had not been a good idea to take $45,000 from the Russians for a speech. “‘Well, it would only be a problem if we won,’ ¬Flynn assured them.” Trump himself refused to release his tax returns or consider potential conflict of interest questions impacting on his own business deals and real estate holdings. “Why should he? Once he lost, Trump would be both insanely famous and a martyr to Crooked Hillary,” the book said. And even though the accidental president gradually came to embrace his success, he struggled to enjoy it. "Trump did not enjoy his own inauguration,” the book states. “He was angry that A-level stars had snubbed the event, disgruntled with the accommodations at Blair House, and visibly fighting with his wife, who seemed on the verge of tears. Throughout the day, he wore what some around him had taken to calling his golf face: angry and pissed off, shoulders hunched, arms swinging, brow furled, lips pursed.”

He was also poorly prepared to adapt to a new life in the White House. “Trump, in fact, found the White House to be vexing and even a little scary. He retreated to his own bedroom — the first time since the Kennedy White House that a presidential couple had maintained separate rooms. “In the first days, he ordered two television screens in addition to the one already there, and a lock on the door, precipitating a brief standoff with the Secret Service, who insisted they have access to the room. “He ¬reprimanded the housekeeping staff for picking up his shirt from the floor: ‘If my shirt is on the floor, it’s because I want it on the floor.’ Then he imposed a set of new rules: Nobody touch anything, especially not his toothbrush. (He had a longtime fear of being poisoned; one reason why he liked to eat at McDonald’s — nobody knew he was coming and the food was safely premade.) Also, he would let housekeeping know when he wanted his sheets done, and he would strip his own bed.”

Clearly, neither Donald Trump, his family, or any sensible person in the whole World, though that Americas Albinos would carry their outrage and anger over a Black President (Barack Obama): so far as to elect an imbecile like Donald Trump, President of the United States, based solely on his Racism. But you might remember that these are the same type people, who started Americas "Bloodiest War" (the Civil War), not for their own benefit, over 85% of them DIDN'T OWN SLAVES, they simply liked the idea of a White southern aristocracy, and the ability to feel that they were superior to Blacks. Normal people don't think those are ideas worth fighting, killing, and dying for. But clearly their Brainpower has not increased. So an incompetent President, a Money Laundering President, a Treasonous Presidential Family, are all things not worth worrying about. These people never cared about the United States as a Whole, or that pretentious thing called the Constitution. No, their concern is their Fear of Blacks, and their never ending battle to "feel" superior to them.






The Telegraph

Donald Trump says Steve Bannon has 'lost his mind'

after former aide attacks president's son for 'treasonous' meeting

By Ben Riley-Smith, 4 January 2018

Mr. Bannon said a meeting Mr. Trump’s son Donald Jr had with Russian figures in Trump Tower was “treasonous” and “unpatriotic”, according to a copy seen by the Guardian. The meeting, which took place before the election, is seen as key to the FBI investigation into Russian meddling in the campaign. He is also quoted as saying Mr. Trump repeatedly tried to meet Vladimir Putin but that the Russian president “couldn’t give a s--- about him”, according to an extract in New York Magazine.

Said Bannon: The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers. Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately. Bannon goes on to say that such a treasonous meeting should have taken place away from Trump Tower with people who could provide deniability to the campaign, after which you'd launder the information through the media. He added, “The chance that Don Jr did not walk these jumos up to his father’s office on the twenty-sixth floor is zero.”



Steve Bannon says Donald Trump Jr. will 'crack like an egg' under Russia investigation pressure. Bannon has criticized Trump’s decision to fire Comey. In Wolff’s book, obtained by the Guardian ahead of publication from a bookseller in New England, he suggests White House hopes for a quick end to the Mueller investigation are gravely misplaced. “You realize where this is going,” he is quoted as saying. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.” Last month it was reported that federal prosecutors had subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank, the German financial institution that has lent hundreds of millions of dollars to the Kushner property empire. Bannon continues: “It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.” Scorning apparent White House insouciance, Bannon reaches for a hurricane metaphor: “They’re sitting on a beach trying to stop a Category Five.”

Top White House officials derided President Donald Trump for his intelligence, according to claims in the upcoming book. Michael Wolff's book, "Fire and Fury," describes colorful comments made by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, former chief of staff Reince Priebus, chief economic advisor Gary Cohn and national security advisor H.R. McMaster. "There was now a fair amount of back-of-the-classroom giggling about who had called Trump what. For Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus, he was an 'idiot.' For Gary Cohn, he was 'dumb as shit.' For H.R. McMaster he was a 'dope.' The list went on," an excerpt reads, according to NBC. The book, set to be released Tuesday, follows reports this summer that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called the president a "moron." Tillerson has not specifically denied making that comment.






Some Trump Supporters Think Mueller’s Grand Jury Has Too Many Black People

The racist attack on the federal grand jury in D.C.

adds to the ways the president’s backers are trying to discredit the Russia probe.

By Ryan J. Reilly - 01/03/2018



WASHINGTON ― Supporters of President Donald Trump have opened a new line of attack on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election: They think special counsel Robert Mueller’s federal grand jury has too many black people on it. A Trump associate who “recently testified” complained to New York Post columnist Richard Johnson that the members of the grand jury in Washington looked like they came from a Black Lives Matter protest. “The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,” the witness told Page Six. “Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley.”

The complainant contended that 11 of the 20 grand jurors in the room during the testimony were African-Americans, which isn’t a surprising figure because it roughly lines up with the percentage of black residents of the District of Columbia. The witness also told Page Six that there “was only one white male in the room, and he was a prosecutor.” If the witness recently testified before the grand jury, which is charged with determining whether there’s probable cause to indict any additional Trump campaign figures, that witness presumably knows a lot about what precisely the grand jury inquiry is focused on at this point. But instead of pursuing that story, Page Six gave a sympathetic airing to the witness’s complaints about the racial makeup of the grand jury ― though the story did include a “racism” tag.

The complaint about who serves on the D.C. grand jury was clearly a bad faith argument from someone who appears sympathetic to Trump and ― based on the fact that they were called to testify ― may have information of interest to Mueller’s team. Natasha Bertrand, a reporter for Business Insider, tweeted that she was pitched the story about the grand jury’s racial makeup about a month ago and “genuinely thought the person was joking.” Yet the Page Six column quickly gained traction in conservative media circles Tuesday night.

Gateway Pundit wrote that the Page Six report indicated the grand jury was completely biased “and full of liberal hacks who most likely hate President Trump” and said it was “way past time for the unconstitutional witch hunt to be shut down.” Setting aside the precise demographics of this particular grand jury, it’s no secret that a selection of D.C. voters isn’t likely to include many Trump fans. The president received just 4.1 percent of the District’s votes in 2016, 90.9 percent of which went to Hillary Clinton. Page Six reported that the grand jury “doesn’t appear to include any supporters of President Donald Trump,” an assertion evidently based upon a Trump associate’s assumptions about the individuals in the room.

But the complaints about the racial makeup of the jury seize upon widespread misunderstanding of the role of a federal grand jury and represent an attack on a fundamental component of the federal criminal justice system that you wouldn’t typically expect to hear from supporters of a president who ran a “law and order” campaign. The witness who testified before the grand jury complained to Page Six that it wasn’t “a room where POTUS gets a fair shake.” It is not, nor is it set up to be. Nobody gets a “fair shake” before a grand jury because its role is to serve as a (relatively weak) check on prosecutors, not to determine whether defendants are guilty of a crime.

More broadly, the attacks on the grand jury fit into a larger pattern of Trump supporters undermining the entire Russia investigation by attacking Justice Department employees, the FBI and, most recently, Mueller ― a Republican former FBI director appointed as special counsel by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, also a Republican. On Tuesday, Trump tweeted his complaints about the “deep state” Justice Department and called for it to jail a former top Clinton aide. The complaints about the racial makeup of the grand jury might give him new ammunition.






Backing up our claims of Stupidity:


Some may recall that early-on, after Trumps victory, some liberal Albinos like Michael Moore attributed Trumps victory to "Working Class White" voters who SWITCHED from Obama to Trump. We laughed at that stunning bit of nonsense and Naiveté. But understood it for what it was, People who consider themselves champions of "Working Class Whites" being so eager to think well of their brethren, that they happily picked-up on revisionist explanations for the election outcome.

The fact is that common sense would tell anyone willing to think about it, that there is no way that an Obama voter of reasonable intelligence would ever vote for Trump. Jobs? Republicans promised more jobs as a rouse, the Obama Job market was already great: Coal miners were too few to make any difference. The proof is that the number of Democratic as well as Republican Election Voters went UP: from the norm, except for 2008, when Obama’s numbers reached new heights never before or after achieved. Imagine - A White person who voted for the countries first BLACK president, then turning around and voting for an obvious RACIST like Donald Trump. The very idea is preposterous!



2004 Election totals: George W. Bush = 62,040,610 - 50.73%| John Kerry = 59,028,444 - 48.27%| Total U.S vote = 122,294,846

Hillary Clinton 2016 = 65,844,954

Donald Trump in 2016 = just 62,979,879| (Trump lost the popular vote, but won the Electoral College vote).

Total U.S vote in 2016 = 136,669,237 (Add Libertarians, Green Party, Independents).

Please note: 14,374,391 more Americans voted in 2016 than in 2004 - BUT Republican (White) numbers STAYED THE SAME!




Here at Real History, we often speak of the abject stupidity of the Albino Rabble.

This Politico Magazine article does a great job of identifying and detailing those stupidities.


HOWEVER: though the following is about "the White Working Class" Trumps victory was a COMPLETE White Effort. Over 80% of the United States White people Voted for Donald Trump! That includes Rich and Poor, Suburbanites and Rural. The only White group which didn't go overwhelmingly for Trump, was Urban Whites, we think - those numbers have yet to be parsed.


Politico Magazine

Does the White Working Class Really Vote Against Its Own Interests?
Trump’s first year in office revived an age-old debate about why some people choose race over class—and how far they will go to protect the system.

By JOSHUA ZEITZ - December 31, 2017

As his first year in the White House draws to a close, Donald J. Trump remains in almost every respect a singular character. He exists well outside the boundaries of what most observers previously judged possible, let alone respectable, in American politics. To catalogue the norms he has violated, the traditions he has traduced or trampled, and the rules—written and unwritten—that he has either cunningly sidestepped or audaciously blown to smithereens would require volumes. Love him or loathe him, Trump operates apart from history.

Yet if Trump defies history, paradoxically, he has also resurfaced questions that historians have long debated, including some that many considered settled for many years. In this sense, Trump hasn’t just defied history; he has changed it—and he has changed the way that we think about it, forcing us to look back on our past with a new lens. This Politico Magazine series, to be published in three installments over the next few weeks, will look at three historical debates that simmered on low heat for years, until the historic presidential election of November 2016 brought them back to a boil. These debates are foundational. They concern race and identity. National character. The dark side of populism. They drive at the core meaning of American citizenship.

The first in this series, perhaps the most fundamental, centers around the white working class. Are working-class white voters shooting themselves in the foot by making common cause with a political movement that is fundamentally inimical (harmful) to their economic self-interest? In exchange for policies like the new tax bill, which several nonpartisan analyses conclude will lower taxes on the wealthy and raise them for the working class, did they really just settle for a wall that will likely never be built, a rebel yell for Confederate monuments most of them will never visit, and the hollow validation of a disappearing world in which white was up and brown and black were down? If they did accept that bargain, why? Or are we missing something? Might working-class whites in fact derive some tangible advantage from their bargain with Trump? Is it really so irrational to care more about, say, illegal immigration than marginal income tax rates?



These are good questions. They’re also not new ones. The historian W.E.B. Du Bois asked them more than 80 years ago in his seminal work on Reconstruction, when he posited that working-class Southern whites were complicit, or at least passive instruments, in their own political and economic disenfranchisement. They forfeited real power and material well-being, he argued, in return for the “psychological” wages associated with being white. Since then, the issue has inspired a vibrant debate among historians. Until last year, most agreed with Du Bois that the answer to the question was not so simple as “yes” or “no”—that whiteness sometimes conferred benefits both imaginary and real. In the age of Trump, we’re once again pressure-testing Du Bois’ framework. As one might expect, it’s complicated. White identity pays dividends you can easily bank, and some that you can’t.



In 1935 Du Bois published his most influential treatise, Black Reconstruction, a reconsideration of the period immediately following the Civil War. One of the historical quandaries that Du Bois addressed was the successful effort of white plantation owners in the 1870s and ’80s to build a political coalition with poor, often landless, white men to overthrow biracial Reconstruction governments throughout the South.“ The theory of laboring class unity rests upon the assumption that laborers, despite internal jealousies, will unite because of their opposition to the exploitation of the capitalists,” wrote Du Bois, who trained at both the University of Berlin and Harvard, and whose grounding in Marxist political economy taught him to view politics through the lens of different but fixed stages in capitalist development. “This would throw white and black labor into one class,” he continued, “and precipitate a united fight for higher wages and better working conditions.”

That, of course, is not what happened. In most Southern states, poor whites and wealthy whites forged a coalition that overthrew biracial Reconstruction governments and passed a raft of laws that greatly benefited plantation and emerging industrial elites at the expense of small landowners, tenant farmers and factory workers. “It failed to work because the theory of race was supplemented by a carefully planned and slowly evolved method,” Du Bois wrote, “which drove such a wedge between white and black workers that there probably are not today in the world two groups of workers with practically identical interests who hate and fear each other so deeply and persistently and who are kept so far apart that neither sees anything of common interest.”

Du Bois famously posited that “the white group of laborers, while they received a low wage, were compensated in part by a sort of public and psychological wage. They were given public deference and titles of courtesy because they were white.” Decades before so many white working-class citizens of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin—to say nothing of Alabama, West Virginia and Mississippi—cast their lot with a party that endeavors to raise their taxes and gut their health care, Du Bois identified the problem: Some wages aren’t denominated in hard currency. They carry a psychological payoff—even a spiritual one.

The most obvious time and place to pressure-test Du Bois’ theory is the Jim Crow South. In the 60-odd years between the collapse of Reconstruction and World War II, the South—still reeling from the Civil War, in which it lost the present-day equivalent of approximately $5.5 trillion in real property and wealth—slipped into a semi-permanent state of economic crisis.

In 1938, President Franklin Roosevelt declared the region “the Nation’s No. 1 economic problem.” It was, as historian Gavin Wright famously observed, a “low-wage region in a high-wage country,” one where two-thirds of the population lived in small towns of fewer than 2,500 people, derived meager incomes from agriculture, mining or manufacturing, and even in the midst of a national depression, stood out for poor health, want of education and lack of opportunities for upward mobility.

The vast majority of farmers, black and white, were tenants or sharecroppers, and repressive poll taxes disenfranchised not just black men and women, but also poor white people. Designed by wealthy plantation owners and industrialists, the poll tax was expressly a class measure, meant to preserve the region’s prevailing low-tax, low-wage, low-service economy. It was more ingenious and insidious than many people today realize. In Mississippi and Virginia, it was cumulative for two years; if a tenant farmer or textile worker couldn’t pay in any given year, not only did he miss an election cycle, he had to pay a full two years’ tax to restore his voting rights. In Georgia, the poll tax was cumulative from the time a voter turned 21 years old—meaning, if one missed 10 years, he or she would have to pay a decade’s worth of back taxes before regaining the right to vote. In Texas, the tax was due on February 1, in the winter off-season, when farmers were habitually strapped for cash. It was, as one Southern liberal observed at the time, “like buying a ticket to a show nine months ahead of time, and before you know who’s playing, or really what the thing is all about.”

Little wonder that in 1936, three of four voting-age adults outside the South participated in the presidential election, but in the South, just one in four cast ballots. The system kept men like Eugene Cox, a conservative Democrat who held the powerful post of House Rules Committee chairman, in power. In 1938, Cox won reelection with 5,137 votes, though his district in southwest Georgia had a total population of 263,606 residents. Yet when working-class Southern whites could participate in the political process, they often jettisoned their natural class interests in favor of racial solidarity. Historians have focused special attention on the rise and fall of the Readjuster movement, a biracial coalition that controlled the Legislature, governor’s office and most federal posts in Virginia from 1879 to 1883. Forged in opposition to a conservative Democratic establishment that had shuttered schools, imposed regressive taxes and favored creditors over debtors, the alliance passed a raft of measures that presaged much of the Populist movement’s agenda in coming years. For a time, it held. But in 1883, Democrats campaigned with intense focus on the issue of inter-marriage and miscegenation—a rare phenomenon that nevertheless struck a raw nerve with white workers and farmers. They warned that Readjuster rule would result in “mixed schools now and mixed marriages for the future.” It worked. Conservative “Bourbon” Democrats regained control of state government and reintroduced regressive, one-party rule that benefited a small minority of Virginians.

To reduce Jim Crow politics to a single trajectory is to oversimplify a complicated story. But the problem of white working-class Southerners bedeviled generations of liberal activists and historians. When the labor federation Congress of Industrial Organizations launched Operation Dixie, a massive effort to unionize Southern workers in the mid-1940s, organizers ran into the same wall: Conservative politicians and their wealthy patrons successfully used race as a cudgel to turn white workers away from collective bargaining agreements that would have raised their wages. Even those Southern populists who ostensibly opposed Bourbon rule—from Georgia’s Tom Watson in the early 20th century to Mississippi’s Theodore Bilbo in the 1930s—more often flipped the playbook and used race as a blunt instrument against their elite opponents.

Southern liberals in the 1930s and ’40s applied a sharp class focus and concluded that wealthy Democrats wanted, in historian Gavin Wright’s words, to keep labor “cheap and divided.” The white liberal writer Lillian E. Smith famously captured this thinking in her short story “Two Men and a Bargain,” which began: “Once upon a time, down South, a rich white man made a bargain with a poor white ... ‘You boss the nigger, and I’ll boss the money.’”

Critically, Du Bois never insisted that the psychological wages of whiteness were wholly devoid of tangible value. What they forfeited in material benefits, working-class whites also recouped in limited power and privilege. “They were admitted freely with all classes of white people to public functions, public parks, and the best schools,” he wrote. “The police were drawn from their ranks. … The newspapers specialized on news that flattered the poor whites and utterly ignored the Negro except in crime and ridicule. On the other hand, the Negro was subject to insult; was afraid of mobs; was liable to the jibes of children and the unreasoning fears of white women; and was compelled almost continuously to submit to various badges of inferiority.” You couldn’t necessarily buy groceries with these benefits, but they were palpably meaningful.

David Roediger, a historian of class and race who writes with a Marxian lens, emphasized exactly this point in his classic volume, The Wages of Whiteness, published in 1991 (the title was a direct tribute to Du Bois). He encouraged a generation of scholars to consider that working-class whites may not have been unwitting dupes in their own economic subjugation; instead, they knowingly harvested certain real advantages of whiteness. While this pattern was most visible in the South, it also deeply influenced political culture in the North and West, where whiteness was no less central to popular conceptions of American citizenship. And Roediger’s focus was on Northern workers in antebellum cities—workers undergoing the jarring transition from pre-industrial forms of work and leisure to a more regimented existence as wage laborers.

The workers whom Roediger describes, and whom dozens more scholars would similarly study, understood that American citizenship was predicated on race and independence; Congress, after all, had opened citizenship to all “free white persons” in 1790. That law remained on the books into the 20th century. But what did it mean to be “white?” Congress never made that point clear. Indeed, there was no immediate consensus that certain new immigrants met the qualification. And what did it mean to be “free?” Their new status as wage earners—economically dependent on other men to earn a living—seemingly made many working men and women something less than free. Many non-black workers keenly understood that they might be left outside the boundaries of citizenship. They also resented new forms of industrial discipline that their employers foisted onto them. Many addressed these anxieties by drawing a sharp dichotomy between white and black—citizen and slave—and placing themselves on one side of that divide.

They became avid purveyors of blackface minstrelsy—a popular form of entertainment in which working-class whites reveled in watching other working-class whites apply burnt cork to their faces and act out what the historian George Rawick (writing more generally about early American racism) described as a “pornography of [their] former [lives].” The black characters they portrayed on stage were shiftless, sexually promiscuous and rowdy; they reveled in pre-industrial activities like hunting. They were coarse. In short, they deflected on black people, both slave and free, the very same social demerits that wealthier whites—who were trying to impose new discipline on the urban working class—ascribed to them.
Playbills commonly “paired pictures of the performers in blackface and without makeup—rough and respectable,” Roediger observed. The former were labeled, “Plantation Darkeys.” The latter, “Citizens.” By culturally differentiating themselves from black people, actors and audience members alike established themselves as “free white persons.”

While it’s easy to imagine that working-class whites embraced the new racial dichotomy in order to enjoy leverage in the new urban job market, in many cases, black and white workers weren’t even in competition with each other. Many of the most popular blackface actors were former artisans and mechanics—coach makers, typesetters and wood craftsmen who were now increasingly likely to fall into “wage slavery.” They were unlikely to vie for employment with free black men, who were normally consigned to unskilled jobs as dockworkers, day laborers and (until Irish women displaced them) domestic servants.


The (White) Irish

One group that did sometimes compete for unskilled jobs with African-Americans were Irish immigrants. Regarded as racially suspect—depicted in political cartoons as dark and ape-like, and patently unqualified for citizenship—Irish immigrants became some of the most avid and violent practitioners of white identity politics. Even when they weren’t in direct competition with black men for jobs—as when a group of Irish hand-loom weavers was displaced by white Protestant weavers in Philadelphia in 1844—they donned blackface and mobbed their black neighbors. The point wasn’t to get their jobs back.

Indeed, more was at stake than cash wages. To achieve standing as free white persons—and to enjoy the many benefits of citizenship that accrued from that definition—working-class men in the antebellum era consciously asserted their white identity and set it apart from blackness through language, performance, politics and violence. To imagine that they didn’t understand the full impact of their decisions is to deny them any modicum of intelligence or agency.

If working-class whites historically derived both psychological and citizenship wages by privileging race over class, is it possible that they sometimes enjoyed real wages as well? Beginning 25 years ago, a rising generation of political historians including Thomas Sugrue, Kevin Kruse, Matthew Lassiter, Robert Self and Craig Steven Wilder concluded that they did. Giving special focus to labor and housing markets, they found that many working-class white families benefited directly from government policies that placed African-Americans at a disadvantage.

Take housing. Beginning in the 1930s, most mortgages were underwritten by the Federal Housing Administration, a federal agency that insured banks against losses from homeowners who defaulted on their loans. The FHA insured these mortgages in return for securing the banks’ pledge to provide home loans at low interest rates and to spread interest payments over at least 15 and as many as 30 years to pay back their loans. At minimal expense to the federal government and with only the pledge of default insurance, the FHA freed up unprecedented levels of capital and helped create a postwar social order in which 60 percent of American households owned and accumulated wealth in their own homes. In deciding whether or not to insure mortgages, the FHA rated every census tract in the country. Assuming that houses lost value in neighborhoods that were racially mixed or primarily populated by African-Americans and Latinos, the FHA assigned such areas lower scores or “redlined” them altogether, refusing to insure mortgages in these neighborhoods or insuring them on unfavorable terms. This meant that most black Americans could not secure mortgages, as their mere presence in a neighborhood would choke off affordable credit. In a perverse twist, black residents in many Northern cities had little recourse but to rent cramped, subdivided apartments in buildings whose white landlords often neglected repairs and upkeep, but the physical decay of their homes fed the white Americans’ suspicions that black residents chose to live in squalor.

It was not just a matter of housing. A powerful combination of private-sector discrimination and nepotism within trade unions had long excluded black workers from well-paid, blue-collar industries. As George Meany, the president of the AFL-CIO crassly admitted, “When I was a plumber, it never [occurred] to me to have niggers in the union!” Even in liberal bastions like New York City, African-Americans in the 1950s and 1960s composed less than 5 percent of all dock workers, skilled machinists, electricians or unionized carpenters—the types of jobs that afforded non-college educated white men access to middle-class comfort and economic security in the post-war period. The black unemployment rate was double that of the city’s overall unemployment rate. And New York was better than most places. In Chicago, 17 percent of black adults in the early 1960s were unemployed. In Cleveland, 20 percent. In Detroit, 39 percent.

By the time federal and state officials got serious about enforcing fair employment laws in the 1970s, America’s manufacturing and extractive industries had already fallen into steady decline. In effect, two postwar forces most responsible for lifting millions of working-class families into middle-class comfort and privilege—the suburban housing boom and unionized blue-collar jobs—became available en masse to black Americans only as the post-war boom drew to a close.

This wasn’t a simple case of discrimination or inequality. Working-class white families affirmatively enjoyed what the historian George Lipsitz termed a “possessive investment in whiteness.” They availed themselves of the G.I. Bill’s housing and education benefits, paid for in part by black people’s taxes, at a time when black veterans faced sharp limitations on where (or whether) they could draw the same benefits. They accumulated equity in their suburban homes and used it to send their children to college or to save for their retirement. They enjoyed access to public services—from public schools and public trash collection, to clean water and sewage—that were deficient in majority-minority neighborhoods. These advantages conferred second-order benefits, including better health and a higher average life expectancy.

In other words, whiteness did pay real wages. It delivered an intergenerational advantage to those who were in a position to claim it. And white working-class Americans seemed on some level to understand it. When, in 1966, Lyndon Johnson attempted to ram through Congress a law banning racial discrimination in the sale and rental of housing, white working-class voters revolted both in the streets and at the polls. (Ronald Reagan, a washed up former actor, unseated the otherwise popular incumbent governor of California, Pat Brown, largely by touting his opposition to the state’s open housing law.) That summer, when Martin Luther King Jr. led protests throughout the “bungalow belt” in Chicago’s working-class white neighborhoods and the nearby blue-collar suburb of Cicero, Polish, Italian and Irish residents who had once been staunch Democratic voters now erupted in fury. They pelted protesters with rocks and beat them with clubs amid cries of “White Power!”; “Burn them like Jews”; “We want Martin Luther Coon!”; “Roses are red, violets are black, King would look good with a knife in his back.”

Just a few years later, when the federal government began requiring that government contractors and industrial unions that did business with them begin making affirmative efforts to integrate their work forces, white voters gravitated to backlash politicians who promised to preserve their privilege in the job sector. Even as late as 1990, conservative Republican Senator Jesse Helms was able to make openly racist appeals on such grounds and pay no price. On the contrary, it was a winning formula.



In 1973 The Justice Department, sued Trump Management for discriminating against blacks. Both Fred Trump, the company’s chairman, and Donald Trump, its president, were named as defendants.

Trump’s response to the lawsuit can be seen as presaging his handling of subsequent challenges, in business and in politics. Rather than quietly trying to settle — as another New York developer had done a couple of years earlier — he turned the lawsuit into a protracted battle, complete with angry denials, character assassination, charges that the government was trying to force him to rent to “welfare recipients” and a $100 million countersuit accusing the Justice Department of defamation.

Internal Justice Department records, court documents and interviews with tenants, civil rights activists and prosecutors — uncovered a long history of racial bias at his family’s properties, in New York and beyond. That history has taken on fresh relevance with Mr. Trump arguing that black voters should support him over Hillary Clinton, whom he has called a bigot. When it was over, Mr. Trump declared victory, emphasizing that the consent decree he ultimately signed did not include an admission of guilt.


Consent Decree

A settlement of a lawsuit or criminal case in which a person or company agrees to take specific actions without admitting fault or guilt for the situation that led to the lawsuit.

A consent decree is a settlement that is contained in a court order. The court orders injunctive relief against the defendant and agrees to maintain jurisdiction over the case to ensure that the settlement is followed. (Injunctive relief is a remedy imposed by a court in which a party is instructed to do or not do something. Failure to obey the order may lead the court to find the party in Contempt and to impose other penalties.) Plaintiffs in lawsuits generally prefer consent decrees because they have the power of the court behind the agreements; defendants who wish to avoid publicity also tend to prefer such agreements because they limit the exposure of damaging details. Critics of consent decrees argue that federal district courts assert too much power over the defendant. They also contend that federal courts have imposed conditions on state and local governments in Civil Rights Cases that usurp the power of the states.


The same dynamic that Du Bois grappled with is on display today. In breaking for Donald Trump and the GOP, working-class white voters are manifestly undercutting their economic self-interest. To be sure, Trump didn’t campaign like an archetypal GOP plutocrat. He railed against free trade and immigration, policies that many white working-class citizens believe, with some justification, have hurt their communities. He promised to bring back manufacturing and coal mining jobs, eliminate generous tax loopholes for wealthy families like his own, and—like Andrew Jackson, after whom he has patterned his presidency—privilege the many over the few.

But Democrats and Never Trump Republicans shouted at the top of their lungs that Trump’s campaign promises either weren’t possible or that they wouldn’t help working-class voters as much as he pledged. And they appear to have been right. The president recently signed into law a tax bill whose benefits, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center and the Congressional Budget Office, accrue principally to corporations and super-rich individuals; many middle-class and working-class families will ultimately face a tax hike. The administration and its congressional supporters have also taken steps to make health care less affordable or altogether inaccessible, destabilize retirement security for working-class families, and allow industrial polluters to despoil the air they breathe and the water they drink.

Despite what Trump said on the campaign trail, his agenda does little to help and much to hurt struggling white families. Of course, whiteness still delivers other dividends—as it always has. It makes one less likely to be killed by a police officer during a traffic stop. It enables white men to carry assault weapons (including long guns) in places of public accommodation, while a black man might be shot and killed by law enforcement officials merely for picking up a BB gun displayed on a sales rack at Walmart. It affords working-class white families the peace of mind that the government won’t invade homes or hospitals in pursuit of undocumented children or grandparents. Whiteness, in other words, continues to pay tangible benefits, and rightly or wrongly, it makes some sense that its primary beneficiaries are loath to support candidates who expressly promise to disrupt this privileged status.

Yet Trump has also, arguably more than any other candidate for president in the past hundred years (excepting third-party outliers like Strom Thurmond and George Wallace), played to the purely psychological benefits of being white. From his racially laden exhortations about black crime in Chicago and Latino gangs seemingly everywhere, to his attacks on an American-born federal judge of Mexican parentage and on Muslim gold star parents, he has paid the white majority with redemption and revanchism. Trump might be increasing economic inequality, but at least the working-class whites feel like they belong in Trump’s America. He urged them to privilege race over class when they entered their polling stations.

And it didn’t just stop there. As Ta-Nehisi Coates argues, Trump swept almost every white demographic group, forging a “broad white coalition that ran the gamut from Joe the Dishwasher to Joe the Plumber to Joe the Banker.” It’s not just blue-collar white people who seem blithely willing to sacrifice economic rationality for racial solidarity. After all, it arguably took a special kind of stupid for upper-middle class suburbanites in high-tax states to support a party that just raised their taxes.

(No, this wasn't a bait-and-switch. The GOP leadership has talked openly about eliminating deductions for state and local taxes since 2014). AND, cutting Social Security and Medicare, Programs that Working Class Whites desperately need! Doubt that the wages of whiteness will save them then.







How the stupidity of the Albino Rabble,

effects Working Class Workers (of every color) Today!


Quote from the previous article: "To reduce Jim Crow politics to a single trajectory is to oversimplify a complicated story. But the problem of white working-class Southerners bedeviled generations of liberal activists and historians. When the labor federation Congress of Industrial Organizations launched Operation Dixie, a massive effort to unionize Southern workers in the mid-1940s, organizers ran into the same wall: Conservative politicians and their wealthy patrons successfully used race as a cudgel to turn white workers away from collective bargaining agreements that would have raised their wages. Even those Southern populists who ostensibly opposed Bourbon rule—from Georgia’s Tom Watson in the early 20th century to Mississippi’s Theodore Bilbo in the 1930s—more often flipped the playbook and used race as a blunt instrument against their elite opponents."



This is the result of that Stupidity...





The richest 1 percent now owns more of the country’s

wealth than at any time in the past 50 years.

By Christopher Ingraham December 6, 2017


The wealthiest 1 percent of American households own 40 percent of the country's wealth, according to a new paper by economist Edward N. Wolff. That share is higher than it has been at any point since at least 1962, according to Wolff's data, which comes from the federal Survey of Consumer Finances. From 2013, the share of wealth owned by the 1 percent shot up by nearly three percentage points. Wealth owned by the bottom 90 percent, meanwhile, fell over the same period. Today, the top 1 percent of households own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined. That gap, between the ultrawealthy and everyone else, has only become wider in the past several decades.


Let's talk a bit about that wealth gap. Wealth, often described as net worth, describes how much stuff you actually have: It's the value of your assets minus the value of your debts. If you have a $250,000 house but you still owe $200,000 to the bank on it, and you have no other debts or financial assets, that means your net worth is $50,000. In the United States, the distribution of that wealth is even more skewed toward the top than the distribution of income. For the sake of illustration, let's say that America is a country of 100 people, and all of the wealth in the country — the homes and land and financial assets — is represented by 100 slices of pie.


That works out to an average of one slice of pie per person, which is exactly what everyone would get if we lived in a society where wealth was equally distributed. But that's not the society we live in, and indeed that's not the society that most of us want to live in either. People generally agree that if you work harder you're entitled to more of the pie, and that if you don't work at all, well, barring certain circumstances, no pie for you. In 2010, Michael Norton and Dan Ariely surveyed more than 5,500 people to find out how they thought wealth should be distributed in this country: How much of the pie should go to the top 20 percent of Americans, and to the next 20 percent, and so on, all the way down to the bottom of the distribution?



On average, respondents said that in an ideal world the top 20 percent of Americans would get nearly one-third of the pie, the second and middle quintiles would get about 20 percent each, and the bottom two quintiles would get 13 and 11 slices, respectively. In an ideal world, in other words, the most productive quintile of society would amass roughly three times the wealth of the least productive. Now, let's take a look at how the pie is actually distributed. These figures come from Wolff's working paper, and he expands on them further in his new book, "A Century of Wealth in America."



The top 20 percent of households actually own a whopping 90 percent of the stuff in America — 90 slices of pie! That's exactly 4½ slices per person, nearly triple their “ideal” share according to Norton and Ariely's survey respondents. Their average net worth? $3 million. That leaves just 10 percent of the pie for the remaining 80 percent of the populace. The next 20 percent of households (average net worth: $273,600) help themselves to eight slices, while the middle 20 percent ($81,700 net worth, on average) split a measly two slices. Don't go feeling too sorry for that middle quintile, though — at least they get some pie. The fourth quintile of households gets literally nothing: no pie. But they're still doing better than the bottom 20 percent of households, who are actually in a state of pie debt: Their net worth is underwater, meaning they owe more than they have. Combined, the average net worth of the bottom 40 percent of households is -$8,900. These figures, staggering as they are, mask a lot of the variation in the top 20 percent. Let's run those numbers again, breaking out some of the richest households separately.




There's the top 1 percent, gobbling up an astonishing 40 slices of American pie. The next 4 percent split 27 slices between them, while the next 5 percent take another 12 slices (a little over two slices per person). The bottom 10 percent of the top 20 percent get, on average, one slice of pie each. But don't feel too bad for them: Their net worth is, on average, about $740,800. Among rich nations, the United States stands out for the extent of its wealth inequality. The top 1 percent in the U.S. own a much larger share of the country's wealth than the 1 percent elsewhere. The American 1 percent gobble up twice as much pie (40 percent) as the 1 percent in France, the U.K., or Canada, and more than three times as much as the 1 percent in Finland.



This kind of extreme inequality is bad for the economy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which represents a number of the world's richest countries including the United States, estimates that inequality has knocked nearly five percentage points off the economic growth in those countries between 2000 and 2015. In high-inequality countries, people from poor households typically have less access to quality education. This leads to “large amounts of wasted potential and lower social mobility,” which directly harms economic growth, according to the OECD. If you were designing a tax plan to reduce the extreme inequality in the United States, you'd probably try to find ways to redistribute some of the wealth from the richest households to the poorest ones. But the Senate GOP tax plan does precisely the opposite of that, according to the CBO: In the short term the richest households get the biggest tax cuts, while longer term the taxes of the poorest households actually increase. Estate tax? Cut. Income tax rate for millionaires? Cut (at least in the Senate bill). Corporate tax rate? Biggest rate cut ever. In the long term that probably means more of the pie for the super-rich, and less of it for everyone else.







'White Racism' class at Florida University

will be guarded by police officers

By Greg Norman - Jan. 11, 2018 | Kristine Phillips - Jan. 11, 2018: et. al.

A Florida professor teaching a "White Racism" course designed to show "the U.S. has been and remains a white supremacist society” will have his classroom guarded by two police officers as his students meet for the first time Tuesday, the university has revealed. Ted Thornhill, an assistant professor of sociology at Florida Gulf Coast University, said out of an abundance of caution he sent campus police 46 pages of disturbing emails and voicemail messages he received after the class was announced, The News-Press of Fort Myers, Fla. reported.

"We have prepared for any possible distractions related to Tuesday's first class of the White Racism course, but we are expecting normal campus civility as our students engage in this and other courses at the spring semester's start," Susan Evans, FGCU's spokeswoman and chief of staff, told the newspaper. Thornhill said none of the messages threatened violence or a disruption of the class, but some called him racial slurs. A few prospective students told the professor they had safety concerns. "The number of emails I got pales in comparison to the thousands and thousands of comments and post on all manner of social media and traditional media outlet websites that said things that were unspeakable," he told The News-Press. A security plan was put in place after the professor met with FGCU’s president and other school officials. Administrators would not say if police will remain for the rest of the semester and campus police would not comment on the plan, The News-Press reported. "I think most of us don't anticipate there being any unrest or protest or anything like that," Thornhill said. "But it's more of a prudent measure to have law enforcement present just in case."




He called the reaction to the course "upsetting but perhaps not entirely surprising given the nature of these more rabid white racists." Thornhill told Fox News in November that his class is “about the search for truth” and any controversy around the title or description proves its “urgency.” “Too many Americans, especially whites, are cocooned in a ‘bubble of unreality’ as it concerns racial matters,” Thornhill said. Students will read “important scholarship” to “gain a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of race, white racism, racial inequality, and white supremacy,” in addition to challenging “widely and adamantly held, but empirically unsubstantiated myths about racial matters in the U.S.,” Thornhill added. Thornhill was adamant that the course isn’t “anti-white” but rather is “anti-white racism.” “Clearly, not all white people are racists; some are even anti-racist,” Thornhill said, though he added all white people “derive, in some measure, material and psychological benefits by virtue of being racialized as white.” The course was expanded from 35 to 50 students and is currently at capacity.

As was the case all over America as this type classes were created: Controversy over the class ballooned in late November after local media reported that it was being offered for the spring semester. Thornhill said that he had expected some grumblings but hadn’t foreseen such an uproar from many who saw the class as an affront to an entire race — and some who viewed it as a personal attack on them for being white. “It’s not simply the title. As a sociologist, I tell my students all the time, they need to depersonalize. It’s not all about you,” Thornhill said. “I’m not talking about specific white individuals. I’m talking about a group racialized as white. So many people in this hyperindividualized society, they tend to take all this personally. They think they’re being attacked.”

In a lengthy statement that Thornhill had released earlier, he said his course is not “anti-white” but “anti-white racism.” “Clearly, not all white people are racists; some are even anti-racist. However, all people racialized as white derive, in some measure, material and psychological benefits by virtue of being racialized as white,” he wrote. There are also the what-about questions. What about black racism? What about Latino racism? Blacks, Latinos and other people of color, indeed, can harbor racially prejudiced views, Thornhill said. “But sociologists study racism from a structural perspective. It’s about who has the power and the privilege, and it’s about the history of this country,” he said. “This country is founded in a particular way, based on genocide, colonization and enslavement, and you can’t escape that or pretend that time has rendered those historical facts inconsequential. Because it has not.”

For Alex Pilkington, treasurer for the group College Republicans on campus, the problem lies in the title. “I would have preferred a name more like ‘Systematic Racism’ because giving it ‘White Racism’ as the name of the class I feel like it’s intentional that you are trying to make white people look at the class a certain way,” Pilkington, 22, told the News-Press. Asked about his choice for the course name, Thornhill said that it fits the course material and that he meant for it to be provocative. “The nature of higher education and a university education is one of challenging people to think about the beliefs they have and to engage with critical and provocative material in an effort to grow and cultivate your intellect,” he said. Said Oliva-Infante, president of FGCU College Democrats and FGCU for Dreamers. "For the first time, ever, at FGCU, I was in an academic setting where the majority of people were students of color," he said. "It was beautiful to see that many of my classmates had cultural backgrounds similar to mine. One thing we all have in common was that our communities all suffer from white racism."

Thornhill said he has been teaching the same material for years, just under a different course name. He also is not the first to call his course “White Racism.” He points to one that the University of Connecticut began offering two decades ago. Back then, the title had angered many, as well.“The title made it seem like an attack on whites rather than racism,” Thomas Roberts, a professor who opposed the course, told the Hartford Courant in 1996. “There is a difference between a course that is saying all whites are racist, and one that is saying that racism is a problem in the United States.”




Note: In the CNN interview, later edited out, Thornhill made the point that though people of all colors and nationalities may have Prejudice, but White Europeans were the first Humans to establish a "SYSTEM of RACISM," to AID themselves, and to exclude all others. Clearly only a people who felt they needed protection would develop such an outrageous institution! Imagine that, the least people numerically, trying to "Horde" all the worlds Wealth for themselves by use of Armed Force. Of course there has always been conquest, the winner took booty, and allowed the looser to rebuild. Only the Albino sought to eliminate the looser by Genocide.

But why would the Albinos do that? The answer is simple, without their superior weapons, the Albinos would return to their normal position of Subservience, (that is why they started their program of acquiring the most advanced weapons from around the world, 400 years ago). They lack both the physical and numerical wherewithal to compete successfully against other Humans - specifically Blacks and Mongols. So they see killing-off as many non-Whites as they can, as a winning strategy for the future. Seeing what the Albinos have done over the past 400 years, one would be justified in exclaiming "They Can't be Human"!

But they are in fact HUMANS! Though what they do is fundamentally INHUMAN! If one reads the page: "Genocide of the California Indians", in the "Special Subjects" section of this site. And then compare what those Albinos did and said in the late 1800s (barely more that a hundred years ago): to modern Albino Californians: one would say that these modern "Liberal, Easy-living, Live-n-let-live, Californians, can't be related to those Murdering, Greedy, Animalistic, creatures of so RECENT a time. But they ARE! They are the Grandchildren of those Murdering, Greedy, Animalistic, creatures. And it is here that we see the shallow depth of the Albino. While other Humans find it hard to go against their "Basic Humanity": to the Albino, it appears to be based on circumstance, consider the following:



The Demographics of California:

In 2000, California’s 33.9 million residents were 46.6% white non-Hispanic, 32.3% Latino, 11.1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 6.4% black non-Hispanic and about 1% Native American. In 1990, white non-Hispanics made up more than half (57.4%) of the state’s then 29.7 million residents, while 25.4% of Californians were Latino, 9.2% were Asian American or Pacific Islander, 7.1% were black non-Hispanic and about 1% were Native American.



Study: The Distribution of Wealth in California, year 2000. Elias S. Lopez, Ph.D. and Rosa Maria Moller, Ph.D.

The main findings of our study are:

• In California, Whites* are richer than other ethnic groups. While Whites comprise half of the California population, they hold more than 80 percent of the total household wealth in the state. For Asians, the distribution of wealth is more equitable since their share of wealth is comparable to their share in California population. Latinos and African Americans are relatively the poorest ethnic groups.
• Over 38 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of African Americans live in households where the combined wealth of all the household members is under $3,925.



Clearly, Albinos in California have taken EVERYTHING of value with the INHUMAN Murderous acts of their Grandfathers, so there is nothing left to fight about, they can afford to be Humane and liberal. But what about Albinos who are not that well-off, but can no longer Kill or enslave others for their benefit? It is worth noting that when you call an Albino Racist, or call Racism, Racism: Albinos go berserk, they insist that you call it by another name. They don't bother denying their Racism, they can't, but they hate to think of themselves as such "Base" creatures: especially since they have spent their lives falsely accusing others of the same, so they demand that you change the wording to be not so accusatory. In other words, they don't want you to force them to face the truth about themselves. Most chroniclers acquiesce, only because they know how violent Albinos can be. Another cute thing they do is to try and "Turn the Tables": THEY CREATE ALBINO GRIEVANCE!






The Policies of White Resentment



White resentment put Donald Trump in the White House. And there is every indication that it will keep him there, especially as he continues to transform that seething, irrational fear about an increasingly diverse America into policies that feed his supporters’ worst racial anxieties. If there is one consistent thread through Mr. Trump’s political career, it is his overt connection to white resentment and white nationalism. Mr. Trump’s fixation on Barack Obama’s birth certificate gave him the white nationalist street cred that no other Republican candidate could match, and that credibility has sustained him in office — no amount of scandal or evidence of incompetence will undermine his followers’ belief that he, and he alone, could Make America White Again.

The guiding principle in Mr. Trump’s government is to turn the politics of white resentment into the policies of white rage — that calculated mechanism of executive orders, laws and agency directives that undermines and punishes minority achievement and aspiration. No wonder that, even while his White House sinks deeper into chaos, scandal and legislative mismanagement, Mr. Trump’s approval rating among whites (and only whites) has remained unnaturally high. Washington may obsess over Obamacare repeal, Russian sanctions and the debt ceiling, but Mr. Trump’s base sees something different — and, to them, inspiring.

Like on Christmas morning, every day brings his supporters presents: travel bans against Muslims, Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids in Hispanic communities and brutal, family-gutting deportations, a crackdown on sanctuary cities, an Election Integrity Commission stacked with notorious vote suppressors, announcements of a ban on transgender personnel in the military, approval of police brutality against “thugs,” a denial of citizenship to immigrants who serve in the armed forces and a renewed war on drugs that, if it is anything like the last one, will single out African-Americans and Latinos although they are not the primary drug users in this country. Last week, Mr. Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions put the latest package under the tree: a staffing call for a case on reverse discrimination in college admissions, likely the first step in a federal assault on affirmative action and a determination to hunt for colleges and universities that discriminate against white applicants.

That so many of these policies are based on perception and lies rather than reality is nothing new. White resentment has long thrived on the fantasy of being under siege and having to fight back, as the mass lynching’s and destruction of thriving, politically active black communities in Colfax, La. (1873), Wilmington, N.C. (1898), Ocoee, Fla. (1920), and Tulsa, Okla. (1921), attest. White resentment needs the boogeyman of job-taking, maiden-ravaging, tax-evading, criminally inclined others to justify the policies that thwart the upward mobility and success of people of color.

The last half-century hasn’t changed that. The war on drugs, for example, branded African-Americans and Latinos as felons, which stripped them of voting rights and access to housing and education just when the civil rights movement had pushed open the doors to those opportunities in the United States.
Similarly, the intensified war on immigrants comes, not coincidentally, at the moment when Latinos have gained visible political power, asserted their place in American society and achieved greater access to schools and colleges. The ICE raids have terrorized these communities, led to attendance drop-offs in schools and silenced many from even seeking their legal rights when abused.

The so-called Election Integrity Commission falls in the same category. It is a direct response to the election of Mr. Obama as president. Despite the howls from Mr. Trump and the Republicans, there was no widespread voter fraud then or now. Instead, what happened was that millions of new voters, overwhelmingly African-American, Hispanic and Asian, cast the ballots that put a black man in the White House. The punishment for participating in democracy has been a rash of voter ID laws, the purging of names from the voter rolls, redrawn district boundaries and closed and moved polling places.

Affirmative action is no different. It, too, requires a narrative of white legitimate grievance, a sense of being wronged by the presence of blacks, Latinos and Asians in positions that had once been whites only. Lawsuit after lawsuit, most recently Abigail Fisher’s suit against the University of Texas, feed the myth of unqualified minorities taking a valuable resource — a college education — away from deserving whites.

In order to make that plausible, Ms. Fisher and her lawyers had to ignore the large number of whites who were admitted to the university with scores lower than hers. And they had to ignore the sizable number of blacks and Latinos who were denied admission although their SAT scores and grade point averages were higher than hers. They also had to ignore Texas’ unsavory racial history and its impact. The Brown decision came down in 1954, yet the Dallas public school system remained under a federal desegregation order from 1971 to 2003. The university was slow to end its whites-only admissions policy, and its practice of automatically admitting the top 10 percent of each Texas public high school’s graduating class has actually led to an overrepresentation of whites. Meanwhile, African-Americans represent only 4 percent of the University of Texas student body, despite making up about 14 percent of the state’s graduating high school students.

Although you will never hear this from Mr. Sessions, men are the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action in college admissions: Their combination of test scores, grades and achievements is simply no match for that of women, whose academic profiles are much stronger. Yet to provide some semblance of gender balance on campuses, admissions directors have to dig down deep into the applicant pool to cobble together enough males to form an incoming class.

Part of what has been essential in this narrative of affirmative action as theft of white resources — my college acceptance, my job — is the notion of “merit,” where whites have it but others don’t. When California banned affirmative action in college admissions and relied solely on standardized test scores and grades as the definition of “qualified,” black and Latino enrollments plummeted. Whites, however, were not the beneficiaries of this “merit-based” system. Instead, Asian enrollments soared and with that came white resentment at both “the hordes of Asians” at places like the University of California, Los Angeles, and an admissions process that stressed grades over other criteria.

That white resentment simply found a new target for its ire is no coincidence; white identity is often defined by its sense of being ever under attack, with the system stacked against it. That’s why Mr. Trump’s policies are not aimed at ameliorating white resentment, but deepening it. His agenda is not, fundamentally, about creating jobs or protecting programs that benefit everyone, including whites; it’s about creating purported enemies and then attacking them.

In the end, white resentment is so myopic and selfish that it cannot see that when the larger nation is thriving, whites are, too. Instead, it favors policies and politicians that may make America white again, but also hobbled and weakened, a nation that has squandered its greatest assets — its people and its democracy.






The neophyte to this subject might look at the preceding New York Times article, and think:

Eureka, Albinos have finally become Civilized!



Fortune Maginazine

Commentary: racial inequality


Blacks and Latinos Will Be Broke in a Few Decades


Many people see progress on racial equity in the U.S. as a steady march forward, in which people of color become more equal with their white counterparts as the years go by. Those are people who don’t pay attention to household wealth figures.

A new report I co-authored, “The Road to Zero Wealth,” looks at the past 30 years of wealth accumulation across racial lines, as well as what the future will bring if current trends continue. Our findings were bleak.

The divide between the wealth of a typical black family and a typical white family today is vast.

A median black family has just $1,700 in wealth—total assets minus total debt. Thirty years ago, that same family had $6,800 in today’s dollars.

Latino families at the median have similarly small assets, just $2,000, and also saw a decline over the past three decades.

White median household wealth, meanwhile, is significantly higher: $116,800, up from $102,000 over the same period.

So black and Latino families at the middle have seen their wealth slip while white families in the middle saw their wealth rise. What does this look like projected into the future?

By 2053, just 10 years after the country is projected to become majority non-white, black median families will own zero wealth if current trends continue. Twenty years later, Latino median families will follow suit. White median families will continue to own six figures.

Even those black and Latino families who’ve achieved the traditional markers of middle class life—a good-paying job and a college degree—still lag far behind their white counterparts in terms of wealth. Black and Latino families with a member holding a four-year degree own just a fifth of the wealth of equivalent white families. In fact, they own less wealth than a white family whose head has just a high school diploma.




Have you guessed why those August Albino Institutions are so concerned with the current situation of Blacks? No it is not because they have suddenly become Civilized. Rather: it is if this New York Times concern comes TRUE: Quote "In the end, white resentment is so myopic and selfish that it cannot see that when the larger nation is thriving, whites are, too. Instead, it favors policies and politicians that may make America white again, but also hobbled and weakened, a nation that has squandered its greatest assets — its people and its democracy."

Not to put too fine a point on it: but without their own systems of self-preference, most Albinos wouldn't survive, and they know it. It's almost pitiful, how after their take-over in Europe, they spent the next few hundred years erasing Blacks from History, and building a bogus fantasy World where Albinos were the best of humanity, and Mongols and especially Blacks, were barely human: and certainly no match for an Albino! Funny thing is that in their Delusion and Hubris, they actually started to believe their own lies: and allowed Mongols and Blacks to compete with them - big mistake for the Albinos, they are bested on all fair ground. As a result we now stand at a crossroads, the Albino lies are now known, but not generally known. The Albino theft is still in their hands. The problem is, how to expose TRUE history, AND equitably distribute Wealth, without Blowing everything up, and destituting everyone.


If America FAILS and FALLS, guess who will suffer the MOST - by FAR

They who have just about EVERYTHING already - the Albino!







White supremacists don't mind seeing children murdered,

Even their own!



We knew White supremacists didn't care about Democracy, or the Constitution, or even Freedom: visa vie their newfound love of Putin. He being the ruler of a nation which is very large, but 3/4 of its area, and 1/4 (or more) of it's populated is non-white Mongols. So clearly, White supremacy is very important to him and them. But still, we were surprised by THIS!


Rational people knew the U.S. gun crowd was totally nuts when the murder of 20 little boys and girls, aged 6-7 and and 6 teachers in Newtown, Conn. didn't move them. So when on Oct. 1, 2017: Stephen Paddock, 64, used a stockpile of guns including an AR-15 to kill 58 people and injure 489 at a music festival in Las Vegas before he killed himself, we knew the furor wouldn't last long, and it didn't.




But we also know that the gun nuts are mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers themselves, so how do THEY handle it when one of the things they love most - their Guns - takes the life of one of their own: do they still love their guns more that anything? Apparently YES, they refuse to blame their guns for their loss.


The LATEST Massacre:

On the afternoon of February 14, 2018, a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. 17 people were killed and 14 more were taken to hospitals, making it one of the world's deadliest school massacres. The suspected perpetrator, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, was identified by witnesses and arrested shortly afterward. He confessed, according to the Broward County Sheriff's Office (BSO). He was charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.





High school shooting victim's father tears into media for focusing on gun control by Naomi Lim | Feb 25, 2018.

Andrew Pollack, the father of Meadow Pollack who was killed during the Parkland, Fla., high school shooting, ripped into the media for its fixation on gun control rather than discussing policies that specifically address school safety. "It's not going to be fixed because I just heard what you said, what you are focusing on, polarizing this event, the murder of these kids. You're talking about gun control," Pollack told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday." You're just talking about gun control, which is going to just give you more ratings," he continued. "Today it's not about guns, it's about the safety in our schools.




Before he got the news, Mr. Pollack waited for hours outside the emergency room at Broward Health North, desperately trying to locate his daughter. The Palm Beach Post snapped a photo of the frantic father holding up a picture of his daughter on his cell phone.

Post reporter Alexandra Seltzer tweeted the photo of Mr. Pollack Thursday morning and received more than 1,500 replies, many of them outraged at the father’s choice in clothing: He was wearing a “Trump 2020: Making America Great Again!” T-shirt.

Leonard James‏ @James36Leonard
Replying to @alexseltzer
I'm unforgiveable, but it's a little hard to feel sorry who supported this administration and its racist and its NRA supporting policies. I feel sorry for daughter,but not for him. He probably doesn't make the connection behind his Party's policies and what happened to his child.

Jay Z(amora) @Jay_MCMLXXXIX
Replying to @alexseltzer
Trump did this. The NRA did this. Republicans did this.

Oluchi Entertainment @LifestyleOe
Replying to @alexseltzer @jaketapper
Sorry for his loss! He voted for a man who had no gun control plans. Trump even reversed the one Obama had in place. Funny how life works, you don’t think that something bad will ever happen to you until it does.

Jesse Whiteman @Jumptank
Replying to @alexseltzer
Poor dude, lost his daughter and helped enable it to happen at the same time. He must feel heartbroken AND guilt. Boneheaded shirt (and presidential) choice.


The reason for the high ratio of killed to wounded is that Cruz was armed with just a AR-15 style semi-automatic rifle (Smith & Wesson M&P15). A typical AR-15 bullet leaves the barrel traveling almost three times faster than, and imparting more than three times the energy of, a typical 9mm bullet from a handgun. The bullet from an AR-15 passes through the body like a cigarette boat traveling at maximum speed through a tiny canal. The tissue next to the bullet is elastic—moving away from the bullet like waves of water displaced by the boat—and then returns and settles back. This process is called cavitation; it leaves the displaced tissue damaged or killed. The high-velocity bullet causes a swath of tissue damage that extends several inches from its path. It does not have to actually hit an artery to damage it and cause catastrophic bleeding. With an AR-15, the shooter does not have to be particularly accurate. If a victim takes a direct hit to the liver from an AR-15, the damage is far graver than that of a simple handgun shot injury. Handgun injuries to the liver are generally survivable unless the bullet hits the main blood supply to the liver. An AR-15 bullet wound to the middle of the liver would cause so much bleeding that the patient would likely never make it to a trauma center to receive our care. The original AR-15/M-16 bullet caused devastation by tumbling as it entered the body. Since 2010 the bullet was re-designed to break apart in the body, thus causing maximum tissue damage. The exit wound of the tiny AR-15 bullet is about the size of a "Softball".




The Human Killer:

The Colt AR-15 is a lightweight, 5.56×45mm, magazine-fed, gas-operated semi-automatic rifle. It is a semi-automatic version of the United States military M16 rifle. Colt's Manufacturing Company currently uses the AR-15 trademark for its line of semi-automatic AR-15 rifles that are marketed to civilian and law-enforcement customers. In June 2010, the United States Army announced it began shipping its new 5.56mm, lead-free, M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round to active combat zones. This upgrade is designed to maximize performance of the 5.56×45mm round, to extend range, improve accuracy, increase penetration and to consistently fragment in soft-tissue when fired from not only standard length M16s, but also the short-barreled M4 carbines. The AR-15/M-16 only purpose is to kill people, NOT game animals!



The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting that occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated area of Jefferson County, Colorado, United States. In addition to the shootings, the complex and highly planned attack involved a fire bomb to divert firefighters, propane tanks converted to bombs placed in the cafeteria, 99 explosive devices, and car bombs. On the day of the massacre, Harris was equipped with a 12-gauge Savage-Springfield 67H pump-action shotgun (which he discharged a total of 25 times) and a Hi-Point 995 9 mm carbine rifle with thirteen 10-round magazines (which he fired a total of 96 times). Klebold was equipped with a 9×19mm Intratec TEC-9 semi-automatic/machine gun pistol with one 52, one 32, and one 28-round magazine, and a 12-gauge Stevens 311D double-barreled sawed-off shotgun. Klebold primarily fired the TEC-9 handgun for a total of 55 times, while he discharged a total of 12 rounds from his double-barreled shotgun. The perpetrators, senior students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered 12 students and one teacher. They injured 21 additional people, and three more were injured while attempting to escape the school. After exchanging gunfire with responding police officers, the pair subsequently committed suicide.




TWO KILLERS WITH 4 GUNS (including a machine gun pistol), AND TAKING THEIR TIME, COULD ONLY KILL 13.

Cruz, with only 1 AR-15 rifle killed 17!


Here is a list of mass shootings in the U.S. that featured AR-15-style rifles during the last 35 years, courtesy of the Stanford Geospatial Center and Stanford Libraries and USA TODAY research:


Feb. 24, 1984: Tyrone Mitchell, 28, used an AR-15, a Stoeger 12-gauge shotgun and a Winchester 12-gauge shotgun to kill two and wound 12 at 49th Street Elementary School in Los Angeles before killing himself.

Oct. 7, 2007: Tyler Peterson, 20, used an AR-15 to kill six and injure one at an apartment in Crandon, Wis., before killing himself.

June 20, 2012: James Eagan Holmes, 24, used an AR-15-style .223-caliber Smith and Wesson rifle with a 100-round magazine, a 12-gauge Remington shotgun and two .40-caliber Glock semi-automatic pistols to kill 12 and injure 58 at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo.

Dec. 14, 2012: Adam Lanza, 20, used an AR-15-style rifle, a .223-caliber Bushmaster, to kill 27 people — his mother, 20 students and six teachers — in Newtown, Conn., before killing himself.

June 7, 2013: John Zawahri, 23, used an AR-15-style .223-caliber rifle and a .44-caliber Remington revolver to kill five and injure three at a home in Santa Monica, Calif., before he was killed.

March 19, 2015: Justin Fowler, 24, used an AR-15 to kill one and injure two on a street in Little Water, N.M., before he was killed.

May 31, 2015: Jeffrey Scott Pitts, 36, used an AR-15 and .45-caliber handgun to kill two and injure two at a store in Conyers, Ga., before he was killed.

Oct. 31, 2015: Noah Jacob Harpham, 33, used an AR-15, a .357-caliber revolver and a 9mm semi-automatic pistol to kill three on a street in Colorado Springs, Colo., before he was killed.

Dec. 2, 2015: Syed Rizwyan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, 28 and 27, used two AR-15-style, .223-caliber Remington rifles and two 9 mm handguns to kill 14 and injure 21 at his workplace in San Bernardino, Calif., before they were killed.

June 12, 2016: Omar Mateen, 29, used an AR-15 style rifle (a Sig Sauer MCX), and a 9mm Glock semi-automatic pistol to kill 49 people and injure 50 at an Orlando nightclub before he was killed.

Nov. 5, 2017: Devin Kelley, 26, used an AR-15 style Ruger rifle to kill 26 people at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, before he was killed.








Merriam-Webster: Definition of Treason

1 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance.

2 : the betrayal of a trust : treachery

If a presidential candidate or his lieutenants secretly work with a foreign government that is a longtime adversary of the United States to manipulate and then win a presidential election, that is almost a textbook definition of treason. — Matt Ford, New Republic, "A Third Way to Think About Russiagate," 22 Feb. 2018.


In 2012 Mitt Romney told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that Russia was America’s “number one geopolitical foe”

Quote: "Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe,” Romney said. “They fight every cause for the world’s worst actors.


Marketwatch - By Robert Schroeder - Published: Mar 5, 2018

Russia blocked Trump from picking Romney for secretary of state: report

A newly unveiled memo from former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele details Russian assertions that the Kremlin intervened to block President Donald Trump’s choice of Mitt Romney for secretary of state.



The Steele memo, described in a New Yorker magazine article, is based on “a senior Russian official” who said he’d heard talk within the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The memo said the Kremlin, through unspecified channels, had asked Trump to appoint someone who’d be prepared to lift Ukraine-related sanctions and who would cooperate on security issues of interest to Russia. Romney — who in 2012 called Russia the U.S.’s “No. 1 geopolitical foe” — declined to comment for the New Yorker article.



New York Times - DEC. 12, 2016

Texas native Rex Tillerson, Exxon C.E.O., Chosen as Secretary of State


WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump on Tuesday officially selected Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, to be his secretary of state. In saying he will nominate Mr. Tillerson, the president-elect is dismissing bipartisan concerns that the globe-trotting leader of an energy giant has a too-cozy relationship with Vladimir V. Putin, the president of Russia.



A statement from Mr. Trump’s transition office early Tuesday brought to an end his public and chaotic deliberations over the nation’s top diplomat — a process that at times veered from rewarding Rudolph W. Giuliani, one of his most loyal supporters, to musing about whether Mitt Romney, one of his most outspoken critics, might be forgiven. Instead, Mr. Trump has decided to risk what looks to be a bruising confirmation fight in the Senate. In the past several days, Republican and Democratic lawmakers had warned that Mr. Tillerson would face intense scrutiny over his two-decade relationship with Russia, which awarded him its Order of Friendship in 2013, and with Mr. Putin.

The hearings will also put a focus on Exxon Mobil’s business dealings with Moscow. The company has billions of dollars in oil contracts that can go forward only if the United States lifts sanctions against Russia, and Mr. Tillerson’s stake in Russia’s energy industry could create a very blurry line between his interests as an oilman and his role as America’s leading diplomat. Mr. Tillerson has been publicly skeptical about the sanctions, which have halted some of Exxon Mobil’s biggest projects in Russia, including an agreement with the state oil company to explore and pump in Siberia that could be worth tens of billions of dollars.



Washington Post - By Anne Gearan February 1, 2017

Senate confirms Rex Tillerson as secretary of state in 56-to-43 vote. Rex Tillerson won confirmation Wednesday to become secretary of state, placing a longtime oil company executive at the helm of what President Trump has promised will be an “America first” foreign policy. The final vote was 56 to 43, with four members of the Democratic caucus in favor of confirmation: Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Angus King (I-Maine), Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) and Mark R. Warner (D-Va.).

Comment: these Democratic Senators are called "Blue Dog Democrats" because they represent for the most part, Albino Rabble who are mostly from the South and/or rural parts of the U.S.



NPR - November 17, 2017

Critics Say Tillerson Is Gutting the State Department in His Re-Design Efforts

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says he's redesigning the State Department to make it more efficient. But his critics say he's gutting it at a time when the U.S. needs diplomats and development experts to promote national security interests. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are sounding the alarm, as NPR's Michele Kelemen reports.

MICHELE KELEMEN, BYLINE: An open letter from the State Department's union sparked the latest wave of concern about Rex Tillerson's management style. It warns that the top leadership ranks are being depleted at a, quote, "dizzying speed." And that has the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ben Cardin, worried.




Congress allocated $60 million to prevent Russian attacks in late-2016, but Secretary Tillerson took seven months to decide if should spend the money. When he did ask for it, the fiscal year was nearly over and his request was denied, reported the Times. Another $60 million is available this year but the State Department and Department of Defense are once again at an impasse on whether to spend the money.

The Times report comes just days after Admiral Mike Rogers, who heads the National Security Agency and the U.S. Cyber Command, told Congress that President Donald Trump had not given him the authority to disrupt Russian election hacking operations where they originate. "They have not paid a price that is sufficient to change their behavior," he said.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told Legislators last month that the United States is under attack and that “there should be no doubt that Russia perceives its past efforts as successful and views the 2018 U.S. midterm elections as a potential target for Russian influence operations.”

“Despite the unanimous consensus of our intelligence agencies that Russia interfered, continues to interfere, and will continue to interfere in our elections, including those coming up this year, the President has still failed to provide the ‘whole of society’ response that we need in order to address this serious national security threat," Senator Mark Warner, ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told Newsweek.




The State Department has spent $0 of its allocated $120 million to fight Russian election meddling

According to a new report by The New York Times, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson left the allocated money untouched while expressing doubts that his department could effectively do anything to stop Russia, the report said.

“If it’s their intention to interfere, they’re going to find ways to do that,” he said during a Fox News interview last month.

{Paraphrase - there is nothing we can do, the Russians will always beat us!}


Comment: No "Normal" American would ever say such a thing: compared to the United States, Russia is merely a "REGIONAL" Player. As example: The United States has a population of 326,766,748 people, and an economy GNP of 17.352 Trillion USD.

Russia has 143,964,709 people and a GNP of about 1.283 trillion USD.

The United States has 2.7 times the population of Russia, and an Economy that is 13.5 times bigger!


So would "any" sensible person, much less a "NORMAL" high U.S. government official, say such a ridiculous thing?

Of course NOT!

But then again - is Tillerson a "NORMAL" high U.S. government official?


As a point of interest: The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson: is 4th. in line of Presidential succession


The Department’s Global Engagement Center, which works to combat Russian propaganda and social media efforts to influence voters through anti-propaganda projects and by boosting pro-democracy voices, has just 23 employees and none of them speak Russian, according to the Times.

The center is also unable to hire the staff it needs due to a hiring freeze put in place by the Trump administration.


The United States President...

as Greedy Fat Slob without Dignity or Scruples.


U.S. News & World Report - Gabrielle Levy - 6 Mar. 2018

Trump Organization Ordered Presidential Seal Tee Markers for Golf Courses

The Trump Organization reportedly placed an order for (Golf) tee markers carrying the presidential seal that were to be displayed on golf courses owned by President Donald Trump, possibly running afoul of federal law. ProPublica and WNYC reported on Monday that Eagle Sign and Design, a metalworking and sign-making company based in New Albany, Indiana, received an order to manufacture "dozens of round, 12-inch replicas of the presidential seal to be placed next to the tee boxes at Trump golf course holes."



"We made the design, and the client confirmed the design," Eagle Sign owner Joseph Bates told ProPublica. Bates declined to confirm the customer who made the request, but a ProPublica source said the order form says it came from "Trump International." Eagle Sign's website includes some of its previous work for Trump properties. A photo posted to Eagle Sign's Facebook page, since removed, was captioned "Trump International Golf Course." A photo provided to ProPublica included 30 of the bronze and aluminum tee markers. Four Trump-branded properties have "international" in their names: his clubs in West Palm Beach, Florida; Aberdeen, Scotland; Doonbeg, Ireland; and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and a fifth is under construction in Indonesia. It's not clear how many of the courses were to feature the markers, ProPublica said.



Ethics experts have interpreted federal law to prohibit the commercial use of the presidential seal, and while past presidents have sometimes had objects like golf balls, M&Ms and fine china made with the seal, those instances were strictly for personal use.

Section 18 of the U.S. code says that "whoever … knowingly manufactures, reproduces, sells, or purchases for resale, either separately or appended to any article manufactured or sold, any likeness" of the presidential seal for non-official government use "shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both."





And still the Albino Rabble loves Him/Them.

Patriotism has no meaning to them, all that matters is racial hate, and the perpetuation of White Supremacy.






Trump - the Law and Order President! (the name)


"fabricate, devise," 1690s, from trump "deceive, cheat" (1510s), from Middle English trumpen (late 14c.), from Old French tromper "to deceive" of uncertain origin. Apparently from se tromper de "to mock," from Old French tromper "to blow a trumpet." Brachet explains this as "to play the horn, alluding to quacks and mountebanks, who attracted the public by blowing a horn, and then cheated them into buying ...." The Hindley Old French dictionary has baillier la trompe "blow the trumpet" as "act the fool" and Donkin connects it rather to trombe "waterspout," on the notion of turning (someone) around. Connection with triumph also has been proposed. Related: Trumped; trumping. Trumped up "false, concocted" first recorded 1728.

Amazing how accurate a "Name" can be!


Special Counsels investigation of President Donald and the Trump administration: As of February 22, 2018, the Special Counsel has publicly initiated criminal proceedings against 19 people—five U.S. nationals, 13 Russian nationals, and one Dutch national—and three Russian organizations. The Special Counsel has used two different federal grand juries to issue indictments: one located in the District of Columbia (D.D.C.) and another located in the Eastern District of Virginia (E.D. Va.).










America’s Angry White Men or “Aaggrieved Entitlement run Amuck”

Huffpost - The Blog 11/01/2013 Updated Jan 23, 2014
America’s Angry White Men - By Michael Kimmel

Remember Howard Beale? Played by Peter Finch in the movie Network (1976), the deranged former TV news anchor Beale tries to generate a social movement by admonishing viewers with a simple sentiment: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

And, like Beale, a lot of the current crop of the outraged are a lot of white men. Not all of them, of course. There are plenty of angry white women. Just look at those Tea Party rallies! But as a political movement, as the rank and file of America’s fulminators — whether the Tea Party or organizations on the extreme right wing, or the guys, always guys, who open fire on their classmates at school or their co-workers and colleagues at work, or the men, almost always men, who beat and murder those they claim to love, or the young men, always young men, who walk into movie theaters of places of worship with guns blazing — well it’s pretty hard to deny that they’re virtually all white men. (And let us be clear: just because virtually all these cases are middle- and lower-middle class white men, does not for a nanosecond mean that all white men are crazed killers or white supremacists. All members of the Mafia may be Italian, but not all Italians are members of the Mafia.)

It seems so obvious, and yet so startling to see middle-class white American men, arguably the most privileged human beings on the planet (excluding, of course, hereditary aristocracies and the upper classes) fuming with such self-righteous outrage. (The comedian Louis CK gets this sense of privilege: “I’m a white man,” he says, “How many advantages can one persona have?”

So, to research my book, Angry White Men, I traveled the country and interviewed scores of these guys — from “men’s rights” activists who think white men are the victims of the new discrimination, to the “white wing” on the rightward fringes of the American political spectrum, who believe they are watching “our” country being snatched away from them.
What unites them, I came to understand, was a sentiment I called “aggrieved entitlement.” Raised to believe that this was “their” country, simply by being born white and male, they were entitled to a good job by which they could support a family as sole breadwinners, and to deference at home from adoring wives and obedient children.

{Unsaid by subject and writer, is the fact that 130 million mostly Black native Americans (see the wiki article "Genocide of indigenous peoples - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia") were Murdered by the ancestors of these very same “aggrieved entitlement Whites” for the lands they feel entitled to. It is from this background of "Murder and Grabbing" that we see the Albinos need to Mass Murder}.

And not only do their kids and their wives have ideas of their own; not only is the competition for those jobs increasingly ferocious; they’ve also been slammed by predatory lenders, corporate moguls, Wall Street short-sellers betting against their own companies and manipulated by cynical elites into believing that their adversaries were not the ones downsizing, outsourcing and cutting their jobs, but those assorted others — black people, women, immigrants, gays, — who were asserting their claims for a piece of the pie. The middle class white American man expected to be more Don Draper, all self-made , in control, and upwardly mobile. Instead he’s more like William Foster, another fictional character who’s fallen off the cliff into that dark abyss of despair, violence and madness.

Today’s Angry White Men look backward, nostalgically at the world they have lost. Some organize politically to restore “their” country; some descend into madness; others lash out violently at a host of scapegoats. Theirs is a fight to restore, to reclaim more than just what they feel entitled to socially or economically — it’s also to restore their sense of manhood, to reclaim that sense of dominance and power to which they also feel entitled. They don’t get mad, they want to get even — but with whom?

Mon 14 Apr 2008 - Barack Obama, Referring to working-class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses, the presidential hopeful said: "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Americas aggrieved White Middle and low Economic Class - the White Republican Rabble.

The Southern Strategy was originally developed when Republicans realized that their platform and policies could only appeal to the Rich and the Stupid: as there was no benefit in their policies for ordinary working people. So they decided to develop policies and strategies that would attract those so Stupid that they would Vote against their own material interest because of Racial Animus. This Albino effort became known as the "Southern Strategy".

Note that the great majority of federal money is used to fund the very programs the Albino Rabble supposedly Hate, but yet depend upon: i.e. Social Security, unemployment support, Medicare, and Medicaid. Of course they don't really hate those programs, they just don't want anyone else to benefit from them: (read non-Whites). So they do a coy and dangerous dance with Republicans, they Vote for Republicans dedicated to abolishing or privatizing those programs, all the while knowing that Democrats would never allow it. But the idiots almost found their Waterloo in 2016, the confluence of a Republican House of Representatives, a Republican Senate, and a Republication President, gave Republications the power to do all the Stupid and Crazy things Republicans always threaten - like repealing Obamacare. Disaster was averted only by energetic PROTESTS in town hall meetings with the Republican Representatives the idiots had elected to do just what they were now protesting Against!



The Southern Strategy: (From Wikipedia).
In American politics, southern strategy refers to methods the Republican Party used to gain political support in the South by appealing to the racism against African Americans harbored by many southern white voters. As the African American Civil Rights Movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened pre-existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South to the Republican Party that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party.

One of the great accomplishments of the Southern Strategy was to get Poor and Working Class Whites to support the abolishment of the Inheritance Tax - the effort failed, but they tried. {An inheritance or estate tax is a tax paid by a person who inherits money or property or a levy on the estate (money and property) of a person who has died.

The ignorant think that the money supply is limitless, but it is NOT!
As of February 2015, the M1 money supply in the United States was $2,988.20 billion. This is based on figures reported by the Federal Reserve. There are several standard measures of the money supply, including the monetary base, M1, and M2. The monetary base is defined as the sum of currency in circulation and reserve balances (deposits held by banks and other depository institutions in their accounts at the Federal Reserve). Dec 16, 2015

Without wealth redistribution methods like inheritance or estate tax laws, it is theoretically possible that the wealthy could over time accumulate "ALL" of a nations wealth. And that seems to have been the ultimate goal of the "Southern Strategy".

On January 1, 2013, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 was passed (under President Obama) which permanently establishes an Inheritance Tax exemption of $5 million (as 2011 basis with inflation adjustment) per person for U.S. citizens and residents, with a maximum tax rate of 40% for the year 2013 and beyond}. That means that in 2018, an individual can leave $5.6 million to heirs and pay no federal estate or gift tax on that money.

Fortune Magazine
America Is the Richest, and Most Unequal, Country
For the first time in this report series, Allianz calculated each country’s wealth Gini coefficient—a measure of inequality in which 0 is perfect equality and 100 would mean perfect inequality, or one person owning all the wealth. It found that the U.S. had the most wealth inequality, with a score of 80.56, showing the most concentration of overall wealth in the hands of the proportionately fewest people.


Countries With the Widest Gap Between the Rich and the Poor

By Michael B. Sauter May 29, 2015 6:15 am EDT

Here’s the list of the countries with the highest wealth inequality, according to the Allianz report.
U.S.A. — 80.56
Sweden — 79.90
U.K. — 75.72
Indonesia — 73.61
Austria — 73.59
Germany — 73.34
Colombia — 73.18
Chile — 73.17
Brazil — 72.86
Mexico — 70.00

Still, it’s important to note that despite all the research documenting America’s ballooning wealth and income inequality, there isn’t any consensus about how the gap affects Americans; and surveys show that Americans’ support for redistribution of wealth isn’t increasing, either. (Americas White Rabble has been completely Brainwashed!

Washington Post
The richest 1 percent now owns more of the country’s wealth than at any time in the past 50 years - December 6, 2017

CNN - September 27, 2017 - Record inequality: The top 1% controls 38.6% of America's wealth
The bottom 90% of families now hold just 22.8% of the wealth, down from about one-third in 1989 when the Fed started tracking this measure.

According to a June 2017 report by the Boston Consulting Group, around 70% of the nation's wealth will be in the hands of millionaires and billionaires by 2021.

Bill Gates: $75 billion
Warren Buffett: $60.8 billion
Jeff Bezos: $45.2 billion
Mark Zuckerberg: $44.6 billion
Larry Ellison: $43.6 billion
Michael Bloomberg: $40 billion

The top 20 wealthiest Americans owns an aggregate of 814 Billion Dollars.

The inheritance tax is how we RETURN some of the wealth of the rich to the general money supply to help pay for the running of the country. This pie chart of the nation’s budget shows that some of this money is used to help pay for programs and services intended to benefit the very same people who vote AGAINST it!


Having seen the abject Stupidity of the Albino Rabble, the Republicans decided to push it to the limit!


2017 Republican Tax bill
Investopedia - Trump's Tax Reform Plan By David Floyd | Updated January 12, 2018
President Trump signed the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" into law on Dec. 22. The Senate passed the bill on Dec. 20 by a party-line vote of 51 to 48; Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was absent for medical treatment. The House passed the bill later in the day by a vote of 224 to 201. No House Democrats supported the bill, and 12 Republicans voted no, most of them representing California, New York and New Jersey; taxpayers who itemize in these high-tax states are likely to be hurt by the legislation's cuts to the state and local tax deduction.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (South Carolina Republican) said GOP (Rich) donors will quit giving to Republicans if Congress does not pass tax reform. Graham specifically said that "financial contributions will stop" for the GOP. 11/09/17

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget report - Dec 18, 2017
The final conference committee agreement of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) would cost $1.46 trillion under conventional scoring and over $1 trillion on a dynamic basis over ten years, leading debt to rise to between 95 percent and 98 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2027 (compared to 91 percent under current law). However, the bill also includes a number of expirations and long-delayed tax hikes meant to reduce the official cost of the bill. These expirations and delays hide $570 billion to $725 billion of potential further costs, which could ultimately increase the cost of the bill to $2.0 trillion to $2.2 trillion (before interest) on a conventional basis or roughly $1.5 trillion to $1.7 trillion on a dynamic basis over a decade. As a result, debt would rise to between 98 percent and 100 percent of GDP by 2027.

The actual effect of the tax law, for a single person in the 22% ($38,700 to $82,500) income bracket, was an average 0.06 TAX INCREASE!
According to the Tax Policy Center, 5 percent of taxpayers would pay more in taxes in 2018; 9 percent in 2025 and 53 percent in 2027, if the plan is signed into law.
The Washington Post - March 30, 2018: "The richest Americans get a $33,000 tax break under the GOP tax law."

To put salt in the wound, those meager benefits that SOME workers will realize are TEMPORARY, and in ten years will cease to exist: meanwhile the CORPORATE tax cuts are PERMANANT!

As a reminder: The top rate for Rich People has been cut from 39.6 to 37 percent, a savings of 2.6 percent.
But the top rate for CORPORATIONS has been cut from 35 percent to 21 percent, a savings of 14 percent - which is permanent.

The new tax law will add about $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit over 10 years, and because of the temporary nature of the benefit to workers, meager as it is, poor and middle-class families will have to pay more in taxes over time, to pay down that $1.5 trillion.

Strangely, for such a great betrayal of the American worker, the coverage, analysis, and criticism from our 4th. Estate (News Providers): the institutions so necessary to our democracy, and on which we depend, has been muted and short-lived.

Oh yes, we forgot, THEY ARE CORPORATIONS TOO, and stand to save BILLIONS.

And what will they do with all that money? Will they INCREASE their workers’ pay? Nah, of course not, though some have promised to give their workers a one-time gift of a thousand dollars.

In general that money will be used to increase the pay of the Corporations Chairman, President, Vice Presidents, and Managers. The rest will be given out as dividends to the Corporations Investors. The Rich get Richer, and the Workers pay for it.

  The National Broadcasting Company (NBC News) is owned by Comcast Corporation with Revenue of $84.526 billion for (2017)


  American Broadcasting Company (ABC News) is owned by the Walt Disney Company with Revenue of $55.137 billion for (2017)


  CBS News is owned by Sumner Redstone, owner of National Amusements, because it is a private company, its revenues are not made public.


  Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch through 21st Century Fox, which is the legal successor to News Corporation dealing primarily in the film and television industries. The other company, the "new" News Corporation, holds Murdoch's print interests and other media assets in Australia (both owned by him and his family via a family trust with 39% controlling interest in each). Revenue of 21st Century Fox is $28.500 billion (2017).



Sinclair Broadcast Group is a publicly traded American telecommunications company that is controlled by the family of company founder Julian Sinclair Smith. It has Revenue of $2.73 billion (2016).

The company is the largest television station operator in the United States by number of stations, and largest by total coverage; owning or operating a total of 193 stations across the country (233 after all currently proposed sales are approved) in over 100 markets (covering 40% of American households), many of which are located in the South and Midwest. Sinclair also owns four digital multicast networks (Comet, Charge!, Stadium, and TBD) and one cable network (Tennis Channel), and owns or operates four radio stations in the Pacific Northwest. Among other non-broadcast properties, Sinclair also owns the professional wrestling promotion Ring of Honor and its streaming service Honor Club.


As an indication of Donald Trump’s corruption of American News providing Media (It's not just Fox News): In support of Donald Trumps "Fake News" tirades against the News media:

Sinclair Broadcasting made Dozens of Local News Anchors Recite the Same Script, Quote:

“The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media.” “Some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias.” “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.”

The script came from Sinclair Broadcast Group which is seeking a $3.9 billion deal to buy Tribune Media, a move that’s being held up by regulators over antitrust concerns. Last week, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer published a copy of the speech and reported that employees at a local news station there, KOMO, were unhappy about the script. CNN reported on it on March 7 and said Scott Livingston, the senior vice president of news for Sinclair, had read almost the exact same speech for a segment that was distributed to outlets a year ago.

Mr. Burke’s video — along with a similar one created by ThinkProgress, spread quickly on social media over the weekend, leading to prominent criticism of Sinclair. David E. Price, a Democratic North Carolina congressman, called the video “pro-Trump propaganda”. Piggybacking on the attention, House Democrats resurfaced a letter, dated March 22 and signed by 38 lawmakers, that called for the Tribune merger to be rejected.

President Trump responded to scrutiny of the broadcaster on Monday in a tweet.

“So funny to watch Fake News Networks, among the most dishonest groups of people I have ever dealt with, criticize Sinclair Broadcasting for being biased,” he said.





The Normalization of Deviance


by Diane Vaughan | (As it pertains to President Donald Trump)

Diane Vaughan is a professor at Columbia University's Department of Sociology. "Diane Vaughan received her Ph.D. in Sociology, Ohio State University, 1979, and taught at Boston College from 1984 to 2005. During this time, she was awarded fellowships at Yale (1979-82), Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford (1986-87), The American Bar Foundation (1988-1989), The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (1996-1997), and John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (2003-04).

"Social normalization of deviance means that people within the organization become so much accustomed to a deviant behavior that they don't consider it as deviant, despite the fact that they far exceed their own rules for the elementary safety" . People grow more accustomed to the deviant behavior the more it occurs. To people outside of the organization, the activities seem deviant; however, people within the organization do not recognize the deviance because it is seen as a normal occurrence. In hindsight, people within the organization realize that their seemingly normal behavior was deviant.


The Challenger Launch Decision

Diane Vaughan developed her theory of the normalization of deviance in The Challenger Launch Decision. She details how, during the developmental phase of the Space Shuttle Program, the normalization of deviance resulted in a dangerous design flaw in the design of the spacecraft. The group that was assessing the joints on the solid rocket boosters conducted analysis to find the "limits and capabilities of joint performance. Each time, evidence initially interpreted as a deviation from expected performance was reinterpreted as within the bounds of acceptable risk". The acceptance of this risk led to the Challenger exploding on the morning of January 28, 1986.

White America, both the Rabble and even some of the Normal, are trying mightily to make sense of, and accept, the thinking and behavior of Donald Trump. As the Challenger Disaster should have taught them, it is a fool’s errand. Ultimately the sum of his stupidities will overload dumb luck, and some great disaster will ensue.






Donald Trump and the Ignorant Negro


Kanye West just said 400 years of slavery was a choice By Harmeet Kaur, CNN Updated 10:25 PM ET, Tue May 1, 2018.

Kanye who appeared at the TMZ headquarters where he had this to say:"When you hear about slavery for 400 years ... For 400 years? That sounds like a choice."
The rapper went on to add: "You were there for 400 years and it's all of y'all. It's like we're mentally imprisoned." Provocative statements are second nature to the 40-year-old rapper. And this week he's been making headlines left and right, including proclaiming his love for President Trump."[T]o make myself clear. Of course I know that slaves did not get shackled and put on a boat by free will. My point is for us to have stayed in that position even though the numbers were on our side means that we were mentally enslaved." And then Kanye quickly made it about Kanye: "[T]he reason why I brought up the 400 years point is because we can't be mentally imprisoned for another 400 years. We need free thought now. Even the statement was an example of free thought. It was just an idea. [O]nce again I am being attacked for presenting new ideas."


Kanye West: "I Was Addicted to Opioids" After Liposuction Surgery

"I was drugged the f*ck out!" By Erica Gonzales May 2, 2018

In his explosive interview with TMZ yesterday, Kanye West revealed that days before his 2016 hospitalization, he was addicted to opioids following liposuction surgery, which he says he took because he didn't want the media to call him "fat."

He explained to TMZ's Harvey Levin and Charles Latibeaudiere: "I was addicted to opioids. Two days after I got off of opioids, I was in the hospital." Then, he got up and explained the full situation to the TMZ newsroom: "Everyone listen to this, please. Two days before I was in the hospital, I was on opioids. I was addicted to opioids. I had plastic surgery because I was trying to look good for y'all. I got liposuction because I didn't want y'all to call me fat like you called Rob [Kardashian] at the wedding and made him fly home before me and Kim got married. I didn't want y'all to call me fat, so I got liposuction, right?




"And they gave me opioids, right? And I started taking two of them and driving to work on the opioids, right?" West added that one of his friends expressed concerns on his usage, so he stopped. But doctors prescribed him an even higher dosage after his hospital stay. "There was talks amongst my camp like, 'Ye's popping pills.' So when he handed it to me, he said, 'You know used to killed genius, right?' So I didn't take it. "Two days later, I'm in the hospital. I was taking two pills a day at that time. When I left the hospital, how many pills you think I was given? Seven. I went from taking two pills to taking seven."So the reason why I dropped those tweets and everything 'cause I was drugged the f*ck out, bro. And I'm not drugged out. These drugs that they want me to take three of a day, I take one a week, maybe, two a week."Y'all had me scared of myself, of my vision. So I took some pills so I wouldn't go to the hospital and prove everyone right." West was hospitalized in November 2016 after having a mental breakdown, which he said was caused by fear and stress, lacking radio play for his album The Life of Pablo following "the Taylor Swift moment," and his wife Kim's robbery in Paris.


Kanye West just said 400 years of slavery was a choice By Harmeet Kaur, CNN Updated 10:25 PM ET, Tue May 1, 2018.

Kanye who appeared at the TMZ headquarters where he had this to say: "When you hear about slavery for 400 years ... For 400 years? That sounds like a choice." The rapper went on to add: "You were there for 400 years and it's all of y'all. It's like we're mentally imprisoned." Provocative statements are second nature to the 40-year-old rapper. And this week he's been making headlines left and right, including proclaiming his love for President Trump."[T]o make myself clear. Of course I know that slaves did not get shackled and put on a boat by free will. My point is for us to have stayed in that position even though the numbers were on our side means that we were mentally enslaved." And then Kanye quickly made it about Kanye:"[T]he reason why I brought up the 400 years point is because we can't be mentally imprisoned for another 400 years. We need free thought now. Even the statement was an example of free thought. It was just an idea. [O]nce again I am being attacked for presenting new ideas."

TMZ employee Van Lathan quickly rebuffed West’s comments. “I actually don’t think you are thinking anything,” he told the rapper in a clip that quickly went viral. “While you are making music and being an artist and living the life that you’ve earned by being a genius - really? (Idiot and Idiot: too many Black youth are totally lost), the rest of us in society have to deal with these threats to our lives. We have to deal with the marginalization that has come from the 400 years of slavery that you said for our people was a choice.”


Carly Mallenbaum, USA TODAY Published 7:34 p.m. ET May 1, 2018 | Updated 4:47 p.m. ET May 2, 2018

West later took to Twitter to defend himself. to make myself clear. Of course I know that slaves did not get shackled and put on a boat by free will: — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) May 1, 2018 "Of course I know that slaves did not get shackled and put on a boat by free will," he tweeted. "My point is for us to have stayed in that position even though the numbers were on our side means that we were mentally enslaved." He added: "They cut our tongues so we couldn't communicate to each other. I will not allow my tongue to be cut ... they can no longer stop our voice." My point is for us to have stayed in that position even though the numbers were on our side means that we were mentally enslaved
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) May 1, 2018

West's original remarks did not sit will with singer Chris Brown, who tore the rapper to shreds in an lengthy, NSFW Instagram post Wednesday. "THIS IS JUST ENTERTAINMENT TO YALL... THIS MAN IS A CLOWN!" he wrote in all caps. "WAKE THE HELL UP KANYE.... PLEASE. SLAVERY WAS A CHOICE???????? Whattttttt??????” “PLEASE BLACK PEOPLE... DO NOT FOLLOW (West) ON HIS PATH TO DESTRUCTION! WHATEVER HELP U THINK I NEED.... GET IT FOR HIM ASAP,” he continued, seeming to reference his own controversial past of assault against his ex-girlfriend Rihanna. Brown was featured on West's 2016 track Waves, which focused on love and relationships, but that didn't stop the singer from bashing West.
"OUR SONG JUST WENT PLATINUM BUT (expletive) THAT," he added. said West's words were crushing on Good Morning Britain Wednesday. "That broke my heart, because I thought about my grandma, who was born in 1920, and her connection with her mom who raised her, who was born in the (late) 1800s, and my grandmother's grandma, who was a slave," said, who was born William James Adams Jr. "When you're a slave, you're owned. You don't choose if you're owned. When you're a slave, you're deprived of education. That's not choice, that's by force."

"I understand the need to have free thought, but if your thoughts aren't researched, that is just going to hurt those that are still in conditions where it's not choice that when they go down the street there's a liquor store and fast food restaurants, and your education is not being funded the same way it is in Calabasas," he continued. "That statement was one of the most ignorant statements that anybody that came from the hood could ever say about their ancestors, that slavery is a choice," added.
Twitter also had opinions about West's words.

Jimmy Kimmel called the entire TMZ appearance "wild." Feminist writer Roxane Gay tweeted, “I don’t have the energy for nonsense, but Kanye … is a free moron who doesn’t read.” Finally - someone who understands! I don’t have the energy for nonsense but Kanye saying slavery was a choice reiterates my previous statements about how dangerous his trite, shallow ramblings are. He is not a free thinker. He is a free moron who doesn’t read. Do not @ me. 1:32 PM - 1 May 2018



President Trump just credited Kanye West for his rising approval rating with African-Americans

John Haltiwanger May 4th 2018 5:12PM





President Donald Trump credited rapper Kanye West for his rising approval rating with African-Americans as he spoke at the National Rifle Association's annual convention on Friday. "By the way, Kanye West must have some power, because you probably saw I doubled my African-American poll numbers. We went from 11 to 22 in one week, thank you Kanye," Trump said. The president joked that even the pollsters must have thought there was some kind of a mistake. Trump seemed to be referencing a weekly tracking poll from Reuters that showed his approval rating among black men rise from 11% to 22% during the final week of April. Last week, West proclaimed his "love" for Trump on Twitter and tweeted a selfie of himself wearing one of the president's red "Make America Great Again" hats. Trump promptly thanked the rapper for his praise.




West also criticized former President Barack Obama, tweeting "nothing in Chicago changed" during his tenure. Both West and Obama are from Chicago. West's apparent affinity for the president has been widely criticized, though a number of prominent figures on the far-right have applauded him. The controversial rapper generated particularly strong levels of public outrage on Tuesday after an interview with TMZ in which he suggested slavery in the US had been "a choice."






Donald Trump and the Ignorant Albino


Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

By Niraj Chokshi - April 24, 2018


Ever since Donald J. Trump began his improbable political rise, many pundits have credited his appeal among white, Christian and male voters to “economic anxiety.” Hobbled by unemployment and locked out of the recovery, those voters turned out in force to send Mr. Trump, and a message, to Washington. Or so that narrative goes. A study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences questions that explanation, the latest to suggest that Trump voters weren’t driven by anger over the past, but rather fear of what may come. White, Christian and male voters, the study suggests, turned to Mr. Trump because they felt their status was at risk. “It’s much more of a symbolic threat that people feel,’’ said Diana C. Mutz, the author of the study and a political science and communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she directs the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics. “It’s not a threat to their own economic well-being; it’s a threat to their group’s dominance in our country over all.” The study is not the first to cast doubt on the prevailing economic anxiety theory. Last year, a Public Religion Research Institute survey of more than 3,000 people also found that Mr. Trump’s appeal could better be explained by a fear of cultural displacement.

In her study, Dr. Mutz sought to answer two questions: Is there evidence to support the economic anxiety argument, and did the fear of losing social dominance drive some voters to Mr. Trump? To find answers, she analyzed survey data from a nationally representative group of about 1,200 voters polled in 2012 and 2016. In both years, participants were asked the same wide-ranging set of questions. Party loyalty overwhelmingly explained how most people voted, but Dr. Mutz’s statistical analysis focused on those who bucked the trend, switching their support to the Republican candidate, Mr. Trump, in 2016.

Even before conducting her analysis, Dr. Mutz noted two reasons for skepticism of the economic anxiety, or “left behind,” theory. First, the economy was improving before the 2016 presidential campaign. Second, while research has suggested that voters are swayed by the economy, there is little evidence that their own financial situation similarly influences their choices at the ballot box. Losing a job or income between 2012 and 2016 did not make a person any more likely to support Mr. Trump, Dr. Mutz found. Neither did the mere perception that one’s financial situation had worsened. A person’s opinion on how trade affected personal finances had little bearing on political preferences. Neither did unemployment or the density of manufacturing jobs in one’s area. “It wasn’t people in those areas that were switching, those folks were already voting Republican,” Dr. Mutz said.

For further evidence, Dr. Mutz also analyzed a separate survey, conducted in 2016 by NORC at the University of Chicago, a research institution. It showed that anxieties about retirement, education and medical bills also had little impact on whether a person supported Mr. Trump. Last year’s Public Religion Research Institute report went even further, finding a link, albeit a weak one, between poor white, working-class Americans and support for Hillary Clinton. While economic anxiety did not explain Mr. Trump’s appeal, Dr. Mutz found reason instead to credit those whose thinking changed in ways that reflected a growing sense of racial or global threat. In 2012, voters perceived little difference between themselves and the candidates on trade. But, by 2016, the voters had moved slightly right, while they perceived Mr. Trump as moving about as far right as Mrs. Clinton had moved left. As a result, the voters, in a defensive crouch, found themselves closer to Mr. Trump.

On the threat posed by China, voters hardly moved between 2012 and 2016, but while they perceived both presidential candidates as being to their left in 2012, they found Mr. Trump as having moved just to their right by 2016, again placing them closer to the Republican candidate than the Democratic one. In both cases, the findings revealed a fear that American global dominance was in danger, a belief that benefited Mr. Trump and the Republican Party. “The shift toward an antitrade stance was a particularly effective strategy for capitalizing on a public experiencing status threat due to race as well as globalization,” Dr. Mutz wrote in the study. The Times needs your voice. We welcome your on-topic commentary, criticism and expertise.

Her survey also assessed “social dominance orientation,” a common psychological measure of a person’s belief in hierarchy as necessary and inherent to a society. People who exhibited a growing belief in such group dominance were also more likely to move toward Mr. Trump, Dr. Mutz found, reflecting their hope that the status quo be protected.
“It used to be a pretty good deal to be a white, Christian male in America, but things have changed and I think they do feel threatened,” Dr. Mutz said. The other surveys supported the cultural anxiety explanation, too. For example, Trump support was linked to a belief that high-status groups, such as whites, Christians or men, faced more discrimination than low-status groups, like minorities, Muslims or women, according to Dr. Mutz’s analysis of the NORC study. What does it matter which kind of anxiety — cultural or economic — explains Mr. Trump’s appeal? If wrong, the prevailing economic theory lends unfounded virtue to his victory, crediting it to the disaffected masses, Dr. Mutz argues. More important, she said, it would teach the wrong lesson to elected officials, who often look to voting patterns in enacting new policy.



Salena Zito's 'The Great Revolt' presents Trump voters in their own words

by Emily Jashinsky | May 08, 2018

Donald Trump supporters - Some of the book's interviewees are exuberant in their support of Trump, but some are reluctant. “The Great Revolt,” a newly released book of Trump Country written by Salena Zito (a Washington Examiner columnist) and Brad Todd. Indeed, empathy might be what Zito and Todd convey best, profiling voters in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin to bring President Trump’s oft-misunderstood coalition to life. Relying on survey data, Zito and Todd outline seven archetypes of the “most surprising” voters Trump attracted, fleshing out each category with compelling voter interviews that make the numbers easier to understand. The authors let their subjects do much of the work, breathing life into the electoral statistics many coastal observers understand mathematically more than emotionally. Trump’s coalition was a complicated one, stitching together a patchwork of supporters from different backgrounds that are too often stereotyped either only as Roseanne Connor or as bigots. Readers meet Trump voters like Renee Dibble of Ashtabula, Ohio, who express deep frustrations with such stereotypes. "'Racist.’ Every time someone throws that at me I spit right back out: ‘Let’s see, our daughter that we’ve adopted is biracial. I got two hundred percent black sons. I’ve got a half-Japanese grandson, a bi-racial daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law that is half Puerto Rican and half Mexican. I’m racist?’” she asks.

(Comment: right away we know she is indeed a Trumpie (a liar) an Albino cannot have 100% Black children, the best they can do is a Mulatto - 50%/50%). Currently, as with the NEW Rosanne Barr show, it has become fashionable for Racist Albinos to use Black children as PROPS to hide their Racist nature. But it really is easy to divine the truth: Racist is, as Racist does: Anyone supporting the Racist " POLICES" of Donald Trump is INDEED a racist, no matter how many Black or Brown people they use to cover the truth).




“It’s not that I think he’s perfect, but we didn’t want perfect.” Dibble later says of Trump. “The reason, I think, and my husband will tell you the same darn thing too, it’s because he tells it like it is.

Here again this woman shows her stupidity in her lies. Many organizations have taken to chronicling Donald Trumps lies: As of May 1, 2018 the Washington Post counted 3,001 lies Donald Trump has told.

”Dibble, a foster parent, cancer survivor, and longtime Democrat, thinks she and The Donald would get along "really good," a revelation that brings the authors to one of their strongest insights — that in Trump’s outsider, institution-busting persona, many struggling people see “a proxy for them in a battle they see themselves fighting in their own lives.”

Another strange thing about these people, or maybe it's just part of their stupidity: that is, they seem to equate being a Democrat with being Non-Racist. So here again she uses a PROP (being a Democrat) to prove that she is NOT a Racist. The fact is that Donald Trump was once a Democrat too, as was ALL the Southern Rabble, and the Slavers who started the Civil War. (Please see "Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy" in your encyclopedia).

Dibble is but one of many longtime Democrats whose journey to Trump Zito and Todd document, including plenty of people who voted for Barack Obama. Their stories are, perhaps, the most interesting, occurring against the backdrop of widening cultural gulfs with national Democrats and ailing local economies. (Zito and Todd frame each profile with basic economic and historical context on the region in question.)

This lie is exposed by the accompanying"Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds" By Niraj Chokshi.

Some of the book's interviewees are exuberant in their support of Trump, but some are reluctant, a trait especially pronounced among the “King Cyrus Christians,” as they’re dubbed, many of whom grappled painfully with the election (“It was really hard,” said Julie Bayles of Bristol, Wis., whose pro-life convictions ultimately impelled her to pull the lever for the president, reassured by Vice President Mike Pence’s addition to the ticket). (This is simply cynically making a deal with the Devil to achieve your own self-righteous goals).

Others, of course, are true believers all the way through, like Dave Rubbico of Erie, Pa. Though he now has an “Infowars” sticker on his Jeep, Rubbico, a veteran, retired income-maintenance caseworker for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, and former statewide union official, still calls Obama’s speeches “perfect.” He voted twice for the former president, but was turned off by his perceived sense of inaction. “Look, this isn’t that complicated, in fact it is pretty simple. I wanted Barack Obama to succeed. He ended up hurting us. He was weak. Donald Trump? Well, we finally have someone who has the balls to say what needs to be said and then goes out and does what he says,” Rubbico explained.

(Here again we see the "degenerate liar" nature of these Albino Rabble. One does NOT go from a Pillar of Virtue (relatively speaking) like Obama, to a degenerate liar, womanizer, ignoramus, like Donald Trump). Yet it appears that many believe this silly lie. We can only wonder WHY they CHOSE to believe it.

There’s a lot of frustration, a lot of institutional distrust (distributed among Wall Street, Washington, and the media), and shockingly little partisanship. There’s also a lot of people with stories both remarkable and remarkably common, having toiled in earnest for years to better the lives of themselves and their families, sometimes with success, sometimes without much of it at all, but often with strong convictions about the values of hard work — values that multiple interviewees say our culture no longer seems to embrace.

(As shown in the Niraj Chokshi Study: what they REALLY mean is that they want White/Albino preference).

The mystery of how a gaudy reality television star landed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue still looms over Washington, where few are in prolonged contact with the communities that swung big for Trump. It’s true the authors of Great Revolt are sympathetic to their subjects. But that’s a lens those people aren’t often afforded, and though it may not suit them all, for many it’s entirely warranted. The benefit of the project like this one, where voters are simply allowed to explain themselves in their own words, is that even if you don’t share the authors’ sympathies, or agree with their subjects’ reasoning, you’ll at least be able to better understand what happened. After all, Trump supporters will be voting again in 2020, and a truck driver’s ballot is worth just as much as a professor’s.


Consider This:

Emily Jashinsky is an employee of "The Examiner": Owned by Philip Frederick Anschutz born December 28, 1939: an American billionaire entrepreneur who owns or controls many companies in a variety of businesses, including energy, railroads, real estate, sports, newspapers, movies, theaters, arenas and music. He is a philanthropist whose name appears on medical and educational institutions to which he donated millions. He is described as a Christian conservative. In his early career he bought out his father's oil drilling company, Circle A Drilling, in 1961 and earned large returns in Wyoming.


Emily Jashinsky
Philip Frederick Anschutz


When Anschutz first started the Examiner in its daily newspaper format, he envisioned creating a competitor to The Washington Post with a conservative editorial line. According to Politico, "When it came to the editorial page, Anschutz's instructions were explicit—he 'wanted nothing but conservative columns and conservative op-ed writers,' said one former employee." The Examiner's writers have included Michael Barone, Tim Cavanaugh, David Freddoso, Tara Palmeri, Rudy Takala, and Byron York.

As with most things associated with these Albino Rabble, the more you know, the more lying you find.






Could it be that the Melanin deficient mind..

just forgets easily?


Fox News pundit Tomi Lahren just got a lesson on her own family lineage after she criticized immigrants who come to the U.S. with “low skills, low education, not understanding the language.”



Genealogist Jennifer Mendelsohn — whose Twitter project Resistance Genealogy aims to expose the hypocrisy of nativists, often within the Trump administration, by revealing their own immigrant histories — took Lahren to task after she defended White House chief of staff John Kelly’s recent claims that undocumented immigrants entering the U.S. “don’t have skills” and would not “integrate well” into American society. “You don’t just come into this country with low skills, low education, not understanding the language and come into our country because someone says it makes them feel nice,” Lahren, 25, told Fox News host Jesse Watters on his show Watters World Saturday night. “That’s not what this country is based on.” "These people need to understand that it’s a privilege to be an American and it’s a privilege that you work toward – its not a right,” she continued.

But according to Mendelsohn, “the 1930 census says Tomi’s 3x great-grandmother had been here for 41 years and still spoke German.” “Her 2nd great-grandmother had been here for 10 years and spoke no English,” Mendelsohn tweeted, also including the documentation. (Additionally) “Her great-grandfather’s 1895 baptism from MN? was recorded in Norwegian.”

Mendelsohn had previously fired back at Lahren’s September 2017 tweet against Dreamers, (undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children), which said the government should “stop rewarding illegal behavior and put law abiding Americans first.” “Law-abiding citizens like her great-great-grandfather, indicted by a grand jury for forging naturalization papers?” Mendelsohn tweeted at the time, though she noted that a jury later acquitted him.

Mendelsohn also schooled John Kelly last week after the retired USMC general’s NPR rant claiming that "undocumented immigrants don’t deserve to be in the U.S. because they are not people that would easily assimilate into the United States, into our modern society.” “They’re overwhelmingly rural people,” Kelly said. “In the countries they come from, fourth-, fifth-, sixth-grade educations are kind of the norm. They don’t speak English; obviously that’s a big thing. … They don’t integrate well; they don’t have skills.”



Mendelsohn investigated and found that Kelly’s great grandfather lived in America, documented, for 18 years and could not “read, write, or speak English.” Former Office of Government Ethics chief Walter Shaub also had some harsh words for Lahren — and a new nickname. “I’d trade Xenophobic Rage Barbie for a hard working immigrant any day of the week and twice on Sundays,” Shaub wrote of Lahren. “Contributing less than nothing to this country, she exists only to make lazy white supremacists ‘with low skills, low education, [barely] understanding the language’ feel nice.”


More on John Kelly who should know better, but because of personal lacking's, does not.

John Kelly was born on May 11, 1950, in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of Josephine "Honey" (Pedalino) and John F. Kelly. His family was Catholic, his father of Irish ancestry and his mother of Italian descent. Being a liar and a hypocrite, Kelly (who was educated at Uncle Sam's expense), must have forgotten this: History Stories When America Despised the Irish: The 19th Century’s Refugee Crisis:By Christopher Klein - March 16, 2017

Today, 32 million Americans—10 percent of the country’s population—celebrate their Irish roots. There was a time, however, when the thought of Americans honoring all things Irish was unimaginable. This is the story of the prejudice encountered by refugees from Ireland’s Great Hunger and how those Irish exiles persevered to become part of the American mainstream. The refugees seeking haven in America were poor and disease-ridden. They threatened to take jobs away from Americans and strain welfare budgets. They practiced an alien religion (Catholicism) and pledged allegiance to a foreign leader (the Pope). They were bringing with them crime. They were accused of being rapists. And, worst of all, these undesirables were Irish.

When Italian immigrants were the "other" By Ed Falco.

As I researched "The Family Corleone," a novel I wrote based on a screenplay by Mario Puzo. The novel is about, among other things, Italian-Americans living in New York during the depression. I knew something about our nation's early antipathy toward Catholics and Italians, but I had not fully appreciated the depth of that antagonism.

For example, the largest mass lynching in U.S. history took place in New Orleans in 1891 — and it wasn't African-Americans who were lynched, as many of us might assume. It was Italian-Americans. After nine Italians were tried and found not guilty of murdering New Orleans Police Chief David Hennessy, a mob dragged them from the jail, along with two other Italians being held on unrelated charges, and lynched them all. The lynching’s were followed by mass arrests of Italian immigrants throughout New Orleans, and waves of attacks against Italians nationwide.

What was the reaction of our country's leaders to the lynching’s? Teddy Roosevelt, not yet president, famously said they were "a rather good thing." The response in The New York Times was worse. A March 16, 1891, editorial referred to the victims of the lynching’s as "... sneaking and cowardly Sicilians, the descendants of bandits and assassins." An editorial the next day argued that: "Lynch law was the only course open to the people of New Orleans. ..."

John Parker, who helped organize the lynch mob, later went on to be governor of Louisiana. In 1911, he said of Italians that they are "just a little worse than the Negro, being if anything filthier in their habits, lawless, and treacherous."

In addition to prejudice based on ethnicity, Italian immigrants also had to face an older hostility toward their religion. In earlier centuries, Catholics in America were in a position similar to today's Muslims. In 1785, when Catholics proposed building St. Peter's Church in the heart of Manhattan, city officials, fearing the papacy and sinister foreign influences, forced them to relocate outside the city limits. In this incident, it's easy to hear echoes of the Murfreesboro protests, as well as the ongoing protests against an Islamic center proposed for 51 Park Place in contemporary Manhattan.








Stupidity of the Albino Rabble







Ever notice how the Albino Rabble in their delusion,

try to align their hate filled thinking and behavior

with the actions and sacrifice of truly Patriotic Americans?





The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre) were the shootings on May 4, 1970 of unarmed college students by members of the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio during a mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia by United States military forces. Twenty-eight guardsmen fired approximately 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.

Some of the students who were shot had been protesting against the Cambodian Campaign, which President Richard Nixon announced during a television address on April 30. Other students who were shot had been walking nearby or observing the protest from a distance.

There was a significant national response to the shootings: hundreds of universities, colleges, and high schools closed throughout the United States due to a student strike of 4 million students, and the event further affected public opinion, at an already socially contentious time, over the role of the United States in the Vietnam War.





Don't you just wonder if anyone bothered to tell Kaitlin Marie Bennett that those mindless murderous National Guardsman were almost surely "HER TYPE PEOPLE" i.e. the Albino Rabble who were President Nixon's main supporters: (He called them "The Silent Majority").






Are civilized Albinos finally seeing Trumps people for what they are?


Civilized Albinos are FINALLY starting to see and understand, that Trumps Albino Rabble supporters are NOT lovable Archie Bunker types. Rather, they are the same ignorant and murderous rabble who, unable to let go of their fear of Blacks and resentful hatreds, started the American Civil War 158 years ago, costing the lives of so many Americans. And then in true degenerate fashion: after a devastating defeat, where most of what they had was lost, they spent the next 153 years celebrating their participation in the carnage.




'Roseanne' shows what the media got wrong about Trump voters

Matt Bai - National Political Columnist - Yahoo News•May 31, 2018


It took only a few hours for ABC and just about everyone else who was in business with Roseanne Barr to cut all ties to the comedian, saying they were shocked and outraged by her hateful tweeting. This had to be more laughable than any of the gags on her resurgent sitcom. After all, Barr has never been anything other than what she is now: a talented and addled provocateur who will say or do almost any outrageous thing — butcher the national anthem, mock the Holocaust, run for president or prime minister of Israel — just to get people talking about her. Sound like anyone else you might have seen on TV at any hour of the day or night?



And that, of course, was the point of bringing Roseanne’s irreverent sense of humor back to network TV. She was supposed to draw in all the same people who love President Trump, who resent all the elite consensus and political correctness and multiculturalism, and who just want someone — pardon the terminology here — to piss off all us snowflakes who watch “Silicon Valley” instead. But then Roseanne flamed out all at once, publicly comparing a black confidante of President Obama’s to an ape (and a radical Muslim one at that).





Reminder: Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, during the Pahlavi dynasty, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara T. Bowman. One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Robert Robinson Taylor, was the first accredited African-American architect, and the first African-American student enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Her father, a pathologist and geneticist, ran a hospital for children in Shiraz in 1956 as part of a program where American physicians and agricultural experts sought to help in the health and farming efforts of developing countries. When she was five years old, the family moved to London for a year, later moving to Chicago in 1963. Her parents are both African-American. As a child, Jarrett spoke Farsi, French, and English.

On May 29, 2018 Roseanne Barr fired off this tweet:

Like their current leader Trump, the Albino Rabble have no use for the Truth, or Democracy, or Freedom (except their own) or Justice, or any of the other things they give "Lip-Service" to as cover for their degeneracy. So the ridiculousness of a Fat Ugly Albino woman casting aspersions on a reasonably attractive Mulatto woman is in fact common place. And of course, Valerie Jarrett is NOT a Muslim.


Why? As the late New York City Mayor Ed Koch once shouted at me from a hospital bed, when I asked him to explain Rudy Giuliani’s apparent meanness: Why does the scorpion sting? It’s in his nature! And so ABC becomes the latest media outlet to have waded into the boggiest swamp in American politics, only to reemerge shrieking in horror and running for higher ground.

You may remember a time, for instance, when you couldn’t turn on CNN without hearing the breathless exertions of a Trump apostle named Jeffrey Lord, who was supposed to speak for the unheard masses, even though none of the masses had ever heard of him. That came to an abrupt end after he tweeted “Sieg Heil!” at a critic, not because he was a Nazi sympathizer, by any stretch, but because in his reading of history, I guess, American liberals and German Nazis were more or less interchangeable. Look: It’s not that there’s anything wrong with ABC or CNN trying to broaden their appeal by going beyond the same old safe perspectives — I applaud that. It’s just that by trying to talk to a growing audience in American life, you can end up pandering to a dying one instead.

Ever since the 2016 election, I’ve heard people in Washington and Hollywood talk about how they need to better represent “the Trump voter.” This is, I suppose, a natural reaction to having missed something critical about where the society is headed. The problem is that anytime you reduce a large chunk of the electorate to a label (“values voters,” “evangelicals,” “Trump voters”), you’re oversimplifying a more complicated reality. In this case, what we generally think of as Trump voters encompasses two distinct subsets of discontented Americans. There’s overlap, certainly, but not as much as you might think.

The first are economically dislocated Americans: right-leaning or independent voters who harbored (and still harbor) no great love for the president, but whose communities are unrecognizable to them now, mainly because of automation and global competition and all the social ills they wrought, like broken families and addiction. These voters bitterly detest the political status quo and were willing to take a chance on just about anyone whose last name wasn’t Clinton or Bush.

This group has been ascendant and growing in intensity for decades; some sizable minority of them cast ballots for both Presidents Obama and Trump in successive elections. They do not constitute the bulk of Trump’s support, by any means, but they are the main reason he became president, and to understand where they’re coming from is to understand the most powerful current in American politics.

The second group, roughly speaking, is the culturally affronted crowd you see reflected on social media all the time. These voters don’t think much about an economic future; they want a time machine that will take them back to an orderly America ruled by white dudes, where you could say whatever you wanted without being labeled a bigot or a sexist, where you didn’t have to worry about gay rights and women’s rights, and where black guys getting dragged out of a coffee shop for no reason was called Wednesday.

I’m a skeptic of reflexive political correctness, as I think a lot of mainstream voters are. The pseudo-intellectual bullying on college campuses today is enough to make any thinking person recoil. But the cultural right isn’t really opposed to the silly lexicon of liberalism as much as to liberalism itself. What they call PC is really just the modern concept of tolerance.

These voters represent a shrinking slice of the electorate, if you take any kind of long view, and they’re hardly misunderstood. They have the loudest voice in America, in fact — a president who stars in his own round-the-clock reality show, a miner of nostalgia who lives only for their applause. The problem for coastal liberals who run news and entertainment media is that in trying to speak to the economically disenchanted first group, they inevitably get dragged down into the netherworld of the culturally outraged second.

Which is exactly what happened to ABC with Roseanne Barr.

I didn’t watch the “Roseanne” reboot, but judging from its jokes about black Americans and immigrants, it was aimed squarely at the white Americans who feel robbed of their heritage. (Yes, “Roseanne” had a massive audience for a network sitcom today, but to put this in electoral perspective, Nielsen ratings earlier this month had it seen by fewer than 7 percent of American households watching TV.) And so it was a pretty good bet that Roseanne would stumble her way into the hatred and bigotry that lurk all over social media. Entertainers like Trump and Barr go wherever the crowd takes them. They play to their audience, for better or worse.

If you want to draw in the disaffected Americans who voted for Trump but remain trapped between free-market failure on one hand and liberal condescension on the other, then bring back a show like “King of the Hill,” which lampooned cultural elitism in a way these voters viscerally understood. That show is as relevant to the making of a President Trump as anything still airing today. But if your plan is to shine a bright light into the darkest, dustiest corner of cultural nostalgia, because you think that explains everything about the Trump phenomenon, then be prepared for what jumps out. The only America you’ll illuminate is the one that’s going away.


No Albino is not in some way complicit in the falsification of reality. Here even this supposedly "Progressive" American is still pushing the lie that Obama Voters voted for Trump because of "Economic" concerns. That lie was debunked above: see "Donald Trump and the Ignorant Albino" and a simple reading of the numbers for the 2016 election clearly show that it wasn't that many Obama voters voted for Trump, it was that they didn't vote for ANYBODY - they stayed Home! See the 2016 Election page on this site.






Chicago Tribune

Column: Why do whites oppose the NFL protests?

By Steve Chapman Contact Reporter


In a poll, whites were asked whether the NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem are helping or hurting the cause of racial justice. No fewer than 85 percent said they are hurting it. Clearly, this offense to the anthem and the American flag is the worst possible way to change minds. Blacks need to find a less divisive means to register their discontent.

Oh, wait. I’ve got that wrong. Those figures don’t come from a new poll. They come from a survey taken in 1966 asking whites whether “the demonstrations by Negroes on civil rights have helped more or hurt more in the advancement of Negro rights.” Only 15 percent of whites surveyed thought those peaceful protests would advance the cause of integration and equality. Martin Luther King Jr. and his nonviolent methods are honored even by conservatives today, but in 1967, half of whites said he was harming blacks, with only 36 percent disagreeing.

In many respects, the country has changed a lot since then — partly because of those unpopular demonstrations. What has not changed is that whites generally resent organized efforts by African-Americans to raise grievances and seek change. Last year, a Reuters poll found that 63 percent of whites disapproved of NFL players kneeling during the anthem — compared with 17 percent of blacks.

Many whites have always been in a hurry for African-Americans to stop griping about discrimination and get over it.

The Black Lives Matter movement is also unpopular among whites. Only 35 percent hold a positive view of it, according to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, compared with 83 percent of blacks. The negative opinions could be attributed to the noisy, disruptive marches the group has held or to the occasional outbreaks of violence that have resulted. The killing of five Dallas police officers at a Black Lives Matter demonstration last year (by a gunman unconnected to the group) also alienated a lot of people.

But if you don’t like how Black Lives Matter pursues its agenda, you should welcome the NFL players’ approach. It’s silent; it’s not disruptive; and it’s entirely nonviolent. It doesn’t block traffic, occupy police or frighten bystanders. Critics say it’s disrespectful to the flag, but no flags are harmed — and it could be taken as a form of respect for the flag to mutely signal your belief that the ideals it represents are not being realized.

That the display evokes so much fury and disgust among whites, from the president on down, confirms what was evident 50 years ago. The problem is not how blacks raise their complaints about American society; it’s that they raise them.

When LeBron James and other NBA players wore shirts that said “I can’t breathe” to protest police killings of unarmed black men, Commissioner Adam Silver expressed his disapproval, and Fox News commentator Geraldo Rivera slammed James. When several St. Louis Rams came out for a game with their hands raised to protest the killing of Michael Brown, the local police union demanded they be punished. Every time unrest erupts in black communities in response to some perceived injustice, finger-wagging whites wonder why blacks can’t express their dissent in an orderly, law-abiding way. But every time African-Americans protest peacefully, the same whites object to the message, the tactics, the purpose or the slogans.

Unsympathetic whites often ask why blacks are so unwilling to acknowledge progress, to express gratitude for living in a free country and to focus on the problems in their own communities. But unsympathetic whites asked the same questions back in the 1960s. Many whites have always been in a hurry for African-Americans to stop griping about discrimination and get over it. Detractors demand to know how such highly paid athletes have the nerve to question a country that has rewarded them so richly. They could ask the same question about Donald Trump — who owes his wealth to a nation that his inaugural address depicted in nightmarish terms.

Trump can insulate himself from the dangers he sees. But these players are as much at risk from bad cops as other black men. A GenForward poll last year found that only 26 percent of young adult African-Americans trust police to do the right thing, compared with 73 percent of their white peers. Small wonder that Colin Kaepernick and other black athletes want to draw attention to what they regard as a mortal danger. Are there better ways for them to make their point? Maybe so. But it wouldn’t make much difference. To many whites, the only good black protest is no black protest.

Steve Chapman, a member of the Tribune Editorial Board, blogs at

Not surprisingly, what this survey reveals is that many Albinos (the Rabble) do not view Racial equality as a "Natural" Human state that was corrupted during Slavery, but rather that Albino Superiority is "Normal", and "Equality" is something to be "Bestowed" upon Blacks after a period of "Acceptable" behavior: and the duration of the "acceptable behavior period" will be decided by those very same Albinos.

We often make note of the Albinos predisposition to delusion, nowhere is it more apparent.

Of course the Albino Rabble's delusion and the Negroes Stockholm syndrome, is all part and Parcel of the Albinos usurpation and subversion of presented History. And their falsification of the worlds racial realities as presented to Albinos and the unthinking Negroes in the Albino sphere. It is therefore up to Blacks and civilized Albinos, to take control of this perversion before more damage is done to the Human family.






We love it when we find current teachable examples of even the

"Supposed Progressive" Albinos default to Albino supremacy and Racism.



Quote from the previous story:

Of course the Albino Rabble's delusion and the Negroes Stockholm syndrome, is all part and Parcel of the Albinos usurpation and subversion of presented History. And their falsification of the worlds racial realities as presented to Albinos and the unthinking Negroes in the Albino sphere. It is therefore up to Blacks and civilized Albinos, to take control of this perversion before more damage is done to the Human family.


Quote from the "Roseanne show" story:

No Albino is not in some way complicit in the falsification of reality. Here even this supposedly "Progressive" American is still pushing the lie that Obama Voters voted for Trump because of "Economic" concerns.



US Virgin Islands

Ethnic groups

76.0% Black
15.7% White
4.9% Other
2.1% Multiracial
1.4% Asian


The story: US Virgin Islands remarkable recovery since Hurricane Irma








Note that the people of the U.S. Virgin Islands are BLACK!

Note that the Black Virgin Islands are ruled and guided by BLACK people!


Now note how "MSNBC" - supposedly a bastion of "Progressive" Albinos:

In this case Stephanie Ruhle, an Albino New York Woman who had studied in Guatemala, Italy, and Kenya:

(she can't claim to not know better, her racism is purposeful). Presents the story

of the miracle recovery of the U.S. Virgin Islands on Fri, Apr 06, 2018,





Click here for the Newsstory -





Another MSNBC female Albino anchor "Katy Tur" misses the boat


NEW YEARS DAY 2019: "Katy Tur" on her midday show was musing about why moderate republicans didn't simply disobey President Trump and join with Democrats to get things done. Because during the campaign season she spoke with many Trump supporters, and they all told her that they wanted good bipartisan government.

Okay - maybe she's just stupid: Ditzy Albino females have shows, but MSNBC can only manage one Black female.

Katy dear, this is the phenomenon you have experienced, it's called "The Bradley Effect". The fact is that many of those "Homey" all-American seeming Albinos that you were talking with, were actually Vile Hating Racists who LIE about their true nature, and what they want, and what they are going to do. Most intelligent people know this. There is an in-depth Wiki article about it, yet you don't know?


Katy - click here for the Wiki article - read it and try to learn something: >>>






Puerto Rico


Ethnic groups

75.8% White
12.4% Black
3.3% Two or more races
0.5% American Indian & Alaskan Native
0.2% Asian
<0.1% Pacific Islander
7.8% Other






Now compare that Albino News coverage of what was really Black "Excellence" in the Virgin Islands - which showed no Blacks: to the Albino News coverage of the totally ineffective and incompetent efforts to recover from THE SAME STORM, in the neighboring Albino ruled and populated, island of Puerto Rico. Hint - Every face you see is Black or Mulatto.



Whites "Strong" overcoming adversity.

Blacks and Non-Whites:

Weak, incapable of surviving without Whites.




Click here for the Newsstory:







America's poor becoming more destitute under Trump - U.N. expert

Thomson Reuters - June 2, 2018

By Stephanie Nebehay

* U.N. rights expert issues report on extreme poverty in U.S. * Says Trump policies remove safety net for the poor, reward rich. * Urges U.S. authorities to provide health care, social protection. * 41 million live in poverty in America, one third are children.

GENEVA, June 2 (Reuters) - Poverty in the United States is extensive and is deepening under the Trump administration whose policies seem aimed at removing the safety net from millions of poor, while rewarding the rich, a U.N. human rights investigator has found. Philip Alston, U.N. special rapporteur on extreme poverty, called on U.S. authorities to provide solid social protection and address underlying problems, rather than "punishing and imprisoning the poor." While welfare benefits and access to health insurance are being slashed, President Donald Trump's tax reform has awarded "financial windfalls" to the mega-rich and large companies, further increasing inequality, he said in a report. U.S. policies since President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty in the 1960s have been "neglectful at best," he said. "But the policies pursued over the past year seem deliberately designed to remove basic protections from the poorest, punish those who are not in employment and make even basic health care into a privilege to be earned rather than a right of citizenship," Alston said.

Almost 41 million people live in poverty, 18.5 million of them in extreme poverty, and children account for one in three poor, he said. The United States has the highest youth poverty rate among industrialized countries, he added."Its citizens live shorter and sicker lives compared to those living in all other rich democracies, eradicable tropical diseases are increasingly prevalent and it has the world's highest incarceration rate...and the highest obesity levels in the developed world," Alston said. However, the data from the U.S. Census Bureau he cited covers only the period through 2016, and he gave no comparative figures on the extent of poverty before and after Trump came into office in January 2017. The Australian, a veteran U.N. rights expert and New York University law professor, will present his report to the United Nations Human Rights Council later this month. It is based on his mission in December to several U.S. states, including rural Alabama, a slum in downtown Los Angeles, California, and the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. U.S. officials in Geneva were not immediately available for comment.



1) Only 30% of black children are born to married couples. 2) The poverty rate for native born and naturalized whites is identical (9.6%). 3) On the other hand, the poverty rate for naturalized blacks is 11.8% compared to 25.1% for native born blacks.

(Clearly the Stockholm Syndrome culture of some American Negroes breeds dependency and failure). So far, no data is available on the strange predilection of some American Negroes to "Instinctively" Run from Police, and in so doing, Triggering the Albino Policeman's natural instinct to Murder rather than Chase. It would seem that the results should cause such people to curb their instinct to run, but as of this writing, Blacks still run or resist while unarmed, and still get killed.

REPEAT - 1 out of 4 "Native Born" Black Americans live in Poverty or Extreme Poverty!

No data is available tracking what happens to the children of immigrant Blacks after they and their children become "Native Born" Black Americans.

4) The 2005 median income of Asian families was $68,957 compared to the median income of white families of $59,124. Asians, however, report discrimination occurrences more frequently than blacks. Specifically, 31% of Asians reported employment discrimination compared to 26% of blacks in 2005.



Citing "shameful statistics" linked to entrenched racial discrimination, Alston said that: 1) African Americans are 2.5 times more likely than whites to live in poverty and their unemployment rate is more than double. Women, Hispanics, immigrants, and indigenous people also suffer high rates. 2) At least 550,000 people are homeless in America, he said."The tax reform will worsen this situation and ensure that the United States remains the most unequal society in the developed world," Alston said. "The planned dramatic cuts in welfare will essentially shred crucial dimensions of a safety net that is already full of holes." The tax overhaul, which sailed through the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress in December, permanently cut the top corporate rate to 21 percent from 35 percent. Tax cuts for individuals, however, are temporary and expire after 2025.

Trump has said they will lead to more take-home pay for workers and have touted bonuses some workers received from their employers as evidence the law is working. Alston dismissed allegations of widespread fraud in the welfare system and criticized the U.S. criminal justice system. It sets large bail bonds for a defendant seeking to go free pending trial, meaning wealthy suspects can afford bail while the poor remain in custody, often losing their jobs, he said.

"There is no magic recipe for eliminating extreme poverty and each level of government must make its own good-faith decisions. At the end of the day, however, particularly in a rich country like the United States, the persistence of extreme poverty is a political choice made by those in power," he said.

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): figures for Federal Poverty Level in 2018. Individual = $12,140 | Family of four = $25,100.

Duke University Professor of Public Policy and Economics Sandy Darity, Jr. says, "There is no exact way of measuring poverty. The measures are contingent on how we conceive of and define poverty. Efforts to develop more refined measures have been dominated by researchers who intentionally want to provide estimates that reduce the magnitude of poverty."
According to a 2017 academic study by MIT economist Peter Temin, Americans trapped in poverty live in conditions rivaling the developing world, and are forced to contend with substandard education, dilapidated housing, and few stable employment opportunities.

A 2017 study published in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene found that hookworm, a parasite that thrives on extreme poverty, is flourishing in the Deep South. A report on the study in The Guardian stated: “Scientists in Houston, Texas, have lifted the lid on one of America’s darkest and deepest secrets: that hidden beneath fabulous wealth, the US tolerates poverty-related illness at levels comparable to the world’s poorest countries. More than one in three people sampled in a poor area of Alabama tested positive for traces of hookworm, a gastrointestinal parasite that was thought to have been eradicated from the US decades ago.” Some 12 million Americans live with diseases associated with extreme poverty. According to Philip Alston, the United Nations special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, 19 million people live in deep poverty (a total family income that is below one-half of the poverty threshold) in the United States as of 2017.





Quote from the "Column: Why do whites oppose the NFL protests?" story above:

"It is therefore up to Blacks and civilized Albinos, to take control of this perversion before more damage is done to the Human family."


Yahoo News

More young people plan to vote this year.

But their key issues may surprise you.

By Laina Yost June 1, 2018

Young people sharply increased their level of political engagement after the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla., political scientists say. But paradoxically, gun control is not among their top priorities. Only 6 percent of teens and young adults listed gun control as a top concern, in a survey conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and MTV in May. This contrasts with the 21 percent who put it as a top priority in an earlier survey conducted right after the Parkland shootings.

The study found that the top two issues young Americans are most concerned about are the economy and social inequality.

Olivia Bercow, a spokesperson for NextGen America, a progressive climate action committee founded by Tom Steyer, said the top four issues the organization hears about from students are college affordability, health care, racial injustice and climate change. “I think that, for the most part, young people are really, really engaged on the issues and right now, we’re seeing what having a certain type of leadership in office looks like on issues that matter,” she said. Thirty-seven percent of voters under 30 said they will vote in the upcoming midterms, according to the National Youth Poll conducted in April 2018 by the Institute of Politics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. John Della Volpe, director of polling at the Institute of Politics, said it’s not likely all of them will actually go to the polls, but that it was the highest level of interest the survey has recorded since 2010. He credited Parkland with inspiring the shift, but said the change began in 2016. “I expect [Parkland] can be a motivating factor for millions of young people, but again, time will tell,” he said. “For a movement to have significant impact, it has to have both support from the bottom up, of which, it does, thanks to the young men and women around Parkland, but it needs to have support from top down.”

Della Volpe believes the Democratic Party, which is overwhelmingly the choice of young people, needs to do more to solidify their support, or risk losing their enthusiasm by November. “I don’t think we’ve seen the Democrat Party really choose to make young people focus on this midterm cycle,” he said. Della Volpe believes young people will vote when they see the political system address their priorities, including access to higher education, structural racism and big money in politics.

CIRCLE, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University, studied where youth could have the most impact. Based on population figures, demographics and voter turnout history, they identified races in Minnesota, North Dakota and Colorado. Della Volpe said that Democrats need to make young people a part of their campaigns and conversations. “It’s not necessarily a transactional generation,” he said. “It’s a generation that has lost a lot of faith and trust in the system and it needs to be gained. And that doesn’t happen overnight.”

Whether or not young people actually turn out in greater numbers, there is unquestionably more attention being paid to their political impact this year, which Abby Kiesa, director of impact at CIRCLE, thinks could be significant. “Part of what’s interesting about this year is this earlier focus on youth and it’s talking about teens who are just turning 18. A lot of times that’s not the focus,” she said. Organizations like Headcount, Rock the Vote and NextGen America are seeking to register more young people and encourage them to vote. “Young people are energized and fired up about the elections this year,” Bercow of NextGen America said. “A lot of people now understand, not that they didn’t before, that elections have consequences and who you put in office really matters.”






Quote from the: "America's poor becoming more destitute under Trump - U.N. expert" Newsstory above:

(Clearly the Stockholm Syndrome culture of some American Negroes breeds dependency and failure). So far, no data is available on the strange predilection of some American Negroes to "Instinctively" Run from Police, and in so doing, Triggering the Albino Policeman's natural instinct to Murder rather than Chase. It would seem that the results should cause such people to curb their instinct to run, but as of this writing, Blacks still run or resist while unarmed, and still get killed. (Add being drunk and closing the door on a Albino Policeman as grounds for execution).




St Lucie County, Florida: Gunshots rang out after police were called to Mr Gregory Vaughn Hill's home when a parent collecting her child from a nearby primary school reportedly complained about loud music coming from his garage. According to the New York Times, officers arrived and knocked on the garage door. Mr Hill, a warehouse employee, raised the door only to shut it again after seeing police outside. One of the officers opened fire four times as the door closed, hitting Mr Hill three times, once in the head, reports the newspaper. He was found with an unloaded gun, but whether he was holding it is disputed.




A jury ruled that no excessive force was used and Mr Hill was responsible for his own death because he was drunk. A judge asked the jury to decide if Mr Hill's constitutional rights had been violated and, if so, whether his family should receive compensation. After hours of deliberation, the jury awarded $1 to his mother for funeral costs and $1 to each of his three children. However, it also decided that Mr Hill was 99% responsible for his own death, meaning the sheriff's department is only required to pay 1% of the damages. This would leave the family with four cents. The judge could reduce the damages further to zero because Mr Hill was intoxicated.


Mock the Murder of a fellow Human, and leave his family destitute.

Usually Albinos try to hide their murderous degeneracy. Trump Effect?






Albino Media Picking Black Leaders


Since the start of the Civil Rights era, Albino media has tried to install Blacks of their liking; usually the most feckless, as Black leaders. That proud Albino heritage is continued with their choice of Attorney Benjamin Crump as the countries premier lawyer.

As a reminder: Crump stood idly by as the lawyer of the Trayvon Martin family, as the Albino prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case, Charged George Zimmerman with "Second Degree Murder". Under a second-degree murder charge, the jury must find that the death was caused by a criminal act “demonstrating a depraved mind without regard for human life,” reading from the state’s standard jury instructions. The maximum sentence for second-degree murder is life in prison; the minimum penalty under these charges is 25 years.

Dan Markel, a law professor at Florida State University, said he was “very surprised” by the severity of the charges “in light of the evidence that seems to have been brought to the attention of the public so far.” Many legal experts had predicted that Mr. Zimmerman would be charged with manslaughter.

Even a first-year law student would know that because Trayvon Martin was killed during a "Fist" fight with George Zimmerman, and because Zimmerman pulled his gun and shot Trayvon Martin ONLY after he found himself "Loosing" the fight: the only possible conviction would be a "Manslaughter" conviction. Angela B. Corey, the special prosecutor appointed to the case in Florida obviously knew this too, and purposely choose a charge that could not be upheld, thereby guaranteeing George Zimmerman's freedom. Was Crump complicit or just incompetent? Better question: all across the nation, the circumstances of the case were well known. All across the nation, the legal requirements for a “Second Degree Murder” charge to be upheld, are about the same. So why didn’t ANYONE sound the Alarm as to what the Albinos in Florida were doing?





TV One Premieres EVIDENCE OF INNOCENCE Series Hosted by Acclaimed Civil Rights Attorney Benjamin Crump. Premiering Monday, June 4 at 10/9c PM on TV One and hosted by acclaimed civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump, each one-hour episode of Evidence of Innocence focuses on one wrongfully convicted man or woman - Lisa Roberts, Richard Miles, Melonie Ware and Mark Schand - each faced with the enormous challenge of maintaining faith while awaiting the opportunity to prove their innocence.








Is MSNBC a Trojan Horse?



Immediately after Hillary Clinton's 2016 defeat, certain supposedly Liberal sources attributed her defeat to disaffected White Workers, and White suburban women, who after voting two times for Obama, changed sides and voted for Donald Trump for economic concerns. On the face of it, this was of course a ridiculous supposition, someone who voted for the enlightened leadership of Barack Obama would never Vote for a Racist Buffoon like Donald Trump for ANY reason.

Black pundits knew that Obama's victories were based on Black voter turnout: (Did you really think the Albinos would tell you the TRUE Black population)? Obama knew, but wisely wouldn't say outright. Barack Obama - Dec. 2016: I'm 'confident' I could have won a third term as president. In a wide-ranging interview with former aide David Axelrod, the outgoing president expressed his belief that he could have won re-election in 2016, based on his view that most Americans still subscribed to his progressive vision and ideals.

So it seemed logical that the (not wildly popular among Blacks) Hillary Clinton, lost because many Blacks stayed home. And that's what Black pundits said on MSNBC programs: and there they were always ignored. Not once was there a conversation on any station, challenging this false (Albino people based analysis) of the 2016 Presidential election. And then soon, the Black pundits who tried to tell the truth about the 2016 election were gone, shut out completely from the conversations on American television. So that nowhere was there a truthful analysis of the 2016 election.

But luckily, just because Albino media moguls want to hide a truth, doesn't mean that the truth will be completely hidden. As it turns out, the scientists at Pew Research Center had been busy trying to resolve those same questions, as to why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election. Here is what they found:

Pew Research Center May 12, 2017 - Black voter turnout fell in 2016, even as a record number of Americans cast ballots.
By Jens Manuel Krogstad and Mark Hugo Lopez

A record 137.5 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Overall voter turnout – defined as the share of adult U.S. citizens who cast ballots – was 61.4% in 2016, a share similar to 2012 but below the 63.6% who say they voted in 2008. A number of long-standing trends in presidential elections either reversed or stalled in 2016, as black voter turnout decreased, white turnout increased and the nonwhite share of the U.S. electorate remained flat since the 2012 election. Here are some key takeaways from the Census Bureau’s report, the data source with the most comprehensive demographic and statistical portrait of U.S. voters. (The same source which has lied to Black people about their numbers - consider the source).

As a reminder; that study was released over a year ago, it proved that the Black pundits were correct in their analysis of the 2016 election results. Yet Albino media ignored it, and them, and continues to do so. Today, with the truth-tellers banished from Albino media, and the Mid-term elections looming, these supposedly Liberal Albino sources are once again wringing their hands and asking: WHAT CAN DEMOCRATS DO TO WIN BACK WHITE WORKING CLASS VOTERS???


The problem is that it's all a BIG LIE!


As the Pew Research study, and the election results from the Wikipedia table below clearly show,


Except for disaffected Black Voters of 2008, who disappointed that Obama did not change their lives, abandoned him in 2012




As these totals clearly show 3,583,721 Blacks left Obama in 2012 because of disappointment that he did not lift them up by decree. Strangely/Ironically, these mostly unsophisticated Black Voters have the same concept of the Presidency as the Buffoon Trump: that is the President is all-powerful, and can do whatever he pleases - which is of course not true.

Between Obama's 2012 election and Hillary Clinton's 2016 DEFEAT: THERE IS A DIFFERENCE OF 62,281 DEMOCRATIC VOTES! - - THAT IS THE SAME AS NO CHANGE IN DEMOCRATIC VOTES!!!

Hillary Clinton actually got 4.5% (2,868,686) MORE votes than Donald Trump. But the reason Trump is President and Clinton is not: is because Hillary Clinton carelessly or incompetently, neglected to acquire the necessary number of "Electoral College" votes. You see, regardless of the lies, the United States is NOT a "True" Democracy. The "Electoral College" votes, not the popular vote, determines the outcome of a Presidential Election.

Though Hillary Clinton did get 2,868,686 MORE votes than Donald Trump: the sight of a Black President did have an effect, it made racist Albinos go crazy. Thus in 2016 they came out in unprecedented numbers, numbers never seen before: 2,051,324 more Albino voters came out for trump in 2016 than had ever voted before. The biggest change was 454,439 in Florida, 179,568 in Ohio, 290,299 in Pennsylvania, 112,071 in Missouri, 516,744 in Nebraska. Even states Like New York and New Jersey, saw an increase in Racist Albino voters.

It would seem the founding Fathers understood the danger the Albino Rabble could one day pose to the health of the Nation. That is why they added the protection of the "Electoral College" to the Popular vote. The idea was that in case the Albino Rabble, in their infinite Stupidity, should one day elect someone totally Unqualified to be President, the Electors could refuse to honor the Popular Vote, and cast their Votes for a better qualified person to be President. But as we now see, if the Electors are themselves Albino Rabble, then the system breaks down, and a Donald Trump is elected President.

An interesting aside:

Here again, the Albinos took a method of electing leadership from one of the Black Empires, in this case the Black Holy Roman Empire headquartered in Germany. The prince-electors (or simply electors) of the Holy Roman Empire were the members of the Electoral College of the Holy Roman Empire. From the 13th century onwards, the Prince-Electors had the privilege of electing the King of the Romans, who would be crowned by the Pope as Holy Roman Emperor. Charles V was the last to be a crowned Emperor (elected 1519, crowned 1530):





The Habsburg jaw (Prognathism), as depicted in portraits of Charles V of the House of Habsburg. Due to its prevalence in that bloodline, the trait is easily traceable in portraits of Habsburg family members. This has provided tools for people interested in studying genetics and pedigree analysis. Most instances are considered polygenetic.



his successors were elected Emperors directly by the electoral college, each being titled "Elected Emperor of the Romans" In practice, all but one Emperor (Charles VII from the House of Wittelsbach) from 1440 onwards came from the Austrian House of Habsburg, and the Electors merely ratified the Habsburg succession. The dignity of Elector carried great prestige and was considered to be second only to that of King or Emperor. The Electors had exclusive privileges that were not shared with the other princes of the Empire, and they continued to hold their original titles alongside that of Elector. The heir apparent to a secular prince-elector was known as an electoral prince.




Here is what some of the Electors of the Holy Roman Empire actually looked like!






Now then, back to WHY supposedly Liberal Albino media is pushing this obvious lie?

Well, consider the reality they are faced with: i.e. In spite of record Albino Rabble turnout, and many Black voters staying HOME. The forces of Good: (Blacks and Civilized Albinos), still have a sizable majority in the United States.


Thus the answer may be as obvious as the color on the back of your hand: MSNBC, like ALL major media, is owned by RICH Albinos. According to the New York Times, for every $100 in white family wealth, black families hold just $5.04. That means that Albinos own about 95% of the United States of America. Obama's Presidency proves that the determining factor in national Elections, and many State Elections, is BLACK VOTER TURNOUT!


And what of the lie the Albino Rabble was telling to hide their Racist degeneracy?

"Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds"

By Niraj Chokshi - April 24, 2018


The calculus of the rich Albino media owners is simple: which group is likely to maintain me in my high positions and exorbitant wealth. My fellow racist Albinos, or Blacks and Civilized Albinos? Luckily, many Black politicians have figured it out too, so contrary to what Albinos are counseling them: i.e. Go to the Albino Rabble, kiss their Albino ass, and beg them to vote for you. Many Blacks are eschewing that, and instead, trying to encourage Black participation in elections. Obama won with it, why can't they?





Numbers to ponder


From the United States Census:
U.S. population = 325,700,000


Population of California - Population estimates, July 2017, (39,536,653) = 12.1% of U.S. population
Electoral College Votes = 55 = 10.2% of total Electoral College Votes

Demographics of California
White alone (American Whites and Hispanics identifying as White (72.7%)
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino (37.7%)
Hispanic or Latino - Hispanics may be of any race. (38.9%)
Black or African American alone - the typical lie number - (6.5%)
Population of Blacks and Hispanics (45.4%)


Population of Texas - Population estimates, July 2017 (28,304,596) 8.7% of U.S. population.
Electoral College Votes = 38 = 7.0% of total Electoral College Votes

Demographics of Texas
White alone (American Whites and Hispanics identifying as White (79.4%)
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino (42.6%)
Hispanic or Latino - Hispanics may be of any race. (39.1%)
Black or African American alone - the typical lie number - (12.6%)
Population of Blacks and Hispanics (51.7%): More than enough to take Power in Texas.


Population of Florida - Population estimates, July 2017, (20,984,400) = 6.4% of U.S. population
Electoral College Votes = 29 = 5.4% of total Electoral College Votes

Demographics of Florida
White alone (American Whites and Hispanics identifying as White (77.6%)
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino (54.9%)
Hispanic or Latino - Hispanics may be of any race. (24.9%)
Black or African American alone - the typical lie number - (16.8%)
Population of Blacks and Hispanics (41.7%)

New York

Population of New York - Population estimates, July 2017, (19,849,399) = 6.0% of U.S. population
Electoral College Votes = 29 = 5.4% of total Electoral College Votes

Demographics of New York
White alone (American Whites and Hispanics identifying as White (69.9%)
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino (55.8%)
Hispanic or Latino - Hispanics may be of any race. (19%)
Black or African American alone - the typical lie number - (17.7%)
Population of Blacks and Hispanics (36.7%)


Having already established that Albinos lie about the population of Blacks


Total Electoral College Votes of U.S. = 538

Total population of these four States = 108,675,048 = 33.3% of total U.S. population

Total Electoral College votes of these four States = 151 = 28% of total






United States has a long history of interference in/Overthrow of:

the Governments of other Nations


1953 Iranian coup d'état - The United States and Britain overthrow

the Democratically elected Government of Iran.


Wiki articles:

The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953, orchestrated by the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot") and the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project or "Operation Ajax"). Mohammad Mosaddegh, The Prime Minister of Iran in 1951. Mossadegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP) and to limit the company's control over Iranian oil reserves. Upon the refusal of the AIOC to co-operate with the Iranian government, the parliament (Majlis) voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country. After this vote, Britain instigated a worldwide boycott of Iranian oil to pressure Iran economically. Initially, Britain mobilized its military to seize control of the British-built Abadan oil refinery, then the world's largest, but Prime Minister Clement Attlee opted instead to tighten the economic boycott while using Iranian agents to undermine Mosaddegh's government. Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration decided to overthrow Iran's government, though the predecessor Truman administration had opposed a coup, fearing the precedent that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) involvement would set. Classified documents show that British intelligence officials played a pivotal role in initiating and planning the coup, and that the AIOC contributed $25,000 towards the expense of bribing officials. In August 2013, 60 years afterward, the American CIA admitted that it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda. The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government".

Following the coup in 1953, a government under General Fazlollah Zahedi was formed which allowed Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran (Persian for an Iranian king), to rule more firmly as monarch. He relied heavily on United States support to hold on to power. According to the CIA's declassified documents and records, some of the most feared mobsters in Tehran were hired by the CIA to stage pro-Shah riots on 19 August. Other CIA-paid men were brought into Tehran in buses and trucks, and took over the streets of the city. Between 200 and 300 people were killed because of the conflict. Mosaddegh was arrested, tried and convicted of treason by the Shah's military court. On 21 December 1953, he was sentenced to three years in jail, then placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life. Other Mosaddegh supporters were imprisoned, and several received the death penalty. After the coup, the Shah continued his rule as monarch for the next 26 years until he was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution in 1979.
Iranian Revolution

The Iranian Revolution (also known as the Islamic Revolution or the 1979 Revolution) refers to events involving the overthrow of the 2,500 years of continuous Persian monarchy (idiotic lie from the Albino boys at wiki) under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was supported by the United States, and eventual replacement with an Islamic Republic under the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution, supported by various Islamist and leftist organizations and student movements.

Demonstrations against the Shah commenced in October 1977, developing into a campaign of civil resistance that included both secular and religious elements and which intensified in January 1978. Between August and December 1978, strikes and demonstrations paralyzed the country. The Shah left Iran for exile on 16 January 1979, as the last Persian monarch, leaving his duties to a regency council and Shapour Bakhtiar who was an opposition-based prime minister. Ayatollah Khomeini was invited back to Iran by the government, and returned to Tehran to a greeting by several million Iranians. The royal reign collapsed shortly after on 11 February when guerrillas and rebel troops overwhelmed troops loyal to the Shah in armed street fighting, bringing Khomeini to official power. Iran voted by national referendum to become an Islamic Republic on 1 April 1979, and to approve a new theocratic-republican constitution whereby Khomeini became Supreme Leader of the country in December 1979.

The revolution was unusual for the surprise it created throughout the world: it lacked many of the customary causes of revolution (defeat at war, a financial crisis, peasant rebellion, or disgruntled military), occurred in a nation that was experiencing relative prosperity, produced profound change at great speed, was massively popular, resulted in the exile of many Iranians, and replaced a pro-Western authoritarian monarchy with an anti-Western authoritarian theocracy based on the concept of Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists (or velayat-e faqih). It was a relatively non-violent revolution, and it helped to redefine the meaning and practice of modern revolutions (although there was violence in its aftermath).

On November 4, 1979, a group of Iranian students stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 American hostages. The immediate cause of this action was President Jimmy Carter’s decision to allow Iran’s deposed Shah, a pro-Western autocrat who had been expelled from his country some months before, to come to the United States for cancer treatment. However, the hostage-taking was about more than the Shah’s medical care: it was a dramatic way for the student revolutionaries to declare a break with Iran’s past and an end to American interference in its affairs. It was also a way to raise the intra- and international profile of the revolution’s leader, the anti-American cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The students set their hostages free on January 21, 1981, 444 days after the crisis began and just hours after President Ronald Reagan delivered his inaugural address. Many historians believe that hostage crisis cost Jimmy Carter a second term as president.


Iran's assets were first frozen by U.S. president Jimmy Carter in 1979, after revolutionaries overthrew the U.S.-allied Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's administration and took American hostages. After the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the United States ended its economic and diplomatic ties with Iran, banned Iranian oil imports and froze approximately 11 billion 1980-US dollars of its assets.

Many of the assets were then unfrozen in 1981 after the Algiers Accords were signed and the hostage crisis ended. At the time of the 1979 revolution, the Pentagon re-sold some $400 million in Iranian military equipment already paid for by the deposed government, and the money was "placed in an escrow account". Much of the frozen cash includes Iran's income from selling a limited amount of oil prior to the lifting of the sanctions, when Iran could legally sell oil but could not transfer the money back to Iran, because doing so was illegal under U.S. sanctions. The US government also has seized a Manhattan skyscraper belonging to the Iranian government (worth over a billion US dollar).



Iran-Contra Affair, 1980s U.S. political scandal in which the National Security Council (NSC) became involved in secret weapons transactions and other activities that either were prohibited by the U.S. Congress or violated the stated public policy of the government. The background to the scandal lay in President Ronald Reagan’s pre-occupation with the spread of communism, in particular in the United States’ own backyard of Central America. In 1979, the Sandinista liberation movement in Nicaragua had finally overthrown the dictatorship of President Anastasio Somoza Debayle, whereupon Reagan became increasingly convinced that the presence of an actively left-wing regime in that country would spark revolution throughout the region and threaten the security of the United States. To combat this possibility, his administration ploughed massive amounts of military aid into a number of governments in Central America that were beset by civil war and guerrilla fighting. In the case of Nicaragua, the focus was on destabilizing the government and engineering the overthrow of the Marxist-oriented Sandinista regime. Military aid was channeled to militia groups—the "Contras"—fighting to achieve this end. The American public, however, grew increasingly opposed to such funding, and when Congress passed a law banning it, the White House resorted to covert means to continue its support.



There was a Middle East component of this policy as well. In early 1985 the head of the NSC, Robert C. McFarlane, undertook the sale of antitank and antiaircraft missiles to Iran in the mistaken belief that such a sale would secure the release of a number of American citizens who were being held captive in Lebanon by Shīʿite terrorist groups loyal to Iran. This and several subsequent weapon sales to Iran in 1986 directly contradicted the U.S. government’s publicly stated policy of refusing either to bargain with terrorists or to aid Iran in its war with Iraq, a policy based on the belief that Iran was a sponsor of international terrorism. A portion of the $48 million that Iran paid for the arms was diverted by the NSC and given to the Contras battling the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. The monetary transfers were undertaken by NSC staff member Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North with the approval of McFarlane’s successor as head of the NSC, Rear Admiral John M. Poindexter. North and his associates also raised private funds for the Contras. These activities violated the Boland Amendment, a law passed by Congress in 1984 that banned direct or indirect U.S. military aid to the Contras.


2016 seizure of Iranian assets

The US Supreme Court supported the statements of Congress and President Barack Obama that Iran "was financially responsible for the 1983 bombing that killed 241 Marines at their barracks in the Lebanese capital, Beirut." Iran had denied any involvement in any of the bombings. Families of the Marines and victims of other attacks that courts have linked to Iran are allowed under the court's law to seize some $2 billion in assets held in New York’s Citibank belonging to the Central Bank of Iran. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, called the action "blatant robbery"

After the eventual release of the hostages in 1981, tentative talks began over the disposition of assets in the U.S. that had been frozen by President Carter in 1979. The discussions quickly became complicated, in part because of the difficulty of identifying personal and governmental assets, and tracking down assets of the deposed Shah, which the Iranian government insisted rightly belonged to the Iraqi people. Many of the assets blocked by Carter in 1979 were unfrozen in 1981 after the signing of the Algiers Accords and the end of the hostage crisis. Ten years after the revolution, former undersecretary of state David Newsom wrote, "Any resumption of formal relations between the US and Iran will require a further sorting out of the web of financial claims and counter claims. To suggest that this process can take place quickly neglects history, underestimates the complexity of the present situation, and obstructs an examination of other possible solutions to the hostage issue."


The deal would release frozen Iranian assets, allowing Iran full access to them. Of course the money belongs to Iran in the first place; it’s not coming from some other country. Iran owes some major debts to countries such as China, and it would use perhaps $50 billion to pay those, according to an analysis by the Brookings Institution. The big question is what it will do with the rest of the money.






As the old folks say: What Goes Around, Comes Around!


Russian interference in the 2016 United States Presidential elections

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election in order to increase political instability in the United States and to damage Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign by bolstering the candidacies of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein. A January 2017 assessment by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) stated that Russian leadership favored presidential candidate Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, and that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally ordered an "influence campaign" to harm Clinton's electoral chances and "undermine public faith in the US democratic process."

On October 7, 2016, the ODNI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) jointly stated that the U.S. Intelligence Community was confident that the Russian Government directed recent hacking of e-mails with the intention of interfering with the U.S. election process. According to the ODNI′s January 6, 2017 report, the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) had hacked the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the personal Google email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and forwarded their contents to WikiLeaks. Although Russian officials have repeatedly denied involvement in any DNC hacks or leaks, there is strong forensic evidence linking the DNC breach to known Russian operations. In January 2017, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that Russia also interfered in the elections by disseminating fake news that was promoted on social media.

On October 31, 2016, President Barack Obama warned Putin via the "red phone" to stop interfering or face consequences. In December 2016, Obama ordered a report on hacking efforts aimed at U.S. elections since 2008, while U.S. Senators called for a bipartisan investigation. President-elect Donald Trump rejected claims of foreign interference and said that Democrats were reacting to their election loss. On December 29, 2016, the Obama Administration expelled 35 Russian diplomats, denied access to two Russia-owned compounds, and broadened existing sanctions on Russian entities and individuals. More sanctions were imposed against Russia by the Trump administration in March 2018, and on April 6, 2018, the Trump administration imposed another new round of sanctions against Russia, targeting several oligarchs and high-ranking Russian officials. In June 2018, the United States Department of the Treasury imposed a new set of sanctions on several Russian entities and officials in connection to cyberattacks by Russia related to the 2016 election interference. Several countries in the European Union have also pursued a sanctions regime against Russia, accusing the state of supporting terrorism and interfering in their own respective elections.







Don't underestimate the stupidity of the average American voter

Newsquest's audited local newspaper network. A Gannett Company.

Newsquest (North East) Ltd, Loudwater Mill, Station Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. 29th January 2016

TO say that Donald Trump is a clown is an understatement. But make no mistake, his presidential campaign continues to gain momentum, and there is a very real chance that this buffoon could become president of the world’s most powerful country. One should never underestimate the stupidity and gullibility of the average American voter. Who, for instance, would ever have expected them to elect as president a B-movie actor who had been upstaged on screen by a monkey? Mind you, Ronald Reagan and the monkey would have been preferable to George Bush Jnr. One would think that such events would have given the American voters pause for thought — but US citizens do not do humility or perception after the fact.

VJ Connor, Bishop Auckland




Mueller Investigation: Even Democrats, Independents Have Turned Against Probe,

New Poll Suggests, By Greg Price 6/13/18.

President Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on the special counsel investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election may be taking hold not only among Republicans but Democrats and independents as well, according to a poll released Wednesday. The Politico/Morning Consult poll found Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s favorability among Democrats and independents took a slight dive over the last 11 months. Twenty-four percent of Democrats registered an unfavorable score for Mueller, while 33 percent of independents also viewed Mueller in a negative light. Last July, Mueller’s approval ratings among both Democrats and independents were higher. The former FBI director received a positive 28 percent rating among independents, and 32 percent from Democrats. Overall, a record 53 percent of the poll’s respondents shared an unfavorable reaction to Mueller, a 26-point jump since Politico/Morning Consult first started polling the special counsel’s favorable and unfavorable rating among registered voters.






New York Times

Where Trump Succeeded

By Charles M. Blow - Opinion Columnist - June 3, 2018


In one way, Donald Trump’s presidency has been a raging success: He stole a political party. Among most of the people who we used to call Republicans, among the people who like Trump or at least loathe the things that Trump loathes, Trump is not a disappointment but a deity. As the former House speaker, John Boehner, said Thursday at a political event in Michigan: “There is no Republican Party. There’s a Trump party. The Republican Party is kind of taking a nap somewhere.”

No sir, the Republican Party as you knew it — and I knew it — is in a Trump-induced coma. As Trump dragged down your party, Republican voters cheered, and your so-called leaders have cowered. Congressmen have shielded and protected him, excused and accepted him. The party as a whole — or at least the vast majority of it — has turned its back on much of what it once held dear, and heretofore adhered to: a common sense of morality, ethics and norms or propriety.

To be clear, much of what Trump has surfaced among Republicans has always been there — sexism, racism, xenophobia, anti-immigrant hysteria — but Trump has elevated it, venerated it, and branded it. This is the Trumpublican Party, a party reborn in Trump’s own image, one existing to worship him with blind allegiance and follow him with mindless obeisance. For instance, Trump has a long history of womanizing. Republicans shrugged. He bragged on tape about assaulting women. Republicans shrugged. He has now been exposed as having paid a porn star for her silence about an alleged affair, and Republicans have shrugged.

Most of these people, in their misogyny and patriarchy (including the majority of white women voters in America who voted for Trump in 2016) — don’t see a problem with the way Trump treats women. An April Quinnipiac University poll found that two-thirds of Republicans believe that “Trump treats women with the same amount of respect as he treats men.” Furthermore, a YouGov poll from the end of April found that while a majority of Trump voters believe that a woman would probably be elected president during their lifetimes, a majority hoped it wouldn’t happen. Trump has attacked people who are black (protesting athletes, immigrants from African countries, President Obama) and brown (Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants coming north) and the Trumpublicans have cheered.

Trump has defended Nazis and has been slow and tentative about criticizing racists. He has invited flaming racist Ted Nugent to the White House. Nugent has called President Obama a piece of human excrement, referred to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton’s speech in a column as “lisping their ebonic mumbo-jumbo,” and wrote in another column, “I’m beginning to wonder if it would have been best had the South won the Civil War.” Trump has pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who ordered the systematic racial profiling of Latino communities. As the A.C.L.U. put it: “In traffic stops, workplace raids and neighborhood sweeps, Arpaio ordered deputies to target residents solely based on their ethnicity, often detaining people without reasonable suspicion that they were violating any laws that his office was allowed to enforce.”

And last week Trump pardoned racist Dinesh D’Souza, who as Slate put it, “has trafficked in racism and homophobia for nearly 30 years, stretching back to his time at Dartmouth in the early years of the Reagan administration, where he edited the right-wing Dartmouth Review. Among other things, he ran an anti-affirmative action article written in a caricature of black vernacular English (titled “Dis Sho Ain’t No Jive, Bro”)…” And yet, the same April Quinnipiac poll found that an overwhelming 82 percent of Republicans believe Trump treats people of color with the same amount of respect as he treats white people.

These people were already detached from reality, but Trump helped them to see a new reality, one in which their hatred and bigotry were not abhorrent, but rather markers of the mainstream. They didn’t have a problem, the rest of America was the problem. It is only in that alternate reality, in that other world, that Gallup could report poll results last week that found that three-quarters of Republicans believe that Trump provides strong moral leadership as president.

These are the same Republicans who told Gallup last month that they thought that the ethical standards of the thoroughly unethical Trump administration officials were excellent or good (71 percent) as opposed to not good or poor (27 percent). I will not say that the pre-Trump Republican Party is dead, because anything can happen in politics, but I will most definitely say that it is grievously ill, on life support and Trump is standing over the motionless body with the power cord in his hand. For conquering and crippling the Republican Party, Trump will be long remembered, but probably not in the way his supporters hope. I believe he is leading them to ruin.




Comment: all Donald Trump did was to give the pathetic Albino Rabble of the Republican party, the courage to openly declare and show their true degenerate nature. Wealthy Albinos, middle-class Albinos, and suburban Albino Housewives, all of which voted for Trump, didn't have economic concerns, they were simply tired of "Hiding". Since the United States ascension as a great power, American propagandists have tried to portray the United States as a Nation of thinking, fair minded, sensible White people; albeit with residual racial issues from the fringe.

Remember during the Obama administration, when the Albino Rabble tried to skewer him for not talking about "American Exceptionalism". They wanted him to declare them the worlds best people, but he wouldn't say it that way; and when he did say it, even Putin (their Hero) had to object:




Washington Post

Putin: America is not exceptional

By Aaron Blake September 12, 2013

In a New York Times op-ed, Russian President Vladimir Putin takes issue with President Obama's reference to American exceptionalism during his speech on Syria on Tuesday, calling the notion "extremely dangerous." "I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday," Putin wrote in the op-ed, published online late Wednesday and printed in Thursday's newspaper. "And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is 'what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.'"

"It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation," Putin continued. "There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal."

As Obama convened a Cabinet meeting Thursday, a reporter attempted to shout a question about Putin's remarks, but Obama did not respond. Obama's embrace Tuesday of American exceptionalism -- the idea that the United States qualitatively different than other nations -- was notable, especially since Republicans have criticized him for not fully embracing it in the past.

This criticism stemmed from a comment that the president made in 2009, at a news conference held during his first trip overseas as commander in chief. Asked whether he subscribed to American exceptionalism, Obama replied: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." That was seen at the time as a nod to the fact that many abroad hear talk of American exceptionalism as jingoism. During the run-up to the 2012 campaign, it seemed that nearly every candidate or would-be candidate on the Republican side took a turn lambasting him on the concept.




So that by the time Trump came along, they were ripe for a break-out. Enough of "hiding in the closet" this is who we are: we are the "Powerful" people who Murdered as many Black Native Americans as we wanted to take their land. We are the people who installed our Mulattoes as their replacements. We are the people who Enslaved Blacks to work our Stolen lands because the Sun wouldn't let us do it. We are the people (along with Albino Movie makers and other media types) who created a made-believe world, where we were "High-Class" Albinos, Aristocrats even!



This sudden break-out, inspired by Donald Trump, caught many by surprise, including civilized Albinos. But this was really just history repeating itself: many Albinos just like the "Self-reaffirming" quality of murdering and oppressing at will. This is their psychological response to "Fear of the Black Man". Remember Germany in the 30s? Even hundreds of years after they had overthrown the Blacks and Black rulers of the "Holy Roman Empire": Germany's Albinos were still traumatized and needed (what they considered non-Whites) to Murder. (They hated making war on the British and French: it was the Jews, Gypsies, and other non-Whites they wanted to get at).

Of course not all Germans were like that: Civilized Germans were genuinely shocked to discover what had been going on during the war. Just as civilized Albinos in the United States were shocked to discover the true level of degeneracy of their Rabble countrymen. A degeneracy that they tried mightily NOT to see, preferring to believe that it was in the past. Not understanding that kind of sickness never truly goes away: it's basis has to do with self-worth and feelings of helplessness in the face of peril: there is just no way to reassure them sufficiently. Read the following for insight into the Albino mind.

Background: the people we call Germans were the main group of Central Asian Albinos who began migrating into Black Roman lands at the beginning of the current era (year "0" A.D.). The Roman historian Tacitus wrote about them:


Tacitus: Germany Book 1


1. The name Germany, on the other hand, they say, is modern and newly introduced, from the fact that the tribes which first crossed the Rhine and drove out the Gauls, and are now called Tungrians, were then called Germans. Thus what was the name of a tribe, and not of a race, gradually prevailed, till all called themselves by this self-invented name of Germans, which the conquerors had first employed to inspire terror.

4. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them.

8. Tradition says that armies already wavering and giving way have been rallied by women who, with earnest entreaties and bosoms laid bare, have vividly represented the horrors of captivity, which the Germans fear with such extreme dread on behalf of their women, that the strongest tie by which a state can be bound is the being required to give, among the number of hostages, maidens of noble birth. They even believe that the sex has a certain sanctity and prescience, and they do not despise their counsels, or make light of their answers.




Quora Question: Why did Germans, despite being well educated, believe in the Nazis' racial pseudoscience in the 1930s? Answer: There have been many times through history, where people decide to turn their backs on science when it contradicts their own belief system. These can also be well-educated people. They have to find some way of resolving a cognitive dissonance that they experience and would rather go with their guts that go with what the facts are telling them. Thus comes the neologism "truthiness" - The Word - Truthiness

When enough people tell you that X is a threat, eventually you start to believe them, whether it's a political standpoint (communism, socialism), a religion (Jews, Muslims), nationality (Mexicans), sexual orientation (gays), skin color (blacks) and so on - eventually you start to question your own beliefs, especially when the person who is saying it is someone who you agree with on other issues. Germans were desperate to start feeling good about being German again after WW1 and the Great Depression - Hitler essentially told them that he would Make Germany Great Again and this is what you need to support in order to do that. And, being desperate, they believed him, because he offered a solution.






Those herein termed "The Albino Rabble" are not a homogenous group, the term applies irrespective of Education, Wealth, Occupation, or Station. The lone connecting threads are simple-mindedness, stupidity, and the Blatant Lie. Note the following example...


The Seattle Times

Washington State University football coach Mike Leach tweets fake Barack Obama video, stirs up a Twitter storm.

Originally published June 18, 2018 By Stefanie Loh - Seattle Times staff reporter

Washington State coach Mike Leach spent most of Sunday night fending off angry Twitter users after he tweeted a fake YouTube video of Barack Obama with the comment, “Listen to this. Text your thoughts. There is a lot of disagreement on government, so I think that an open discussion is always in order. Tweet your thoughts, maybe we can all learn something.”



Problem was, the video he referenced turned out to be a hoax. The video, showing former President Barack Obama delivering a speech in Brussels in March 2014, had audio clips stitched together to make it appear as if Obama were saying the average citizen was too “small-minded to govern their own affairs, but order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.”

As of Monday morning, Leach’s original tweet has been deleted. However, the story had already taken on a life of its own. As multiple Twitter users and media outlets pointed out — many tweeting directly at Leach to express their displeasure — the video was doctored and that Obama never actually said those things in that light. Here’s what he actually said, based on the transcript of that 2014 speech from the White House archive. Referencing how humanity has taken centuries and multiple wars to embrace the ideals of freedom of choice, the equality of man and the importance of a democratic society, Obama then says:

“But those ideals have also been tested — here in Europe and around the world. Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign. Often, this alternative vision roots itself in the notion that by virtue of race or faith or ethnicity, some are inherently superior to others, and that individual identity must be defined by “us” versus “them,” or that national greatness must flow not by what a people stand for, but by what they are against.” The video that Leach tweeted featured chunks of that statement taken out of context and stitched together in a different order than Obama meant them. Leach was initially defensive when Twitter users pointed out the video was fake.

Maybe. Prove it. What are your thoughts on what the video said?
— Mike Leach (@Coach_Leach) June 18, 2018
Prove it. Irrelevant anyway. We are discussing ideas. Do one or the other
— Mike Leach (@Coach_Leach) June 18, 2018

On Monday morning, after hours of back-and-forth with his Twitter followers on the subject, Leach tweeted the full speech, saying that the video he originally tweeted was “incomplete” but that he believed “discussion on how much or how little power that our (government) should have is important.” This is the complete speech. I agree that the video was incomplete. However, I believe discussion on how much or how little power that our Gov should have is important……Remarks by the President in Address to European Youth:
— Mike Leach (@Coach_Leach) June 18, 2018

Many Twitter users accused Leach of using the video and the premise of a dialogue on government control as a front to express disapproval of Obama.

— Rob schultz (@Robschultz1976) June 18, 2018
Stop saying you were trying to have a discussion about government control when your initial tweet was a video that shows a false narrative of a politician that you don’t like. Man up, admit you rushed to a conclusion and made a mistake, stop trying to gaslight it…idiot.

- roro (@RoroDolo) June 18, 2018
The video is false, manipulated, deceitful propaganda which has become endemic of far right politics and is contributing to dissonant realities, compromised elections, and global division that poses an existential threat to our civilization. You should not be leading young men.

— Sean Hartofilis (@BeachPillows) June 18, 2018
Leach is a Donald Trump supporter. He considers the president a friend, and he even stumped for Trump at a rally in Spokane in 2016.

In response to a request for comment on Leach’s tweets, a WSU spokesperson said, “As a private citizen, Mike Leach is entitled to his personal opinions. Coach Leach’s political views do not necessarily reflect the views of Washington State University students, faculty and staff.” In recent years, Leach has been vocal about the importance of free speech and dialogue, but during his first season at WSU in 2012, he banned his players from using Twitter. Leach’s Twitter storm hasn’t been well received by the national media. USA Today’s Dan Wolken used this as an example of why Leach hasn’t been hired by the major programs, while Bleacher Report, Yahoo Sports and Deadspin also wrote about the incident.



We see this often, the idiot Racist wanting to engage in intellectual debate, with a blatant lie as his only evidence. Leaving us to wonder if these people are really so pathetic that they can't make-up more believable lies, or are they engaging in the diabolical "Big lie" technique



Hitler and "The Big lie"

The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf. Hitler believed the technique was used by Jews to blame Germany's loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist and antisemitic political leader in the Weimar Republic.

Quoting Hitler:
All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. —Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X

Later, Joseph Goebbels put forth a slightly different theory which has come to be more commonly associated with the expression "big lie". Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941, 16 years after Hitler's first use of the phrase. The article, titled Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik (English: "From Churchill's Lie Factory") was published in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel.

Quote: The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.





Trump and "The Big lie"






In April 2018, President Donald Trump instituted a "Zero Tolerance Policy" for asylum seekers presenting themselves at the U.S. southern border with Mexico. His Attorney General of the United States, one Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III of Selma Alabama: on Friday April 6, 2018 notified all U.S. Attorney’s Offices along the Southwest Border of a new “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which prohibits both attempted illegal entry and illegal entry into the United States by an alien.




The result of this "NEW" policy has been the removal of minor age children from their Parents, with the children being sometimes detained in Cages, with no care or supervision other than that provided Border Agents, who are even forbidden from touching the children, because of sexual assault concerns. As a result of the World-Wide outrage generated by the sight of Children in Cages, President Donald Trump responded with this Tweet:





Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed by the Democrats. Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can’t get their act together! Started the Wall.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 5, 2018



Of course there is no federal law that stipulates that children and parents be separated at the border, no matter how families entered the United States. An increase in child detainees separated from parents stemmed directly from a change in enforcement policy announced by Sessions in April and May 2018, under which adults (with or without children) are criminally prosecuted for attempting to enter the United States.

So, is all of that simply "Blatant Lying" or the clever use of the diabolical "Big Lie". A look at the users will be necessary to suss out the truth. Consider President Donald Trump: he was educated at The Wharton School or Wharton), which is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy League university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From reports of staff at the White House, the man will not read, and can barely focus long enough to take an "ORAL" intelligence briefing. In other words: Moron, Idiot, Buffoon: (All names he has been called by people he works with), certainly applies.

But wait! How did such a pathetic excuse for a man as Donald Trump manage to graduate from such a prestigious school? I mean we know that simply being born rich will get you business success, (you have the money to HIRE smart people), but school? Well, money also buys surrogates and is also great for Bribing.

So since Trump could never read Mein Kampf, it's safe to assume that Donald Trump is simply a blatant Liar, saying the first lie that comes to mind, and not caring if he looks ridiculous. Why does he not care if he looks ridiculous? Because he, they, knows that they can never measure-up to the standards of civilized people, so they speak only to each other. Saying words and telling lies which will find resonance only with each other, and whatever outside simpletons they might snare. Of course the architects of the modern Republican Party were indeed "Practitioners" and experts of the Big Lie. But once the Albino Rabble, beginning with the "Tea Party", got ahold of it, the Republican Party became theirs. Which leaves us to ponder: which is more dangerous, the intelligent calculating Racist, or the Mindless, Resentful, Hating Racist?




Republican "Ketchup as a vegetable" Policies


Some seeing these "Weird" policies of the Trump administration might be thinking that it's new. It is NOT, all Republican Administrations institute stupid programs to hide some other screw-ups they have committed. Take for instance the "Ketchup as a vegetable" policy of the supposedly Utopic Reagan Administration. The ketchup as a vegetable controversy refers to proposed Ronald Reagan Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) interpretations of the Omnibus Regulation Acts of 1980 and 1981. While ketchup was not mentioned in the original regulations, pickle relish was used as an example of an item that could count as a vegetable.






I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue (New York)

and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.





On 23 January 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump caused controversy when he stated the following during a campaign rally in Iowa: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue (New York) and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters."

At that time, Donald Trump was feeling that no matter what depths of depravity or immorality he took the country to, his loyal Albino Rabble, themselves depraved liars and Racists, would follow. But he miscalculated: though "MOST" of his base is indeed as depraved as he is:


Laura Ingraham, who responded to reports on the severe trauma children were experiencing as they were torn from their parents' arms by suggesting they were getting a free ride to Camp Winnepesaukee. Laura Ingraham describes the detention facilities where children are sent after being forcibly separated from their parents as "essentially summer camps."

— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) June 19, 2018
June 30, 2018 - Fox News is now defending Laura Ingraham amid calls for an advertiser boycott of her show.



As it turns out - some others are NOT!


New York Times

G.O.P. Moves to End Trump’s Family Separation Policy, but Can’t Agree How

President Trump defended his actions against illegal border crossings

during a speech to the National Federation of Independent Business.


By Michael D. Shear, Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Thomas Kaplan - June 19, 2018


WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans moved on Tuesday to defuse an escalating political crisis over immigration, but failed to agree on how to end President Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from parents who cross illegally into the United States. The Senate had one plan, and the House another. Mr. Trump remained defiant, refusing to act on his own.

In a fiery address to a group of small-business executives, Mr. Trump falsely blamed Democrats for the separation crisis and demanded a broad overhaul of the United States’ immigration laws, a process that would take months. At the same time, he belittled one of the central ideas behind the effort by Senate Republicans to immediately stop separating families on the Mexican border.

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, said that “all of the members of the Republican conference support a plan that keeps families together,” endorsing quick passage of a narrow bill to provide legal authority to detain parents and children together while the courts consider their status. Mr. McConnell said he planned to reach out to Democrats to support his conference’s effort, hoping to stanch the political damage from the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy that has led to heartbreaking stories of children separated from their mothers.

But Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, immediately shot down the Republican approach, saying that Mr. Trump could — and should — use his executive authority, not legislation, to quickly end the family separations.“Anyone who believes this Republican Congress is capable of addressing this issue is kidding themselves,” Mr. Schumer said in a statement. “The president can end this crisis with the flick of his pen, and he needs to do so now.”

Mr. Trump has the power on his own to change that zero-tolerance policy at the border, which would once again allow border agents and prosecutors the discretion to allow families to remain together after crossing illegally into the United States. But it would also allow those families to be released while their court proceedings go forward, something Mr. Trump opposes.

In his afternoon speech, Mr. Trump dismissed as “crazy” a proposal by Senate Republicans to expedite processing of immigrant families by hiring hundreds of new immigration judges. Rejecting a proposal by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas to increase personnel in immigration courts with the hiring of 375 new judges, Mr. Trump suggested that many of the immigration judges could be corrupt, and he said that some lawyers who appear in their courtrooms are “bad people.” “They said, ‘Sir, we’d like to hire about five or six thousand more judges,’” Mr. Trump said in a long and rambling speech to the National Federation of Independent Business. “Five or six thousand? Now, can you imagine the graft that must take place? You’re all small-business owners, so I know you can’t imagine a thing like that would happen.”







At least 3 "tender age" shelters set up for child migrants


The Trump administration has set up at least three "tender age" (toddlers, and children with special needs) shelters to detain babies and other young children who have been forcibly separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, The Associated Press has learned. Doctors and lawyers who have visited the shelters in South Texas' Rio Grande Valley said the facilities were fine, clean and safe, but the children — who have no idea where their parents are — were hysterical, crying and acting out . Many of them are under age 5, and some are so young they have not yet learned to talk.




The government also plans to open a fourth shelter to house hundreds of young migrant children in Houston, where city leaders denounced the move Tuesday. Since the White House announced its zero tolerance policy in early May, more than 2,300 children have been taken from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, resulting in an influx of young children requiring government care. The government has already faced withering critiques over images of some of the children in cages inside U.S. Border Patrol processing stations. It faced renewed criticism for setting up new places to hold these toddlers, decades after orphanages were phased out over concerns about the lasting trauma to children.

"The thought that they are going to be putting such little kids in an institutional setting? I mean it is hard for me to even wrap my mind around it," said Kay Bellor, vice president for programs at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, which provides foster care and other child welfare services to migrant children. "Toddlers are being detained." By law, child migrants traveling alone must be sent to facilities run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services within three days of being detained. The agency then is responsible for placing the children in shelters or foster homes until they are united with a relative or sponsor in the community as they await immigration court hearings. But U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions' announcement last month that the government would criminally prosecute everyone who crosses the U.S.-Mexico border illegally has led to the breakup of migrant families and sent a new group of hundreds of young children into the government's care.


American, United Airlines won't transport migrant kids separated from families.


Here's the official statement from American Airlines:

"The family separation process that has been widely publicized is not at all aligned with the values of American Airlines - we bring families together, not apart. American, like many U.S. airlines, provides travel to the federal government through contracts; however, the government does not disclose information about the nature of the flights it takes or the passengers who are traveling. While we have carried refugees for non-profits and the government, many of whom are being reunited with family or friends, we have no knowledge that the federal government has used American to transport children who have been separated from their parents due to the recent immigration policy, but we would be extremely disappointed to learn that is the case."

"We have therefore requested the federal government to immediately refrain from using American for the purpose of transporting children who have been separated from their families due to the current immigration policy. We have no desire to be associated with separating families, or worse, to profit from it. We have every expectation the government will comply with our request and we thank them for doing so."

United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz issued the following statement:

"At United Airlines, we have been concerned about reports that commercial airlines have been used to transport immigrant children separated from their parents by a newly implemented immigration enforcement policy. Based on some research we have done internally and public reports, we have not seen evidence these children have been flown on United aircraft. Based on our serious concerns about this policy and how it's in deep conflict with our company's values, we have contacted federal officials to inform them that they should not transport immigrant children on United aircraft who have been separated from their parents. Our company's shared purpose is to connect people and unite the world. This policy and its impact on thousands of children is in deep conflict with that mission and we want no part of it."


Silicon Valley leaders urged President Trump to end family separation policy

Silicon Valley has been using its power to urge the President to end the policy that's led to family separations at the border. On Wednesday, the Silicon Valley Leadership group, which represents 360 companies, sent a letter to President Trump before he signed an order to halt the practice. "Fifty-three of every 100 engineers that fuel the innovation economy weren't blessed to be born in the U.S. But often, through creativity and great risk, they came here, often studied here, are innovating and contributing here," Silicon Valley Leadership Group President and CEO Carl Guardino said. Wednesday's letter follows other high-profile statements from tech leaders. On Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg urged people to donate to help families at the border get legal advice and translation services.



On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order ending the separation of families at the southern border, saying that he didn't like the sight of children being removed from their families. But the president added that the "zero tolerance" policy will continue, and children will be held along with their parents in immigration detention while the parents are prosecuted. The order does not detail how children now in the government's care will be reunited with their parents. Associated Press reporter Colleen Long contributed from New York.




WASHINGTON — After widespread outrage over his policy of separating children from their parents who crossed the border illegally, President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday to “address family separations.” The order directs the Department of Homeland Security to “maintain custody of alien families” to the “extent permitted by law” when resources are available.



Democrats and a growing number of Republicans had called on Trump to issue such an order, but for weeks he had insisted that the policy was required by law and could only be changed by Congress - A BLATANT LIE. He blamed Democrats, who are in the minority in both houses, for not acting on the matter. However, the order won’t make a difference for thousands of children who have already been taken from their families.




The spate of child separations resulted from a “zero tolerance” policy that was announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in April and enacted the following month. Last week, officials announced that between April 19 and May 31 about 1,995 children were separated at the U.S. border from adults they had traveled with. By treating all illegal border crossings as crimes — a break with previous administrations — the policy meant that adults would be sent to jail and that the children who entered with them would be separated them from. While Trump suggested his order would end separations going forward, an official confirmed to Yahoo News that the children already in custody would not be immediately reunited with their families.

Kenneth Wolfe, a spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Service’s Administration for Children and Families (ACF), said the “process will proceed as usual” for the minors currently in the agency’s program. The department operates 100 shelters for migrant children in 17 states. Wolfe did not respond to a request for comment about how many children are currently in custody who have been separated from their parents.

Trump’s order states that it is “the policy of this Administration to maintain family unity, including by detaining alien families together where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources.” Agencies are instructed to keep families intact during legal proceedings when children enter the U.S. accompanied by someone with whom they have a “legal parent-child relationship.” Officials are given some discretion in implementing the order, subject to the availability of resources such as suitable housing and to a determination that keeping the family together would not “pose a risk to the child’s welfare.”

The order also calls for cases involving families to be fast tracked so they can avoid lengthy detentions. It also directs the Department of Defense and other agencies to identify additional resources the government can use to house families together. In the months leading up to the announcement of the child separation facility, the government awarded hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts to companies to build and operate shelters where immigrant children could be held. Those shelters may need to be modified to hold adults.

Amid the outcry over the policy, which was fueled by pictures and recordings of toddlers crying for their parents, and parents who couldn’t find out what happened to their children, Trump and other top officials made a series of conflicting and untrue statements about the separations.

Trump repeatedly falsely blamed the situation on Democrats even though they have never pushed for a policy that would call for family separations. The administration also denied the policy was intended to deter potential illegal immigrants with the prospect of family separations, even though White House chief of staff John Kelly explicitly said he was “considering exactly that” in a 2017 television interview when he was homeland security secretary. The administration also blamed the policy on the failure of Congress to make a deal on immigration reform. And the White House also suggested a 1997 federal court decision known as the Flores agreement that requires the government to release immigrant children to families “without unnecessary delay” and to keep them in the “least restrictive conditions” possible prevented the administration from keeping families in custody together.

The executive order Trump signed on Wednesday belies his claims that he was powerless to reverse the policy. Nevertheless, the order referenced the administration’s frustration with Congress’ inability to make an immigration deal. It framed the measure as “affording Congress an opportunity to address family separation” on a permanent basis. The order also directs Attorney General Jeff Sessions to “promptly file a request with the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California” to modify the Flores agreement to allow the secretary of homeland security to “detain families together” during their legal proceedings “under present resource constraints.”

As he signed the order in the Oval Office, Trump said he disliked the family separations and suggested they would end. “I consider it to be a very important executive order. It’s about keeping families together while at the same time being sure that we have a very powerful, very strong border,” Trump said, adding, “So we’re going to have strong, very strong borders, but we’re going to keep the families together. I didn’t like the sight or the feeling of families being separated.”





Why The Face Of Family Separation Is A White Woman

HuffPost Opinion Jessie Daniels (a white Woman)

When President Donald Trump referred to some immigrants as “animals,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was quick to defend him. “If anyone wants to quibble about whether or not we should call those people animals, perhaps the quibble should be whether we call them something worse,“ Nielsen said. Now, Nielsen is leaning into enforcing the “zero tolerance” policy of separating children from their families at the border.

Family separation has been portrayed as a “women’s issue” in the media, with all five living former first ladies opposing it. The administration has deployed Nielson, along with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, to defend it. Both women appeared at a press briefing on Monday and performed that job with gusto.

Tempting though it is to assume that Nielsen and Sanders must, on some level, oppose this cruel policy, there’s no reason to believe they have more empathy by virtue of being women. In fact, it’s these kinds of assumptions about white women’s innocence and outsized empathy that have made them some of white supremacy’s most effective agents.

To be sure, it is men like Trump, former DHS chief John Kelly, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House adviser Stephen Miller who are the architects of this policy ― but it has been left to Nielsen to implement their inhumane plan and to defend it to the public.

White women like Nielsen (and Sanders) have always been part of making white supremacy seem more palatable and less like the brutal, repressive ideology it is. Historical examples abound, from white women who worked alongside male colonizers to the wives of slaveholders who punished the people their husbands owned, to the white women who packed the picnic lunches for and took the photos at the lynching’s committed purportedly in their defense. White women have played active roles in advancing and protecting white supremacy.


Of course we here at "Realhistoryww" do not need to be reminded of the depravity

Albino Women are capable of: Especially when it came to the Black Babies of "Black Native Americans"

we have the "Evidence".











In the 1950s and 1960s, Murdoch acquired a number of newspapers in Australia and New Zealand before expanding into the United Kingdom in 1969, taking over the News of the World, followed closely by The Sun. In 1974, Murdoch moved to New York City, to expand into the U.S. market; however, he retained interests in Australia and Britain. In 1981, Murdoch bought The Times, his first British broadsheet and, in 1985, became a naturalized U.S. citizen, giving up his Australian citizenship, to satisfy the legal requirement for U.S. television ownership.

In 1986, keen to adopt newer electronic publishing technologies, Murdoch consolidated his UK printing operations in Wapping, causing bitter industrial disputes. His holding company News Corporation acquired Twentieth Century Fox (1985), HarperCollins (1989), and The Wall Street Journal (2007). Murdoch formed the British broadcaster BSkyB in 1990 and, during the 1990s, expanded into Asian networks and South American television. By 2000, Murdoch's News Corporation owned over 800 companies in more than 50 countries, with a net worth of over $15 billion.

In July 2011, Murdoch faced allegations that his companies, including the News of the World, owned by News Corporation, had been regularly hacking the phones of celebrities, royalty, and public citizens. Murdoch faced police and government investigations into bribery and corruption by the British government and FBI investigations in the U.S. On 21 July 2012, Murdoch resigned as a director of News International. On 1 July 2015, Murdoch left his post as CEO of 21st Century Fox. However, Murdoch and his family continue to own both 21st Century Fox and News Corp through the Murdoch Family Trust. In July 2016, after the resignation of Roger Ailes due to accusations of sexual harassment, Murdoch was named the acting CEO of Fox News.




The one culture war Fox News won't fight

Ken Tucker

There’s nothing Fox News enjoys more than a good culture war. When President Trump first attacked protesting NFL players, Fox happily piled on, yakking about millionaire athletes for hours and hours. Any time a celebrity blows off steam, from Samantha Bee to Robert De Niro, you can be sure Fox & Friends, Tucker Carlson Tonight, and The Ingraham Angle will be hooting and hollering in ridicule. Now there are new targets for Fox News: Prominent producer-writers like Seth MacFarlane, Judd Apatow, Modern Family’s Steve Levitan, and How I Met Your Mother creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas have all been tweeting against Trump’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the border. But there has been virtually no derision from the Fox talking heads. Why? Because Apatow has done something no prominent celebrity has done before: He has made the connection between Fox News, Fox’s entertainment division, the Rupert Murdoch family that owns 21st Century Fox, and their unceasing support of everything Trump says and does.

This is crucial. Apatow is articulating for millions of his followers what some of us have been saying on a smaller scale: that the misinformation and anger stirred up by Fox News every single day is having a terrible effect on the country, making millions of people less knowledgeable about the facts and far more rude in civic discourse. Beyond that, Apatow’s tweets connect to the business motives behind this.

Apatow began with tweets about the immigration crisis, writing: “It’s important to speak up when your boss is the propaganda arm which promotes putting children in cages and holding them hostage so Trump can build a wall. What other stars, showrunners or executives from Fox will speak up against this madness?” But now he has broadened his attack: “People don’t want to deal with the fact that when you work for any part of Fox you are supporting a family which has made billions lying and manipulating our citizens for their personal financial gain. Now that includes supporting the kidnapping of children.” Apatow has starting using the hashtag #boycottfox and tweeting, “You can’t just boycott Fox News. You have to boycott Fox everything. Movies, TV, sports, business, books. Shut it all off. Stop buying. They support the kidnapping of children and babies…”

Apatow’s ideas are spreading. That’s almost certainly why Trevor Noah did this Daily Show segment Tuesday night, which concluded with him exhorting his viewers to “get on the phone and call the people who can do something about this. I’m not talking about Congress. I’m talking about the policy makers at Fox News.” He ran Fox’s phone number on the screen.

How do I know this line of attack is potent? Because the Fox News heads have not been sniping at Apatow. Because Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night refrained from calling Seth MacFarlane by his name when Carlson alluded to “one famous liberal” who “donated two and a half million dollars to NPR”—which MacFarlane did specifically in response to Tucker Carlson’s command to his viewers to believe the opposite of everything they hear from every news source other than Fox News.

Unless I’ve missed it, there hasn’t been much of a specific response to Apatow’s or MacFarlane’s tweets on Fox. Certainly there have been none of the usual Fox segments, complete with interviews from sympathetic voices, eager to tear down the latest “liberal” plot. That’s partly due to the fact that the subject framing this — the immigration crisis — is running heavily against Trump and Fox in public sentiment: It’s no longer a “liberal” or “conservative” issue. But it’s also due, I think there’s no doubt, to the fact that Carlson and his colleagues have to tiptoe around direct criticism of their bosses. Tweet away, Judd!













Teen jogger who accidentally crossed U.S. border from Canada is detained for two weeks

Yahoo Lifestyle Elise Solé,Yahoo Lifestyle


A teenager out for a beachside jog in Canada was detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers when she accidentally entered the country while stopping to snap a photo.




On May 21, Cedella Roman, 19, a French citizen, was running along the beach near White Rock, British Columbia, when she stepped onto a dirt path to avoid the high tide, reports Canadian news site CBC News. Roman paused to take a photo of the scenery and was suddenly approached by two American border patrol agents. “An officer stopped me and started telling me I had crossed the border illegally,” Roman told CBC. “I told him I had not done it on purpose, and that I didn’t understand what was happening.”

Roman was staying in North Delta, British Columbia, with her mother, Christiane Ferne, to complete a work-study program, and at the time she wasn’t carrying any I.D., the outlet reports. Officers, who claimed Roman had illegally entered the U.S. in Blaine, Wash., detained her and took her to the Tacoma Northwest Detention Center. “They put me in the caged vehicles and brought me into their facility,” Roman told CBC. “They asked me to remove all my personal belongings with my jewelry, they searched me everywhere. Then I understood it was getting very serious, and I started to cry a bit.”

Eventually, Roman was able to speak to her mom, who drove to the detention center with documentation for her daughter; however, it was two weeks before the teen was allowed to reenter Canada, on June 6. “It was just unfair that there was nothing, no sign at the border,” Ferne told CBC. “It’s like a trap … anybody can be caught at the border like this.” Yahoo Lifestyle could not reach representatives at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Customs and Border Protection, or Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for comment. Likewise, Roman and Ferne did not respond to interview requests.

Roman was likely jogging in Peace Arch Historical State Park, which lies between Blaine, Wash., and British Columbia, Canada, where people often play football and enjoy picnics. “Some ports of entry are not clearly marked, and if you’re a tourist who is unfamiliar with your surroundings, it can be confusing,” Zool Suleman, an immigration and refugee lawyer in Vancouver, British Columbia, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. Suleman is not familiar with the details of Roman’s case. However, he says, detaining a person who is forthright about their intentions for a two-week period is unusual. “Sometimes people of color will be profiled more frequently. However, that’s true for most borders, airports, and anywhere else racial profiling occurs.” A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson told CBC that, accident or not, the rules for handling illegal immigration are the same.






Washington Post


Senate report affirms intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia favored Trump over Clinton. [Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP investigation of Nunes] by Karoun Demirjian July 3 2018




A Senate panel investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election released Tuesday a written summary of its determination that the U.S. intelligence community correctly concluded Moscow sought to help Donald Trump win. The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report affirms conclusions that its members first announced in May. It stands in sharp contrast with a parallel investigation by the House Intelligence Committee, whose Republican members questioned the intelligence community’s tradecraft in concluding the Kremlin aimed to help Trump.

The Senate panel called the overall assessment a “sound intelligence product,” saying evidence presented by the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency supported their collective conclusion that the Russian government had “developed a clear preference for Trump” over his opponent in the race, Hillary Clinton. Where the agencies disagreed, the Senate panel found those differences were “reasonable.” The intelligence community determined that the Kremlin intended to “denigrate” and “harm” Clinton, and “undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process” while helping Trump. The committee’s report backs that conclusion. It also supports the agencies’ findings about Russia’s tactics, which included cyberattacks and intelligence collection “against the U.S. primary campaigns, think tanks, and lobbying groups they viewed as likely to shape future U.S. policies.”

Daily Beast

Bipartisan Senate Panel Gives Middle Finger to Devin Nunes

A bipartisan report from the Senate Intelligence Committee says intelligence agencies were right to find the Russians interfered in the election to harm Clinton and elect Trump. (A direct contradiction of the findings of Devin Nunes House Panel). Spencer Ackerman 07.03.18 4:27 PM ET




Devin Nunes U.S. Representative for California's 22nd congressional district since 2003. A Republican, he serves as chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was a member of President Trump's transition team. He proudly proclaims himself “three quarters Portuguese descent” with ancestors emigrating from the Azores to California. And of course like all Hispanics of mixed ethnicity, he is anxious to prove his “Whiteness” by screwing the obviously, or more mixed Hispanics. Being Trumps lie confirmer and general “Lap Dog” seems to suit him well. Hopeful, when the dust settles, he will go to Jail.







Trump administration seeks end to affirmative action in schools

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

The Trump administration said the government would no longer encourage schools to use race as a factor in the admissions process, rescinding Obama-era guidance meant to promote diversity among student bodies.

The shift announced on Tuesday gives colleges the federal government's blessing to leave race out of admissions and enrollment decisions and underscores the contentious politics that have surrounded affirmative action policies for decades, which have repeatedly been challenged before the Supreme Court. The Obama administration memos encouraging schools to take race into account were among 24 policy documents revoked by the Justice Department for being "unnecessary, outdated, inconsistent with existing law, or otherwise improper." Attorney General Jeff Sessions called the changes an effort to restore the "rule of law," though civil rights groups decried the move and some universities said they intended to continue their diversity efforts as before.

The action comes amid a high-profile court fight over Harvard University admissions that has attracted the government's attention, as well as the Supreme Court turnover expected to produce a more critical eye toward schools' race-conscious admissions policies. The court's most recent significant ruling on the subject bolstered colleges' use of race among many factors in the admission process. But the opinion's author, Anthony Kennedy, announced his retirement last week, giving President Donald Trump a chance to replace him with a justice who may be more reliably skeptical of admissions programs that take race and ethnicity into account.






The Trump Presidency


Americas most ignorant, idiot, and racist Albino Rabble of the Central, South, and Rural parts of the country, gave the United States the presidency of Donald Trump. Just as their equally flawed ancestors gave the United States its bloodiest War: the "Civil War". And for surprisingly similar reasons: No Albino Farmer could hope to compete with a Black man in the Hot, Sun drenched fields of the United States below the Mason/Dixon line.



Just as no Albino man could hope to compete with a Black man in the "Skilled Trades" (Plantations had no need for Albino Tradesmen, Slaves did all of those Skilled Jobs). So they fought to keep the Black man out of the general labor pool and into Slavery, so that they would not be displaced by them. And then, failing to do that by War, they conspired and succeeded, in doing it by the creation of "Jim Crow Laws."

JIM CROW - wiki

Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. Enacted by white state legislatures in the late 19th century after the Reconstruction period following the Civil War, these laws continued to be enforced until 1965. They mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America, starting in the 1870s and 1880s, and upheld by the United States Supreme Court's "separate but equal" doctrine for African Americans. Public education had essentially been segregated since its establishment in most of the South after the Civil War.

This principle was extended to public facilities and transportation, including segregated cars on interstate trains and, later, buses. Facilities for African Americans were consistently inferior and underfunded compared to those which were then available to white Americans; sometimes they did not exist at all. This body of law institutionalized a number of economic, educational, and social disadvantages. Segregation by law existed mainly in the Southern states, while Northern segregation was generally a matter of fact—patterns of housing segregation enforced by private covenants, bank lending practices, and job discrimination, including discriminatory labor union practices. "Jim Crow" was a pejorative expression referring to a minstrel song called "Jump Jim Crow" by a performer appearing in blackface.

Jim Crow laws, sometimes as in Florida, part of state constitutions, mandated the segregation of public schools, public places, and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks. The U.S. military was already segregated. President Woodrow Wilson, a Southerner, initiated segregation of federal workplaces at the request of southern Cabinet members in 1913.

These Jim Crow laws revived principles of the 1865 and 1866 Black Codes, which had previously restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans. Segregation of public (state-sponsored) schools was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education. In some states it took years to implement this decision. Generally, the remaining Jim Crow laws were overruled by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but years of action and court challenges have been needed to unravel the many means of institutional discrimination.






Now the Albino Rabble wants PROTECTION from Destitute Mexicans and other Hispanics from the hell hole that is Spanish speaking America. But now the civilized world is not just Albino, therefore Jim Crow laws are no longer tolerated. So instead, the fearful of competition Albinos are trying to use "Immigration Laws" to keep out the competition. Those whose Black ancestors (most of these people are mulattoes), may well have been the ORIGINAL inhabitants and settlers of the Americas.








The Albino Rabble's champion and Hero is Donald Trump, but Donald trump is a born and bred "New Yorker:" Here is what Donald Trump’s own people, and his Hometown Newspaper think of Donald Trump.





The New York Daily News, officially titled Daily News, is an American newspaper based in New York City. As of May 2016, it was the ninth-most widely circulated daily newspaper in the United States. It was founded in 1919, and was the first U.S. daily printed in tabloid format. Since 2017, it has been owned by the news publishing company Tronc. It has the third highest circulation of New Yorks five daily Newspapers.

By circulation

The Wall Street Journal (2,378,827 daily)
The New York Times (1,865,318 daily; 1,438,555 Sunday)
Daily News (516,165 daily; 674,104 Sunday)
New York Post (500,521 daily; 386,105 Sunday)
Newsday (377,744 daily; 433,894 Sunday)









Low Class


Here at Realhistoryww, we often refer to Trump supporters as the Albino "Rabble" as opposed to Hillary Clintons designation during her presidential campaign of "Deplorables". Let’s see which definition is more appropriate.

Webster’s Dictionary: Definition of deplorable
1 : deserving censure or contempt : wretched

Definition of rabble
2 a : a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people : mob
b : the lowest class of people


If you really think about it, our designation as “Rabble” is more appropriate, because it encompasses the low class nature of those people - regardless of how much money they may, or may not have. Take the case of Scott Pruitt, Trumps EPA administrator.



Scott Pruitt, Trump’s scandal-plagued EPA chief, has resigned
The resignation came in an especially damning week of revelations about his improprieties.

By Umair Irfan Updated Jul 5, 2018


One of the things that brought Pruitt down, was when White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about Pruitt’s use of an aide to inquire about a mattress from the Trump International Hotel, located just across the street from the EPA headquarters.

Here is the story by Dartunorro Clark / Jun.04.2018: Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt instructed an aide to seek a used mattress from the Trump International Hotel and help him hunt for a new apartment, according to testimony contained in a letter released by House Democrats Monday.

As it turns out, while hotel staffers help guests buy Trump-branded furnishings: used mattresses do not appear to be available. A receptionist last week referred a Washington Post reporter to the corporate offices of Tempur Sealy International, where a brand, Stearns & Foster, sells via mail order the same mattress found in rooms at the Trump hotel. A standard queen mattress, without a box spring or any other accompanying items, costs $1,399 before tax and shipping. A standard king mattress costs $1,750.

Trump-branded mattresses used to be available more widely when they were manufactured by Serta and sold in department stores such as Macy’s. But Serta, along with other companies that had paid to license Donald Trump’s name, halted that merchandising business once his political rhetoric during the 2016 presidential campaign sparked controversy. Serta terminated its partnership in July 2015.

Scott Pruitt was being paid a minimum of $200,000 a year. Yet this piece of Trailer Trash from Oklahoma preferred to sleep on a used mattress, rather than spend $2,000 on a new mattress. Now that's low class, or “Rabble” if you wish!





The Albino Rabble - Stupid or just Spiteful?



Black legislator gets police called on her while canvassing her own district on Fourth of July

by Zak Cheney-Rice Jul 5th 2018


Oregon State Rep. Janelle Bynum (D-51) was canvassing a Clackamas, Oregon, neighborhood she represents Tuesday when a Clackamas County Sheriff’s deputy pulled up and asked if she was “selling something,” OregonLive reported. (Note: this is not as innocent as it sounds, the materials and activities of a political canvasser cannot be confused with any other endeavor: a salesperson carries SAMPLES not PAMPHLETS! As usual, Albino Police are WILLING participants in the ruse).




“I don’t believe this,” Bynum recalled thinking, according to the outlet. It was around 5:10 p.m. The black, 43-year-old legislator had spent the past two hours knocking on almost 30 doors in the Portland suburb, talking face-to-face with her constituents in advance of the upcoming November election. The deputy told Bynum someone had called 911 on her. The caller reportedly told dispatchers a woman was spending a long time at houses along Southeast 125th Avenue, and appeared to be “casing” them, taking notes on her cellphone. Bynum quickly cleared things up with the deputy — whom she described to OregonLive as “courteous and professional” — and told him that she was a state legislator and kept notes on her phone about people she spoke to.“When people do things like this [calling 911 erroneously], it can be dangerous for people like me,” she recalled telling him, according to OregonLive. Bynum did not immediately respond to Mic’s request for comment.

Tuesday’s incident takes on added significance in light of current events. On Saturday, neighboring Portland — an eastern section of which Bynum also represents — played host to a violent gathering of Patriot Prayer, a far-right activist group with whom members of white nationalist organizations like Identity Evropa and the Traditionalist Worker Party have marched, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The following Thursday also marks 166 years since slave-turned-abolitionist Frederick Douglass made his famous Fourth of July speech to a gathering of people in New York in 1852. “What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?” Douglass asked. “I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.”

Douglass’ speech and Saturday’s rally highlight the deceptively short distance American race relations have come since the antebellum period. Then, blacks could not fully participate in Independence Day because they were enslaved. The holiday still has an enduringly complicated nature today, when a black lawmaker is perceived by her own constituents as a would-be criminal for trying to earn their vote, while far-right protesters gather mere miles away. [Comment: One would think that such a naive statement, attributing the Police Calling to legitimate concern of criminal behavior, was made by an Albino apologist for the Rabble - not so: Zak Cheney-Rice is a Black man - albeit a very naive Black man].

More pointedly, Tuesday’s incident marks yet another example of mostly white Americans using police involvement — or the threat thereof — to regulate harmless black behavior. Recent antagonists who have gone viral include the white woman in Oakland, California, who called police on black men for having a barbecue in a public park and Alison Ettel, the white San Francisco cannabis entrepreneur who threatened, and then pretended to call police on, an 8-year-old black girl for selling water “without a permit.” These calls have sparked nationwide debate and hashtags, as has Randy Krakora, a white man who called police on black 12-year-old Reggie Fields for inadvertently crossing onto his property while mowing Krakora’s neighbor’s lawn in Maple Heights, Ohio, in June. For many, these individuals have encapsulated the frayed relationships between black and white neighbors, and how white people often address this disconnect by summoning armed reinforcements.

The cost of the resulting interactions can be deadly. According to the Washington Post, black people have been almost one-fifth of fatal police shooting victims in 2018 so far, despite being just 13% of the national population. White fatal police shooting victims, on the other hand, constitute 40% of the total, despite white people being more than 76% of the population. Rep. Bynum does not know the race of the person who called police on her Tuesday, according to OregonLive. But she was able to convince the deputy to let her speak to them by phone. The caller — a local woman who reportedly wouldn’t say what house she lived in — apologized to Bynum and said she only made the call out of concern for neighborhood safety. Bynum would have preferred that the caller just talk to her directly or simply ask a neighbor what was going on. “We all know that we’re not in a society that is perfect, and we have wounds that still need to heal,” Bynum told OregonLive, “but at the end of the day, I want to know my kids can walk down the street without fear.”

And by accepting that Woman’s Bare-faced lie, Bynums kids will have to wait just that much longer before they CAN "walk down the street without fear.” We note with sadness that the serious and deadly issue of Police murdering unarmed Blacks in the streets and wherever else the Police deem fit, is being protested by Young Blacks and “Football Players” NOT Black elected officials.

So to Oregon State Rep. Janelle Bynum, who really should have brought this “Reoccurring” phenomenon to the floor of the Oregon legislature for discussion: which is her right. And all other Black elected officials who fear being branded as “Radical Negroes” (as if Negroes can be radical) only Blacks can be “Radical”. We say this; by careful use of oral language and the proper body language: these life and death issues can be brought up for discussion without unduly offending the Albino rabble.

By way of example: Oregon State Rep. Janelle Bynum has the right as a legislator to draft a law, and demand its passage, making it illegal to use Police calls to Harass or otherwise encumber fellow citizens in their lawful pursuits. While it may be in some cases difficult to prove intent, just the fact of having such a law existing, would have a chilling effect on the neighborhood racists. Kinda wonder what Rep. Janelle Bynum thought people elected her for.

It should be remembered that the Albino Rabble has been “Doggin” Blacks since “Reconstruction”: that’s over 150 years (see Jim Crow laws above). They will NOT stop themselves, they must be stopped!





We here at Realhistoryww often speak of the Lies and Stupidity of the Rabble Albinos.

But their stupidity is NOT because they can't tell the difference between Normal and Criminal activity.

Rather their stupidity is because they constantly LIE just to SPITE normal people, and then pour salt in their own wounds by supporting people and politics whose goals are AGAINST their own interests. Take the case of X-EPA administrator Scott Pruitt.


Scott Pruitt said this: “I believe you are serving as President today because of God’s providence,” he wrote in an obsequious letter to President Trump this week. “I believe that same providence brought me into your service. I pray as I have served you that I have blessed you and enabled you to effectively lead the American people.” (Bringing up the name of "God" always makes it easier for the Rabble Albinos to take the pain).



Paris climate accord
Pruitt played a key role in Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. Alongside former Trump strategist Steve Bannon, Pruitt ensured the president heard from lawmakers who believed the deal negatively affects the U.S. economy and stifles the production of fossil fuel energy. Both Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, and former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tried to persuade Trump to stay in the agreement.

Clean Power Plan
Pruitt opposed the Clean Power Plan — a centerpiece of Obama’s climate change legacy — since before he took over as EPA chief. Four of the 14 legal challenges Pruitt filed against the EPA as Oklahoma attorney general dealt with the Clean Power Plan.
Developed in 2015 under the decades old Clean Air Act, the plan set state-specific regulations to limit the amount of carbon pollution that new or existing power plants can produce. It also encouraged states to move to greener sources of energy. Coal- and natural-gas-fired power plants are responsible for roughly a third of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions.
Fuel emissions standards
More recently, Pruitt announced that the EPA would review fuel emissions standards for cars and light duty trucks that are slated to take effect between 2022 and 2025. The new standards, which were put in place under Obama, passenger cars would be required to get an average of 54.5 miles-per-gallon by 2025.

Methane: Last June, Pruitt ordered a delay of a new regulation on methane leaks for two years. However, a month later, judges vacated the delay and found Pruitt’s order in violation of the Clean Air Act.
A giant puppet depicting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt is carried among demonstrators during a People's Climate March, to protest U.S. President Donald Trump's stance on the environment, in Washington, U.S., April 29, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Theiler - RTS14HDF

A giant puppet depicting Pruitt is carried among demonstrators during a People’s Climate March in Washington, U.S., April 29, 2017. File photo by REUTERS/Mike Theiler

Pesticides: Pruitt last year denied a petition from the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Pesticide Action Network North America calling for a ban of the pesticide chlorpyrifos. The decision came despite a finding by EPA scientists that there is no safe level of exposure to the substance.

Clean Water Rule: In January, Pruitt suspended the Clean Water Rule for two years while he considers a formal repeal. The Obama-era rule limits potential runoff pollution of fertilizers and pesticides.

National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Last June, Pruitt tried delaying the designation of areas that met the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone. In response, 16 state attorneys general sued Pruitt, leading him to reverse the decision. Then, after months of inactivity, a U.S. District Judge ordered Pruitt to announce the designation.

Mass quitting

Since Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt took over the top job at the agency in March, more than 700 employees have either retired, taken voluntary buyouts, or quit, signaling the second-highest exodus of employees from the agency in nearly a decade.



Pruitt’s policies will be judged against the backdrop of the controversies surrounding his conduct as EPA chief. Here is a recap of some of the ethics scandals surrounding Pruitt.

Flights: Pruitt reportedly spent more than $105,000 on first-class flights during his first year as EPA chief, and got approval ford charter flights after he took them.

Sound Proofing: He spent a total of $43,000 on a soundproof booth and renovations required to outfit a nearby storage closet in his office — despite the fact that the EPA already had a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or soundproof booth, on a separate floor. While building a personal soundproof booth is not illegal, the spending of more than $5,000 in federal funds on furnishings or improvements to the office of a presidential appointee without first notifying members of the appropriations committee of both the Senate and House does violate the General Government Appropriations Act, according to the Government Accountability Office.

Security: Pruitt had a 24/7 security team comprised of 19 agents with at least 19 vehicles. The combined salaries for the security team cost at least $2 million a year alone. He also reportedly used the security team on unofficial business, including a family trip to Disneyland and a Rose Bowl game.

Management: At least five EPA officials were reassigned under Pruitt after questioning his spending and management of the EPA. One of them, Kevin Chmielewski, was appointed by Trump and placed on administrative leave without pay.

Condo: Most recently, Pruitt came under fire for leasing a bedroom in a condo owned by the wife of an energy lobbyist regulated by the EPA. He paid a reported $50 a night for the room and only paid for it on the nights he slept there. In total, Pruitt paid $6,100 for the room, equaling roughly $1,000 a month.

Job hunt: Pruitt reportedly asked some of his aides to help find his wife a high-paying fundraising job with the Republican Attorneys General Association.






The stupidity of the Albino Rabble does not become clear until you remember that most of Trumps supporters are SUBURBAN and RURAL people.

City dwellers are NOT hurt by Pesticides, or Methane leaks, or Polluted waterways, or Coal Power-plant emissions (these are in rural areas).

Yet when asked about Trumps actions in rescinding these protections: the Albino Rabble invariably smiles and says that Trump is doing EXACTLY what they want him to do! How is that for Spiteful Stupidity?






White man fired after calling police on black neighbor,

demanding she show ID to access community pool

Erin Donnelly Yahoo Lifestyle - July 6, 2018


Last month, Stephanie Sebby-Strempel was arrested, fired, and dubbed Pool Patrol Paula after she was filmed harassing and allegedly hitting a group of black teens at her community pool in South Carolina.

Now a white man in North Carolina has been accused of racial profiling and terminated from his job at Sonoco after he called the cops on a black neighbor trying to use the pool. It is the latest in a troubling wave of incidents involving black people being reported for everything from mowing the lawn to attending a funeral. Adam Bloom called the cops after confronting Jasmine Edwards about her ID to access the pool. As the New York Post reports, a man identified as Adam Bloom called the police when a black woman, Jasmine Edwards, tried to use the residents’ pool in their Winston-Salem neighborhood during the July 4 holiday. Bloom, whose lawyer says he is a member of the Glenridge Homeowners Association as well as pool chairman, asked Edwards for ID proving that she lived in the area and had access to the pool.



Edwards, who was with her son at the time, filmed the incident on her phone. The footage shows her questioning Bloom’s insistence that she show ID, noting that there is no sign stating that policy. But Bloom persists even as another resident and the police officers he called try to reason with him. “I feel this is racial profiling,” Edwards says in the video. “I am the only black person here, with my son — and he walked all the way to me, to ask for my ID. He asked for my address. I give it to him, and then he came back and said, ‘Well, I didn’t catch your address correctly. Can you provide an ID to prove the address that you gave to me?’ And I said, ‘Why do I have to show my ID? Is there an ordinance in the neighborhood?’”

At an officer’s suggestion, Edwards presented a card given to residents to open the gate to the pool. Though it worked, Bloom continued to express doubt. “They kinda make their way around sometimes,” he tells the cops in the video. “But that’s good enough for me today.” Edwards, meanwhile, can be heard asking the officers if she can charge Bloom for “racial profiling” and wasting “taxpayers’ money.” It is unclear if she will pursue a civil case. But there has been fallout for Bloom, who is being called “Pool Patrol Peter” on social media since news of the confrontation went viral.

His employer, Sonoco, announced via a tweet on Friday that they have parted ways with Bloom over the “terrible incident.” The company added that it does “not condone discrimination” and offered an apology to Edwards and her family. According to the Winston-Salem Journal, he has also stepped down as pool chairman and board member. The Glenridge Homeowners Association also issued a statement apologizing for how Edwards was treated.

“We sincerely regret that an incident occurred yesterday at our community pool that left neighbors feeling racially profiled,” the statement reads. “In confronting and calling the police on one of our neighbors, the pool chair escalated a situation in a way that does not reflect the inclusive values Glenridge seeks to uphold as a community.” Bloom’s lawyer, John Vermitsky, claimed that Bloom has received threatening calls and denied that his client’s actions were racially motivated. “This guy is really having a very difficult situation and dealing with backlash for something that’s pretty undeserved,” Vermitsky told the Post. “If you notice, he remains very calm — doesn’t make any racial epithets or anything. He was put in a very uncomfortable situation, trying to deal with conflicting responsibilities, and it’s simply unfair. This guy is in a very difficult situation, and it’s all because of a very misleading video.”
Vermitsky, who said Bloom was being “crucified” over the incident, also cited Edwards’s behavior. “He had a pool member come to him and say, ‘This person doesn’t appear to be a pool member’ and asked to check their credentials, as he’s required to do so,” Vermitsky said. “[Edwards] became loud and confrontational, and he wanted to make sure that the situation was handled properly.”




How sad is this, an Albino Oil company does more to protect a Black person from Race abuse than our ELECTED Negro leaders.

Someone please speak to Oregon State Rep. Janelle Bynum, and all others of that ilk.






Bodies of 95 black forced-labor prisoners from Jim Crow era

unearthed in Sugar Land Texas, after one man's quest.

By Meagan Flynn, The Washington Post, Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Today the city of Sugar Land is a sprawling suburb southwest of Houston, home to Imperial Sugar Co., shopping malls and endless cul-de-sacs. But, more than a century ago, it was a sprawling network of sugar cane plantations and prison camps. Sugar Land was better known then as the Hellhole on the Brazos. From sun up to sun down, convicts who were leased by the state to plantation owners toiled in the fields chopping sugar cane sometimes until they "dropped dead in their tracks," as the State Convention of Colored Men of Texas complained in 1883.



In modern-day Sugar Land it was all easy to forget - but not for one man named Reggie Moore, who couldn't stop thinking about it. Moore started researching Sugar Land's slavery and convict-leasing history after spending time working as a prison guard at one of Texas's oldest prisons, but his curiosity evolved into obsession. He had a hunch. Based on what he learned, he believed that the bodies of former slaves and black prisoners were still buried in Sugar Land's backyard. He focused his attention on a site called the Imperial State Prison Farm, the one that bore the name of the country's premier sugar company. For 19 years he searched for their bodies, stopping just short of sticking a shovel in the dirt himself.
"I felt like I had to be a voice for the voiceless," said Moore, who is African American. This week, his quest produced results.

At the former Imperial State Prison Farm site, archaeologists have unearthed an entire plot of precise rectangular graves for 95 souls, each buried 2 to 5 feet beneath the soil in nearly disintegrated pinewood caskets. The 19th century cemetery was unmarked, with no vestige of its existence visible from the surface. And it was almost "truly lost to history," archaeologist Reign Clark of Goshawk Environmental Consulting told The Washington Post. The graves were found, really, by accident. The local Fort Bend Independent School District began construction on a new school at the former prison site in October. Then in February, a backhoe operator happened to see something jutting out of the dirt. He thought it was a human bone.

Archaeologists called to the site began digging. Upon the eventual discovery of the 95 bodies this spring, they began exhuming the remains in June. On Monday, they released a preliminary analysis. Clark said they believe, almost without a doubt, that the graves belong to black prisoners - among them former slaves. At the site, the archaeologists found chains, but found few personal effects inside the graves save for a single ring. Of the roughly two dozen intact skeletons the archaeologists have analyzed so far, all had African American traits, bioarchaeologist Catrina Banks Whitley told The Post. They all appeared to be muscularly built, many with the same misshapen bones that indicate repetitive wear - indicating hard labor, she said. They were estimated to be as young as 14 and as old as 70.

The unearthed gravesite recalls one of the darkest periods of American history, historians and archaeologists told The Post. The discovery may vindicate Moore. But more crucially, he said, it vindicates the prisoners whose backbreaking work helped rebuild the state of Texas in the ruins of the post-Civil War era without so much as a proper burial to acknowledge their contributions. "I think we're going to be able to paint a very vivid picture of how these people lived and what they went through here," Clark said. "This is a completely rare site. It's going to change how we think about Texas history and how we think about ourselves and how we built this state, how all of us built this state."

The convict-leasing system proliferated all across the south in the late 19th century and into the 20th, overwhelmingly targeting black Americans picked up for offenses such as vagrancy, flirting with white women or petty theft, as historian Douglas A. Blackmon reported in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, "Slavery By Another Name." The prisoners were then leased by the state to private businessmen and forced to work on plantations, in coal mines and railroads or other state projects - such as building the entire Texas Capitol building from scratch. In Texas, the highly profitable system was notorious along the Brazos River, the epicenter of the country's sugar industry in the 19th century.

Photographs of the era show the prisoners dressed in raggedy striped prison clothing, hoisting the cane stalks from the swampy field into mule-drawn wagons and delivering them to the mills, including the "Imperial Mill." It was the early foundation of the Imperial Sugar Co., which benefited from convict labor in the cane fields after its founding around the turn of the 20th century, according to the book "Sugar Land, Tex., and the Imperial Sugar Company."

The prisoners chopping sugar cane, subject to whippings and other beatings, were almost exclusively black, concentrated on neighboring plantations owned by former slave drivers Edward Cunningham and Littleberry Ellis. The site of Fort Bend ISD's new school - and of the newly discovered graves - rests on land that was "Ellis Camp No. 1," Clark said. It was later renamed "Imperial State Farm Prison Camp No. 1″ once the state took it over.

"When the state leased convicts out to private contractors, they had no financial interest in the health or welfare of the people working for them," said Caleb McDaniel, a history professor at Rice University in Houston. "And so the convict-leasing system saw extremely high levels of mortality and sickness under convict lessees. If the prisoner died, they would simply go back to the state and say, 'You owe us another prisoner.'" In Texas alone, more than 3,500 prisoners died between 1866 and 1912, when lawmakers, shocked at the mortality, outlawed convict leasing, according to historian Robert Perkinson's book, "Texas Tough: The Rise of America's Prison Empire." By his calculation, that means more African Americans died in convict leasing in the south in the same period than in lynchings.

Veronica Sopher, spokeswoman for the Fort Bend ISD, said the district is exploring the possibility of memorials for the buried prisoners. It is also exploring the possibility of reburying the 95 bodies in an existing prison cemetery on the same plot of land, the Old Imperial Farm Cemetery, where roughly 30 mostly white prisoners were buried between 1912 and 1944.

Reggie Moore is the Imperial cemetery's volunteer guardian. Moore said the discovery of the 95 graves has been gratifying after so many years of being the sole advocate for the nameless former slaves and convicts. He has since held memorial ceremonies for them at the Imperial cemetery, calling himself their "spokesman." "It was just overwhelming," Moore said of the discovery of the graves. "And then sad at the same time, because now I know these guys are here. This really did happen."

Two weeks ago, he went to the site of the graves to see the bodies. He had to steady himself as he walked up to them, he said, because he felt like he was going to faint. He knew they were dead but for some reason as he looked at their skeletons they seemed more alive than ever, like he really knew them. It was like being at a funeral for a loved one, he said, the way it feels when you walk up to the casket. "You're sad for them," he said, " but you know they're not suffering anymore."





New York Times Magazine

White People Are Noticing Something New: Their Own Whiteness

[Now that these less-than-10% of Humanity

no longer have a monopoly over media,

they are finding out how the rest of Humanity sees them].


By Emily Bazelon - June 13, 2018

Being white in America has long been treated, at least by white people, as too familiar to be of much interest. It’s been the default identity, the cultural wallpaper — something described, when described at all, using bland metaphors like milk and vanilla and codes like “cornfed” and “all-American.” Grass is green, the sky is blue and, until very recently, a product described as “nude” or “flesh-colored” probably looked like white people’s skin.

How often do white people talk about being white? Not often! So long as we aren’t hanging out with white nationalists, marrying into a family of color or chuckling over jokes about our dancing, we have endless opportunities to avoid thinking much about our own race. We generally prefer to frame identity in ethnic terms instead: Identifying as Italian or Irish or Jewish seems to come with zest, pathos and a chance to take pride in some shared history. Plain undifferentiated whiteness, on the other hand, is a “toggle between nothingness and awfulness,” writes Nell Irvin Painter (an Ivy league educated and Employed Black woman), an emeritus professor of history at Princeton and author of the 2010 book “The History of White People.”

The Trump era, however, has compelled an unprecedented acknowledgment of whiteness as a real and alarming force. In the months leading up to the 2016 election, as Donald Trump rallied his almost entirely white base with calls for banning Muslims and deporting “bad hombres,” Politico asked: “What’s Going On With America’s White People?” The NPR podcast “Code Switch” debuted with an episode called “Can We Talk About Whiteness?” Since handing Trump 58 percent of the white vote (typical Albino lie, trying to make it seem that fewer are dangerous racists - actually Trump got 87% of the Albino vote), we have been the subject of newspaper and magazine analyses about our race-based resentment, fear of declining status and supposed economic anxiety. The satire “Dear White People” was picked up by Netflix, and the film “Get Out,” which turned self-proclaimed Obama-supporting white people into figures of horror, became the think-piece blockbuster of 2017. Suddenly it is less tenable than ever for white people to write our whiteness out of the story of race in America or define ourselves only in terms of what we are not.



Much of the sharpest examination comes, as it always has, from people of color, who have spent centuries acutely aware of how the force of whiteness operates. But these days, white people are also observing one another’s whiteness with unfamiliar intensity. When a white manager at a Philadelphia Starbucks called the police to report two black customers who didn’t order right away after one had asked to use the bathroom, a white customer, Melissa DePino, tweeted video of the ensuing arrests, adding: “All the other white ppl are wondering why it’s never happened to us when we do the same thing.” A few weeks later, a white woman named Michelle Snider confronted and filmed another white woman who called the police on a couple of black men for using a charcoal grill at an Oakland park. The caller’s image became a meme, #BBQBecky, showing up on “Saturday Night Live” and being dropped into stills from “Black Panther,” Barack Obama’s inauguration and a black Last Supper.

In each of these cases, as well as a string of others, white people didn’t get the usual benefit of assumed normalcy. They were portrayed, instead, as a distinct subculture with bizarre and threatening habits. “White people” were suddenly identified as the subgroup of Americans most likely to call the police on black people over a barbecue or to complain about whether every single football player stands for the anthem — stereotypes that rang true even to other white people.

For a long time, many white people assumed it was our due, as the majority, to encounter various racial others and marvel at the exotic things they ate, built or wore. Now we can go online and find people of color doing the gawking, offering jokes and anthropological scrutiny about white people’s underseasoning food, mistreating potato salad or eschewing washcloths.

Chief among our remarked-upon habits is our often-claimed colorblindness and affinity for individuality, a supposed indifference to race that often reads more like ignorance of it. A “Becky,” as in #BBQBecky, Damon Young explained in a piece on The Root, is a type of white woman who “exists in a state of racial obliviousness that shifts from intentionally clueless to intentionally condescending.” (Like the original ur-Becky in the intro to Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby Got Back.”) White people are referred to in proliferating slang: “wypipo,” “whytppl,” “WhitePeople™.” The spaces we unthinkingly dominate are “white spaces.” The indignant defensiveness we may display when confronted by racial conflict is “white fragility.” White people are losing the luxury of non-self-awareness, an emotionally complicated shift that we are not always taking well. “Twenty-five years ago black people were the lost population,” and “black intellectuals were on the defensive,” Darryl Pinckney observed this month in The New York Review of Books. “Now white people are the ones who seem lost.”

Early uses of the word “white” in American law were, unsurprisingly, about slavery — in particular, sparing white indentured servants from the prohibitions that barred black slaves from owning property or weapons or learning to read and write. (“The slave codes created whiteness in the United States,” Lee Bebout, an English professor at Arizona State University, said when I spoke to him by phone.) Many subsequent uses have been about immigration. The country’s first Naturalization Act, in 1790, decreed that only a foreigner who was a “free white person” could become a citizen — laying the foundation for the 1882 act that barred laborers from China (later expanded to encompass other parts of Asia). In 1923, the Supreme Court had to decide whether the category of a “free white person” included Bhagat Singh Thind, a “high caste” Indian man who was technically as “Caucasian” as the justices hearing his case, according to the 18th-century pseudoscience that defined such categories. (They rejected him on the grounds that in the “common understanding,” white meant something narrower.) In the 1940s, the census started lumping together everyone with Spanish last names as “Hispanic” — but the category Hispanic/Latino, now self-reported, has remained as an ethnicity rather than a race, which is why the census calls white people “non-Hispanic whites.”

Even as the “common understanding” of whiteness remained porous and inconsistent, those included within it often treated it as a kind of noble calling — the “white man’s burden,” a mission to civilize the globe’s others, perhaps even by divine right. These beliefs are now recognized as objectionable; they’ve been replaced, ostensibly, by an acceptance of pluralism and diversity — though not a deep commitment to integration. And yet as long as white people continue to see ourselves as the norm and the neutral, we haven’t replaced as much as we might imagine. We continue to act as racial managers, clinging to the job of setting the culture’s terms and measuring everyone else’s otherness against those terms.

People of color have described the darkness at the heart of whiteness each step of the way — as the poet and lawyer James Weldon Johnson observed a century ago, “the colored people of this country know and understand the white people better than the white people know and understand them.” In an 1829 tract, David Walker, who wrote for the country’s first black-owned newspaper, argued that the central feature of white identity was murder; today Ta-Nehisi Coates calls it plunder. In “The Fire Next Time,” his stunning book of 1963, James Baldwin wrote that white people could resolve their position only by looking inward. “White people in this country will have quite enough to do in learning how to accept and love themselves and each other,” he wrote, “and when they have achieved this — which will not be tomorrow and may very well be never — the Negro problem will no longer exist, for it will no longer be needed.”

The growing self-recognition among white people, prodded into being by demographic change and broader conversations about how racial identity works, could certainly lead toward self-acceptance and harmony, sure. The Parkland student activists, for example, have seemed almost intuitively savvy about such things, finding ways to interweave their goals and share their stage with kids of color who had, as one put it, “always stared down the barrel of a gun.” But we’re also staring at copious evidence of this self-recognition swinging in the other direction.

When white Americans burrow into their group identity, the switch that Painter described often flips, from nothingness to awfulness. Some of us fixate on maintaining racial dominance, conjuring ethnonationalist states or a magical immigration formula that somehow imports half of Scandinavia. A majority of white Americans currently believe that their own race is discriminated against. News accounts fill with white resentment and torch-lit white-power marches. White Americans, who “seem lost,” are searching for something important: how to see ourselves without turning awful in the process.






White Men - the biggest Terrorists







New York Times
By Campbell Robertson, Christopher Mele and Sabrina Tavernise

Oct. 27, 2018

PITTSBURGH — Armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and at least three handguns, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire inside a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday morning, killing at least 11 congregants and wounding four police officers and two others, the authorities said. In a rampage described as among the deadliest against the Jewish community in the United States, the assailant stormed into the Tree of Life Congregation, where worshipers had gathered in separate rooms to celebrate their faith, and shot indiscriminately into the crowd, shattering what had otherwise been a peaceful morning.

The assailant, identified by law enforcement officials as Robert D. Bowers, fired for several minutes and was leaving the synagogue when officers, dressed in tactical gear and armed with rifles, met him at the door. According to the police, Mr. Bowers exchanged gunfire with officers before retreating back inside and barricading himself inside a third-floor room. He eventually surrendered.




Mr. Bowers, 46, was injured by gunfire, although the authorities said it was unclear whether those wounds were self-inflicted or whether the police had shot him. He was taken to Allegheny General Hospital. Federal officials charged Mr. Bowers with 29 criminal counts. They included obstructing the free exercise of religious beliefs — a hate crime — and using a firearm to commit murder. He also faces state charges, including 11 counts of criminal homicide, six counts of aggravated assault and 13 counts of ethnic intimidation. The authorities said that he had no previous criminal history.

Though a bris, a ceremony to mark a child’s birth, was among the ceremonies taking place Saturday, no children were among the casualties, law enforcement officials said. The wounded included a 70-year-old man who had been shot in the torso, and a 61-year-old woman with soft tissue wounds, said Dr. Donald Yealy, chairman of emergency medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

The attack Saturday morning struck the heart of the city’s vibrant Jewish community, in the leafy Squirrel Hill neighborhood that is home to several synagogues, kosher restaurants and bakeries. Hours later, hundreds gathered at three separate interfaith vigils on a cold, rainy evening to mourn the dead and pray for the wounded. The assault on the synagogue unfolded on a quiet, drizzly morning, and came amid a bitter, vitriolic midterm election season and against the backdrop of what appears to be a surge in hate-related speech and crimes across America. It also took place in the wake of the arrest Friday morning of a man who the authorities said sent more than a dozen pipe bombs to critics of Mr. Trump, including several high-profile Democrats.

Calling it the “most horrific crime scene” he had seen in 22 years with the F.B.I., Robert Jones, special agent in charge in Pittsburgh, said the synagogue was in the midst of a “peaceful service” when congregants were gunned down and “brutally murdered by a gunman targeting them simply because of their faith.” “We simply cannot accept this violence as a normal part of American life,” said Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, speaking at a news conference Saturday afternoon in Pittsburgh. “These senseless acts of violence are not who we are as Pennsylvanians and are not who we are as Americans.” The anguish of Saturday’s massacre heightened a sense of national unease over increasingly hostile political rhetoric. Critics of President Trump have argued that he is partly to blame for recent acts of violence because he has been stirring the pot of nationalism, on Twitter and at his rallies, charges that Mr. Trump has denied.

About Saturday’s attack, Mr. Trump, addressing reporters at Joint Base Andrews, said: “It’s a terrible, terrible thing what’s going on with hate in our country and frankly all over the world, and something has to be done.” “The results are very devastating,” he said, adding that if the temple “had some kind of protection” then “it could have been a much different situation.” Later, speaking to reporters as he got off Air Force One in Illinois, Mr. Trump said he planned to visit Pittsburgh but he did not say when.

Leaders in the United States and across the world condemned the attack. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said he was “heartbroken and appalled” and that the “the entire people of Israel grieve with the families of the dead.” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that criminal charges by the Justice Department “could lead to the death penalty.” “Hatred and violence on the basis of religion can have no place in our society,” Mr. Sessions said. “Every American has the right to attend their house of worship in safety.” The massacre Saturday was at least the third mass shooting in a house of worship in three years. Last November, a gunman killed 26 worshipers at a church in Sutherland Springs, Tex., and in 2015, a white supremacist killed nine congregants in a church in Charleston, S.C.

It came amid rising anxiety about illegal immigration and in a decade that has seen an uptick in hate crimes. According to an annual report by the Anti-Defamation League issued earlier this year, the number of reported anti-Semitic incidents in the United States surged 57 percent in 2017, the largest rise in a single year since the A.D.L. began tracking such crimes in 1979. The attack also was a deep and painful blow to the Jewish community in the United States, and came just days after George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist and major donor to Democratic candidates, who is Jewish and who survived Nazi occupation in Hungary, received a pipe bomb in the mail. Also in the past week, a Senate campaign sign for Josh Hawley, attorney general of Missouri, was sprayed with a swastika.

On Saturday, the Tree of Life Congregation was holding services for three separate congregations when the gunman stormed in with an AR-15-style assault rifle, a Glock, and two other handguns, and began shooting. Police dispatchers received the first emergency calls at 9:54 a.m., Mr. Jones of the F.B.I. said, and police officers, including a SWAT team, were dispatched a minute later. Mr. Bowers had already shot and killed 11 people and was on his way out of the synagogue, Mr. Jones said, when he encountered police officers and shot at them. He went back into the synagogue to hide from SWAT officers who were moving in, Mr. Jones said. He was in the synagogue for about 20 minutes, law enforcement officials said.

“By the time I got there they were already starting to extract people,” said Chief Scott Schubert of the Pittsburgh Police. “Watching those officers running into the dangers to remove people and get them to safety was unbelievable.” Residents near the synagogue were told to stay inside their homes. Ben Opie, 55, who can see the synagogue from his backyard, said his wife was about to leave their house to do some volunteer work when SWAT officers approached their home and said there was a gunman in the synagogue. “They chased my wife inside,” he said. “They just said get in the house.”

On Saturday night, the authorities were still piecing together a portrait of Mr. Bowers, and had searched his apartment with a robotic bomb detector and police dogs. His apartment is in a neighborhood dotted with mostly small to medium brick homes, about a 25-minute drive south of Pittsburgh in the suburb of Baldwin Borough. Representative Mike Doyle, who represents Pennsylvania’s 14th District, where the synagogue is, said that Mr. Bowers had 21 guns registered to his name. “I don’t think anybody really knows this guy, other than he was a hateful anti-Semite who had posted anti-Semitic views,” Mr. Doyle said. “We’re all kind of numb, kind of in shock, it’s not really something that happens much here.”

A spokesman for the A.D.L. said that before Saturday’s shooting the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in recent United States history was in 1985, when a man killed a family of four in Seattle. He had mistakenly thought that they were Jewish. More recently, in 2014, a white supremacist opened fire outside a Jewish Community Center in a suburb of Kansas City, Mo., killing three people. “I’m afraid to say that we may be at the beginning of what has happened to Europe, the consistent anti-Semitic attacks,” said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of Simon Wiesenthal Center, who prayed at Mr. Trump’s inauguration. He spoke in a phone interview from Austria, where he was visiting the Mauthausen concentration camp. “If it is not nipped in the bud,” he continued, “I am afraid the worst is yet to come.”

Anti-Semitism appeared to run deep for Mr. Bowers. Before it was deleted Saturday morning, a social media account believed to belong to him was filled with anti-Jewish slurs and references to anti-Jewish conspiracy theories. In January, an account under his name was created on Gab, a social network that bills itself as a free speech haven. The app, which grew out of claims of anti-conservative bias by Facebook and Twitter, is a popular gathering place for alt-right activists and white nationalists whose views are unwelcome on other social media platforms. Early members included the right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos and Andrew Anglin, the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website.

Several weeks ago, Mr. Bowers’s account posted a link to the website of HIAS, a Jewish nonprofit organization, which was planning a shabbat ceremony for refugees in locations around the country. The caption read: “Why hello there HIAS! You like to bring in hostile invaders to dwell among us?”And hours before the gunman entered the Tree of Life synagogue, the account posted again: “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”

HIAS said in a statement on Saturday: “There are no words to express how devastated we are by the events in Pittsburgh this morning.” Shortly after Mr. Bowers was named the suspect in the shooting, Gab confirmed that the name on the account, which was verified, matched that of the suspect. The company archived the account before taking it offline, and released a statement saying it was cooperating with law enforcement. “Gab unequivocally disavows and condemns all acts of terrorism and violence,” the statement read.

The Tree of Life Congregation dates back to 1864, and was originally in downtown Pittsburgh, said Alvin K. Berkun, a former rabbi at Tree of Life and now rabbi emeritus, who stayed home from services on Saturday to tend to his sick wife. It moved to its current site in Squirrel Hill in 1952, where it now takes up most of a corner block. About 26 percent of the Pittsburgh area’s Jewish households are in Squirrel Hill, while another 31 percent of Jewish households are largely located in neighborhoods around there, Brandeis University researchers reported in a 2017 study.

About 48 percent of Jewish children in greater Pittsburgh live in Squirrel Hill, according to the study, which was carried out on behalf of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. [Squirrel Hill has long been one of the most deeply rooted Jewish neighborhoods in America.] “Squirrel Hill is really an amazing safe community,” he said. It is the heart of Jewish Pittsburgh with kosher restaurants and bakeries and a Jewish Community Center. “I lived for a while in Israel and I know what security can mean, but the truth is the two safest neighborhoods I know are Squirrel Hill and Jerusalem. I’ve lived in both.” On the high holidays, when the sanctuary comes close to reaching its capacity of 1,450 congregants, there are security officers. But Saturday morning, he said, when there would be around 75 people, “everything would have been wide open.”

In recent years, the congregation size had dwindled and so now three congregations meet on Saturday morning, in three different parts of the synagogue. “It’s a very vibrant place on Saturday mornings,” he said. Rabbi Berkun had heard that the gunman had barricaded himself at one point in his old study. Still, threats were something he had never really thought about, not here. As soon as he saw news of the shooting on social media, Zachary Weiss, 26, tried to get in touch with his father, Stephen Weiss, a longtime member of the Tree of Life Congregation.

By that time the elder Mr. Weiss was already in action, carrying out the all-too-real protocols of the active shooter response training that congregants at Tree of Life had put into place the year before. Recounting what his father told him, the younger Mr. Weiss said that services had just been getting started when he heard a loud noise. “There was a loud sound and a couple of people investigating it heard a couple more loud sounds,” he said. “That’s when my father and the rabbi discovered it was the sound of gunshots.”

The rabbi instructed everyone to get to a safe place, and after the Tree of Life congregants had done so, his father considered the other congregations that meet in the building on Saturdays. The bris was taking place on a lower floor, and he checked first to make sure the people there were safe. They were. His father never saw the shooter, Mr. Weiss said, but, before evacuating, he was at one point close enough to see the shell casings. “It’s going to take a long while for us as a community to grasp this,” he said.
Correction: October 29, 2018 An earlier version of this article misstated where the shooting suspect, Robert Bowers, received treatment. He was taken to Allegheny General Hospital, not the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.








New York Times
California Shooting Kills 12 at Country Music Bar
By Jose A. Del Real, Jennifer Medina and Tim Arango - Nov. 8, 2018

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. — Country music was blaring and beer was flowing. The Lakers game was on the television, and if revelers weren’t line dancing they were playing pool. Then all of a sudden, into “College Country Night!” at the Borderline Bar & Grill stepped a man with a gun. Wearing dark clothing and a dark baseball cap, he set off smoke bombs to create confusion. He shot a security guard at the entrance and then opened fire into the crowd. Patrons dropped to the ground, dashed under tables, hid in the bathroom and ran for exits, stepping over bodies sprawled across the floor.

“I remember looking back at one point to make sure he wasn’t behind me,” said Sarah DeSon, a 19-year-old college student. And as they raced for safety, many of them thought, Not again. Just last year, they had fled the same chaos — gunshots, bodies falling — in Las Vegas, at a country music festival where 58 people were killed in the worst mass shooting in modern American history. The Borderline, a popular hangout for country music fans, had become a place of solace for dozens of survivors of the Vegas massacre to come together for music, for healing and for remembering — “to celebrate life,” in the words of one.

And now, at least some of them belong to a group that seems uniquely American: survivors of two mass shootings. “This is the second time in about a year and a month that this has happened,” Nicholas Champion, a fitness trainer from Southern California who posted a group photo on Facebook of Vegas survivors gathering at the Borderline in April, said in a television interview. “I was at the Las Vegas Route 91 mass shooting as well as probably 50 or 60 others who were in the building at the same time as me tonight.” When a gunman opened fire at the Route 91 Festival in Las Vegas last year, Telemachus Orfanos somehow survived. On Wednesday night, though, he didn’t. “He was killed last night at Borderline,” his mother, Susan Orfanos, said, speaking rapidly into the telephone. “He made it through Las Vegas, he came home. And he didn’t come home last night, and the two words I want you to write are: Gun control. Right now — so that no one else goes through this. Can you do that? Can you do that for me? Gun control.” Ms. Orfanos then hung up the telephone.

The authorities said the gunman, Ian D. Long, 28, of Newbury Park, Calif., was found dead at the scene after killing 12 people, including a sheriff’s deputy, and being confronted by officers who had stormed the bar. Mr. Long’s .45-caliber handgun had been purchased legally and had been outfitted with an extended magazine. Investigators said there was no clear motive. Mr. Long, a Marine Corps veteran who had served in Afghanistan, had apparently been wrestling with his own demons: officers responded to a disturbance at his home in April, and mental health specialists spoke to him about his military service after suspecting that he might be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. But they decided he was not a danger to himself or others, and determined they could not force him to seek treatment.



The shooting inside the bar, a favorite local hangout for 25 years that hosted line-dancing lessons and allowed students in starting at 18, and where on Wednesday night several college women were celebrating their 21st birthdays, began around 11 p.m. Witnesses described sudden chaos. Among the estimated 130 to 180 people at the bar were five off-duty police officers, enjoying the night like the other partyers. As patrons dove for cover, the sounds of glass shattering and gunshots rang out in the cavernous bar. The gunman prowled the emptying dance floor, shooting the wounded as they lay on the ground. Teylor Whittler, a young woman inside the bar, saw the gunman quickly reload and fire again. “He knew what he was doing,” she said. “He had perfect form.”

The attack is only the latest in a wave of mass shootings that have plagued the country this year. A man opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue late last month, killing 11 people in an attack that officials said was motivated by anti-Semitism and anti-immigrant rage. As the day wore on, a handful of victims were identified. Among them were Sgt. Ron Helus, a sheriff’s deputy only a year or so from retirement; Alaina Housely, an 18-year-old freshman at Pepperdine who loved soccer and planned to major in English literature; and Cody Coffman, 22, a baseball umpire who planned to join the army. Mr. Coffman’s father’s saw his son just before he left for the bar Wednesday evening. “The first thing I said to him was please don’t drink and drive,” he told reporters. “The last thing I said was, son, I love you.” With mass shootings a fixture of life in this nation, Americans in large gatherings — at churches, concerts, public squares — have become accustomed to thinking through the possibilities, eyeing exit routes and weighing escape options, should the horrific happen.

“Unfortunately, our young people or people at nightclubs have learned this may happen and they think about that,” said Geoff Dean, the Ventura County sheriff, whose last day on the job before retirement was scheduled for Friday. “Fortunately it probably saved a lot of lives that they fled the scene so rapidly.” Authorities said as many as 22 people had been injured and taken to the hospital. One college student, Nellie Wong, was at the bar celebrating her 21st birthday. Ms. Wong was trapped in the club until the police arrived, and described the whole thing as a blur. “She’s alive, though,” said Ms. Whittler, standing with Ms. Wong outside the bar. “She’s alive for her 21st birthday.”

Brendan Kelly, 22, was among those who survived both the Vegas massacre and the shooting at the Borderline. “It’s your worst nightmare,” he said. “It’s terrible.” Some of the survivors of both mass shootings posted about the Las Vegas shooting on social media, including the memorial event earlier this year at the Borderline. Mr. Kelly, who has posted photographs of himself on Facebook wearing a “Vegas Strong” T-shirt and at a Borderline event, said in a television interview with ABC 7, a local affiliate, “it’s too close to home. Borderline was our safe space, for lack of a better term. It was our home for the probably 30 or 45 of us who are from the greater Ventura County area who were in Vegas. That was our place where we went to the following week, three nights in a row just so we could be with each other.” The news sent convulsions through the community of Las Vegas shooting survivors who have come to call themselves the Route 91 Family, posting constantly on private Facebook groups and getting together for what they call “meet-greets.”
Borderline is one of several places that the survivors use for these gatherings, which are meant to heal the trauma of the October 2017 shooting.

Janie Scott, 42, a Las Vegas survivor who runs a Facebook page for others, said that 47 people who made it out of that shooting had posted on her page that they were at Borderline last night. She’d spoken with 10 of them today. “They’re just broken,” she said. “I’m hearing a lot of: Why is this our new norm? Why is this our new norm? It shouldn’t be. At all.” Molly Maurer, another person who said she was a survivor of both shootings, wrote on Facebook Thursday morning, “I can’t believe I am saying this again. I’m alive and home safe.” Later in the day, she wrote again: “In the middle of this confusion and heartbreak, I just want to take a minute to say that Borderline is our place. Our parents came here, our friends work here, we celebrate our happy moments and drown out our worst here. We’re coming back from this stronger than ever.” Chris Weber, 26, on Thursday considered himself lucky, twice. Last night he was on his way to the Borderline from a country music concert in Los Angeles to meet friends, when they got a call about the shooting. They rushed to the scene, standing outside the police perimeter awaiting word on the fate of their friends. And last year he planned to attend the Vegas festival, but backed out at the last minute.

“Someone is looking over me,” he said. “And for the people who got out last night, someone was looking over them too.” Many of the people he knew from the Borderline were casual acquaintances, familiar faces they saw each week, drinking beer and dancing and listening to music, even if he didn’t know their names. “Now as I look back I wish I could say I was better friends with them,” he said. He said he knew many people who were present at both shootings. “No one should have to go through a shooting, let alone twice,” he said. Michael Millar, 25, an accountant from Thousand Oaks, grew up hanging out at the Borderline, but was not there Wednesday night, unlike many of his friends. He said that for those from Thousand Oaks it is a point of pride to not be from Los Angeles, 40 miles to the east — he said residents love their 805 area code and country music is a big thing. The community is conservative and popular with law enforcement and military veterans. It prides itself on its safety, and has been on a list of America’s safest communities. In 2017, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office handled just five murders in its jurisdiction, which covers thousands of square miles. On Thursday Mr. Millar was speaking to a friend who survived both mass shootings. He said that just like in Vegas, when he heard the first shots he thought they were firecrackers. But this time, at the Borderline, a learned response kicked in. He told Mr. Millar, “I learned from Vegas not to think twice, but to just get out.”



Here's what we know about the Thousand Oaks shooting
The victims: The shooting victims include a college student and law enforcement officer.
The shooter: The gunman, identified as 28-year-old former Marine Ian David Long, was a Marine veteran who often visited the site of the shooting.
The scene: The shooting unfolded at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, which is "considered one of the safest cities in the country," Mayor Andy Fox said. What President Trump said: He extended his sympathies on Twitter to the victims and their families, and he praised the "great bravery" shown by law enforcement.

What we know about the shooter so far

From CNN’s Eric Levenson
The gunman who killed 12 people at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, was a 28-year-old veteran of the US Marine Corps, officials said. He had previous run-ins with the law: In April, officers responded to a disturbance at Long's home, and he was irate and acting irrationally, said Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean. He was in the Marine Corps: Long was on active duty from August 2008 to March 2013, according to Defense Department records. He lived with his mother: A neighbor told CNN that Long's mother "lived in fear" of what her son might do, saying when police were called to the house earlier this year "it took them about a half a day to get him out of the house." He was divorced: Long got married in 2009 in Honolulu, Hawaii, but got separated in 2011 and dissolved the marriage in April 2013 in Ventura County, California. They had no children and owned no property. He is believed to have killed himself: His body was found inside the bar when police were able to enter the building. He used to frequent Borderline Bar & Grill: The bar was the site of the deadly shooting. One of Long's old friends, who declined to be identified, said, "He was a part of that community." His friends describe him as "a very stable man." Mark Waid, one of Long's high school friends, told CNN, “The Ian I knew would not do this." Three other friends, who declined to be identified, also expressed surprise. One commented, "I don’t know what the hell happened."



Ian David Long’s chilling final Facebook post before California bar shooting
By Tamar Lapin November 9, 2018

In a chilling final Facebook post, the war vet who massacred 12 people in a California bar ranted about mass shootings and the “hopes and prayers” commonly offered to victims after them, according to a report.
Long wrote - Quote: “I hope they call me insane… (laughing emojis) wouldn’t that just be a big ball of irony?” Ian David Long, 28, wrote around the time of Wednesday’s attack, law enforcement officials told CNN.
“Yeah… I’m insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’.. or ‘keep you in my thoughts’… every time… and wonder why these keep happening…”



White Men - the biggest Terrorists


CNN not commenting on Lemon's remark about white men - October 31, 2018

NEW YORK (AP) — CNN isn't commenting about Don Lemon's statement that white men represent the biggest terrorist threat in the country. Lemon's statement, on his show Monday, attracted criticism in conservative circles. He was talking about the negative attention given to a caravan of potential refugees in central America. Meanwhile, white men are the suspects in recent shootings of two blacks in Kentucky and at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.




Lemon said that, "we have to stop demonizing people and realize that the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them." A CNN spokeswoman said Wednesday neither Lemon nor the network would speak more about it.


CNN’s Don Lemon doubles down after saying white men are ‘the biggest terror threat in this country’

By Lindsey Bever - November 1

During a recent segment about a supermarket shooting in Kentucky, CNN host Don Lemon said that “the biggest terror threat in this country is white men.” Lemon was speaking on live television Monday about an incident in which a white man allegedly shot and killed two black people outside a Kroger grocery store in Jeffersontown, Ky., not far from Louisville. The incident, which is being investigated as a hate crime, occurred during the same week that 13 potential explosive devices were sent to prominent Democratic and media figures across the country and 11 people were killed in a mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. A white man was charged in the latter case.

“I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity. But we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else — some people who are marching towards the border like it’s imminent,” Lemon told CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, referring to the Central American migrant caravan walking toward the United States. He added that “the last time they did this, a couple hundred people came and they — most of them didn’t get into the country. Most of them got tuckered out before they even made it to the border.”“So,” he said, “we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban — you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no white-guy ban. So what do we do about that?”

On Wednesday, following the backlash, Lemon doubled down.

“Earlier this week, I made some comments about that in a conversation with Chris,” he said during a broadcast Wednesday night. “I said that the biggest terror threat in this country comes from radicals on the far right, primarily white men. That angered some people. But let’s put emotion aside and look at the cold hard facts. The evidence is overwhelming." Lemon pointed to a recent Government Accountability Office report that shows that since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, far-right violent extremists have killed 106 people in 62 attacks in the United States, while radical Islamist violent extremists have killed 119 people in 23 attacks.

He also referenced several studies, including a 2017 report from the Nation Institute’s Investigative Fund and the Center for Investigative Reporting’s Reveal, which found that from 2008 to 2016, there were almost twice as many terrorist incidents carried out on U.S. soil by right-wing extremists — many of whom are white — than by Islamist extremists. It showed there were 115 incidents involving right-wing extremists and that those that ended in death were more deadly than incidents carried out by other groups.“So people who were angered about what I said are missing the entire point,” Lemon said about his earlier statements. “We don’t need to worry about people who are thousands of miles away. The biggest threats are homegrown. The facts prove that.” Still, Lemon’s remarks about terrorist threats ignited an uproar among many conservatives.


House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), who survived a shooting targeting Republican lawmakers who were practicing for a Congressional Baseball Game in 2017, posted a link to a story about Lemon on Twitter — commenting simply with an emoji showing wide eyes. And Donald Trump Jr. said in a tweet Wednesday that he thought it“was some sort of joke quote taken out of context but no . . . it’s just Don Lemon being a moron.”“Unfortunately this is how so many leftists actually think,” he continued. “Disgusting! Imagine the outrage if you changed ‘white men’ with any other demographic?”

Don Lemon asks Trump which caravan the Thousand Oaks shooter

belonged to as he doubles down on claim that America's biggest terror threat is 'homegrown killers'

During "CNN Tonight" on Thursday, Lemon listed off places where mass shootings had taken place in recent years — including the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, where 12 people were killed this week — and ridiculed President Donald Trump for instead focusing on the migrant caravan traveling through Mexico."Remember just last week when the president told you it was the caravan you were supposed to be afraid of — the caravan he is strangely not talking about much since the election?" Lemon said. "Well, the caravan didn't shoot up that bar in Thousand Oaks. Which caravan did the shooter belong to? None of them as far as I know. The caravan didn't kill 11 people in that Pittsburgh synagogue." He added that the caravan was "not the problem and hasn't been the problem." "Homegrown killers are the problem," Lemon said. "Homegrown killers are the problem. The question is, when are we going to do something about it?"





Georgia Governor Election


Another exercise in using common sense and your personal knowledge of the world

to help you navigate the lies Albino media (even the supposedly "Liberal" ones), tell us.


From Wikipedia: According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Georgia had a population of 9,687,653. 59.7% White American (55.9% Non-Hispanic White, 3.8% White Hispanic), 30.5% Black or African American) 8.8% Hispanics and Latinos of any race.

WSB - TV - Atlanta
NEW POLL: Race for Georgia governor as close as ever By: Dave Huddleston Updated: Nov 2, 2018
ATLANTA - The race for Georgia governor is as close as it’s ever been, according to the newest Channel 2 Action News & The Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll released Thursday.

According to the new poll, there’s a real possibility of a December runoff between Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp. The poll, conducted by the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs, has Abrams at 46.9 percent and Kemp at 46.7 percent of the vote, a statistical tie that’s within the poll’s margin of error of 3 percentage points. Kemp leads among men 54.5 percent to 40.5 percent. Abrams has a 53.4 percent to 38.9 percent edge among women. White women, however, lean toward Kemp. He leads Abrams 63.4 percent to 31.6 percent. Abrams, who would be the nation’s first black female governor, has support of roughly 90 percent of black voters. Kemp is dominating among white voters, with more than two-thirds support.

(Anyone who believes that 40% of White men in Georgia would really vote for a Black Woman is an idiot! Sorry, if the shoe fits).

In articles above we exploded the manufactured myth that White Women somehow turned their backs on their fathers, Husbands, and Sons, to vote for Blacks in large numbers. It was, and is, a stupid lie!





'Textbook voter suppression': Georgia's bitter election a battle years in the making

Stacey Abrams and Brian Kemp are locked in a dispute amid allegations of voter fraud – something that has plagued Georgia in its history

Khushbu Shah in Atlanta - 10 Nov 2018
Georgia’s hard-fought and bitter governor’s race still isn’t over.

Nor was it just a gubernatorial campaign pitting rightwing Trump acolyte Brian Kemp against insurgent Democrat Stacy Abrams and her bid to become the first African American woman governor in US history. Instead it was a battle years in the making, and it was not so much about who to vote for – but who could vote at all.




Kemp has declared victory and handed in his resignation as secretary of state – the very office that oversees this contentious election. The outgoing governor Nathan Deal, has declared him the victor. There’s just one catch. Abrams’ campaign team is still counting the votes. Her campaign manager, Lauren Groh-Wargo, said from the campaign headquarters Thursday: “All of the votes in this race have not been counted. All the voters of Georgia deserve to be counted before the now-former secretary of state announces his victory.” According to a statement posted on the Georgia secretary of state’s website while Kemp was still in that role, counties have until 9 November to verify provisional ballots and until 13 November to certify the results.

As of Friday morning, the unofficial election results show Kemp with a lead of more than 63,000 votes – a gap Abrams has closed from 75,000 since election night – in an election where nearly 4 million ballots were cast. In Georgia, a runoff is triggered when neither candidate secures 50% plus one vote, which Abrams’s team claimed could happen if she gains 25,632 votes. After Kemp’s resignation, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People president Derrick Johnson released a statement, filled with refrains echoed by other legal experts, civil rights figures and Kemp’s adversaries during and prior to the election. He said: “Kemp’s actions during the election were textbook voter suppression. His actions were strategic, careless and aimed at silencing the voting power of communities of color in the state.”

Consider these numbers.

• In the three months leading up to election day, more than 85,000 voters were purged from rolls under Kemp. During 2017 a huge 668,000 voters were purged, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

• Of those 2017 numbers, investigative reporter Greg Palast told Salon, 200,000 people left the state, died or moved out their district, making them legitimate cancellations. However, through litigation, he got the entire purge list. “Of the 400,000 who supposedly moved, our experts will tell a court that 340,134 never moved – wrongly purged,” Palast told the Guardian, saying people had been purged for not voting in an election or two.

• Furthermore from 2012 to 2016, 1.5 million voters were purged – more than 10 percent of all voters – from records, according to a 2018 report from the Brennan Center for Justice. In comparison, 750,000 were purged from 2008 to 2012.

Kemp took office in 2010 and he and fellow conservatives argue the law requires ineligible voters who move or die to be cleared from rolls. But voting rights advocates say the removals disproportionately affect groups who tend to vote at lower rates, like minorities and low-income voters – the same groups who generally support Democrats. It’s a fundamental problem that stretches back into the history of Georgia and the wider south where racial tensions and the fight over who can vote persists from the days of civil rights struggles.

Sophia Lakin, a staff attorney on the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, points to the fact that until 2013 Georgia was covered by a section of the Voting Rights Act that stipulated it submit election changes to get “pre-clearance” from the federal government – a protection meant to protect minority voters. She said: “It was a hugely important part of maintaining fair voting practices in places in this country that had a long history of discriminating on racial grounds.” But with those protections now gone for the last five years – that covers Kemp’s period in office – many activists say minority voting rights have been threatened again.



Here is why - even at this late date..

The Crackers in Georgia were able to "RIG" the Election.


Shelby County v. Holder, 570 U.S. ___ (2013), is a landmark United States Supreme Court case regarding the constitutionality of two provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: Section 5, which requires certain states and local governments to obtain federal preclearance before implementing any changes to their voting laws or practices; and Section 4(b), which contains the coverage formula that determines which jurisdictions are subjected to preclearance based on their histories of discrimination in voting.

On June 25, 2013, the Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that Section 4(b) is unconstitutional because the coverage formula is based on data over 40 years old, making it no longer responsive to current needs and therefore an impermissible burden on the constitutional principles of federalism and equal sovereignty of the states. The Court did not strike down Section 5, but without Section 4(b), no jurisdiction will be subject to Section 5 preclearance unless Congress enacts a new coverage formula.


The deciding majority was these degenerate Racists: Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Alito and Thomas who Concurred.





For those who don't know, THIS IS THOMAS...



Five years after the ruling, nearly a thousand polling places had been closed in the country, with many of the closed polling places in predominantly African-American counties. Research shows that the changing of voter locations and reduction in voting locations can reduce voter turnout.


Legally, it has been lawsuit after lawsuit in Georgia.

Before the 2016 general election, Common Cause, a nonpartisan grassroots organization, and the NAACP filed a lawsuit against Kemp, seeking an injunction to block Kemp from more voter purges based on a registered voters’ failure to vote. Voter purges aren’t the sole concern for critics of the conservative, Trump-endorsed candidate. Abrams’ team also claims the race is too close to call because of other forms of voter suppression lobbied by her adversaries – all ones that could have cost her the governorship.

Days before early voting began, a civil rights group sued Kemp “over the state of Georgia’s discriminatory and unlawful ‘exact match’ voter suppression scheme”, resulting in 53,000 pending voter registration applications which they claimed affected mostly minority voters. [Kemp's] actions were strategic, careless and aimed at silencing the voting power of communities of color.

Derrick Johnson, NAACP

The “exact match” policy is when a voter’s application has to match – without an errant dash, space, hyphen or period, for example – the information listed in social security or driver’s license databases. On the first day of early voting, a bus full of African American senior citizens on their way to a voting center were turned back. Organizers called it “live voter suppression”. A few days before the election a white supremacist group released racist – and fake – robocalls impersonating Oprah Winfrey, just as she arrived in metro Atlanta to stump for Abrams. Then there was the announcement Kemp was looking into unfounded hacking allegations against Democrats just two days before the election.

On election day, Abrams’ fears seemed to come true.

The Guardian witnessed long lines in various parts of metro Atlanta, where the majority of counties lean Democrat. MIT’s Election Performance Index for 2016 suggested Georgia ranked 49th out of 50 for wait times to vote. In the state’s second largest, hotly contested – and traditionally Republican but becoming Democratic – Gwinnett County, an entire polling location at Annistown elementary school was offline when the doors opened at 7am. The county cited issues with the express polling machines that make the electronic ballots, said Joe Sorensen, a county official who showed up at noon. The NAACP sued successfully to keep two polling precincts near the historically black colleges Spelman University and Morehouse College open until 10pm.

“It’s easy to vote and hard to cheat in Georgia,” Kemp said Thursday. But on election day, a local news channel claimed even Kemp had difficulties voting, with his vote card coming up as “invalid”.

A similar scene played out in the lead up to the 2014 midterms when Abrams was the then-Democratic minority leader in the Georgia house and Kemp the secretary of state. In an effort to increase voter registration among minorities, young adults and unmarried women, Abrams launched the New Georgia Project. According to the non-partisan organization’s website, the aim was to target more than 700,000 unregistered Georgians who happened to be people of color. Kemp accused the organization of voter fraud. Leaked audio from a Republican breakfast in Gwinnett county, now Georgia’s most diverse, recorded Kemp as saying: “You know the Democrats are working hard, and all these stories about them, you know, registering all these minority voters that are out there and others that are sitting on the sidelines, if they can do that, they can win these elections in November.” At the moment, Kemp is holding firm. Since the night of the election, he has said: “The math is on our side.” He implied that the argument over voting in Georgia is over.

Abrams disagrees. The Georgia Democratic party filed a lawsuit Thursday to extend the deadline for absentee ballots in Dougherty county, a southern county affected by Hurricane Michael in October. Palast, though, agrees, unwillingly, with Kemp. “[Voter purge] resulted in massive number of provisional ballots that Kemp [or his successor] won’t count. Worse, most of the [people purged who] showed [up on election day] were denied the provisional ballots. “That’s probably the election for Kemp.”


In articles above we exploded the manufactured myth that White Women somehow turned their backs on their fathers, Husbands, and Sons, to vote for Blacks in large numbers. It was, and is, a stupid lie!


The point here is that people with only 30.5% of the population, and supression of a large part of the voting population, (added to that - the unknown number of Black voters who stayed HOME because they thought Stacey Abrams had NO CHANCE), well they simply do NOT wind up in "Run-off" elections. Clearly the CENSUS and the Albino power structure has again lied about the "True" Black population.




Florida Governor Election



From Wikipedia: According to the 2010 census, the racial distributions are as follows; 54.1% White, 16.9% African American (includes Afro-Caribbeans), 2.9% Asian American, 0.5 Native Americans, 25.6% are Hispanics or Latino (of any ethnicity or national origin).



Florida Begins Vote Recounts in Senate and Governor’s Races - By Frances Robles and Patricia Mazzei - Nov. 10, 2018

RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. — Florida began the first full, statewide vote recount in its history on Saturday after authorities found that tallies submitted by its 67 counties left the contests for Senate, governor and agriculture commissioner too close to call.

Recounts were also ordered in a State Senate race and two contests for the State House, a measure of the slender margins in the nation’s largest swing state that have left two of the most closely watched races in the country still undecided, four days after the midterm elections.

After unofficial results came in shortly after noon on Saturday, Gov. Rick Scott’s edge in the race for the Senate had slipped to nearly 12,600 votes over the Democratic incumbent, Bill Nelson. Andrew Gillum, the Democratic Tallahassee mayor who on election night had conceded his loss in the governor’s race to Ron DeSantis, rose to within 33,600 votes, and retracted his earlier concession. “Florida has never had a full statewide recount. It’s about to have three,” Andrew Weinstein, the national chairman of the Democratic Lawyers Council, said on Twitter. “Buckle up.”




The sight of grim-faced candidates, shouting protesters outside the Broward County elections office and lawyers flown in from Washington evoked memories of Florida’s hotly contested recount over the 2000 presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore and capped off one of the most bitterly divisive midterm election seasons in years. Across Florida, elections office employees already exhausted after processing thousands of ballots since Tuesday geared up for a new round of tabulations, this time with a tight deadline that requires results by Thursday.

The Miami-Dade elections office will have to work around the clock, in daytime and overnight shifts, to conduct the recount, said Suzy Trutie, a spokeswoman. The office, which normally relies on six ballot-counting machines, has rented an additional four machines, scheduled to arrive on Monday from Omaha, Neb. Broward County officials said they were not prepared for the voting-machine calibration test they had planned for Saturday afternoon and were recessing until 7 a.m. Sunday, when they would commence working two 12-hour shifts a day.

Mr. Scott, who has filed lawsuits against elections officials in Broward and Palm Beach Counties over the handling of ballots, made it clear that he was not expecting to relinquish the seat he claimed on Tuesday night and suggested the latest results filed on Saturday had reconfirmed it. “The voters of Florida have spoken and Rick Scott was elected to the United States Senate in a close but decisive victory,” his spokesman, Chris Hartline, said in a statement. He said the typical recount changes outcomes “by just a few hundred votes,” and hinted that Mr. Nelson should back down. “It’s time for Senator Nelson to accept reality and spare the state of the Florida the time, expense and discord of a recount,” he said.

Mr. Nelson showed little willingness to take Mr. Scott up on his offer. “This process is about one thing: making sure every legal ballot is counted and protecting the right of every Floridian to participate in our democracy,” he said in a statement. “We believe when every legal ballot is counted, we’ll win this election.” In the governor’s race, the margin was narrow enough to prompt an automatic recount but wide enough for The Associated Press on Saturday to declare Mr. DeSantis the winner. The A.P. retracted the call a short time later, when Mr. Gillum, speaking to reporters in Tallahassee, defiantly announced that his earlier concession no longer applied.

He said efforts by Mr. Trump, Mr. Scott and Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican, to question the counting of votes before the tallying was complete was akin to voter suppression. “I am replacing my words of concession with an uncompromising and unapologetic call that we count every single vote,” he said. “And I say this recognizing that my fate in this may or may not change.” Mr. DeSantis, for his part, called the results “clear and unambiguous” and said that “with the election behind us,” he was planning for his transition as governor.

The third statewide race now set for a recount was for the post of agriculture commissioner, between Nikki Fried, a Democrat, and Matt Caldwell, a Republican. The candidates, who saw comfortable margins diminish as heavily Democratic southern counties continued to process mailed and problem ballots, have in the days since cried fraud and filed lawsuits. Mr. Scott denounced the embattled Broward County elections supervisor, Brenda C. Snipes, who, the campaign said Friday night, still refused to confirm whether she had counted all the ballots. Dr. Snipes was forced to admit that she had inadvertently tabulated about a dozen rejected ballots, which only fueled Republican accusations that her office had botched the vote-counting process. The count was completed on Saturday.

“Three days after Election Day, the vote tally continues to change and Supervisor Snipes still refuses to explain where and how the new votes came to light,” the campaign said in a statement. “The public deserves a clear and direct answer.” Mr. Scott urged sheriff’s deputies to be on alert for any reports of vote-rigging. Secretary of State Ken Detzner formally ordered the recounts on Saturday afternoon. The new tallies were expected to begin right away in the state’s largest counties, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. Other counties could also proceed immediately, though many were expected to wait until Sunday to begin.

Each county in Florida will have until Thursday to run all of its ballots through counting machines again. At that point, any race that remains within a margin of 0.25 of a percentage point or less will have another three days, until Nov. 18, to conduct a manual recount. Manual recounts seem almost certain in the races for Senate and commissioner of agriculture, which are already within that quarter-point margin. A manual recount does not mean every ballot is counted by hand. Only the votes that come up as an “undervote” or “overvote” get pulled for manual review. For example, if a voter had put a check mark next to a candidate’s name instead of filling the circle out completely, a vote-counting machine could have missed it.

In cases where a machine detects that a person actually chose two people in the same race, a team of election workers looks at the ballot to see if the voter’s intention was clear. The person could have crossed out one candidate’s name, so that ballot would likely be counted. But several issues could arise during the process. Older counting machines might be unable to conduct an unprecedented three statewide recounts simultaneously, making it impossible to meet the state’s deadline. If a county is unable to complete a recount in any particular race, Saturday’s unofficial results from that county would stand for that race.

Brian Y. Silber, a lawyer, went through an exhaustive manual recount this summer when a Broward County judge he represented seemed to have lost on Election Day — only to wake up the next morning to find that he had taken the lead. It took two days to get a new result, he said, and that was with about a quarter of the number of ballots that now must be reviewed. “I would be shocked, really shocked, if there was evidence of fraud, conspiracy, anything illegal or evil,” Mr. Silber said. “What I genuinely believe is that elections officials, for whatever reason, are not getting it done on time. That’s a combination of poor management, underfunding and understaffing.” The problem has been going on for years, he said.

He said Republicans had a savvy — albeit misleading — strategy to convince supporters in advance that any loss would be attributable to misdeeds by Democrats. “It’s really smart on the G.O.P.’s part,” Mr. Silber said. “They know there is no evidence of fraud.” Daniel A. Smith, chairman of the political science department at the University of Florida, said 41,000 Floridians requested mail-in ballots from overseas, so elections supervisors were simply inundated with ballots to count after Election Day. “My position quite honestly is there is very low likelihood of fraud going on anywhere,” Mr. Smith said. “There is a capacity issue when so many ballots come in on Election Day.”

Mr. Scott claimed fraud in Broward County even though the state was monitoring Dr. Snipes’s office during the election. The state’s division of elections assigned two staff members to watch how the election was administered, visit polling places and observe the preparation of voting equipment and procedures. The monitors made no reports of fraud.

“Our staff has seen no evidence of criminal activity at this time,” Sarah Revell, a spokeswoman for the division of elections, said on Saturday. The odds that Mr. Gillum, who trails by 0.41 percentage points, and even Mr. Nelson, who is behind by about 0.15 percentage points, will find themselves on top after a recount seem low, according to veterans of Florida’s presidential recount in 2000. Marc Elias, Mr. Nelson’s lawyer, has maintained that a machine error might still account for fewer votes for Mr. Nelson — an issue that would only be caught in a manual recount. "Ultimately, the ballots are what they are,” he said. “The votes are what they are.”

In articles above we exploded the manufactured myth that White Women somehow turned their backs on their fathers, Husbands, and Sons, to vote for Blacks in large numbers. It was, and is, a stupid lie!


AGAIN! - The point here is that people with only 16.9% of the population, and supression of a large part of the voting population, (added to that - the unknown number of Black voters who stayed HOME because they thought Andrew Gillum had NO CHANCE), well they simply do NOT wind up in "Run-off" elections. Clearly the CENSUS and the Albino power structure has again lied about the "True" Black population.



Andrew Gillum has since been discovered to be a Homosexual Meth addict. On 3/15/2020 Andrew Gillum said he would withdraw from public life as a result of that discovery. Good Riddance!







Henry Louis Mencken



Henry Louis Mencken (September 12, 1880 – January 29, 1956) was an American journalist, satirist, cultural critic and scholar of American English. Known as the "Sage of Baltimore", he is regarded as one of the most influential American writers and prose stylists of the first half of the 20th century. He commented widely on the social scene, literature, music, prominent politicians and contemporary movements. His satirical reporting on the Scopes trial, which he dubbed the "Monkey Trial", also gained him attention. Mencken was born in Baltimore, Maryland, on September 12, 1880. He was the son of Anna Margaret (Abhau) and August Mencken, Sr., a cigar factory owner. He was of German ancestry and spoke German in his childhood.

Racism and elitism

In 1989, per his instructions, Alfred A. Knopf published Mencken's "secret diary" as The Diary of H. L. Mencken. The diary quoted him as saying of blacks, in September 1943, that "it is impossible to talk anything resembling discretion or judgment to a colored woman. They are all essentially child-like, and even hard experience does not teach them anything."

Mencken also wrote: I admit freely enough, that by careful breeding, supervision of environment and education, extending over many generations, it might be possible to make an appreciable improvement in the stock of the American Negro, for example, but I must maintain that this enterprise would be a ridiculous waste of energy, for there is a high-caste white stock ready at hand, and it is inconceivable that the Negro stock, however carefully it might be nurtured, could ever even remotely approach it.

The educated Negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a Negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him. By H.L. Mencken's time, the scholastic and scientific abilities of Blacks were well known (if not admitted). So Mencken's words were not written from ignorance, they were written from "Pique".




Then again: the tone of his work suggests that he was a closet Homosexual.

In which case, his pique might simply be caused by abandonment by his Black male lover.





This Mencken article is the permanent last article

(So that it doesn't get lost among the articles above).








A Black Security Guard Was Killed By Police As He Tried To Stop A Shooting

By Andy Campbell

A black security guard was shot dead by a police officer as he held down a suspect in a shooting at the bar where he worked. Jemel Roberson, 26, was working early Sunday at Manny’s Blue Room ― a bar in the predominantly black Chicago suburb of Robbins, Illinois ― when a patron who was part of a drunken group that had been kicked out returned with a gun at 4 a.m. and opened fire, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Several people were shot.



Roberson, who was armed at the time, grabbed one of the men, held him down and waited for police, according to witnesses. “He had somebody on the ground with his knee in back, with his gun in his back like, ‘Don’t move,’” Adam Harris told WGN-TV. But witnesses said Roberson became the victim as soon as police arrived. A responding officer with the Midlothian Police Department immediately shot Roberson, who later died at a hospital.

Harris said the officer shot an innocent man and that people on the scene tried to warn police that Roberson was a security guard. “Everybody was screaming out, ‘Security!’ He was a security guard ... and they still did their job, and saw a black man with a gun, and basically killed him,” Harris said. Midlothian Police Chief Dan Delaney confirmed the shooting, telling reporters, “A Midlothian officer encountered a subject with a gun and was involved in an officer-involved shooting.” The department said the Illinois State Police Public Integrity Task Force would investigate the shooting in order to “ensure transparency and maintain public trust.”





Roberson was known as a musician at local churches who had dreams of becoming a police officer, people who knew him told ABC-7 and WGN-TV. “How in the world does the security guard get shot by police?” asked Walter Turner, the pastor at New Spiritual Light Baptist Church, where Roberson played the organ. “A young man that was literally doing his job and now he’s gone.” Calls to the Illinois State Police and Midlothian Police Department weren’t immediately returned. The Cook County Sheriff’s office is reportedly investigating the initial shooting.

From August 2016 to May of this year, at least 378 black Americans had been killed by police, and more than 3,357 people have been fatally shot by officers since 2015, HuffPost reported in May.


Comment: Many of these shootings (Executions) by Police seem to be motivated by "Cowardice" and a sense of inadequacy on the part of White Officers, as much as "Racism". Clearly this White Police officer feared that if he announced himself, the Black Man with a gun, who had his back to him, (who he assumed was a criminal) might quickly "WHIRL" and shoot him. Part of the racial profiling behind his decision was that the White Cop assumed that the Black man would be much "Faster" than him, and would thereby be able to get off the first shot once he knew the White Police Officer was there.

His “other” calculation was based on risk and consequence. He knew that if it turned out that the Black Man was "NOT" a criminal, he as a white man, stood a good chance of beating any criminal charges anyway. And even if he was found guilty, he reasoned, at most he would serve only a few years in prison - less than five years. On the other hand, if the Nigger killed him, he would be dead forever.

The fact that Jemel Roberson was a Human being, only 26, and looking forward to a happy productive life; with people he loved, and people who loved him, never entered into the equation. All the White Cop (as of now - name unknown - they are trying to protect him) knew was that if that Black man made it a "Fight": he the White Cop would probably "Loose". So why take the chance - kill the Nigger!

And here we see just one of the many absurdities of modern life; it is clear that the current rash of murders of Black men by White Police is motivated in part, or in full, by feelings of inadequacy engendered in White males by the athletic success of Blacks. Not surprisingly then: once we allowed the first absurdity - that is - allowing our few Albinos (who are less than 10% of us) to Rule - all other absurdities became possible. This is what happens when Natures laws are subverted. Ever since Benjamin Franklin’s 1751 plea for Albino hegemony in the United States, Albinos have acted to subvert, kill, and oppress Blacks, while "UNNATURALLY" elevating themselves. Note below, how innocently Franklin refers to Whites as being very small in number, yet today, Whites try to make it seem like they are the majority of Humans - a lie for every situation. And Franklin calling Whites “the lovely White and Red" is priceless: because that is exactly what Albinos are.





{Quote: of increasing the lovely White and Red}.

Clearly being from northern Europe, these Albinos had not come to terms with their lacking's as regards the Sun yet.

But once they tried Farming in the south, reality and the accompanying resentments, which turned to hatreds, took hold.


Fast forward to the 20th. century: everyday Whites were told that the reason why Blacks were not allowed to participate in the national sports games, like Prize fighting, Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Tennis: was because they lacked the "Wherewithal" (Athleticism, Intelligence, etc.) to compete successfully - for perhaps biological reasons, everyday Whites believed it.

Thus when these "Trail Blazer Blacks" finally broke through the barriers Whites had put up to hinder their participation; Whites were amazed at how well they did. Then over time, as Whites saw Blacks start to dominate those sports, they consoled themselves by saying that though Blacks might have the "Physicality" to do well, they lacked the mental abilities to excel at positions like NBA Point Guard and NFL Quarterback. As of 2018 Blacks dominate all sports, in all positions, in which they participate in numbers. This has not gone unnoticed by White Males.










For many years, we at Realhistoryww have asked all lying Racists whom we could reach: "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN YOUR OWN PEOPLE DISCOVER YOUR LIES?"

When they find out that rather than being inferior, Blacks are you creators - your fathers!

We asked the question because we could anticipate the reaction of White people, especially White Males, when they found out the truth behind the lies their leaders had been telling them, about themselves and Blacks. Uncaring, Murderous Cops, who lack all confidence in altercations with Blacks, is just one consequence of those lies.




UPDATE Tuesday 11/14/2018

TO BE CLEAR - Witnesses say Jemel Roberson was wearing his uniform, including a hat emblazoned with the word "security".

In some News accounts witnesses are now quoted as saying Clearly "HE IS SECURITY" instead of “Everybody was screaming out, 'Security!'" as Harris told WGN. Of course the choice of words could have very different meanings in a high pressure situation.

It is now stated that two Midlothian police officers were involved in the shooting of Jemel Roberson. Jemel was shot five times: it is not known at this time if both or only one of the Midlothian police officers fired Bullets into his body.

As a sign of the total disregard and disrespect the governments of Robbins and Midlothian Townships, and the Cook County Sheriff's Office and the Robbins Police Department, who are investigating the shooting, have for the poor country-like people involved in this tragedy:


As a sign of the total disregard and disrespect the poor country-like people involved in this tragedy have for themselves:


As a sign of the total disregard and disrespect the poor country-like people involved in this tragedy have for themselves: (without waiting for the basic facts to come out and become a part of the "Public Record", Roberson's family filed a lawsuit on Monday against the Midlothian police department and the officer who shot him, seeking damages of $1 million.








"Miss Nancy" Humbles and Humiliates President of the degenerates, Donald Trump


The Washington Post

Prisoner of his own impulse’: Inside Trump’s cave to end shutdown without wall.

By Philip Rucker , Josh Dawsey and Seung Min Kim January 25 2019

His poll numbers were plummeting. His FBI director was decrying the dysfunction. The nation’s air travel was in chaos. Federal workers were lining up at food banks. Economic growth was at risk of flatlining, and even some Republican senators were in open revolt. So on Friday, the 35th day of a government shutdown that he said he was proud to instigate, President Trump finally folded. After vowing for weeks that he would keep the government closed unless he secured billions in funding for his promised border wall, Trump agreed to reopen it. He got $0 instead.



Trump’s capitulation to Democrats marked a humiliating low point in a polarizing presidency and sparked an immediate backlash among some conservative allies, who cast him as a wimp. Elected as a self-proclaimed master dealmaker and business wizard who would bend Washington to his will and stand firm on his campaign promises — chief among them the wall — Trump risks being exposed as ineffective.“He was the prisoner of his own impulse and it turned into a catastrophe for him,” said David Axelrod, who was a White House adviser to President Barack Obama. “The House of Representatives has power and authority — and now a speaker who knows how to use it — so that has to become part of his calculation or he’ll get embarrassed again.” Trump repeatedly predicted to advisers that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would cave and surmised that she had a problem with the more liberal members of her caucus. But she held firm, and her members stayed united.

“Why are they always so loyal?” Trump asked in one staff meeting, complaining that Democrats so often stick together while Republicans sometimes break apart, according to attendees. As for their negotiations, Trump and Pelosi had not spoken since their Jan. 9 session in which the president stormed out of the White House Situation Room. In a private meeting with some columnists earlier this week, Pelosi was asked why she thought Trump had not created a more potent nickname for her than “Nancy.” She replied, according to a senior Democratic aide, “Some people think that’s because he understands the power of the speaker.”



Black Furloughed worker Faye Smith to President Donald Trump: "Miss. Nancy is not going to give you that wall".

And with those words Faye Smith elevated Nancy Pelosi beyond merely being Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, to the higher ground of affectionately "Nicknamed" leader of all of Americas "Decent" Patriotic people. As opposed to those Albinos so afraid of having to compete with Pigmented People, that they betray the United States Constitution, and align themselves with traitors like Donald Trump and his master Putin.

But Nancy Pelosi's humbling of Donald Trump goes even further: After years of watching foreign "Battle Axes" (a term of affectionate respect) like Angela Merkel - Chancellor of Germany and other women like her, come to the fore. We wondered when America would produce a woman truly worthy of being the first female President, one who earned it! Well should Miss Nancy agree to take Cory with her as her Veep, she would certainly have our support. {Kamala has certain issues we find disqualifying}. Miss Nancy is 78 years old, so we assume she would limit herself to one term, allowing Cory Booker to run for President after one term. (Naturally Miss Nancy would be a Battle Axe with a silk wrapped handle).

Words to move forward with: January 25, 2019

“Our diversity is our strength. But our unity is our power.

And that is what maybe the president underestimated.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), quoted by the Washington Post.






Any fool knows that it's best to be on good terms with your "Next Door Neighbor"

except the idiots of Trump


While listening to Ann Coulter explain the rational for the Border Wall on Bill Maher’s show, it occurred to us that to the Trump degenerates, the Wall had morphed from being simply a political talking point and political rally chant, to a real "Policy" objective for Republicans - owing to the loss of face suffered by Republicans when Trump had to "Cave-in" to Nancy Pelosi (now Miss Nancy) over the Government Shutdown. Coulter even lauded the success the Israelis achieved by building a wall to keep out Palestinians. Birds of a feather do blow each others horn. But since Israelis and Palestinians are BOTH Turks occupying Black lands, it's not our business.


On the altercation on the Washington Mall, Bill Maher said this:

There was the Black Hebrew Israelites, there's not many of them. They believe that African Americans are literally the descendants of the Hebrews in the Bible. Except we have DNA and they're not! They did 23andMe and it came back - "You're Kidding - Right". The show is on youtube:

Is Bill Maher an ignorant Khazar Turk Albino with bad information, or is it more Khazar Turks/Jews using their Monopoly over media to maintain the lie that they have anything to do with Hebrews? Firstly, 23andMe is not credible, it is a money making enterprise built on "Bullshitting" people about their genetics. 23andMe and other such companies are exposed here:





Now for the facts: Hebrews were Black people (you can read their description by Tacitus, or look at the Assyrian stele of them in the British museum). After the Romans defeated them, and then the Arabs invaded their country, Hebrews were scattered all over the place, including North Africa and Spain. It is a matter of record that North Africans were enslaved, so no reason why some of them couldn’t have wound up in the Americas. So while a large part of the Black American population is certainly not Hebrew, there is no reason why "Some" of them might not be.


But to the point: the Israelis are at War with the Palestinians, the United States is NOT at War with Mexico. But the insult and humiliation of the U.S. putting up a Wall to keep Mexicans, and others like them, out of the United States, would precipitate a "Cold War" with Mexico almost immediately. As an abject example of the arrogance of Americas Albinos, the following caution is the only one so far spoken... House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "The fact is, a wall is an immorality. It's not who we are as a nation."


This is what the Concrete Wall would look like.




Even from Miss Nancy, is there no word as to how the people of the sovereign State of Mexico would view having foreigners built a wall on their Northern Border without their permission. From the time of George Bush’s invasion of Iraq, we noted the disrespect U.S. Republicans had for everyone else, even the European allied countries. Now they seem to have gotten outright stupid with it: Degenerate asinine Republicans, please pay close attention.


Your next door neighbor Mexico; is a nation of about 124 million people. It is the world’s 11th. largest economy. Though the majority of Mexicans you see look like YOU, that is a function of your Albino media filtering the World you are allowed to see for you. Actually only about 10-15% of Mexicans (the ruling Elite) are Albinos (from Spain or elsewhere). The Rest are Mulattoes and Black indigenous people. And...... THEY DON'T LIKE YOU!









At the same time this is going on:


GRI Headline:

China’s strategic influence is growing in the Americas

Click here for Newsstory


Russia, China Making Inroads in South America

By Yasmin Tadjdeh - 6/7/2018

Click here for Newsstory


So to put it in a way that even an asinine Trump supporter can understand: should you idiots succeed in putting that wall up (which could easily be cut by electric saw, dug under, roped over - whatever). Now suppose the Mexican government, or even an ordinary Mexican, saw a terrorist (from whatever country) trying to sneak into the U.S. with weapons of mass destruction: what do you thing they would do? What would YOU do - to help someone who has always insulted and marginalized you?


More Bad News for degenerate Albinos going nuts over loss of dominance







EVEN More gleaning of Black Population


Because the Albinos will never, ever, give us accurate statistics, we must of course find ways to infer the truth from the lies that they tell us. As proof of how Albinos falsify population numbers to maintain and justify their dominance of wealth and power in the United States: please note the statistics of these two recent Governor races in two Racist Southern States.


According to the United States Census, Native Albinos plus White and Mulatto Cubans (they consider themselves White - thankfully), those who fake Blackness confuse Negroes, make up 77.4% of Florida's population. (Cuba like most places with substantial Mulatto populations; Latin America, the Middle East: are invariably anti-Black and Racist. They clamor for Albino acceptance - which they are quite welcome to, Albinism is nothing to aspire to).



That means that the Black vote SHOULD have been 1,830,600 for Gullim and the White vote SHOULD have been 6,269,400 for DeSantis. But it was NOT! The Black vote was actually 4,043,723. Now does anyone really believe that 2,213,123 Racist Albinos of Florida really voted for a Black man to be Governor of Florida? Think Trayvon Martin as you formulate your answer.






According to the United States Census, Albinos make up 60.8% of Georgia's population.



That means that the Black vote SHOULD have been 1,256,473 for Abrams and the White vote SHOULD have been 2,372,472 for Kemp. But it was NOT! The Black vote was actually 1,923,685. Now does anyone really believe that 667,212 Racist Albinos of Georgia really voted for a Black Woman to be Governor of Georgia? Not a snowballs chance in Hell!









The News stories on this page are intended to show the abject stupidity

of the Albino Rabble in the U.S. South and other places.


Incredibily these idiots would rather support people (like Donald Trump) who allow them to think of themselves as above Blacks, rather than people who would actually inprove their condition.

Intelligent Albinos have realized the same thing, and are writing books about it. Now a physician reveals how right-wing backlash policies have mortal consequences — even for the white voters they promise to help In the era of Donald Trump, many lower- and middle-class white Americans are drawn to politicians who pledge to make their lives great again. But as Dying of Whiteness shows, the policies that result actually place white Americans at ever-greater risk of sickness and death.




Physician Jonathan M. Metzl’s quest to understand the health implications of “backlash governance” leads him across America’s heartland. Interviewing a range of everyday Americans, he examines how racial resentment has fueled progun laws in Missouri, resistance to the Affordable Care Act in Tennessee, and cuts to schools and social services in Kansas. And he shows these policies’ costs: increasing deaths by gun suicide, falling life expectancies, and rising dropout rates. White Americans, Metzl argues, must reject the racial hierarchies that promise to aid them but in fact lead our nation to demise.

Editorial Reviews

"Traveling through the American heartland, a physician deconstructs how right-wing policies have fatal consequences, even for the voters they purport to help. Metzl paints a blistering portrait of a subculture so in thrall to racist ideology that they willingly invite raising gun suicides, poor healthcare, and falling life expectancies."―Esquire

"Groundbreaking.... Metzl methodically and adeptly marshals statistical evidence that policies promising to bolster white Americans' status have instead made life 'sicker, harder, and shorter' for all."―Publishers Weekly

"Dying of Whiteness unveils how the very policies marketed to white people as 'making America great again' end up harming the well-being of whites as a demographic group. This is must reading for anyone interested in understanding the current racial landscape of the United States."―Jelani Cobb, Ira A. Lipman Professor of Journalism, Columbia Journalism School

"Copious data have long shown us the deadly effects of racist health policies on African Americans. But in Dying of Whiteness, Jonathan M. Metzl powerfully shows us this coin's reverse: the deadly effects on white populations of contemporary policies promulgated by vengeful politicians to 'restore' an imaginary white superiority, and embraced by resentful, marginalized whites. Dying of Whiteness illuminates the dual devastation wrought by policies that limit access to care for the poor of every race."―Harriet A. Washington, author of Medical Apartheid

"In his pathbreaking and provocative book, Jonathan M. Metzl draws on his dual acuity as physician and social scientist to help make sense of the urgent issue of our time: how individuals not only act against their self-interests, but also support policies that contribute to their own early demise. A threadbare social safety net, further unraveled by virulent racism, has given way to an ailing body politic. Empathetic and poignant, this vital work exposes how an investment in whiteness works to the deficit of us all."―Alondra Nelson, Columbia University and Social Science Research Council

"Dying of Whiteness brilliantly demonstrates the tremendous impediment that white racism and backlash politics pose to our society's wellbeing, at a time when many white Americans quite literally would rather die than support policies they see as benefiting people of color. Jonathan M. Metzl issues an urgently needed call to acknowledge the deadly toll of investing in whiteness-and to work collectively toward a just society that would be healthier for everyone."―Dorothy Roberts, author of Killing the Black Body

"As a progressive Missouri state legislator, I applaud Jonathan M. Metzl's dive into policies and agendas which are destructive to those most in need. He is correct in that racial resentment is the primary reason Medicaid expansion was not allowed to be debated on the House floor the past eight years. He is also correct in exposing racism as a primary reason why my home state of Missouri has loosened gun restrictions even though suicides, accidental, and domestic shootings have skyrocketed in every zip code-including in predominantly white areas. Racial overtones also color healthcare and gun legislation debates in the Capitol, as well as many lobbying efforts. Dying of Whiteness boldly exposes the devastating consequences of these politics for everyone, and calls on us to push back against racial resentment for the benefit of all."―Hon. Stacey Newman, Missouri House of Representatives, 2010-2018. (Hon. Stacey Newman is an Albino female).


Jonathan M. Metzl is the Frederick B. Rentschler II professor of sociology and psychiatry at Vanderbilt University and director of its Center for Medicine, Health, and Society. He is the author of several books and a prominent expert on gun violence and mental illness. He hails from Kansas City, Missouri, and lives in Nashville, Tennessee.


(They made their beds hundreds of years ago

no sympathy is due them).



W.E.B. Du Bois

In 1935 Du Bois published his most influential treatise, Black Reconstruction, a reconsideration of the period immediately following the Civil War. One of the historical quandaries that Du Bois addressed was the successful effort of white plantation owners in the 1870s and ’80s to build a political coalition with poor, often landless, white men to overthrow biracial Reconstruction governments throughout the South.

“The theory of laboring class unity rests upon the assumption that laborers, despite internal jealousies, will unite because of their opposition to the exploitation of the capitalists,” wrote Du Bois, who trained at both the University of Berlin and Harvard, and whose grounding in Marxist political economy taught him to view politics through the lens of different but fixed stages in capitalist development. “This would throw white and black labor into one class,” he continued, “and precipitate a united fight for higher wages and better working conditions.”

That, of course, is not what happened. In most Southern states, poor whites and wealthy whites forged a coalition that overthrew biracial Reconstruction governments and passed a raft of laws that greatly benefited plantation and emerging industrial elites at the expense of small landowners, tenant farmers and factory workers. “It failed to work because the theory of race was supplemented by a carefully planned and slowly evolved method,” Du Bois wrote, “which drove such a wedge between white and black workers that there probably are not today in the world two groups of workers with practically identical interests who hate and fear each other so deeply and persistently and who are kept so far apart that neither sees anything of common interest.”

Du Bois famously posited that “the white group of laborers, while they received a low wage, were compensated in part by a sort of public and psychological wage. They were given public deference and titles of courtesy because they were white.”

Decades before so many white working-class citizens of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin—to say nothing of Alabama, West Virginia and Mississippi—cast their lot with a party that endeavors to raise their taxes and gut their health care, Du Bois identified the problem: Some wages aren’t denominated in hard currency. They carry a psychological payoff—even a spiritual one.


These are also the same people who carried out the Lynching's and other heinous acts.





Donald Trump just promised his supporters he'd 'put a man on the face of the moon.'

We already did that.

By Julie Gerstein –


On Friday night, President Donald Trump held a campaign rally at the James E. Sudduth Coliseum in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A nearly full house listened on as Trump covered some of his favorite subjects (the border, the military, and the flag) and attacked all the usual suspects (Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, the state of California).

And then things got weird. At the end of his 90-minute speech, Trump took a moment to speak on the sanctity of the national motto "In God We Trust" before launching into a rousing history lesson on the founding of America.

"We stand on the shoulders of American patriots who crossed the oceans, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, revolutionized industry, pioneered science, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism," Trump said. "And we're gonna defeat socialism and put a man on the face of the moon." End quote.

No one guffawed or even tittered: proving that as we suspected, Trump’s supporters are even bigger ignoramuses than he is.

Trump’s base, and his own personal best buddy, is Vladimir Putin – the COMMUNIST President of the COMMUNIST nation of Russia.

Dear Donald Trump and Trump supporters: In Marxist theory, socialism is the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism. They are both founded on the idea of collective cooperation, but differs in that communists believe that cooperation should be run by a government made up of one political party or in Trumps case – ONE PERSON!

By the way Trumpies: NASA actually completed six crewed missions to the moon between 1969 and 1972 — and a total of 12 astronauts touched down on the moon's "face."






Albinos celebrate our shame!


Ever since his election as THE FIRST BLACK mayor of Montgomery Alabama,

Steven Reed has been shopped around Albino television

and congratulated for his great achievement.





New York Times

Montgomery, a Cradle of Civil Rights, Elects Its First Black Mayor


MONTGOMERY, Ala. — At a polling place not far from the intersection of avenues named for Jefferson Davis and Rosa Parks, Laura Minor spent a scorching afternoon on a folding chair with a David Woods for Mayor sticker on her shirt. She had been hired to represent his campaign, yet she was not shy about making it clear that Mr. Woods had bought her time but had not won her vote. “I’m actually supporting Steven Reed,” Ms. Minor said, explaining the enthusiasm she had, as a black woman and nearly lifelong resident of Montgomery, for the other candidate: Mr. Reed, a probate judge and the son of a prominent political family, who emerged from a runoff race on Tuesday as the first African-American elected to lead Alabama’s capital city.

His campaign, and its success, has sent a jolt of excitement and validation through the black community, which makes up 60 percent of the city’s population. Montgomery is fundamentally shaped by tandem legacies as a capital in the nation’s vicious racial past and as a cradle for the civil rights movement. And many who grew up under the shadow of that history could not help but hope that they were seeing the start of a thrilling new chapter.“This is our season,” said Yolanda Sayles Robinson, 59, who was born in the city and described herself as a product of the 1960s. “We’ve been waiting for this for a long time.” In the election on Tuesday, Mr. Reed captured 67 percent of the vote, according to unofficial results released by the city. Now, Montgomery joins Birmingham and Selma, two other monumental battlegrounds in Alabama’s civil rights fight, in selecting young, African-American men as mayors.


Why is this election of a Black Man the cringing shame of all intelligent Black people?

Because the City of Montgomery has been “MAJORITY BLACK” for many years, (probably more than 50), yet it is only now in 2019 that those pathetic people could think to choose a Black leader. All that "Skinnin and Grinnin" for something that should have happened in 1975.

We have no way to explain this: but it was only when white Mayor Todd Strange decided not to seek reelection this year, after a decade in office. That Blacks (in spite of their overwhelming majority since the 70's): dared try for the Mayoralty - Ten of the 12 candidates running to replace him were black. Was it because they inferred from Todd Strange's refusal to run for another term, that Albinos didn't want to be Mayor anymore: therefore it was okay for them to take it?




In 1979 Birmingham elected Dr. Richard Arrington Jr. as its first African-American mayor. Birmingham is more than 60% Black.

In Selma, about 80% of the population is Black. James Perkins Jr. was the first African American mayor of Selma, Alabama. He won a run-off in 2000 and served two terms, losing his second bid for reelection in 2008.

Regardless of the Albino supplied numbers, there is a very good chance that Alabama is Majority Black, meaning that Blacks there could elect a Black governor. But like in Georgia, there is probably a large part of the Black population too afraid or unbelieving that it can be done, to do it.

In Talladega, Ala., a city of about 15,000 and home to a popular NASCAR racetrack, voters also elected their first black mayor, Timothy Ragland. The 28-year-old law clerk defeated the incumbent White mayor in a tight race.

As of the census of 2010, there were 15,676 people, 5,719 households, and 3,722 families residing in the city. The racial makeup of the city was 48.7% Black or African American, 47.7% White, 0.3% Native American, 0.5% Asian, 0% Pacific Islander, 1.6% from other races, and 1.2% from two or more races. 3.4% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race. Clearly as soon as the Black people of Talladega felt they had the majority, they elected one of their own - just like every other (non-Negro) people do.






The mystery solved!


For years we have wondered why/how people who claim to be guided by God, (Republicans/Evangelicals) could countenance such horrendous acts as murdering abortion doctors: and supporting or doing themselves all manner of abhorrent things, such as Lynching/Murdering innocent Black people, stealing the rights of Black Americans to live in peace and prosper as their abilities allow, and routinely supporting and electing the most vile and base public officials. All of those things seem mutually exclusive to people of God.

As it turns out the mystery was finally solved when a former Florida Congressman related how he often criticized former President George Walker Bush for his deficit spending (Republicans/Conservatives are suppose to be against excessive spending; but are in fact the biggest spenders) and his Invasion of Iraq under false pretenses. His criticisms caused such unrest among his constituents that he finally had to ask a local preacher to explain to his congregation that you could criticize a Republican (President George Walker Bush) and still be a good Christian. Ponder that for a while.

Normal people think in terms of Good and Bad, Right and Wrong. These are innate concepts that develop in us as we grow-up; and our parents, religion and society all encourage us to fully develop these precepts as adults.

But the Republican Evangelicals of Americas “Bible Belt” did not come up like that; rather, they were taught to “Believe” period! Thus, though they say they are for propriety; they still fully support and defend a “Crotch-grabbing” Whore-monger, without the slightest worry over calls of hypocrisy. Though they say they are for "God, Country, Goodness, Freedom, Liberty, Democracy, it's just lip service. They are the descendants of Enslavers and their favorite person (outside of Trump) is the Atheist/communist President of Russia. Since they actually believe in no normal concepts of elevated Human belief, they are held together by the simple ability to "Believe" in any chosen thing, on the instruction to do so. And they stay together only because they were warned that their beliefs would be tested, and they should show their mettle by standing firm on what they were told to “Believe” by their leaders.

That is why those “Normalcy's” of Truth, Justice, and the American Way; do not and have not ever had any currency with those Republicans: (at the time of the “Civil War” they were Democrats): Richard Nixon's (Southern Strategy) flipped them to Republicans, just like the policies of Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt flipped Republican Abraham Lincoln loving Blacks to the Democratic party.

Which brings us to an earlier mystery: we never understood why Poor, Uneducated, Southern Albinos would fight a long and bloody war to keep Slaves. After all, as Benjamin Franklin explains in his 1755 essay below; Slaves cost MORE than employing White workers, and since White workers were JOBLESS because of the use of Slaves for such jobs as Carpenters, Plumbers, Builders, Taylor's etc. Why would they fight and die to remain JOBLESS? Well now we know, they were TOLD by their (Rich leaders - the Planter Class) that they were above Blacks and they must fight to maintain that status - and they BELIEVED IT.







But lucky for them, they were defeated, and of course with Slavery ended, they could finally get those jobs formerly held by Slaves. But then the task was in keeping them. They knew that they couldn't "Out-Compete" Blacks, so they instituted certain practices and laws called “The Jim Crow Laws”.

Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures after the Reconstruction period. The laws were enforced until 1965. In practice, Jim Crow laws mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America and other states, starting in the 1870s and 1880s. Jim Crow laws were upheld in 1896 in the case of Plessy vs. Ferguson, in which the U.S. Supreme Court laid out its "separate but equal" legal doctrine for facilities for African Americans. Moreover, public education had essentially been segregated since its establishment in most of the South after the Civil War (1861–65). The legal principle of "separate but equal" racial segregation was extended to public facilities and transportation, including the coaches of interstate trains and buses. Facilities for African Americans and Native Americans were consistently inferior and underfunded compared to the facilities for white Americans; sometimes, there were no facilities for people of color. As a body of law, Jim Crow institutionalized economic, educational, and social disadvantages for African Americans and other people of color living in the South.

Isn't it amazing how such vile, murderous, duplicitous people could possibly claim to be "Children of God"?


They are all over!

(In the North too!)

Major League Baseball is investigating umpire who threatened to buy rifle over Trump impeachment.

By Andrew Court For Published: 22:28 EDT, 23 October 2019

Major League Baseball is investigating veteran umpire Rob Drake after he posted a tweet declaring that he was buying an AR-15 in preparation for 'CIVAL WAR' should Trump be impeached. MLB officials are looking into a tweet posted from the account of umpire Rob Drake on Tuesday night. In the now-deleted tweet, Drake said he'd buy an AR-15 if Trump is impeached. Drake wrote on Twitter: ''I will be buying an AR-15 tomorrow, because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVAL (sic) WAR!!!' He also tweeted: 'You can't do an impeachment inquiry from the basement of Capital (sic) Hill without even a vote! What is going on in this country?' In another tweet, Drake reportedly called Hillary Clinton a 'f***ing liar.' Drake has been a full-time umpire with the MLB since 2010



Umpire Drake was born in South Western Pennsylvania.

It is said of Pennsylvania that there is the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia metropolitan areas,

everything in between is Alabama.



Remember their often heard claim of Patriotism and love of Country?

Yet if they don't get their way, they want to kill their fellow Countrymen in ANOTHER Civil War?



Some may wonder why there were no similar threats of upheaval when Richard Nixon (also a Republican) was impeached in 1974. The answer is very simple - He was Not One of Them?


Though President Nixon gladly used their Racial animus to get their votes vis-a-vie his "Southern Strategy", he nevertheless kept a distance from them personally. He was after all, a world traveled "Civilized" man.







What Dumb, Gullible Negroes look like!


Just goes to show - Education doesn't always help.




The 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center:
Founded in March 2015 with an eye toward the 2016 Presidential election, we began with twenty Black Republicans and twenty black Democrats – the 20/20 Leaders of America. We have grown into an invitation-only, bipartisan group of over eighty African American mayors, city, county and state officials, prosecutors and defense attorneys, political strategists, community leaders, activists, police chiefs and other law enforcement executives.

Our Mission
Our mission is to empower local leaders to implement innovative and practical solutions to problems in the criminal justice system. We use an approach that is bipartisan and includes all relevant stakeholders. We are the only nationwide coalition of Black Republicans, Democrats and Independents focused on criminal justice reform. By building bipartisan relationships and hosting solution-focused conversations, we are uniquely positioned to be a convener for criminal justice reform, activating relevant stakeholders to create solutions to injustice at the local level.


Here is what the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center Did: Click Here>>

Here is more on what the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center Did: Click Here>>












COVID-19 – How did we get here?

We don’t mean the pandemic itself; pandemics come and go, so far Humans don’t know how to control them. What we are talking about is how it came to be that the United States of America, the richest and most powerful country in the world, has one of the most incompetent responses to the pandemic (certainly as compared to China, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore), which in turn has resulted in one of the greatest infection rates in the world: China 1.2 BILLION PEOPLE, only 80,000 infections. The U.S. 325 million people, 1.2 million infections and climbing! The resultant loss of Human life has also been high. But actually the reasons are all pretty simple.

The beginnings of the present situation began in the mid-1800s, when the least of America (the poorest, least educated, biggest dumb-asses in the country), wanted to have power. At that time there was great discord over the institution of Slavery in the United States. The Albino people in the North (north of the 40th. Parallel aka the Mason Dixon line) didn’t want to have Slavery in the country any longer (not altruistically – but rather practically). But the people in the South (the deplorable’s as Hillary Clinton later called them), wanted – nay-needed to maintain their Slavery system. As the individual Southern States withdrew from the Union, they each stated their own thinking as to why they needed to secede from the Union.

The State of Mississippi was remarkably honest in its position paper:

Quote (sic): our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.


So contrary to the racist nonsense all Albinos tell, the reason for Black Slavery was simply that Albinos below the 40th. Parallel could NOT go out into their fields and FARM for themselves – THE SUN WOULD KILL THEM! So they had no choice but to enslave Blacks to do the work for them – if they wanted to eat. As we all know, the deplorable’s lost the U.S. Civil War, and have held a grudge ever since.


Fast forward to 2008, a Black man, Barak Obama, becomes president of the United States (with hitherto unknown Black voter support). To the deplorable’s in both north AND south U.S.A. chagrin: he is one of the best Presidents EVER! The fact that Obama came after one of the most incompetent Albino Presidents ever (George W. Bush), made the humiliation even worst. The deplorable’s (north and south), wasted no time in trying to undermine the Obama Presidency. But try as they may, his Black support held fast, and he won reelection easily; even saying that if he was allowed to run for a third term, he would again win easily.

Fast forward to 2016; the deplorable’s are now in a tizzy, and in full crazy mode: (imagine - old Albinos on social security (the Tea Party), out in the streets protesting against "Entitlement" programs. Their hatred/resentment of Obama had made them even stupider than they usually are. Thus they chose as their candidate, a failed real estate magnate/Pussy Grabber/reality show host/and General Moron (as described so by his Secretary of State), one Donald J. Trump, whose only claim to fame was that he lyingly hounded Obama about his birth certificate, and promised to build a 1,954 mile wall at the Mexican border, and have Mexico pay for it. How is that for stupid? Plus - Social Security IS an "Entitlement" program.

Because of Clinton's own stupidity (all she had to do was pick a Black as her running mate): Obamas Blacks stayed home, and Trumps deplorable’s came out in vast numbers, but Clinton still had more votes. But as luck would have it, even though MORE people came out for Clinton, Trump won the election because the framers of the constitution, fearing tyranny of the populous states, gave small states more power than they should have in a true democracy: (regardless of population, all states have TWO senators, these are part of the electoral college in an election). In the 1800s the deplorable’s lacked the numbers to take power, but now, because of the Electoral College, they have one of their own in the White House: (by one of their own, we mean another idiot). As proof that Trump was elected by the LEAST of America - the deplorable’s: note that of the states where Trump won, only two were not WELFARE STATES (Nebraska and North Dakota), see below.


NewsStory, USAtoday - How much money does your state receive from the federal government?

By Samuel Stebbins 24/7 Wall Street Mar. 20 2019

These are the "WELFARE STATES" OF THE UNITED STATES. Rather than helping to Fund the Military, Highway Construction, the Space Program, and other functions of the Government of the United States, by SENDING money to Washington; these States are leaches that suck resources FROM the Federal Government. The dollar amount below is how much each citizen of a Welfare State takes from the federal Government.

2. Kentucky - Net federal funding: $9,145 per resident
(The 4th. Most powerful man in the United States, is a Senator (Mitch Maconnell), from the 2nd. Most WELFARE DEPENDENT State in the nation).
4. West Virginia - Net federal funding: $7,283 per resident
5. Alaska - Net federal funding: $7,048 per resident
6. Mississippi - Net federal funding: $6,880 per resident
7. Alabama - Net federal funding: $6,694 per resident
9. Maine - Net federal funding: $5,572 per resident
11. Arkansas - Net federal funding: $5,080 per resident
12. South Carolina - Net federal funding: $5,008 per resident
13. Arizona - Net federal funding: $4,430 per resident
14. Oklahoma - Net federal funding: $3,986 per resident
15. Missouri - Net federal funding: $3,949 per resident
16. Montana - Net federal funding: $3,808 per resident
17. Louisiana - Net federal funding: $3,785 per resident
19. Tennessee - Net federal funding: $3,591 per resident
20. Idaho - Net federal funding: $3,428 per resident
21. North Carolina - Net federal funding: $3,358 per resident
23. Ohio - Net federal funding: $2,750 per resident
25. Michigan - Net federal funding: $2,474 per resident
26. Indiana - Net federal funding: $2,359 per resident
27. Pennsylvania - Net federal funding: $2,299 per resident
28. Georgia - Net federal funding: $2,253 per resident
30. Florida - Net federal funding: $2,187 per resident
31. Kansas - Net federal funding: $1,983 per resident
32. South Dakota - Net federal funding: $1,409 per resident
34. Iowa - Net federal funding: $1,105 per resident
36. Wyoming - Net federal funding: $670 per resident
37. Wisconsin - Net federal funding: $536 per resident
38. Texas - Net federal funding: $304 per resident
39. Utah - Net federal funding: $296 per resident

(A minus number means that the state is NOT a welfare State, but rather carries its own weight in funding the Nation).
42. Nebraska - Net federal funding: -$164 per resident
46. North Dakota - Net federal funding: -$720 per resident


Now we need to transition from logic and numbers to concepts of Fate, Luck, Karma, or whatever other concept of “Nature” beyond the physical: (for want of a better word or idea) that one might have. Whatever we call it, we know that contrary to what religion tells us, Nature doesn’t care. Whenever Nature finds stupidity, ignorance or weakness, it tries to destroy the offender. And whenever Nations install Rulers with those attributes, Nature will come a-calling to test them. George W. Bush was elected President, and immediately 911 happened. As a result of 911, George W. Bush improperly invaded Iraq, and the U.S. is still fighting in Iraq 19 years later. The Iraqi’s, whose sin was tolerating Hussain, have lost countless thousands of its citizens.

During the reign of Obama there were 4 virus outbreaks: EBOLA, SWINE FLU, H1N1 (swine flu pandemic), ZIKA. Each was handled calmly, efficiently, effectively, and expeditiously: all the while bringing the nation out of its greatest depression since the “Great Depression” of the 1930s. Meanwhile the nation and its economy sailed along with hardly a bump.

Of course with a buffoon like Trump at the helm, there was no hope of having a similar good outcome when CORVID-19 came knocking. As of today, the United States is shut down! There are 1.3 million Americans infected, and 77,212 have died. From CORVID-19 we also found out something else about “Nature” and its rules: it doesn’t care about “Justice”. It is the deplorable’s States which are responsible for Trumps election, but it is the “Good People” states which suffer the most from CORVID-19 and Trumps incompetence.




Another one died


Continuing on with the "Nature doesn't care" trope: It would be nice if someone would point out to young Black Men, that when you are out and about, and you encounter an Albino with a gun, intent on harassing you; and you are "Unarmed". It's probably not a good idea to fight him with your fists. Experience tells us that the Albino will win that fight every time. Best to swallow your pride and live, perhaps there will be another time.

A comedian jokingly said that if you want "Gun Control" all you need do, is to have ALL Black People ARM themselves. The Albinos will be clamoring for Gun control; and maybe it would also cut down on all of these Albinos shooting unarmed Blacks cases.





In Civilian Society Killing is "Easy", Anyone can do it!





Of course killing in the Military (in War) is quite hard and dangerous,

because "EVERYONE" is Armed.





So when the World sees Americas Deplorable's (it's degenerates with masculinity issues)

parading around with Military Weapons, which only their Welfare States allow them to carry,

the world understands that these are not the best of America, they are the worst - its deplorable's.




















Of course Blacks have their own degenerate Deplorable's:









And compared to them, the degenerate Albinos are like Babes-in-the-woods.

We don't have reliable statistics, but it may be that when all is said and done,

these deplorable Blacks may have killed more Black People in America,

than all of the Albinos (including during Slavery) combined.







May 29, 2020

The Murder of George Floyd and more lessons for Black America


Question: Which is the greater threat to Blacks in America: the U.S. criminal Justice System (which includes Police), Black Colleges, or Black Lawyers? This is a serious question, please follow the logic. The threat of the U.S. criminal Justice System is self-evident. Black Colleges help to keep Negroes Ignorant of their history and how the world works. Black lawyers - forget Thurgood Marshall, that's the past, follow the case of Benjamin Crump.

Re: the Trayvon Martin case: Trayvon was shot to death by a "Block Watch" participant named George Zimmerman. Zimmerman had been trailing Trayvon as he made his way home in a gated community in Florida. Apparently Trayvon (6 feet 2 inches, 158 lb) became annoyed and confronted Zimmerman as to why he was being followed, a fist fight ensued. As the fight proceeded, Zimmerman (5 feet 7 inches, 185 lb), seeing that he was losing the fight, pulled his handgun and shot and killed Trayvon Martin.

George Zimmerman was arrested and at the urging of Benjamin Crump (the families Black attorney, a graduate of Florida State University law school) and the Black community, he was charged with second degree murder. Of course this indictment just thrilled the Florida State governor Rick Scott and his hand-picked Prosecuting Attorney Angela Corey: she and he, had no intention of putting anyone White or even near White in jail for killing that Negro, and the dumb Negroes played right into their hands. To wit: Under Florida code - for a second-degree murder charge, the jury must find that the death was caused by a criminal act “demonstrating a depraved mind without regard for human life”.

Reminder: George Zimmerman was about to take an ass-wiping, he shot Trayvon Martin to stop the ass-wiping.

Even delinquent niggers on the corner and graduates of the Perry Mason school of law, immediately knew that the fix was in, because no jury could find Zimmerman guilty of THAT charge. And even if they did, he would be set free on appeal. This was the other part of the fix: normally a criminal is charged with SEVERAL counts, so that the jury is able to choose which charge they think appropriate. In this case a second charge of manslaughter would have likely gotten a conviction. And isn't that what the point of a family attorney is, to protect them from being "Slicked" by the powers that be?
Under Florida Statute 782.07(1), the crime of Manslaughter can be committed in one of three ways: Manslaughter by Act (Voluntary Manslaughter): Committing an intentional act that was neither excusable, nor justified that resulted in the death of another person.

Obviously the Florida State Attorney Angela Corey knew this, that is why the lone charge was second-degree murder. Now we get to the opening question: if delinquents on the corner and graduates of the Perry Mason School of law, knew the fix was in, why didn't the Black lawyers of America know? And if they knew, why didn't they warn the family? Were they afraid to declare Crump an incompetent attorney?

See, here is the thing; Benjamin Crump is a Black outrage chaser (similar to an Ambulance chaser). Whenever there is an outrage against Black people, there you will find Ben Crump, often time the family will hire him as their attorney (simple Black folk, they don't know any better). He was the attorney for the family of Travon Martin, and the family of Michael Brown - in both cases the killer walked.

Now he is at it again, he is publicly urging "MURDER ONE" charges for the killers of George Floyd. Minnesota has a Third-Degree Murder charge that might work: This murder is not based on having the intent to kill. Third-degree murder is often charged as a depraved heart or mind crime. This charge can arise when a person fires a gun in a crowd without intending to kill anyone, for example. Murder is charged when a person is killed and the defendant has an indifference to the sanctity of human life. This charge may also result if a person sells bad drugs. The maximum penalty for murder is up to 25 years in prison. To Perry Mason lawyers on the corner "Depraved Indifference" seems a good charge, but there should also be a Manslaughter charge, just in case.

May 30, 2020

The morning
news brings word that the killers of George Floyd will face Third-Degree Murder charges. This indicates that the authorities are serious about getting justice for George Floyd: Please Black America, do not oppose them. True, in human terms the charge should be Murder 2 (only for lack of premedication): but that is not how the law works, the law says that what happened was Third-Degree Murder. Either support the law or change the law.

Update - the family of George Floyd is demanding First-Degree Murder charges for Derek Chauvin (the first police officer). We assume this is the work of Benjamin Crump; please people of Minnesota, console the family and explain the truth to them. Blacks really need to learn and understand how society works, and even more importantly, DO NOT PUT YOURSELVES IN THE HANDS OF PEOPLE WHO CAN KILL YOU, AND MAY EVEN "WANT" TO KILL YOU!

Not to put too fine a point on it, but niggers you really need to start figuring things out. George Floyd was a big strapping Nigger, Derek Chauvin is a scrawny diseased looking Albino, how happy do you think he was to get a free shot at that big Nigger? Fact is, there is every possibility that Derek’s little pink weaner had a boner as he had his knee on that big niggers neck.







2014 - Michael Brown - 6' 4", 292 lbs. Killer Darren Wilson - 6' 4" 210 lbs.
2014 - Eric Garner - 6' 3", 350 lbs. Killer Daniel Pantaleo - 6' 1" 210 lbs.

Negroes are rarely self-aware: as to how the world sees them, but they better start learning. Spelling it out, because we know they don’t know: to wit – if you are a big strapping Nigger, and you find yourself in a confrontation with any type of Albino or Mongol with a GUN, and you don’t have one of your own - STOP!

Knowing this is too complicated for most Negroes, but going on anyway....Negroes, look around: all over the world Blacks are known for their physicality, they love sports and dancing. Every little Albino and Mongol boy has a favorite Black athletic hero - how do you think their fathers feel about that?

Now look around again: the world is ruled by the physical least of Human kind. Half of the world is ruled by European Albinos, the other half is ruled by physically diminutive ALMOST Albino Mongols. Both sides are meeting in Africa to drain it before Africans figure it out, if Africans ever figure it out. (It's been about 400,000 years you know). China has replaced Europe as Africa's largest partner. They build everything for Africans - are Africans learning to build for themselves? Probably not.

Point being, where in the world is PHYSICAL endowment criteria for rule? Answer - NOWHERE! That's why "Weapons" were invented - as Negroes are finding out. Mental ability is the rule for modern rule (pardon), Negroes better learn that.

Created: May 29, 2020 10:07 PM
The wife of the fired Minneapolis Police officer who has been arrested and charged in the death of George Floyd has filed for divorce. Kellie Chauvin, through her attorney, expressed condolences to Floyd's family and said she's filed for dissolution of her marriage.

Another Point: the average Albino is just as clueless and oblivious to the facts as Negroes are, they don't know that they are Albinos, and they don't know how they came to power, just keep that in mind.




Whatever you call them, Rednecks, Crackers, Deplorables, or Trumps people:

They damn sure are Stupid!

Alabama students hold 'COVID-19 parties' with cash prize for first person to get sick.

As coronavirus cases continue to surge across the country, students in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, have started throwing COVID-19 parties. The first attendee to become infected wins money, according to Tuscaloosa City Councilor Sonya McKinstry. Within the past week, Alabama became one of 14 states to report a record-high number of cases in a single day. On Wednesday, the country as a whole set a record for new, daily cases, the fifth time this has happened in the past eight days.



According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% result in moderate to severe symptoms (requiring oxygen) and about 5% are critical infections, which require ventilation. During a severe or critical bout with COVID-19, the body has many reactions:
a) Lung tissue swells with fluid, making lungs less elastic
b) The immune system goes into overdrive, sometimes at the expense of other organs
c) As your body fights one infection, it is more susceptible to additional infections
d) Dr. Bime added that he has seen a trend of blood clots becoming more common in COVID-19 patients. The cause of this is still uncertain.


Coronavirus causes a well-known syndrome known as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). In ARDS fluid builds up in the tiny air sacs of the lung called alveoli, limiting the ability to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. Dr. Bime explained that people who have recovered from ARDS may deal with:

1) Limited lung capacity compared to their peers.
2) Psychiatric issues such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, cognitive impairment, and anxiety, due to the trauma of the illness and treatment.
3) Kidney complications which could lead to a need for long-term dialysis.
4) Poor conditioning due to limited lung and/or organ function.

The areas of “ground glass” in CT scans of COVID-19 patients show where damage may be accumulating. Damage to lung tissue often results in scarring, which can limit the elasticity of the lung and decrease its function even after the initial damage has passed. “The body has an amazing way of healing and each patient is unique,” said Dr. Bime. “In some cases, scarring can partially heal, returning functionality to damaged lungs.”


Point being, if you’re young, COVID-19 probably won’t kill you: But it could still mess you up for the rest of your life!





Crackers aren't the only Assholes.


Herman Cain Hospitalized For COVID-19 after attending Trump rally in Tulsa Oklahoma


And hours after Condemning Masks


Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has been hospitalized with COVID-19. Cain was diagnosed just over a week after he appeared at Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa. A spokesman confirmed the diagnosis Thursday afternoon, describing the 73-year-old as “resting comfortably” at an Atlanta-area hospital after his symptoms became serious enough Wednesday to require care, but not a ventilator. Hope he makes it, even sell-out Negroes deserve to live.



June 2020: Trump Rally in Tulsa Oklahoma during the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic.

We see a Sea of Dumb Ass Albinos, with few wearing masks: The most effect way of avoiding infection.





They still love Trump - even as his stupidity and incompetance is killing them.

The Associated Press - The bulk of new cases now in GOP states.

Beginning in early June, the share of new coronavirus infections in states that voted Republican in the 2016 presidential race surpassed that of Democratic-voting states, which saw the earliest spikes.






The Old Guard is Leaving












Biden - 79,013,759, Trump - 73,316,921, Other - 2,822,328 (11/17/2020)


Joe Biden - 81,255,933 Votes (vs.) Donald Trump - 74,196,153 votes. (Jan. 2021)



For those who insist that Albinos are "normal"










What happens when white Americans have no moral arc to bend?

Preston Mitchum - Mon, January 18, 2021, 2:15 PM


OPINION: As many celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., many are also still incensed at the white insurrectionist attacks at the Capitol. On May 10, 1967, while facing growing white backlash for demanding an end to the Vietnam War, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke to America’s greatest shame and Black Americans’ most significant burden — racial injustice.

In King’s speech, America’s Chief Moral Dilemma he explained: “We must face the hard fact that many Americans would like to have a nation which is a democracy for white Americans but simultaneously a dictatorship over Black Americans. We must face the fact that we still have much to do in the area of race relations.” And 54 years later, we still do.

Today, as many are celebrating the life and legacy of King on what would have been his 92nd birthday, many are also still incensed at the white insurrectionist attacks at the Capitol that occurred just two weeks ago. While the violence shocked some white people — who have been raised to believe the supposed greatness of the United States — Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) knew better. The only thing these attacks made clear is what Black people have been saying all along: law enforcement knows how to not use deadly force when they want to do so, it just depends on the person they are apprehending. For far too long, reports have revealed concentric circles between white supremacist organizations (e.g. Ku Klux Klan) and the police. Nearly 15 years ago, even the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned of white supremacists in law enforcement. But one doesn’t need an active security clearance or FBI badge to find evidence of overt racism within both white supremacist organizations and law enforcement, or to understand the link between the two. One just needs to pay attention.

According to Brennan Center for Justice’s Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and the Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement, “since 2000, law enforcement officials with alleged connections to white supremacist groups or far-right militant activities have been exposed in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and elsewhere.” The United States’ government’s response to known connections of law enforcement officers to violent anti-Black and white supremacist groups has been strikingly insufficient. That’s why it came as no surprise when everyone watched an angry white mob “break” into the Capitol with ease and support from a few. Since the Jan. 6 attacks, multiple photos and videos have since been released showing several police officers happily greet the rioters, take selfies, and physically remove barriers like gates. At least two Black U.S. Capitol Police officers acknowledged observing their fellow boys in blue cater to the rioters in coordinated ways.

“If they were Black, many more would be dead,” many of us stated. It isn’t that no one was killed during these attacks; in the end, 5 people were killed — a police officer was beaten, a rioter was shot, and three others died during the rampage. It’s that when Black people protest in defense of Black lives — literally pleading with law enforcement to not kill us — we are met with excessive force. Every day. Every day in this country Black women, Black men, Black youth, Black children, and Black trans and nonbinary people experience violence at the hands of police. Every day, Black people experience violence that is bought and paid for with our tax dollars and committed in our name. Violence by white and non-Black people who are shielded by the near-bulletproof armor of white supremacy. King knew this and actively fought against this incessant violence. Just this past summer, following the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and many others known and unknown, Black people took the righteous indignation to the streets. Unlike at the Capitol, the police immediately met protesters with rubber bullets, tanks, tear gas, pepper spray, weeklong curfews, and even ran over people. This was clear all over the country, and especially in Washington, D.C. Even a newer recruit to the police force, while speaking with Buzzfeed News, pointed to a “big difference” in how his fellow officers treated the white mob compared with the way they treated Black Lives Matter protesters last summer.

Watching white supremacists with Nazi and Confederate flags storm the Capitol forced many people to reflect on their recent experiences with the police. VICE captured stories of young Black people recounting their events from protests — from a person now facing 17 charges for peacefully protesting, to being physically kicked, to SWAT blocking Black protesters in narrow alleyways, the response was night-and-day. And it doesn’t escape me that the reason for the insurrectionist uprising was, part-and-parcel, because Trump convinced them that the election of President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris was stolen. Despite nearly 60 courts disagreeing with the Trump-Pence administration’s false claim of voter fraud, they still pushed that narrative — a narrative that fueled an already anti-Black fire. But it doesn’t stop there. These white supremacists were attempting to warn this country what could happen if marginalized communities’ interests were prioritized in “their” country and on “their” land. Because, to them, what is this country without whiteness being front-and-center? This was not just about this past general election and their false claims, but about voting rights (and subsequent suppression) generally. So, what does all of this have to do with King? Everything.

King taught us that the power of the vote, along with collective organizing, coalition building, and policy change could transform our systems and put BIPOC in a stronger place. And eight years before the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, King spoke to this power in his Give Us The Ballot speech: “Give us the ballot, and we will no longer plead to the federal government for passage of an anti-lynching law; we will by the power of our vote write the law on the statute books of the South and bring an end to the dastardly acts of the hooded perpetrators of violence.” Though much has yet to be realized in large part due to voter suppression, we have made significant progress. These white supremacists, then and now, knew what King did — to deprioritize the interests of Black people one must suppress their rights at an institutional level. We are witnessing, as many who have come before us did, the backlash of perceived weakened whiteness. In many ways, these riots occurred because many communities of color and young people exercised the right to vote. And that exercise helped to elect the first Black woman to vice presidency. With this new leadership, the Biden-Harris administration, along with a progressive House and Senate, can shape civil rights for a time: from abortion rights to COVID-19 spending packages to disability justice to healthcare to LGBTQ+ equity to criminal punishment system reform to protecting voting rights, we can solidify King’s legacy. But we must do that while simultaneously battling racial injustice, the first evil in which King spoke about until the day he was murdered.

What these last few weeks, years, and lifetimes have taught me is that white people — including well-intentioned ones — have tremendous amounts of work to do. This is not theoretical. White people must organize themselves and not us. They must have hard conversations with their family and friends about their entrenched anti-Blackness. They must stop focusing on how often they can get Black people to vote and instead work overtime to stop allowing their cousins to vote for white supremacists. And they must acknowledge that when Black people speak about “bad” white people that they are not suddenly immune because they haven’t been caught using the N-word. Until then, as we commemorate King today, the question remains: what happens when white Americans have no moral arc toward justice to bend?


Preston Mitchum is the Policy Director with URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity, a young people’s Reproductive Justice organization and Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center.









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